Sound Off, Rebel Scum!

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  1. Sam Porter
    Sam Porter
    Samantha Porter | Demolitions Specialist

    Sam Porter is a sometimes-angry, vengeful-streak-having woman who enjoys working with explosives. She says that it's therapeutic and helps to calm her nerves. After having been caught in a rather illicit raid during one of her last jobs, she was given the opportunity to either work off her sentence in the Alliance Military, or sit in a jail cell for a decade or two. So, she chose the service. It was better than being shut up and not allowed to go anywhere, and though the risks have at times made her question her decision, she is always - at the end of it - glad for it. A part of the crew aboard Novgorod, she's usually about the ship in some form or fashion.
  2. Arvel Felcher
    Arvel Felcher
    Arvel Felcher | Ensign. Loadmaster. Smeghead. - A junior officer in charge of inventory and supply stores aboard the Novgorod, Felcher is a feckless, simpering, narcissistic, cowardly asshole, who somehow just barely manages to be of some milquetoast use.
  3. Maggewetok
    Maggewetok - Alliance Intel

    Cabrin Versailles - Alliance SpecForce / Army
  4. Dasquian Belargic
    Dasquian Belargic
    Dasquian Belargic | Director of Alliance Security
    Formerly the Director of Rebel Intelligence, was held as a prisoner of war by the Empire. Returned to the Alliance after the signing of the Treaty.
  5. Naome Ardsul
    Naome Ardsul
    Senator Naome Ardsul of Bortras
  6. Maggewetok
    Double post....
Results 11 to 16 of 16
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