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Rai'faani Meorrrei
Oct 4th, 2019, 11:49:36 PM
The row that broke during the family tiia’haa’ko dinner was over, but the aftermath was only just beginning to manifest.
While her sisters had hurriedly left in separate directions, Rai’faani took a deliberate path back to her Nubian yacht, the Aanthaani. Her pilot Niialettii awaited her at the gangplank.
”Deparrtjing alrreadjy, rrou’a?”
“No, Niialettii, jI’ve rreturrned to change warrdrrobess.”
That in itself wasn’t unusual to Niialettii - her employer did occasionally make a mid-evening change, especially when it suited her pleasure-seeking. It was why Aanthaani maintained, among other amenities, an automated carousel closet and cloakroom, as well as two valet droids.
“jI’ll make the necesssarrjy arrrangementss.”
After undressing and taking a sonic shower, Rai’faani moved into her bedroom, where the two valet droids hovered quietly, their oculars glowing faint blue while four pairs of manipulator arms waited for their lady’s command. An array of her favorite choices had been pulled from the carousel closet, in expectation of Rai’faani’s most frequent tastes. She simply shook her head.
”No. Ssomethjing elsse. Darrkerr, sstarrk accent. Clean ljiness.”
The droids quietly put away the other choices, assembling six other outfits based on the heiress’s criteria.
“Djifferrent sshoess. Thjickerr belt. Ssmallerr earrrjingss.”
The valets obeyed fluidly, waltzing in the air and winnowing the choices until there was only one. Rai’faani smiled.
* * *
The paint on her nails was nearly dry as the valets applied the last veneer of lipstick to Rai’s lips. She pressed, daubed, then examined herself in the mirror. The woman who looked back was obviously herself, but now so much more.
Rai crossed the room on her lofty heels, tapping a control that linked her to the cockpit.
”Niaalettii, open a comm ljine to Commanderr Kess Akjiena.”
Rai’faani smirked.
”Tell hjim that Barronesss Executrrjix Meorrrei rrequesstss hjiss prressence herre.”
Kes Akiena
Oct 5th, 2019, 04:00:36 PM
He was on his way back to his quarters, and had stopped at an out of the way merchant's stall that had quickly become a favorite of his. The owner, a younger looking Chadra-Fan, knew him well enough, and also knew that the Commander of Jovan Station never left his shop without something.
"Hello, Tausi."
Kes nodded to the Chadra-Fan. Had to be no more than twenty-five years; and rail thin, to boot. Tausi was a collector, and his shop had a steady stream of regulars and newcomers alike.
Tausi was already moving to the bin under his counter, and pulling it open, began to rifle through the contents. Files tucked lovingly away that held the latest issues of flimsi comics, and even a few of the older style book form ones. He pulled out a small stack of flimsis and a single paper booklet.
"I have your pulls, Sir!"
Kes smiled at that, and moved close to the counter so that he could survey everything that was set before him.
It was all there, of course. He only made a habit of collecting certain titles, but the ones that he enjoyed, Tausi had always made sure to order; Captain Coruscant, The Amazing Arkanian, Savaco the Selonian Assassin, and Jedi League were some of his favorites. There were a few others, but those three he always tried to stay current on.
"You wouldn't happen to have the newest Sithboy book, would you?"
Tausi beamed wide.
"Sure do! Just came in last night!"
"Excellent. Go ahead and put that on my tab, as well."
Five minutes later, and Kes was leaving Tausi's Collectibles and Books, a cloth bag clutched in one hand. He'd only just stepped over the threshold when his comm beeped, and with a sigh he answered.
"Sir. Message from Baroness Meorrrei. She wishes to see you."
His shoulders slumped slightly at that, and Kes made a face.
"Yes Sir."
Of course it would be now. His dealings with Taataani had never been exactly enjoyable... not terrible, but also not the best.
The voice on the other end went on. "She wishes to see you at her ship, Sir."
Well now, this was new. But, in a way not entirely out of the ordinary. There was a certain amount of unpredictability that accompanied Taataani Meorrrei.
"Very well."
"I'll let her know you're on your way. Her ship is in Spire 4."
There seemed to be a pause before the officer on the other end of the line spoke one last time.
"Good luck, Sir."
Rai'faani Meorrrei
Oct 5th, 2019, 04:48:20 PM
Essentially missing dinner had left Rai’faani with a nagging hunger, but it was overridden by something stronger. There was a seriousness to her that awoke out of hibernation. With that came nervousness. The clawhoppers flipping in her belly put a swift end to any thoughts of eating, and left the heiress with restless energy. She paced the living area of the yacht, occasionally checking her chrono.
“Drrojid, rretrrjieve Commanderr Akjiena’ss publjic rrecorrd. Amend jit wjith jIKM logss.”
The valet rotated in the air, activating multiple holoprojectors to display a profile image of Kes Akiena, as well as numerous text boxes which included biographical data as well as previous interactions through Incom Koensayr Meorrrei. Most of the information she’d previously read, but it helped her to organize her rapid thoughts into purpose. Rai’s blue eyes tracked quickly through the data, even as she multitasked by retrieving a compact of makeup from her purse.
She opened the case, revealing a mirror and a small indentation full of pulverized white jeeta resin. A hooked claw dipped in to scoop out a measure, which Rai sharply snorted. She gasped as her pupils briefly dilated. A brief check to ensure no residue showed on her pink nose, and the compact was quickly snapped shut and put away.
The jeeta warmed her skin, heightening her senses as Rai swallowed to suppress her brief salivation. If the seriousness of the moment sharpened her, the jeeta honed the blade even further. Her sensitive ears twitched, picking up the faintest sounds of distant steps against durasteel decking. He was here. Another glance at the holograms, then another glance at herself in the mirror.
