View Full Version : Lights in the Distance
Satkia Beltrak
Jul 10th, 2019, 04:32:04 PM
While Satkia had been to Ossus a couple of times, she wasn't bound to stay. She was a Jedi at the core of her being, and wouldn't trade this for anything in the world; but she had been a wanderer for most of her life, including while training under her dear and late master, eventually adding her pupil and friend Cordelia to their small crew. Where home still was to the fiery redhead was Nar Shaddaa. While it was renowned for being a hive of scum and villainy, she knew it was more than that as well.
She knew more travels awaited soon, and she had grown curious about the padawan, Serah, who had sought her out to give her news from Cordelia. Although she was happy to hear that the Knight was traveling to the Great Library, she hadn't expected that her friend would send a new padawan her way as messenger. She couldn't her but wonder whether Cordelia might bring the girl along, even possibly taking her as a student.
Time would tell; but for now, the petite Master had someone to meet.
She might not relocate to Ossus on a permanent basis; but it was important to her to introduce herself to at least part of the Council, for she would always be available if the Jedi needed her. She might have her own ways of being a Jedi and where to practice the arts of the Force, but she was deeply loyal.
She had sent a request to meet with whomever was available at that time. She didn't know who they would be, but she was looking forward to that. She had been surprised that she was asked to come to one of the large fountains in a section of the gardens, close to the Jedi Temple, but not actually inside. This potential for lack of strong formalities was to the redhead's liking.
Dressed in her usual attire (, the petite woman made her way to the right place, and stood by one of the nearby trees, eyes wandering towards the nature around her. She remembered someone once telling to her she was a city-child masquerading as a tree hugger, although she happened to be comfortable in either settings.
Navaria Tarkin
Jul 14th, 2019, 11:56:29 AM
Navaria acclimated to Council life on Ossus quickly. She made Vymes aware of where she was staying and which office she temporarily claimed. That information was updated to the Cizerack and Alliance delegates, the later overjoyed that the Jedi liaison was easier to find. A good portion of her time had been familiarizing herself with the Jedi currently here from youngling to Master. She already had her first weekly meeting with Zem where it was a casual update between the two without any decision making.
Due to the lack of teachers, Navaria dived right in to training the younglings. This morning lesson was near the gardens to make it easier for Navaria to meet with another master. The young ones spent a good portion of the lesson asking Navaria a flurry of questions - where did she come from, how did she get picked to help Master Laran, is it true she has a sister in the Empire - the last one made her chuckle despite the flash of sadness in her eyes that the children missed. Though one did speak up to ask if she were okay. They were sweet, naturally curious and quite compassionate, and once Navaria wrangled them in, she got a feel for their education and abilities through questions and demonstrations. She could plan the next lesson better with this information and released them into the care of a knight who would instruct them next.
She rose off the ground where her and the younglings had been sitting and walked to the other side of the gardens where Master Beltrak would be waiting for her. Like Beltrak, she did not wear traditional Jedi garb but she had chose comfortable ( clothing for the hottest part of the day.
"Satkia Beltrak?" she called out gently on approach, foregoing with endless formalities. "I'm Navaria Tarkin representing the council in response to your request."
Her smile was warm and her hands inviting as they reached up and out before her. "What can I help you with?"
Satkia Beltrak
Jul 15th, 2019, 11:02:15 AM
Maybe to some the sight of the Empress's twin who happened to be a Jedi Master was a weird and uncomfortable event to some; but not to Satkia. As a twin herself, she understood too well how two similar faces could bear such drastically opposed fates. While her sister Sarya had died way too young, their paths had already begun to diverge in significant ways. And the man the redhead loved was also a twin whose brother was on the opposite side of the cold war.
She smiled warmly to the Council Member when she saw her, appreciating that several Jedi around the Enclave didn't feel the need for strong formalities or having to all dress the same way. The redhead didn't mind what had happened in the past; but for all she knew, she was keenly aware she would have never fit in the Old Republic mold.
She nodded when asked whether she was she. She walked closer to the other Master, and surprisingly reached out to the open hands and gave them a brief but gentle squeeze.
"Thank you for meeting with me, Master Tarkin," she replied in earnest.
