View Full Version : "Cin Vhetin" (Freya Kal'Nett)

Zeibura Kal'Nett
Jan 3rd, 2020, 05:25:21 PM
Although the sun was barely gracing the horizon, a great many creatures were already stirring amid the endless, verdant jungles of the Demon Moon of Onderon, Dxun. The wildlife here was varied to say the least; predators and prey of all shapes and sizes fought to survive this lush yet often lethal world. Several groups of pikobi were fishing along the shores of a great river that meandered through the jungle before plunging over great falls, crashing into a lake hundreds of feet below. Large packs of Cannock made their way to the water's edge to quench the night’s thirst, counting on their numbers to deter the Boma that were no doubt lurking in the undergrowth nearby.

The morning light began to illuminate the largest of the great falls, cloaking it in shimmering rainbows as the rays collided with the roiling mist. Hidden behind this waterfall were a group of an entirely different type of predator; iron-clad warriors of an ancient bloodline who had made their homes here a few years earlier. The survivors of Clan Kal’Nett had endured much, yet they knew more hardship was still to come. There was a saying in their native tongue; ‘Mishuk gotal'u meshuroke, pako kyore.’ - ‘Pressure makes gems, ease makes decay.’ Steeling themselves for the task at hand, they had set about establishing a true home here, a sanctuary on this harsh world. Mandalorian and droid alike had carved away at the rock, shaping it to their needs. Regularly the members of the clan journeyed off-world; bounty contracts kept their skills sharp and providing funding for materials and supplies for the project. Eventually other Mandalorians, some searching for a place to hide, some for a place to belong, joined the growing community, each contributing to the development and safety of the Covert. Today, there were no less than two dozen individuals calling it home, not counting the various droids they had in their service.

One such individual stood in the gaping mouth of the cavern complex, clad in crimson Beskar armour that seemed to glow in the dawn. Zeibura Kal’Nett was the eldest surviving male member of his Clan, indeed the one who had brought his family here so many years ago. It had been difficult for him to lead, often filled with doubts and fears he had to force himself to overcome. In the absence of his parents, his aunts Lora and Dielle had been his guides, his mentors, his heroes. He freely admit that he would probably never have managed to look after his sister and three remaining cousins without them. It was Lora that came to join him now, the unmistakable jangling sound of her chainmail kama striking against beskar leg plates audible above the rumble of the falls as she approached.

“Su’cuy, ba’vodu Lora,” the red armoured Mandalorian said, turning to greet his aunt with a bow of his head.

“Stop bowing to me, cyar’ika Zeibura,” she said, chuckling and embracing him, “Tell me, how did your latest Hunt go?”

“Well enough, relatively uneventful. Bounty gave up without a fight. I got back a few hours ago.”

The fact that he was disappointed by the lack of excitement went unspoken, but was very well understood by the elder Hunter and the Covert's Forgemaster.

“The reputation of our people does have that affect on some people,” Lora laughed, nodding, “You should have woken me, you know I like to be there when any of you kids get home. What have you got planned for while you're here?”

“And if you succeeded, you'd never get any sleep with how busy it's been around here recently," he said, tilting his head as if to say 'Tell me I'm wrong'. Lora, in turn, offered an amused shrug of resignation before her nephew continued.

"Hmm... I was going to speak to you about that actually. Do you need Freya in the forge for the next few days?”

Lora thought for a moment, then shook her head.

“No I don’t think so, the new droids are almost done, I’m just going to need Caleb’s help with some programming glitches. Nothing to worry about.”

“Then I think it’s time, don’t you?” Zeibura replied, amusement creeping into his voice.

Despite the fact that neither had removed their helmets, somehow both of the Mandalorians knew the other had an equally childish grin on their face. The pair had been planning this particular surprise for a while. Retrieving his holo-comm from his belt, he recorded and sent a quick message for the Forgemaster's daughter. Elsewhere, Freya’s own comm began to beep, before the shuddering blue image of Zeibura appeared. He held his hands out, signing three simple letters before the recording abruptly ended.

O, Y, A.


Mando'a Glossary

cyar'ika - darling, beloved, sweetheart
ba'vodu - aunt or uncle
Su'cuy! - Hi!
Oya - Literally, "Let's hunt"