View Full Version : Stay Alive
Astera Frayus
Jun 18th, 2019, 08:00:52 PM
Ikarno, Onderon.
The headquarters of Chalcedony Etoffes and Joaillerie stood on the hill overseeing the city of Ikarno in the Eastern continent of Onderon. To an untrained eye, it looked more like an ensemble of villas than a functional professional building; but Astera valued beautiful architecture and spent much of her like there. So visually appealing besides practical aspects had both come into consideration when she had revamped the whole area over ten years ago. They weren't as close to the ocean as she would have originally liked, but the mountains were equally soothing to her soul.
She had been spending the last few hours working on design ideas for a bracelet and necklace piece for the new planetary senator, in light of her new position. Lady Nerofi was one of the most challenging customers she had had over the years; but she knew she would come up with something that would look stunning on her and please her greatly. It wasn't everyday that Astera got such a demanding opportunity.
Stretching in her armchair, she got up and paced around the office, going to stand in front of the large curved windows that surrounded half of the room. The day was overcast, but the rain hadn't begun falling yet, even though many of the bushes and flowers had been desperately hoping for water. It should happen soon enough based on the impression she had had during her morning walk. She could thank her Zabrak grandmother for recognizing such signs.
Her comlink suddenly beeped, perturbing her ruminations. She frowned when she saw who was calling her. While she sold to criminals, especially as many of them had extensive amounts of cash to spend on spouses and lovers, she rarely get an "urgent" communication from them, even when a spouse had discovered they were cheating bastards.
The hologram of a well-suited albeit monstrous looking near-human in his mean-fifties appeared.
"What can I do for you, Mr. Agartern?"
She was good at the business side of things; but they also knew not to mess with her. After all, she had personally ended one of his henchmen's life a few years ago. He had learned to behave since then.
"I got a situation," he snarled, giving her an expectant look.
"Please explain. Neither of us has time to waste with pleasantries, sir."
He glared at her, but she saw the hint of a grin form on his scarred face.
"I'm willing to spare some thief. I was thinking that sending him your way for whatever task you see him fit, might be an appropriate punishment."
She quirked a brow, for she hadn't expected such a turn of events.
"How does him serving me help you wipe his debt off?"
Agarten remained silent for a long moment.
"You've proven more than an accomplished jeweler who's save my marriage several times, Lady Frayus. If you don't break him, it'll speak volumes of his character. I trust you to be a good teacher of life lessons."
Astera tilted her head to the side, looking quite pensive.
"What if he dies? You won't be any wiser or richer."
Agarten shrugged.
"Then you will let me purchase the necklace of my choice for free."
Astera took a step forward the holoprojector.
"Thirty percent off."
The criminal glared at her.
She didn't flinch.
Agarten smiled.
Astera gestured dismissively at him. That petty idiot she was getting sent her way should better be worth her time and money.
"Send a formal document signed by your hand within thirty minute and have your indebted individual show up in four hours. I will be there."
Without further ado, she ended the communication. The criminal was intelligent enough to respect her conditions, so she had better things to do than entertain him any longer.
Vishan Korogoth
Jun 22nd, 2019, 07:20:47 PM
Outside Lady Frayus' estate, a figure ( dumped out of a moving speeder. He rolled on the ground several times before coming to a stop, grunting in pain. His face crinkled as he winced, clutching at his left side.
"T'at's ... really gonna leave ah mark." Groaning, he got up and stumbled. "Ow..."
Vishan, former Padawan and Imperial Officer, Korogoth looked at the mess he gotten himself into and why. Since his Master disappeared, his trust in beings plummeted. He had given his all in learning the ways of the Jedi and without warning, Soolin had done the unthinkable - left him to fend for himself. At first he wondered if something had happened to her or if this was some test until days turned to weeks, and weeks to months, that Vishan realized he had been abandoned.
He tried to find her - paid infochants and slicers for any word of a woman fitting her description and it amounted to nothing. Except him being broke. He couldn't understand why his Master and friend just up and disappeared, leaving her ship behind. What money he managed to scrounge up went back to old habits of drinking and gambling, pissed off at the galaxy for giving him hope. He became reckless, taking jobs with high risk and reward and didn't care what cargo he was hauling on The Rocinante, Soolin's ship.
He was doing good until this last request. Agartern had acquired a precious stone that a competitor wanted. The guy wouldn't budge that the gem was priceless and was not for sale. Vishan got an anonymous contract to steal the gem with a hefty reward attached to it. Unfortunately he became too cocky and didn't case the warehouse where the gem was being stored well enough. Another Force User had been hired to guard the gem and his fledgling abilities weren't enough to overpower his opponent that was better trained in Force Use.
Now this Frayus woman had his ship, his weapons, including Soolin's lightsaber, and owned his life.
Reaching out, he sensed life highly trained on his position, ready to stun him like a wild animal if he didn't comply. Which meant he was worth more alive then dead.
