View Full Version : Learning The Season
Serah Kleor
Sep 21st, 2019, 10:08:03 PM
Days and nights came and went. The ebb and flow of life on Ossus had begun to pulsate with dull rhythm in Serah's soul. The padawan, for she guessed it was what she was by then, did her best to busy herself. It felt as if she had gained so much and yet kept so little. It was a weird impression, one that the pragmatic teenager didn't appreciate.
She loved times of peace but the threat of idleness never did her unquiet soul much good.
She missed the seasons on Uyter, the habits of helping on the farm, or scampering off to the woods to hunt some smaller prey.
She found it ironic that her blindness had appeared more bizarre to some she had encountered at the enclave than back where she had grown up. Or maybe she just stood out because she was still awkwardly figuring her place out. She knew that coming to Ossus had been the appropriate decision, based on what a mysterious Jedi had told her back on Uyter; but it didn't necessarily bring much current clarity.
For some reasons she had expected Ossus to be more hustle and bustle than it was. Really it made sense as hyper and Jedi didn't make sense in the same sentence.
The half-Miraluka liked being useful and keeping busy. That was why she always tried to find something to do. She had grown up on a farm, so tasks about the food and some supplies and even some everyday equipment, was up her alley.
Dressed in her usual brown garb, the young brunette ( made her way towards the hangar where she'd help sort through some the most recent shipment that contained food and tools. While her useless eyes looked into the vague as always, her Force senses, even raw, helped her navigate the alleyways leading to her destination. Having a routine had also helped her remember certain areas better around the compound.
The birds' chirping she had heard soon evaporated as it was replaced by the sound of a ship landing in the distance, indicating that she was right on time.
Aliya Karcsi
Oct 2nd, 2019, 07:48:00 PM
With a rivet gun resting across a shoulder, Aliya watched the cargo ship begin to touch down in the hangar. It was filled with the usual items that needed constant replenishing - food, fuel and tools. This freighter had some issues with a few pirates and one of the cargo bays got a bit banged up and needed repairs. She was sent to assess the damage and figure how long the ship was out of commission until repairs were made. It was the least the Alliance could do to repay the unfortunate incident, which didn't cause any injuries or damage to the supplies.
Force was with 'em, she thought as steam blasted out during the cooling sequence and in a moment, the ship touched down safely.
Aliya Karcsi wasn't anyone of note in the Alliance, just a reliable member of the hangar crew that made sure all ships on Ossus were maintained, repaired, and tested to keep up peek performances. The later was more for the star fighters and troop transports, but the Alliance offered services to transporters that did them a solid signing on for legitimate work, which the Jedi agreed.
Other members of the ground crew were circling with their hoverlifts, another group were sliding the long refueling hose across the ground, and then there was a Jedi. Or Aliya believed the woman to be a Jedi since she was doing that staring off and not moving thing. That whole patience thing. It was a weird thing she just didn't get but it didn't spook her. It was pretty astral that the Jedi were around and helping the galaxy like before in her mind. Plus Ossus was a pretty sweet tour. Nothing happened here except some Cizerack and Alliance posturing at times, but it was mainly a smooth operation.
She fixed the ruffled bangs that fell in front of her face from the force of the engines and sauntered over to the awaiting landing ramp that was slowly lowering.
Serah Kleor
Oct 6th, 2019, 10:21:11 AM
Serah caught of some discussion about the freighter needing repairs. That would likely be up her alley to provide some repairs. She wasn't an expert mechanics by any means, but she knew how to do proper maintenance and was at least very good at passing tools with speed and precision, much to many's surprise given that she was blind. She had learned with her adoptive parents on the farm, and it now didn't take her long at all to recognize via touch or sound, which one a requested tool was. She was confident in her gestures and back in the day it had helped her feel useful when thrown into a brand new environment, even though she had been very young.
After giving quick help with adjusting a few smaller crates on one of the hoverlifts, she was sent towards the solider overseeing the repairs' assessment. She sensed how some people could still be bewildered by her moving around with common ease. While she wasn't formally trained, she had learned over the years how to use her raw potential to make things easier. Being in a more populated area like the Jedi Enclave had proven a bit of a challenge, just as the marketplace back on Uyter used to be; but she was getting the hang of it again.
She still preferred quieter spaces such as the quiet of the tiny quarters she had been able to find in the settlement, or be in the middle of the woods; but if life had taught her anything, it was that counting one's blessings was important. She did miss her life on Uyter; but she was set on seeing her promise to the Jedi she had met there through. So making a life on Ossus, it was.
She carefully made her way towards the presence she had felt the strongest in the indicated direction she was given to where to find Aliya Karcsi. She stopped a meter away from the other woman, not wanting to get in her way.
"Soldier Karcsi?"
She wasn't sure of the woman's rank, so she hoped that the way she had addressed her wouldn't sound rude.
