Conversation Between Sianna and Razielle Alastor

16 Visitor Messages

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  1. Thanks lady. /hugs Hope things are going well with you - miss you.
  2. Happy Birthday! <3
  3. LADY!! ~cling~
  4. Yep. Forgot about the Syr and Molly one, actually. lol
  5. We have a Jedi one, and a Molly / Sy one I think? Does that sound right?
  6. If you have ideas for anything new let me know. I only know of maybe one that we were in together, so.
  7. Oh no, I've been spotted! XD *hugs*
  8. ~cling~ Good to see the Razi around again. *grabs the duct tape*
  9. WOOT!! *endzonebootydance*
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 10 of 16
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