Contacting the writer.....
, Sep 24th, 2016 at 05:03:56 AM (80926 Views)
Anyone wishing to contact me about anything at anytime, please feel free.
And feel free to pass on the following info... it's all either public knowledge or on a business card <laughs>
KIK (LlewelPendragon)
DISCORD (LlewelPendragon)
SKYPE Text (LlewelPendragon)
YM (ms_trinket)
Text (757-303-4409)
I am in Richmond, Virginia, USA which is Eastern Standard Time. We are -5 hrs from the UK (not overly sure about other countries off the top of my head).
I'm usually around between 11 or 12 pm (noon) and 2-4 am .... so never a worry about waking me <laughs> I won't answer if sleeping...
Look forward to a MAELSTROM of characters here to hopefully rival THE MOB over there...
Writer for Nallia and others (soon)