View Full Version : NETFLIX: Daybreak

Loklorien s'Ilancy
Nov 22nd, 2019, 02:58:38 AM
So, I'm not sure if anyone has bothered to check this Netflix series out yet, but I would highly recommend it.

If you take a particular joy in the campy stylings of Z Nation (which I also love), then you will more than likely quite enjoy Daybreak.

Daybreak is, distilled to its core, Zombies+Mad Max+High School. The nods and callbacks to pop culture are fantastic, and there is a surprising amount of character development the deeper in you go. I'll admit that my favorite characters are Wesley, Angelica, and Ms. Crumble (with a super-close second for Principle Burr).

Has anyone else watched this yet? Any thoughts?

I don't want to spoil anything for anyone who hasn't seen it yet but wants to get started on it, so I'll wait for a few days before giving my more in-depth thoughts.