"I'm here to help with repairs. My name is Serah."
She knew that her blind eyes might make the woman wary of her offer; but she had been building a bit of a reputation around the Enclave already, helping with little things here and there, so hopefully it would support her work here.
Aliya Karcsi
Oct 23rd, 2019, 08:02:44 PM
Green eyes look amused as the who she believed to be a Jedi came up and addressed her. For a moment the lack of eyes staring back confused Aliya but she shrugged it off. She had seen her fair share of non human species and half breeds that this was just another day working for the Alliance.
"Please don't call me Soldier Karcsi!" There wasn't a ounce off offense in her voice. "Take me back to basic training with that. Or worse. Got myself in trouble around here. It's Private Karcsi to be clear, but just Karcsi's fine."
Her nickname was Mud Cat but that was a story for another time.
She chuckled. "Course since I don't know a Serah, until now that is ..." Aliya paused to wink, not really caring if she could see it or not because why not be yourself and worry about stumbling over behaviors that make things awkward? If Serah was a Jedi, she could sense her intent anyway, "... nice to get some help. Usually don't."
Aliya gave Serah a once over and didn't see any tools. "Do you need to get your gear before climbing aboard?"
Or do Jedi things to fix the ship? She kept that to herself but then realized Serah could read her mind anyway if she was a Jedi. Not that it mattered as Aliya thought nothing terrible but it was the first time she was around one.
Serah Kleor
Oct 24th, 2019, 05:25:39 PM
Serah was briefly startled by the woman's response to how she messed up how to address her; but she felt no ill-will from her, so she simply shrugged and bowed her head.
"I apologize Private Karcsi," she said politely.
"My understanding of military rank is about nonexistent. Thanks for letting me know."
She smiled and realized she had almost just called her by her last name; but even though it was on the table, much still felt more formal around Ossus than it did back on Uyter. It was probably because of how she still felt a bit like a foreigner compared to where she had grown up.
Her shoulders relaxed as the other woman chuckled. She felt the playfulness from her presence, even though she didn't see the actual wink. There was something about the Private that made her feel at ease. She appreciated how upfront she was. People speaking their mind was something she appreciated a lot. It made things simpler, not always easier, but simpler.
When asked about the tools, she nodded.
"Yeah, there normally are spare tool kits around the docks or anywhere they store maintenance gear. I need to pick one, since I don't currently have one of my own."
Her father had offered she took some of the tools from their farm; but she had declined, because they were brand new and the upcoming harvest might not be one of the most fruitful, so she hadn't wanted to put any strain on her parents' money.
Aliya Karcsi
Oct 25th, 2019, 09:24:05 PM
"Eh, don't worry about it. Unless you're enlisted or have fam in it, it's like a whole other bizarro culture that takes time to understand," explained Aliya.
Her enlisted had everything to do about honoring the memory of her family, but Aliya wasn't a talented pilot, or sharpshooter, or a fancy sneaky spy. She did have a gift for machines and was a tinkering gear head since a kid. Alliance couldn't run without beings like her so and she liked being one of the nameless few that did their part.
"Oh. Well, easy fix. You can use mine or I can get a droid to bring ya some. Whichever." She smiled. "Don't got a timetable with this beaut so we can assess the damage while tools are coming if ya want."
This wasn't a priority job. Just a small token of gratitude for this run and the crew was sticking around for at least a few days while repairs took place.
Serah Kleor
Oct 25th, 2019, 10:31:27 PM
Serah chuckled at the mention of bizarro culture. She liked the Private's laid back approach.
The brunette smirked and put her hands into her pockets. "Yeah, I'm still learning the whole Jedi culture here. And farming culture was different for sure."
The teenager knew she was where she was meant to be, and was genuinely interested in learning the ways of the Force, keeping her promise to the mysterious Jedi she had met back on Uyter; but that was one change of settings for sure.
At the mention of the Private being willing to let her use her tools, she quirked a brow.
"You're a gear head too?" She chirped in a quizzical tone.
She pondered the option, and was happy that she would be working with the other woman. She had done much of the menial repairs on her own so far, after the locals had realized that she was indeed competent at what she did.
"I'd like to get another one, so it might be easier to work together if we each have a set of tools. Thank you!"
She tilted her head towards the ship. It was interesting because she couldn't sense anything from the machines, obviously; but she had against all odds learned to be good at figuring things out with her other senses along with lots of research and practice around.
"I heard there was some pirate attack that damaged the ship. How bad does it look from the outside?"
Aliya Karcsi
Oct 26th, 2019, 11:09:59 PM
Aliya's face visibly contorted into hard lines of confusion. She thought Serah was a Jedi but then she sounded just as baffled by the Jedi as most Alliance grunts were when they first arrived. Either way, Serah was new to Ossus unlike Aliya who served quite a few tours here already.
