View Full Version : Who’s Who and What’s What of the Corellian System!

Lilaena De'Ville
Jun 18th, 2019, 10:37:35 AM
Please tell me what’s going on on Corellia! I know the rebels downed an ISD into Coronet City around 10 ABY - has anything else significant happened? What characters are there, and on who’s wide?

What do Drall and Selonia think about their rebellious brother? What about the political leaders of Corellia?

Im thinking about throwing a couple characters into the mix.

I know that Sasseeri has a casino on the far side of the planet from Coronet, but I think that’s my only real connection to the system.

Jamo Jakatta
Jun 18th, 2019, 10:41:22 AM
Jamo is on Corellia... somewhere? He was last seen being rescued by Eluna :uhoh

Roz Coralix
Jun 18th, 2019, 10:52:31 AM
Roz is a seasoned veteran of the rebellion, too far gone to stop fighting before the Empire is destroyed. She followed the fight to Corellia, where she leads a guerilla cell of the Resistance. Bear, her ex-husband, is busy hunting bounties on Corellia right now. He is ex-Rebellion, and ex-Imperial shock trooper. There's potential for him also to get caught up in shenanigans, there.

Loki has lingered on Jovan Station long enough. And bounty hunting with Fook might have scratched an itch for combat, but what he really needs is a cause, and a war to fight. He'll be on Corellia, too.

In terms of major narrative beats, however, I'm afraid my knowledge is a little thin.

Jeryd Redsun
Jun 18th, 2019, 10:56:32 AM
Has there been talk of an Imperial Knight presence on Corellia? I can't recall, but it seems like an ripe opportunity for a good story or two. Knights sent to flush out the terrorist scum? If anything like that goes ahead, I'd also like to sign Jeryd up for involvement in that. I've always been a fan of throwing my characters into a microcosm of the larger story, and Corellia could be just what I need.

Miranda Tarkin
Jun 18th, 2019, 11:04:37 AM
Perhaps the uppity ups and I need to chat about you naughty children

Zereth Lancer
Jun 18th, 2019, 11:07:23 AM
Alexia has been on Corellia since day one of the rebellion. She's been doing her best to root out the rebellion but has gotten very sidetracked trying to put down the sith cult that's running amok in the streets. She's also tutoring Knight Cadet Palinsa.

Alexander Bane is the head of a Sith Cult composed mostly of crazies and very few actual force sensitives. Mostly he's just sewing chaos and being as much of a nuisance as he can. The civil war has brought the cult out of hiding and now they are exploiting the situation for everything they can.

Judas Voss is a slicer that specializes in pirate radio type comms and is running the rebellions communication network.

Shawkyrr Nerrani is a local who's joined the rebellion along with her adopted sister, Jaayza. She an explosives "expert" that often runs in a small unit to conduct sabotage work. Usually by using her small size to crawl in places to plant bombs.

Kyle Krogen is a disenfranchised Jedi that didn't like that the Jedi Order wouldn't get involved and went himself to go fight the good fight. He's using Noble intentions to hide the fact that he just wants to butcher Imperials for revenge. He's on a dark oath. He's relatively new to the scene compared to the others.

Byl Laprovik
Jun 18th, 2019, 12:49:11 PM
A certain Alliance Intel Officer and his known accomplice may soon be quitting and taking a sabbatical on Corellia

Matatek Sel Vissica
Jun 18th, 2019, 12:50:45 PM
As the only Knight from Selonia, expect to see Vissica here often. She’s previously been involved there, but has been occasionally pulled away for other duties

Zereth Lancer
Jun 18th, 2019, 03:08:10 PM
I forgot to mention that Kyle is also a sleeper agent created during his many years of captivity at the hands of Karl Valten. A high ranking Imperial with access to old Inquisition records could stumble upon this fact and use the keywords (winter soldier style) to activate Kyle and turn him against the Rebellion.