Climbing the stairs of the building he was tossed before, Vishan hit the panel chime to announce that he was here.
"'ere goes nuthin', eh?"
Astera Frayus
Jun 22nd, 2019, 09:03:28 PM
Before they dropped her new pawn off, the criminal's employees had made sure to move the man's ship to her docking hangars, as well as deliver the small container carrying his weapons. Out of habits ingrained in her by her late grandmother, Astera had checked the container herself, and had been surprised to find a lightsaber among them. That was an interesting twist, which made her a little more curious about her upcoming arrival.
She didn't know what she was going to do with Korogoth yet; and she had decided to get a feel of the man before making a decision. There were lots of odd jobs and maintenance needed around her operations; but it didn't mean that she would just toss him to the winds without proper consideration.
Her assistant called in as she was reviewing the list of upcoming shipment of silks to a few usual customers. Someone had just been dumped in front of her estate and had pressed the buzzer. No name was given, but based on the security camera, there was no doubt at who that bruised soul was.
Astera chose to have him be brought into the front courtyard, and to wait there. Afterwards, she retrieved one of her Petranaki Scimitars (, and her Confessor whip ( It wasn't unusual for her to carry at least one of the weapons inherited from her grandmother. There was a practical as well as a subtle sentimental value to such a choice. She was good with a blaster and other knives, but the Petranaki weapons were what her soul sang to most. And she was damn good at using them too.
Smoothing her suit jacket (, she then made her way to the front courtyard, where her inquisitive blue eyes fell upon the man. She gestured to the two nearby guards to return to their posts. She could handle Korogoth by herself, and given his state, it would likely be a walk in the park. It was a little disappointing if she were honest, but maybe he would prove just a bit interesting. Given how he had got himself in trouble, it reeked of a blend of desperation and cockiness. Or maybe he was just an idiot; but she wanted to believe this option wasn't the correct one.
"I'm Astera Frayus. Follow me."
That he had tumbled on the ground and dragged his sorry ass to her buzzer left her unfazed. He should make her time and money worth it.
"How useful can you be?"
Vishan Korogoth
Jun 23rd, 2019, 11:39:43 AM
His first impression of the Lady Frayus was some high class S&M queen with the warring image of straight laced suited lady with an arsenal from hell. He recognized the kind of weapons she carried, but not the specific make. They appeared exotic, much like his host? Mistress? Keeper? Who knew what Vishan was to this woman was right now.
Though his heart caught within his throat as her face came into view - a momentary sense that he had found her.
Hope deflated as his eyes sagged with disappointment. Frayus could easily pass as Soolin's sister despite the hair being the wrong shade and style. Their facial features had noticeable curvatures that were similar but it was the Force that spoke volumes about her. The calming presence that was so patient with him was silent.
He sighed, following in step beside her. "Ya got muh stuff, an' Ah t'ink ah smart woman like yerself already kno' 'ow useful ah can be. Assumin' ya already went thru it. Which Ah'm sure ya 'ave. If ya didn't like wha' ya saw, pretty sure we'd be 'avin' ah different conversation right now."
Astera Frayus
Jun 23rd, 2019, 03:20:50 PM
Astera didn't know what to make of the brief look of surprise, if not shock, when he saw her face. She was bafled but kept that to herself. It might come into play at some point; but for now it was irrelevant. She had an eye for details, and a solid memory, so she always did her best to notice little things that others might not give attention to. It had been part of why she had become such a talented jeweler.
As they walked together, her face remained stoic at his ramble. He had some brains, which comforted her in her hope he wasn't just a mindless idiot. She might be able to get something done with him. She really had no want to get a discounted piece to the one who had captured him. The mere idea angered her, although it didn't show in her body language.
"Well, for now I've established that you got your ass handed over to you regardless of ship and weapons. So the conversation can still go many ways," she flatly retorted.
"I doubt that putting you to work in security would work. Your accent will definitely not be a fit for any communication or PR job. That leaves either loading crew, or maybe transport depending on how you can fly a ship."
She briefly stopped and eyed him quite thoroughly.
"Whooping aside, you're handsome enough there might be use for you for some promotional materials."
Vishan Korogoth
Jun 26th, 2019, 07:27:52 PM
His face was befuddled with what Frayus was going on about, but he was able to follow the intent. Vishan's confusion was in the manner in which she was assessing him for jobs, like this was some audition for paid work instead of an indentured servant.
With a light scratch at the back of his head, he defended himself. "Look... Ah was careless. Why Ah got muh ass 'anded ta me. Ah got cocky an' now ya git free labor. Least, Ah presume tha's wha this is all 'bout?"