"I have only visited Ossus a handful of times; and will leave again soon, but it was important to me to properly introduce myself to the Council, should my assistance be required in the future."
Navaria Tarkin
Jul 25th, 2019, 07:51:09 PM
Navaria smiled curiously at the physical greeting and appreciated Satkia treating her as if she were any other Jedi. Her appearance was not as jarring as it used to be when she first walked among the Alliance, but she still felt eyes on her and heard the hushed whispers by some.
She gestured to one of the paths as invitation to walk with her. "Well, it's a pleasure to meet you. And please, Navaria is fine."
The trees provided shade as slowly made their way with no destination in mind. "What business brought you to Ossus this time?"
Truthfully Navaria did not have enough time to read up on everything and everyone that dealt with Ossus. She prioritized the information based on meetings, teaching and Alliance and Cizerack needs. Sadly, reading up on all of the Jedi that passed through was at the bottom of her list and was happy that this could be partially rectified now.
Satkia Beltrak
Jul 26th, 2019, 04:57:48 PM
Satkia smiled to her fellow Jedi Master, when invited to call her by her first name.
"As you wish," she replied without hesitation.
Having grown up on Nar Shaddaa, formalities weren't much of a big deal, save for some criminal asses who insisted on being treated like some scum royalty. She had learned very young that titles weren't what should earn someone respect.
"I'm still surprised that a good number of Jedi aren't so hell bent on formalities," she admitted as she walked by the brunette's side.
She wasn't so sure what she had expected; and she still had a difficult time imagining herself spending any lengthy amount of time on Ossus; but it was still a good thing.
When asked about what brought her to Ossus this time, she went to the point, even though she was happy for the opportunity to speak with one of the council members. She understood that due to limited numbers, everyone's time was precious.
"I wanted my longtime apprentice and friends, Knight Morgance, to see the enclave; and I was also hoping to speak with someone on the council in order to properly introduce myself and ensure that should my help be needed, you knew I would make myself available."
Navaria Tarkin
Aug 6th, 2019, 06:48:23 PM
"Mm." Navaria pondered on formalities and offer a noncommittal shrug as she listened to Satkia's passionate view. "Formalities have their time and place. And we're outside the council chambers so there really is no need."
Formalities assisted with diplomacy, were ingrained into rituals that brought cultures together, and allowed respect for peers and elders. There was also the unnecessary needs for rigid formalities that everything of note were drowned in them. Just as with all things, one needed to find balance.
She inclined her head with agreement to the reasons for Satkia's visit. "It's good for all Jedi to know that Ossus is here for them. And I'm sure I can speak on behalf of the entire council that we appreciate your support. Is there a reason you didn't reach out to one of us before?"
Her question was not out of curiosity as her words were strong and clear. She wanted to note if there were a reason that some felt the enclave was not immediately approachable.
Satkia Beltrak
Aug 8th, 2019, 11:55:13 AM
Navaria's question was one Satkia had originally expected to be asked during one of her earlier trips to Ossus, but it had never really come up in the conversation. It wasn't that she had any prepared answer, for it would have made little sense to be anything except honest about it.
"Most of my Jedi life, with my late Master, or with my apprentice, has been keeping a low profile and traveling. The idea of staying put in one place is still fairly foreign."
She was much of a wanderer, despite having strong ties to her home world.
"The one planet I have always visited regularly is Nar Shaddaa, where I grew up."
She paused, trying to find how to best express her views. She could be more of a doer than a talker.
"I feel that I help more when traveling and even be in places some may recoil at, rather than living here as a permanent base."
Navaria Tarkin
Sep 2nd, 2019, 06:46:04 PM
Navaria smiled thoughtfully. "I understand. Before I found the Jedi, I was on the run with my master. Constantly moving and hiding in the Outer Rim to stay one step away from the Imperials."
Her Force abilities were what she had always believed the Imperials were after until she learned of her sister. Then everything became complicated.
"A Jedi is led by the Force. Wherever it takes you, that's your path then. We understand that. It's just important that we know who is out there when not here. The galaxy has found ... peace on the backs of threats no one wants to use." She of course spoke if the cease fire between the Alliance and Imperials. "We never know if the dam will break and if it does, we have to make sure our people are safe."