"That I am. Resident ace gear head at your service, Serah," quipped Aliya once the initial shock wore off. "Come. Follow me so I can show you where the extras are."
If Serah could find her in the docking bay, she obviously had ways to walk around and wasn't going to act like the woman was helpless. If help was needed, she was sure it would be asked of her. For now, Aliya answered the question on the way to the locker. "Lots of scorch marks. Panels will need replacing and some rewiring the network. Could be worse. Least it's mostly intact. The big issue is some internal damage. Took a hit when they did and fried some instruments in a cargo bay. Needs some cosmetic work too."
Serah Kleor
Oct 28th, 2019, 08:03:29 PM
Serah felt ripples of confusion from the mechanics. She wasn't sure what provoked such a thing; but she didn't ask. From her little interaction with Karcsi, she believed that the Private would say something if she had to.
She chucked and nodded when the other woman called herself the "resident ace gear head." She liked the sound of that, and was glad that she didn't seem unwilling to have her help around. Serah was aware of her limitations as a gear head; but there were still things she could do well. And really, she was happy to learn more if she could.
It was ironic that she thought it natural and easy to grow her fixing skills; but that formally training as a Jedi was still just outside of her comfort zone.
She followed the Private when invited to. She mostly navigated her way without issue, only bumping into a couple of crates on their way to the docked ship. She just got over it and made no remark about it. After all, it wasn't the first or the last time it would happen. Generally speaking she could make her way just fine, and that was what mattered.
She listened to what the Private explained, and she mentally sifted through what was required in need of fixing.
"Panel replacing and rewiring are up my alley. The internal damage, it depends. I'm good at handing requested tools though if that helps."
Being honest about what she could and couldn't do was the way to go. There was no reason to lie about her skills.
Aliya Karcsi
Nov 30th, 2019, 04:40:01 PM
Aliya keyed in a code to open a locker. "Find everything ya need in here, Serah."
She stepped back, casually leaning against the locker next to it with an encouraging smile. Serah navigated the space, crates and all, and it would be rude to presume help was needed here picking out and carrying tools. She was confident that if help was needed, Serah would speak up.
"Well, maybe you can take point on assessing the wiring issues and panels? It'd give me a feel for what you can do. Then when we get into the cargo hold, I'll take over and explain what's going on."
She raised her brows in question. "Sound good?"
Serah Kleor
Dec 10th, 2019, 03:37:08 PM
Serah heard the locker open and moved towards it, opening it, aware of the other woman close by.
"Thank you, Private," she replied with a smile, before busying herself with the tools available inside the storage space.
She moved around with a few bumps but it took much more to deter her. She began assessing various tools available, opening and closing crates and readjusting shelves with the ease of someone who was familiar with such types of equipment.
"Sounds good to me," she said with a nod.
"I appreciate having something to do around here."
She had found a utility belt that she could secure well enough around her slender waist, so she could organize most of the tools she had chosen in the various pockets or attached at some hooks. There was a sense of ease falling upon her as she went through the motions.
"All right, I'm all set."
Aliya Karcsi
Jan 15th, 2020, 09:34:25 PM
"Aright." Once Serah was away, Aliya closed the locker and lead the way back to the freighter.
Out of habit, she pointed to where the damage was on the starboard hull. "We should work on the damage outside the ship first. Pilot wants the cosmetic job done as soon as possible. Which baffles me. Why the fuck does it matter if the ship looks nice if the cargo bay's broken? Beings are weird."
She dropped her bag and carefully set the rivet gun on top to grab a ship ladder. "Be right back."
It only took a few moments to push the ladder over, the squeaky wheels quite loud, as Aliya lined it up to the scorch marks that need evaluating. "Okay ..." she slapped her hands together and trotted back to Serah. "I got us all set."
She knelt down to grab her gear and lead the way to the first step of the ladder that would get them to the horizontal beam.
Serah Kleor
Jan 21st, 2020, 07:04:01 PM
Serah's body language made it obvious that she couldn't get why someone would want any cosmetic job to be done first and foremost. That was absolutely ridiculous.
"What the heck?"
Maybe it wasn't a very Jedi thing to say; but it was still more proper than the first thoughts that had passed through her mind about the pilot's desire. Having grown up on a farm, she valued practical over good-looking, even though like many others she liked nice things. She just didn't understand how some people' priorities worked; but she said she'd help, so she would.
She nodded to the Private and made her way towards the ladder when she felt the other woman's presence come back along with the squeaky wheels of the ladder. While she was used to move around relying on learning locations and her Force abilities, she liked extra cues in new environments.
"Thank you."
She soon climbed up the ladder and made her way on top of the ship, moving with ease.
"I'll get started on the panels and wiring, because pure cosmetic stuff would probably look like a disaster from me."
She glanced towards the other woman and grinned.
"Also, I have no idea what's in fashion when it comes to ships!"
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