There wasn't a lot of information given to him. Just that he belonged to the Soolin sister clone here until she felt his debt was paid off. He didn't know what that meant - what sort of work, for how long, living conditions. He should be happy he was alive and not being whipped with that vicious weapon on Frayus' belt. He was just taken aback by how business like this conversation was going. Frayus was being forthright and acted like this was a normal everyday affair, which he appreciated to an extent.
"So ... ta answer th' questions - Ah'm good wit security if'n ya jus' need someone watchin' yer stuff. Ah'm ah damn good pilot an' can 'andle all those weapons ya got o'mine."
He lowered his hand and waved it casually around her body. "Unlike those scary lookin' ones ya got there."
Then he held his arms out, bent at the elbows, and the former Jedi motion to himself with exaggeratedly circling hands. "Bu' all ya can t'ink ta do wit me is use me in sum sorta ad campaign?!"
Astera Frayus
Jun 30th, 2019, 10:42:47 AM
Astera knew she could do whatever she wanted with Korogoth. And the devious part of her mind was tempted to come up with all sorts of way to use him. Yet her pragmatic mind won over for the time being. After all, she needed him to stay alive, otherwise her pride would be deeply wounded. She wasn't sure how long the whole thing would last, nor whether the enemy her new free labor had made would consider the deal to last. Knowing him, the jeweler bet on several months at least. She expected to renegotiate and discuss terms in greater details.
For now, she had to figure out what to do with Korogoth.
"Well it's a nice ass for sure," she teased, with a predatory expression passing on her face.
"And yes, you're free labor for as long as I see fit."
She led him towards one of the warehouses at the back of the compound, which served as dwelling for some of the workers.
"But you will be provided with a room and food allocation."
She heard what he said about what he could do, as well as his comment about her weapons.
"That's only two of them," she replied with a stern look.
She stopped by a door, and keyed it open, revealing a simple room with a bed and a small fresher. She put info on a datachip and handed it to him.
"You lose the code, you sleep outside. And I have no issue using my weapons if trouble happens among my workers."
She meant it, and he would hear certain stories as he would spend time around the compound. She was a just employer; but she hated messes and double crossing assholes.
She then let the way back outsides, towards the docking areas.
"I want to see what you can do with your ship; as for using you for promotional materials, well, do you know what it is I do?"
While he seemed to have very little information about her, she could still check whether the goons had filled his head with crazy stories or actually fed him any useful bits.
Vishan Korogoth
Jul 1st, 2019, 07:34:14 PM
His face bunched up at Frayus' eager look and the comment about his ass. What the hell kind of crazy demented shit did he get dropped into? Her going on about more weapons wasn't helping his concerns.
"Wait." He held up his hands to stop her from continuing the tour because he was so confused now. "Ah'm free labor. Bu' Ah git sum decent food an' livin' arrangements. An' yeah, it's decent for me considerin' Ah thought Ah was gonna be tortured or reduced ta sum slave ... which Ah am to ah degree ..."
He brought his hands down to his hips, still trying to work this out when they made it to the docking bay. "An' don't worry 'bout me startin' fights. Ah got more important shit ta figure out cuz lady, Ah seriously 'ave no idea wha' th' fuck it is ya do 'ere. Never knew ya existed until we met ah few minutes ago."
Vishan was well aware that he could be beaten down at any moment, but he felt he had nothing to lose. He had no one and no where to go to. His hot heated Corellian nature didn't help either.
He looked expectantly. "So ... ya gonna fill me in before Ah take ya fer ah spin on my ship?"
Astera Frayus
Jul 2nd, 2019, 02:00:10 PM
Astera turned still as Korogoth expressed his confusion and his expectation to be filled in. Her fierce gaze remained fixated upon him as she listened to him. It was interesting how his thick accent didn't match the intellect that appeared to exist in that beat up skull. The jeweler found herself more intrigued with the Corellian than she had thought she might be. Outside of gems and design, not much actually formed a mystery to her at this point in her life. She was well-traveled and educated, had forged an impressive reputation in her craft; but she had somewhat grown bored with other aspects in life.
Against all odds, Korogoth made things interesting. He was better than a simple idiot she'd have had to boss around and who'd have been a doormat. Of course, part of her loved the idea of bossing Korogoth around and see how well he might submit to certain desires. But everything came in good time; that, she knew.
"People tend to perform better when in decent living conditions," she explained flatly.
She canted her head to the side and a mischievous expression appeared on her face.
"Of course, if the idea of free lodging and food is appalling to you, sexual favors are acceptable as rent."
As much as it could appear as a bold joke; it wasn't one.
"As for my business, I am the owner of Chalcedony Etoffes and Joaillerie. I provide luxury fabrics, and design unique jewelry pieces. I am one of the major providers for the aristocracy of Onderon."
Vishan Korogoth
Jul 4th, 2019, 10:48:34 AM
Vishan had to concede that a good night's sleep and a room to yourself, albeit small, did wonders for morale. So he nodded at that point. He waited for more because Frayus had a twinkle in her eye that let the former Jedi know she wasn't done yet.