She looked to Satkia and nodded. "Why I'm happy you finally reached out. To know and your crew are here if needed. And the same holds true if you ever need us here on Ossus."
Satkia Beltrak
Sep 4th, 2019, 07:04:19 PM
Satkia smiled back at Navaria's words about bring on the run.
"Some habits die hard, even though we always grow, just like the Force ebbs and flows."
After all, she had made some new imperial enemies when paying her respect to her late master's tomb on Felucia only a few months ago. She knew that even with the Cold War, certain places remained anti-Force users, especially anti-Jedi.
"I appreciate to know I can find shelter and help here too, Navaria."
While the open war was over, there were lurking threats all too eager to break loose. And certain worlds didn't see much of a difference on a day to day basis either.
"I admit I hope to offer my services to the Alliance as well. I am unsure who to contact since I have mostly operated independently in the past."
Navaria Tarkin
Oct 19th, 2019, 09:26:09 PM
"Ah, that's an easy fix. You're conveniently talking to the Jedi liaison for the Alliance," she said with a shrewd smile. "Depending on what branch you wanted to help with, I can put in a good word. Or provide some names that you could contact."
Navaria was happy to facilitate. The Alliance would be pleasantly surprised towards Satkia's offer as most Jedi operated alone, offworld, or remained on Ossus.
Satkia Beltrak
Oct 22nd, 2019, 07:13:09 PM
Satkia smiled at Navaria's response. She chuckled as she hadn't realized that the other Jedi served as liaison for the Alliance.
"Well, the Force definitely looks upon me for I didn't know that."
She was still familiarizing herself with most of the surviving Jedi after all, and while she knew names who were on the Council, she didn't know whether they had any particular role beyond that, like Navaria's with the Alliance.
"Either would be appreciated, thank you very much. I am looking into providing support with Intelligence, possibly military."
She chuckled softly.
"Diplomacy and politics are not my forte, so I don't think that would make much sense for me to help in that field."
Navaria Tarkin
Oct 26th, 2019, 10:53:12 PM
Satkia being more of a doer than a talker was what she figured out with this brief conversation so it wasn't a surprise she wanted a more hands on branch of the Alliance.
"If I may?" she reached out her hand. "I can put in the contact information for Director Grace Van-Derveld who oversees Alliance Intelligence."
It only made sense as the Director was involved with the Jedi as her daughter was being trained by Navaria.
"Admiral Reshmar has worked alongside us with many campaigns. The identification code I'll provide will verify that I sent you regardless of who you contact."
Satkia Beltrak
Oct 29th, 2019, 11:58:05 AM
Without hesitation, Satkia handed her adatapd to Navaria, grateful for the other Jedi's assistance. She took mental note of the contacts she had mentioned.
"Thank you very much, Navaria. I appreciate it."
She mused on possibilities; but those would wait until she had left Ossus. And she had chosen to stay around for at least another couple of weeks.
"Is there any way in which I can help while staying at the Enclave? Even though I am not choosing to live here, I am making sure I visit regularly, and familiarize myself with the area and with the people."
She had already started to socialize and learn the place; but it made sense to inquire whether she was needed for anything in particular.
Navaria Tarkin
Nov 30th, 2019, 05:19:27 PM
After keying in the information, Navaria handed the datapad back with a twinkle in her eye. "Well ... there may be one thing."
She smiled. "How do you feel about teaching? Obviously you're not staying long, but if you wouldn't mind sharing some of your knowledge with the younglings or Padawans? We're short on mentors and it would be a boon to the students to have a chance to learn from any seasoned Jedi."
Satkia Beltrak
Nov 30th, 2019, 05:52:53 PM
Satkia raised a brow as Navaria returned her datapad.
She smiled warmly when asked about how she felt about teaching. She hadn't taken a formal apprentice over the years; but a couple of times when still traveling with her late Master, they had met with other Jedi scattered across the galaxy; and the redhead had helped mentoring a few of the less trained.
"I would love to. I don't have much experience teaching; but my late Master as well as the few I have helped over the years have said I do alright."
Granted, they might even have provided more vocal compliments; but as assertive as she could be about her own skills, Satkia knew that she didn't have that much experience as a teacher.
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