Conversation Between Shyahwyn and Sanfis Feldor

15 Visitor Messages

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  1. Good to see you around again.
  2. Sorry to hear that and hope you get well soon. We've been getting a lot of nasty weather here lately and right now weathering a hurricane, but it's only raining here right now, thankfully.
  3. Somewhat longer this time. I'm afraid I've been a bit unwell recently... if I'm slow please understand I've a bit of a recovery going on! Post is up
  4. And as always, well worth the wait, sir.
  5. Somewhat delayed post is up!
  6. No problem.
  7. Just letting you know I'll be away until early next week, so probably no posting from me!
  8. No plans of yet! Feel free to kick something off.
  9. Sure. Would you like me to start that off or did you already have an opening scene in mind?
  10. Perhaps the Ducha might wish to discuss a certain shipping contract I heard mention of? I can be quite persuasive where business interests are concerned.
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 10 of 15
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