"Wha'?" He chuckled nervously because that was a hell of a joke, but Frayus' features were humorless. The woman was dead serious about the offer.
He held up his hands. "Whoa t'ere. Ah never said it wa' unacceptable, jus' tha' it was odd an all. Didn't see it tha' much wit treatin' indebted workers nice."
The look on his face plainly showed his curiosity because how many people working for her did she sleep with? The S&M vibe he had earlier came back in full force.
He cough and lowered his hands. "So ... ya make trinkets an' shit for wealthy folks 'ere?"
Taking a moment to slowly spin around, the Corellian looked at the place with new eyes. The large estate, various levels of staff, her own rather large hangar, the goons that were at her beck and call - he could've sworn she a member of some syndicate and not some legitimate business woman. Course, maybe she dabbled in illegitimate trade? She wouldn't have to if she made a ton of credits doing what she did. Onderon was ruled by a powerful and beloved monarch too. A lot of nobility and ancient families lived here that would want a woman of Frayus' skill for special projects.
"Huh." He finally turned around to face her and smiled. "Ah honestly t'ought tha' Ah was royally fucked over cuz o'my screw up an' landed in some syndicate servitude. Or tortured by 'em. Either sucks."
His gaze turned shrewd. "So wit wha' Ah've seen so far, this doesn't come close. Unless Ah fuck up whatever it is ya wan' me doin'. Righ'?"
Astera Frayus
Jul 7th, 2019, 11:33:51 AM
Astera laughed at Korogoth's reaction to her mention of sexual favors. After all, she rarely got such free labor as him, dropped on her doorstep by one of the few criminals she had as customers. So taking advantage of things wouldn't hurt too much, she guessed. At least putting all options on the table, if not the free labor himself, proved entertaining.
"Alright, then. Sexual favors aren't on the menu for now," she replied quite deadpan, although a little smirk curved her lips.
She was confusing and intriguing him; that much she could say given his expression. It amused her to see him likely wonder so many things about her. And she wasn't going to discourage whatever crazy tale he might be telling himself.
She took a step forward, her face close to his as she growled at him.
"I make art, peasant."
She let him look around then, wanting to toss him against a wall for his ignorant comment; but restrained herself for the time being.
"This is no syndicate. I just happened to kill one of his henchmen back in the day, and he seemed to think that me bossing you around will make you clean up your debt. I didn't object."
She canted her head to the side at this next question.
"You've not things up yet."
She looked around, making sure there was no one around.
"How good are you at that Force stuff?"
She didn't want it known that she had a Force user on hands, but she was curious regardless.
Vishan Korogoth
Jul 13th, 2019, 03:34:50 PM
Vishan squinted his eyes as the rest of his face followed with an unsure expression that made him appear like a confused boy in class. He was seriously worried about this whole sexual favors off the table for now situation.
"Uh ... o-kay?" he said slowly to at least acknowledge he heard her but quickly his big mouth got him into trouble, offending his new boss lady.
He was happy that she wasn't a criminal though her killing a henchman made his stomach flip in a whole different way than her insinuating sex payments. He knew he should keep his mouth shut and not poke the viper, especially with the admittance of killing someone and harboring weapons on her person, but Vishan hated being called a peasant. He was a highly intelligent man who served in the Empire's military and had been taught the ways of the Force for a short time. He was not some backwater ignorant farmboy. So here he was about to get in trouble.
He sighed and looked right at her with hands on his hips to let her see he wasn't afraid of her. "Ya know, fer th' record? Trinkets can be art. Don't need ta be so pissed off 'bout it. Ah've seen ahlot o'shit thru th' galaxy from beings not as well off as ya an' can make simple stones an' gems look like it belongs in ah museum."
He crossed his arms and continued, ignoring her questions about his Force abilities. "Not sayin' ya don't 'ave talent, cuz clearly ya do wit th' work you do bu' don't think for ah second tha' Ah was fuckin' wrongin' ya wit wha' Ah said."
Maybe he'd get lucky and Freyus would just kill him and finally Vishan could find peace in death. His mind had slowly been going back to an easier time when he didn't care about his safety and this woman was going to tip him over the edge.
Astera Frayus
Jul 14th, 2019, 03:25:35 PM
Astera was normally good at reading people, getting what made them beg, or tick, or deliriously happy. Korogoth was difficult to understand. As much as she knew he wasn't an idiot at this point, she couldn't fully wrap her mind around what had driven him to try to steal from that other asshole who had eventually dumped him at her residence. Of course, people could be highly complex, but she couldn't help thinking she was missing a central piece to the edifice that was the beaten up man before her.
In a weird way, she liked it. It broke the monotony her life had spiraled into for the last year.