Jun 18th, 2019, 03:57:56 PM
Earlier in Discord, we were discussing a sort of creative catalyst we could use to reignite the resistance narrative. In the same way, the downing of the Star Destroyer served as the event that kicked the whole thing into gear, we were considering an incident that would send shockwaves across the planet and, potentially, beyond. Something to stimulate creativity and serve as an opportunity for people to dive into something fresh.

Jenny suggested a bombing, which felt in keeping with the scrappy guerilla IRA kind of vibe we're going for. I like this idea a lot, but the question is: who or what would be the target? For me, who presents us with an opportunity to really shake up the status quo: what if some sort of Imperial figurehead was taken out by the bombing? An attack like that would force the Empire to rethink its approach to the Corellia situation, potentially bringing in reinforcements to deal with the rising threat. Meanwhile, the resistance fighters would be galvanised by their success, drawing more to their cause, but at the same time emboldening those already within its ranks, perhaps leading to more attacks of a more ruthless indiscriminate nature.

What do we think? Is bombing the way to go? Do we want the target to be a person, or a place? Is it a strategic target, to cripple Imperial supplies, for example, or a symbolic one? Striking out at a seat of power, to show that no place is safe from the resistance?

Taataani Meorrrei
Jun 18th, 2019, 07:55:59 PM
Bombing feels close-ish to the Star destroyer thing. Kidnapping and a threat of violence feels like another interesting escalation

Lilaena De'Ville
Jun 18th, 2019, 08:50:44 PM
I think small scale bombings are a great idea. A rebellion isn’t going to latch onto a single kidnapping as a focal point IMO, and carefully planned explosions for maximum disruption and no loss of life (or very little) is very different from downing the ISD.

edit: NOT the ISS :P

Jun 18th, 2019, 08:54:34 PM
I think small scale bombings are a great idea. A rebellion isn’t going to latch onto a single kidnapping as a focal point IMO, and carefully planned explosions for maximum disruption and no loss of life (or very little) is very different from downing the ISD.

edit: NOT the ISS :P

Don't listen to Holly. She's just got a bombing fetish.

Pierce Tondry
Jun 18th, 2019, 10:26:40 PM
Pierce and Karin are both on planet. Karin was meant to be the Alliance liaison to the guerilla units and Pierce was her out-of-sight bodyguard. I'm pretty sure I have a couple of unfinished RPs set there that I'd like to come back to in the near future.

Jun 19th, 2019, 08:53:02 AM
Bombing feels close-ish to the Star destroyer thing. Kidnapping and a threat of violence feels like another interesting escalation

My gut instinct for this would be to lean towards damanding a prisoner exchange for the hostages. If we presume the Empire caught some prominent resistance fighters, of some importance I expect, then the Resistance might take hostages to force their hand.

However... this is the Empire we're talking about: would they really negotiate with anyone holding hostages? I would've thought those in the Resistance would know well enough what kind of enemy they were up against, and it feels a bit like taking hostages would be somewhat futile? I could, however, see it being a power play against the Alliance in the future, if they ever made a move against the Resistance's more radical elements.

Edit: Unless the Resistance gets their hands on someone who has information they want, and then it becomes a race against time to rescue the person before they break them? But I'm just throwing ideas at a wall here to see what sticks.

Lilaena De'Ville
Jun 19th, 2019, 11:12:30 AM
Kal Olorin - taking over overseeing The Eldest Brother in Kor Vella, Corellia (supplying weapons and supplies to the resistance, for a price)

James Prent - arriving at Tyrena soon

Arya and Jaas - smuggling stuff (please hire us!)

Kal Olorin
Jun 19th, 2019, 11:19:13 AM
I’m taking auditions for a hot and extremely competent assistant, btw. ;)

Rathalesh Sheegoth
Jun 19th, 2019, 12:20:52 PM
Sheegoth can employ Arya and Jaas. There's plenty of money to be made smuggling anything through the blockade.

