View Full Version : Question to the boards! Interstellar Stock Exchange!

Sep 19th, 2019, 12:53:15 PM

What's your preference? I'm going to be doing some writing involving the stock market. The Wookiepedia is pretty vague on the topic and really only lists "The Intersteller Stock Market" as an exchange for the galaxy.

However, whats everyone's preference for how exchanges work in the galaxy? Do we have just one massive exchange, or should we make it more realistic with minor exchanges existing?

Let the boards know!

Satkia Beltrak
Sep 19th, 2019, 01:09:54 PM
I went with major stock exchanges + minor ones.

Having the big groups dominate makes the most sense given the territories they occupy. They could of course have impacts over one another.

But it also makes sense to have minor / realistic ones for singular systems, especially if they have strong industries and commerce; and/or have had complex and changing histories in terms of general affiliation.

Having options for characters/stories that can happen at different scales seems the fairest.

Sep 22nd, 2019, 07:58:03 PM
Option 3 is the winner!

Thanks all! I think the best option was chosen and seems to be the one that will satisfy the majority too.

I'll be writing a thread referencing stock exchanges. If anyone has a preferred acronym for the major stock exchanges, let me know. Otherwise I'll be creating abbreviations on the fly as the story requires.