It didn't mean she had stopped wanting to tear him a new one about the whole trinket thing, especially as he had to open his goddam mouth again though. Not only did he ignore her question but he had to be a pompous jerk about her art. She didn't care where he had traveled, or seen. She wouldn't have her art called trinkets. She had grown above that years ago, and fought to be where she was.
She was about to lash out at him once again. Not caring he was a Force user, trained to some extent she had gathered, she threw him against a near wall, her elbow against his throat. She was more muscular and stronger than her lean figure appeared, thanks to her Zabrak genetics.
Her face close to his was the moment it hit her. She couldn't tell why or how, but she trusted her instinct.
"You want it over, all of it, don't you?"
Was it really a death wish he had?
Vishan Korogoth
Jul 22nd, 2019, 07:27:12 PM
When Vishan felt the back of his head hit the wall he grunted, but there was a grin on his face. Maybe his mouth pushed Frayus over the edge and she would kill him. The woman certainly had options on how to end it all. The pressure on his neck made him instinctively reach up and clutch at her arm, but he didn't try to pry it off. Frayus was certainly spry and a lot stronger than she appeared.
As the air quality to his brain diminished, he briefly wondered what near human blood was running inside of her but it was the familiar tremble felt through the Force that made his baby blues snap open in confusion as Frayus stared him down nose to nose. It was the first time anyone uttered the hard truth so plainly since Soolin. It caused a myriad of racing emotions - from loneliness to shame to anger - and he lost it.
If Lady Frayus wanted to see how good he was at the Force stuff, then she was going to have her answer.
The pressure against his neck ended when Vishan easily pulled her arm free as his other pressed against her abdomen. The jolt that slammed against Frayus pushed her back several meters. With distance between them, he stared hard at the woman that knew his secret and flung his arms out wide with invitation.
"C'mon!" he shouted, certain that if she wasn't ready to kill him, she would be now.
He wouldn't advance to hurt her, that was not Vishan's intent. The fallen Jedi just wanted to rile her up enough to finish him off and do them both a favor.
Astera Frayus
Jul 23rd, 2019, 02:40:37 PM
Astera felt a weird sensation coursing down her spine, almost a sense of warning; but the instants it took her to realize it cost her understanding. The Force user had already tossed her away. Knowing she couldn't stop it, Astera's training with her grandmother kicked in and she adjusted her stance as she hit the ground, rolling onto it, before she could spring back to her feet. The pain of the impact was no joke; but she had the impression he could have done much worse.
Part of her was weirdly glad to get a direct demonstration of some of his abilities; but the other was almost concerned for hi, Astera wasn't the kind to care that much about others. Sure thing, she was a decent employer; and was keen on building fruitful and long-lasting relationships with her customers; but her current reaction was nonetheless puzzling to her.
He was trying to get her to kill him, as if that was some unfinished job from his frelled up heist. She wondered whether stealing from a bunch of criminals had ever been something he wanted to come out of alive.
"If you want me to kill you, you gotta try harder," she snapped.
She wasn't planning to kill him; but she wanted to see how far he would go to try to force her hand.
She grabbed her scimitar in one hand; but didn't go for her whip yet. He would have to fight up and close again at some point.
"You coward," she hissed before stomping towards him.
As she picked up speed she lunged forward and aimed at his midsection.
Vishan Korogoth
Jul 23rd, 2019, 09:01:26 PM
Vishan rolled his neck and felt her elation, confusion and most importantly - anger. His plan to get her riled up worked.
He never intended to hurt her, and would have been damn impressed by Frayus' recovery from being shoved, but this was about unfinished business that eluded him since he gave up the search for his former master and love. Now trinket lady was going to defy the Force's interference and kill him. Finally.
With wild eyes, he stood his ground as Frayus came at him with deadly intent, and braced for the inevitable flash of pain before rejoining the family he lost years ago ...
Astera Frayus
Jul 24th, 2019, 10:02:50 AM
Astera believed she was correct in her guess that he had a death wish; but her latest move was to be fully certain. She knew that some foes just got a kick out of riling others up; but she thought it wasn't just that with Korogoth.
As he stood his ground, it took all of her years training with her Zabrak grandmother, falling and getting back up, getting cuts and so many bruises over and over again, for Astera to be on point with her speed and coordination.
At the very last moment, she shifted her arm and instead of cutting through the Corellian's flesh, she smashed the hilt of her scimitar into his abdomen, with above human strength, likely tossing him to the ground.
She stared at him, weapon still in hand, but blade lowered by her side.
"If you want to die that much, why don't you do it yourself? Is that some religious or cultural bullshit?"
Vishan Korogoth
Jul 24th, 2019, 09:20:44 PM
He almost vomited with the impact by the taste of bile in the back of his throat. She did knock the air out of him before Vishan doubled over and fell to his knees, wheezing and choking.
Frayus was fast and he was too cocky to realize she didn't want him dead. The Force continued to be cruel.