Kalail Rotas
Jun 19th, 2019, 01:59:11 PM
I’m taking auditions for a hot and extremely competent assistant, btw. ;)

Or I could just help you supy.the books of weapons as a fellow Vigo

Jun 19th, 2019, 05:31:14 PM
Additional thoughts regarding bombings and abductions:

What if the bombings were a distraction? A well-organised distraction impacting targets significant enough to draw the Empire's and CorSec's gazes away from a person of some importance. While authorities are dealing with the fallout from the bombings, this individual is abducted by Resistance agents.

In Discord, I suggested a scientist, perhaps. Someone who has worked on the Starkiller project and who may well have information regarding the whereabouts of one. Or information on how to construct one. This could ramp up the stakes, the Empire keeps the abduction a classified secret, while both Imperial and Alliance operatives scramble to discern the location of the missing scientist before a Starkiller missile finds its way into the hands of terrorists. Failure to do so could have catastrophic consequences, not least of all to the fragile peace that currently exists between the Empire and the Alliance.

This way, we have options to explore on both fronts.

Is a scientist the right way to go with this? Any other suggestions? I figure it has to be someone who has information, otherwise the Empire wouldn't give a shit and would rather suffer a small loss than deal with terrorists.

Cad Bakvalen
Jun 22nd, 2019, 08:23:01 AM
On the Imperial side of things, in terms of who is already there, I'm currently in the process of trying to get an Intelligence agent recruited into the Resistance: https://theholo.net/forum/showthread.php?56942-Eyes-Above

Callum Orden
Jun 22nd, 2019, 08:30:38 AM
Hey look, I finally get to bring this guy out of the box of toys!

CorSec detective here, definitely part of the Resistance in "secret". Super "Corellia for Corellians" mentality.
His younger sister and her husband (who was Coronet's District Attorney) died in the downing of the ISD.

(Probably knows/works with Roz?)

Iyar Thiled
Jun 22nd, 2019, 08:32:06 AM
Also I plan on throwing Jamo's sidekick into the mix. Because of course I do. :D

Jamo Jakatta
Jun 22nd, 2019, 08:42:20 AM
Also I plan on throwing Jamo's sidekick into the mix. Because of course I do. :D

Hey, you :3:

Talus Longstar
Jun 22nd, 2019, 08:43:58 AM
Hey look, I finally get to bring this guy out of the box of toys!

CorSec detective here, definitely part of the Resistance in "secret". Super "Corellia for Corellians" mentality.
His younger sister and her husband (who was Coronet's District Attorney) died in the downing of the ISD.

(Probably knows/works with Roz?)

There's a good chance we used to work together, then

Dangereuse Von Balis
Jun 22nd, 2019, 09:02:08 AM
Former Imperial soldier turned small-time crook and believer in a free, independent Corellia, here. Wouldn't mind doing a bit of business with the Resistance.

^ if I don't kill him first.

Just visiting. ;)

Adalinde Lovelace
Jun 22nd, 2019, 09:03:26 AM
On the Imperial side of things, in terms of who is already there, I'm currently in the process of trying to get an Intelligence agent recruited into the Resistance: https://theholo.net/forum/showthread.php?56942-Eyes-Above

I will like it noted that this was not my idea. Also, just visiting.

Jun 22nd, 2019, 05:20:44 PM
The bombings will be kicking off in this thread (https://theholo.net/forum/showthread.php?57951-The-Sound-of-Thunder) very soon. And to clarify what's going on so far: I'm creating 4 different scenarios featuring 4 of my own characters, each will be affected by the bombings in different ways, and I'll be quite content to allow their stories to meander on from there, or branch off into their own separate threads.

If you have an idea for a character of your own, in a different location, under different circumstances, then go for it. If you want to jump into one of the scenarios I'm setting up, feel free. If you want to create your own separate bombing thread, then have fun! If you want to have absolutely nothing to do with this nonsense whatsoever, then that's cool, too. And if you do have any questions about this, then ask away.