Kelly Perris | Colonel
**Available for anything around the Challenger, Bothawui, and Moonus Mandel
Once the CAG for Rogue Group, Kelly now serves as the XO of the Challenger, to which the X-Wing group was attached. There are numerous duties he attends to in this position, including the following:Vansen's Lackey: Often, Kelly can be found attending meetings, etc., with Admiral Tyree. He believes (somewhat in jest) that the Admiral takes a perverse glee in subjecting him to the drudgery of not being in the cockpit.
Pilot-senpai: Though not an active duty pilot, Kelly still maintains a connection to the life of a fighter jock as the de facto lead instructor of the Starfighter Academy that has formed aboard the Venator-class Star Destroyer.
Babysitter: Member worlds of the Alliance have been invited to send a squadron to the Challenger - a symbolic gesture, a commitment to the protection of the capital. Kelly, in his position as XO, has ended up as a sort-of 'babysitter', handling the clashes of tradition and animosity that have risen up from having so many different species and peoples in one space. Without a doubt, fine training for a man who has his first child on the way...
Meeristali Peradun | Major
**Available for anything involving Task Force 42 - Castus' unnamed ship, specifically. 
Once an Alliance Special Forces operative, Meeristali Peradun has since been a fighter pilot (rare for a Felacatian) and was until recently integrated in Rogue Squadron. With the settling in of the cold war and the disbandment of the Rogues, this 'feline of few words' has taken the invitation of an old friend, Castus Annen, to join him at Task Force 42 - as his CAG.
Lyanie Quez | Lieutenant
**Available for anything involving the Novgorod, wherever she's at.
From Dantooine to the Alliance, this farmgirl has always been covered in grease and filled with loyalty to the rebel cause since the early days. Aboard the Novgorod, she is one of its engineers, and the captain's wife... which has lead to some hijinks.
Justinian Atreides | Lieutenant
**Available for anything involving the Novgorod, wherever she's at.
With the disbandment of the Rogues, this Lorrdian was sourced for the rebuild of the Novgorod's crew, due to their great need for pilots and his skills as a counselor - useful after the significant losses the frigate suffered during the events of the Ssi-Ruuk confrontation, among others.
Evest Neel | Intelligence Agent
**Available for... whatever.
As a Chiss, Evest is something of a rarity in Alliance ranks, anywhere. While his older brother Yoree settled himself into the ranks of the Alliance's Starfighter Corps, Evest found a home in Alliance Intelligence and has most frequently partnered with Asha Vendax, working once or twice with Eluna Thals. His half-twin sister, Serrena Alcine, is a source of considerable awkwardness and embarrassment for him, particularly when pornography aficionados find out his connection to the former adult holofilm actress.