He held up a finger to excuse his lack of answer and generally motioned to his upper body, indicating that it might take awhile for him to catch his breath. What was really surprising is that she let him.
What was equally surprising is that he answered honestly.
"Or ya found th' biggest Corellian coward tha' really doesn't wanna do ah holoshoot. So ..." he tapped his finger against the hilt of her sword with bravado. "... ya can swin' away."
Well, he was mostly honest. He really didn't want to die over a holoshoot.
Astera Frayus
Jul 25th, 2019, 12:07:15 PM
Astera waited for Korogoth to catch his breath. She meant the question she had asked. She wanted an answer.
What he eventually said puzzled her. This whole thing had nothing to do with the bloody holoshoot.
She stared at him, before eventually returning her weapon to her belt, even though he still challenged her to actually use it against him.
"I don't want you dead."
And it wasn't just because she didn't want to give a discount to a criminal. She was many things but she wasn't going to be manipulated into becoming someone's butcher. If she killed, it was her own decision, not someone's else, even a willing victim's.
She narrowed her blue eyes at him.
"You seem to do that well enough by yourself."
Vishan Korogoth
Jul 25th, 2019, 06:46:42 PM
"Lady ... if'n Ah was good at bein' dead, we wouldn't be talkin' right now," he growled and slowly stood up. He clutched his stomach, making small circles that disheveled the shirt further.
"So ..." Vishan rolled his shoulders and glared at his boss. "Since tha's over, where were we? Oh ... righ'. Force stuff."
His gaze was hardened but he was resigned to his fate. He took a gamble and failed, like always, in getting what he wanted and was too scared to do. Unfortunately Frayus wasn't as riled up as he hoped. So now it was back to business for the Corellian.
"Ya already got ah demonstration. So ..." He coughed, the last of the bile finally settling back down into his stomach. " ... wha' else ya wanna know?"
Astera Frayus
Jul 26th, 2019, 02:50:25 PM
She might have said he just didn't want to die as much as he claimed; but Astera thought he meant to. She didn't know if it was fate, the Force, some sheer wacky luck; but it appeared he was more skilled at staying alive and bruised than die. It was weird; but she could deal with it.
She glared back when he switched subjects, returning to their previous discussion.
"Well, I might include sparring with you while you work for me, because you might actually be a worthy opponent. Droids are only useful to a certain degree," she mused.
His question gave her pause. She was curious about him; but only stayed focused on what could serve her while he worked for her.
"Let's go to your ship. I want to see you fly. Also, you said you traveled a lot. Where did you go?"
She gestured for him to walk with her, as they resumed their trail towards the docks.
Vishan Korogoth
Aug 5th, 2019, 08:46:45 PM
Vishan mouth fell thoughtful, wondering if were possible to stack the odds in his favor if they spar. He'd just have to be subtle about his intentions since Frayus was smart. Very smart. She would probably see through the facade.
"Droids aren't good for tha', yeah. Not if'n you're already skilled." He had plenty of training against them when he served and only found new challenges against other soldiers. And later on, being beat on by thugs and bounty hunters. And after that, training on the use of his powers with Soolin.
He shook the memories away of Felucia, bouncing off of large mushrooms and running ragged with physical exertion trying to keep up with his Master's wolf, Grimya, and shrugged.
"Kinda need ta tell me where th' ship is." He pointed out without being snarky. "Then ya can check th' logs o' where Ah've been. Which is ah lot. Between soldier ta Padawan, seen ah lot o' shit at ah lot o' different places."
Astera Frayus
Aug 8th, 2019, 12:28:20 PM
"I have a couple of customized assassin droids that can still give me some challenge at times, but live opponents push you better."
Astera had missed her grandmother's ruthless sparring with her. Only in the two years prior to her passing, had the blonde been able to always and easily best the elderly Zabrak. She had been a force of nature, and a formidable mentor.
She gestured for them to exit the building at last, and follow a cobblestone path that zigzag-ed through a bunch of buildings, passing through some bushes and trees at times.
"This is the pedestrian shortcut to the hangars where we moved your ship," she indicated.
The place was getting busier at this time of the day, for she had incoming supply runs, as well as a few upcoming deliveries that needed to be on their way within the next three hours.
Some employees ignored them, save for a faint nod to Astera, for she was sufficiently involved that most recognized her. She exchanged a couple of words with a handful of people she passed by, mostly business-related, one personal note in the midst of them, about a newborn child. Some employees nevertheless couldn't help stare at the beaten up man walking with their boss, but knew better than to be nosy.
"Your ship was delivered before you were. Two of my mechanics are already going through it. Two discreet beacons were planted on it before sent my way. They were promptly removed."
She said that matter of fact, definitely not surprised that asshole criminal had tried to get some discreet info, should Korogoth fly for her, but she was thorough, more than they might know.