She’d waited her whole life for this opportunity. It was time to prove she was up to the task.
”Commanderr Akjiena.” a patrician voice sounded clearly in the hangar, coming from a slender Cizeri woman in a figure-hugging dark purple & grey sheath dress. Her heels clicked down the gangplank as she took the initiative, meeting the Commander where he stood.
”Mjy name jiss Rai’faani Netaali Taurrifar Meorrrei.”
Her lips turned in a small, tight smile that revealed no teeth as she offered her hand in a human-style greeting.
”Barronesss Executrrjix of jIncom Koenssajyrr Meorrrei.”
Kes Akiena
Oct 5th, 2019, 05:15:49 PM
Wait, what?
At the bottom of the yacht's boarding ramp, Kes stood like a stunned statue, his cloth bag still in hand as he watched the woman who was very much not Taataani Meorrrei descend. No, this was Rai'faani. He'd seen her in passing a few times, but she had always been taken with the more pleasurable things that Jovan had to offer. Her mother had been the one to stay with the business side of things, and it was this past experience that suddenly caused his brow to furrow in confusion. Had some sort of power shift happened that he was unaware of?
It was a notion that he filed away, and finding himself once more in the very next instant, Kes inclined his head respectfully.
He took her offered hand, knowing that she was crossing a strange cultural divide with the gesture. Crossing that same chasm, Kes lifted her hand so that her knuckles pressed against the spot of his brow just above and between his own eyes.
Rai'faani Meorrrei
Oct 5th, 2019, 05:40:50 PM
Rai wasn’t the only one who had studied up. Obviously Commander Akiena had a good teacher - likely T’yeellaa. She tried not to savor the flattery, ears perking only when his eyes were cast down in polite supplication.
“Pleasse, call me Rai’faani. jI want ourr jintrroductjion to be asss frrjiendss.”
Their embrace released, and Rai returned her hand to clasp with her other in front of her.
”jYou have been good to mjy famjiljy, and a Meorrrei alwajyss takess carre of herr frrjiendss.”
Rai paused, as if considering something, then tapped fingers to her forehead as if she suddenly remembered.
”Oh, how thoughtlesss of me. jYou musst have been expectjing mjy motherr.”
Kes Akiena
Oct 5th, 2019, 06:02:56 PM
There was a moment, when she spoke, that he pulled himself back. She was playing a part in this moment, and he reciprocated. The fingers to her forehead were a giveaway, but Kes only smile genialy. He would not treat her as he had her mother however, as he knew that Rai'faani was so wholly different from Taataani.
"I was expecting your mother, yes," he started slowly, a break from the pace that she was setting," ... but I am also not unaccustomed to knowing when situations have changed."
Back in those old, heady days of the early Rebellion, it wasn't uncommon for commanders and soldiers alike to be presented with sudden changes. It was a method of coping, to simply roll with what was happening and suss out the details later. It was what made survivability a sure thing.
"She has passed the mantle to you, then," he spoke softly then, fully aware of the gravity of the situation before him.
Rai'faani Meorrrei
Oct 5th, 2019, 11:11:02 PM
“Asss jyou ssajy, ssjituatjionss change.” Rai dispelled the gravity of Kes’s realization with a slight wave of her hand.
”Poljitjicss. jI’m ssurre jyou’ve hearrd the Ssenate wass grrumbljing forr herr to djivesst ownerrsshjip of the companjy. Nasstjy bussjinesss. Jealouss Ssullusstanss, Mon Cala, Naboo, and all the otherr connjivjing rrasscalss. All rrancorrss wjith ssmjiljing facess. jI won’t borre jyou wjith the detajilss, but mjy motherr chosse herr dutjy overr the famjiljy bussjinesss. jI’m jusst herre to carrrjy on jin herr abssence.”
Appearing humble was a stretch, but Rai put on a passing performance.
”jI want to rreasssurre jyou that jin thjiss moment of trranssjitjion, jIKM wjill sstjill honorr jitss contrractss. All deljiverrjiess to Jovan arre sstjill on sschedule.”
Kes Akiena
Oct 9th, 2019, 03:43:05 AM
"Well then," he gave a light cough, covered under the auspices of clearing his throat, "... that is good to know."
Truth be told, all of this was a bit unexpected for him. He'd been so drawn up in making sure that his station stayed functioning and able to serve those who called it home now, that any news concerning the goings on within the government itself had been pushed to the wayside. Between settling disputes, making sure that his staff stayed on task, and putting out the myriad of fires that always seemed to flare up, it was usually the very primal choice between sleep and reading up on the latest current events.
Usually sleep won out.
Unfortunately now it seemed that one of those times he'd chosen sleep had come back to snare him, and in this moment, he was playing the catch-up game.
So Taataani had moved on up.
Not surprising.
"I've no doubts that your mother's trust is well placed," he finally continued.
"Just as I know she would not place all of this in your hands if she didn't trust you."
He hoped.
Rai'faani Meorrrei
Oct 9th, 2019, 10:30:25 PM
Kes's words hit close to the mark, but Rai was nothing if not her mother's daughter. A Meorrrei knew well to conceal her wounds. And what was a nagging insecurity if not a wound? At any rate, that particular fault Rai'faani had taken aim to mend immediately. She smiled neatly, ears perking slightly to cause her earrings to clink.
"Of courrsse."
The Baroness smoothly took initiative. After all, Akiena had come to her summons.
"jI wass wonderrjing jif jyou would accompanjy me to the adjacent hangarr? jI underrsstand that one jiss the majin fjighterr bajy forr the sstatjion. jI would verrjy much ljike to ssee them."
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