View Full Version : Star Wars The Old Republic Galaxies

Apr 25th, 2022, 11:13:37 PM
Star Wars The Old Republic: Galaxies is a Forum Roleplay started on the MMO Star Wars: the Old Republic MMO on PC and has now expanded from just game Roleplay to Forum Roleplay and looking for members to join our community. you DO NOT have to join our guild on Star Wars The Old Republic to Roleplay with us, but we do ask you respect those that are in the guild and where our story currently is at. The features of our site are:

- Freedom of creation for your own unique character
- A Factory/Codex section to create lore and technology and ships for use in roleplay.
- Roleplay guides
- Multiple character support
- Major and Minor Factions
- Full Map Territory system that is constantly changing through roleplay
- 4 Major factions currently on board
- Opportunity to make your own faction that could eventually become a Major faction and get map space.
- Posting Games
- Star Wars Discussion
- Board wide Roleplay events

We are currently working on getting all the members from our guild into the forums and offer every other star wars lover a chance to come roleplay with us and tell the story of your character. Our year is currently 3,619 BBY. So if you are interested come check us out!!!!

Home | SWTOR Galaxies (freeforums.net) (https://swtorgalaxies.freeforums.net/)