"Logs will be reviewed as well, though that is what you had left available. After all scrubbing logs and data is common."
They eventually made it to the hangar in question, where the two mechanics, a middle aged woman Caro, and her assistant a young man named Arel, were still working.
Vishan Korogoth
Aug 18th, 2019, 08:21:43 PM
Accepting this situation, for now, Vishan was an attentive listener and took in his surroundings with a critical eye, memorizing the path, structures and beings along the way. He didn't take much note of the stares directed at him, but Vishan did find it curious that there was a small glimpse of camaraderie with Frayus with a few workers. That made him visibly scratch his head with confusion. There were a lot of layers to this woman.
He shrugged when he learned about the beacons because that didn't surprise him. Assholes wanting to get information on competitors was nothing new. Least the ship was maintained enough by the workers milling about poking and prodding her.
Blue eyes looked possessive and almost frantic watching them before reeling it in. "Yeah, so Ah'm sure ya know th' ship's called th' Rocinante. Typical YT-2400 light freighter an' - HEY!"
He shouted at Arel. "Please dun do tha' wit th' panels!"
If he wasn't under the rule of thumb with the boss lady next to him, Vishan would've Force thrown the hydrospanner in the mechanic's hand right into his face for being so rough with the ship. "Th' ship's been through alot an' ... look ya just need ta lightly tap at th' latch an' it pops off real nice, kay?"
Astera Frayus
Aug 21st, 2019, 07:16:53 PM
Astera didn't know what to make of Vishan's lack of reaction or comment to what she said about him having potentially altered or erased some of his travel logs. He had told her she could just look at them to know where he had traveled in the past. She would figure things out quick enough.
She had been aboard her share of YT-2400 and so far it seemed fairly standard, which he confirmed, though she was glad that her team of mechanics were thorough with it. Better safe than sorry had proven a solid motto to live by in her life, even though she was also known to gamble on things in ways that horrified other people.
Korogoth's strong reaction to Arel's tinkering too roughly with a panel caught her by surprise. She narrowed her eyes at him and canted her head to the side.
"You're as possessive with your ship as I am with my weapons."
Her employee gave her a confused look but she gestured for him to keep going, and he did as such, heeding the Corellian's instruction.
"They will be done within 10 minutes. Then you can show me how you fly the Rocinante."
She wasn't planning to trust him to wander off world without supervision any time soon, but she liked knowing the hand she had been served.
Vishan Korogoth
Sep 1st, 2019, 08:30:58 PM
He didn't care what Frayus was doing, too focused on Arel, waiting to see if he was going to follow his instructions or not.
"Eh ... we all 'ave our reasons for t'ings. Right?" He said offhanded about possessiveness. The ship was all he had left of Soolin. Why he didn't care if the logs were tampered with. He had a copy of them.
He was relieved Arel listened to his boss even if it wasn't him. What mattered was treating the ship with respect.
"Before we fly, can we 'ead ta muh room? Unless ya cleaned out th' captain's quarters on th' ship yet?" He looked at her expectantly. "Somet'ing Ah need there tha' ya probably wanna see too."
Astera Frayus
Sep 4th, 2019, 04:41:46 PM
Astera noticed how Korogoth was focused on Arel, ensuring that his instructions were followed.
She clicked her tongue as he spoke of everyone having their reasons. As much as it was true, she was keenly aware of how this man was more complicated than she had first expected. Really, she preferred it like that. She already had enough lackeys.
"Save for the parasite beacons we found, nothing else appears to have been tampered with," the blonde added as she was reviewing the current report from her mechanics.
She looked back at the Corellian, she could tell that whatever was in his quarters was important.
"Lead the way," she simply said, since it hadn't been cleaned out yet, as he put it.
Vishan Korogoth
Oct 13th, 2019, 08:25:45 PM
He didn't say anything and went right to his quarters. Surprisingly the room was clean and cast a curious glance towards Frayus. Did her crew have the decency to put everything back to the best of their ability or were gentle tossers of ships to avoid a mess?
Vishan looked away and went to the desk, tapped a hidden side panel and a small datacard slide out. There were visible signs of relief as he held up the card and inspected it for any damage, finding none.
"This is why Ah wanted ta come in 'ere." He turned around and gently waved the card in hand as he walked up to her. This 'as all th' info ya wanted. Where Ah've been an' such. Bu' ... it 'as logs o'th' former cap'in. An' it's all Ah got o' 'er left."
He narrowed his eyes, neck tensing under the strain of keeping his emotions in check this time. "So if'n Ah give this to ya, Ah need it back all in one piece."
Making demands were dumb but Frayus was a unique boss. Soolin would have told him to trust the Force and right now, his intuition said that she would hear out his request. Maybe if she took this seriously, he would lower his level of being a dumb ass in her presence and try to make the best of this situation.
Astera Frayus
Oct 22nd, 2019, 03:38:35 PM
Astera followed Korogoth in silence. She knew that some of her personnel wondered what the hell was up with this unexpected delivery. The jeweler bet that the crime lord had ulterior motives. She didn't know which ones; not had she any idea what he expected to happen with the Corellian, but for sure it was an unusual situation. And in a weird way, the near-human liked it. It broke monotony, even though it was a bit confusing.
Whatever was on that card he found, her new employee was relieved to find it without any damage. She didn't move too deep inside his quarters. She wasn't always the nicest person around; but she still had some manners, and whatever this man had gone through was still taking a toll on him. She bet he would still try to have her kill him, whenever he thought she might pity him, or might get angry at him. It would become a challenging dance; but she refused to kill him. She had understood that it was what he wanted, and she wasn't an executioner. At least, she wouldn't be his.
"Thank you," she said as she took the datacard in her hand, before slipping it into a secure pocket at her belt. "I will make a copy tonight, and return it to you tomorrow."
She looked at him for a moment, pondering his body language and who the other captain had been. He cared about her, still did, even though it felt as if it had been a long time ago. She could have asked questions right away; but she chose not to for now.
"You won't be allowed to come and go as you please, including aboard the ship; but it will remain for your use only. So if there is anything you'd want to take to your new quarters, you can do that, after you give me that flying demonstration."
Vishan Korogoth
Oct 26th, 2019, 09:35:22 PM
He nodded sternly but with softened eyes. With what Vishan had seen so far, he believed her.
Vishan was also appreciative that Freyus didn't prod for further information. He wasn't too happy not being able to board the ship as often as he would like, but he had nothing to bargain with.
"A'right. Ah'll take ah look 'round after we go fer ah spin." He started to leave, half turning to Freyus with a quick wave beckoning her to follow. "C'mon, busy lady. Sure ya got other t'ings ta do sides babysittin' me."
As they walked side by side to the cockpit, he asked a very important question. "So ... what's th' rules o'th' demo?"
There was a twinkle in his eye when the Corellian threw her a mischievous grin. The guy that was desperate for death was covered up really well right now. "Do Ah get ta come in fer ah low buzzin' o'th compound?"
Astera Frayus
Oct 28th, 2019, 07:25:57 PM
Astera wondered what would come out of this new unexpected employee; but it was this uncertainty that made it interesting. She didn't know what the crime lord who had decided to drop him on her doorstep would pull in the future; but she'd be ready to tackle any stupid shit he would come up with. And somehow, she doubted that Korogoth would put up with it, unless he saw that as an opportunity to make his death wish come true. It was impossible to tell whether it would diminish or disappear over time.
"You're welcome."
She followed him to the cockpit, and couldn't help grinning at being called "busy lady," which was quite accurate, really.
The "baby-sitting" part coaxed a wolfish laugh out of her.
Yeah, he definitely had that Corellian sense of humor.
She liked his sense of initiative as he asked how far he could take things for the flying demonstration. He wasn't completely beaten down whether by the thugs or by life. That was a good thing.
"Buzz as low as you want over the compound. Show me what you've got."
There was a devious spark in her eyes, but her tone was deadpan. She wanted to see what he could do.
"I'll just clarify with control that the crazies are authorized before we take off."
Vishan Korogoth
Nov 27th, 2019, 09:03:24 PM
Despite his dramatic death wish earlier, his new employer was still eager to witness Vishan's piloting skills and was giving him a lot of trust. The trust was not misplaced and he was going to push the envelop just a bit.
He let Frayus enter first and trailing behind her, ended up sitting down first. She was sure to poke around and take a close look at things.
"Ah''m sure ya know where th' comm station is, so jus' let me know when we're cleared, 'kay?" He tapped the dangling dog tags hanging above the control panel, wishing himself luck with the boneheaded maneuver he was about to go through with while going through pre-flight checks.
Astera Frayus
Dec 1st, 2019, 11:03:47 PM
There was something about Korogoth that Astera couldn't explain; and against all odds, the mystery he presented, intrigued her enough that she welcomed the weirdness of the situation. She had no idea where this would lead; but she was looking forward to it. Even with the Corellian's death wish that might stir things up; she had one of those uncanny feelings that it was the way to go: keeping the beaten man dropped on her doorstep due to some crime lord's schemes.
She had been yearning for new opportunities; and she bet her grandmother would have made some quirky comments about how Korogoth definitely broke the monotony already.
When he let her sit down, she didn't waste time and contacted the ground control station in her compound. While the security employee didn't object to Astera's explanation she was going on a test ride with the Corellian and his ship, there was something in the man's tone that made it clear he was baffled. Yet everybody knew better than argue with their boss when she had decided something.
Ending the communication, she looked at the Corellian who was going through pre-flight checks. She appreciated that he was already working on that, believing her when she said she was willing to go for a flying test.
"Ready when you are."
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