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Cordelia Morgance
Mar 4th, 2019, 11:17:30 PM
"Come on.. why would you want to live in a tree all day anyway? You're a frog. You should be in water."
The colorful little frog simply croaked at her blinking big red eyes, then moved further up the tree, obviously not of the terrestrial variety.
Cordelia pulled her silver-blond hair back into a tail, and kept walking. She'd been moving away from the Jedi compound in what she hoped was the general direction of the Great Library. She had no intention of going inside without her master, but she wouldn't mind scouting it out first, while Satkia continued her discussion with the other Jedi.
The Jedi Master trusted her student to take care of herself, and return in one piece. Until then, Cordelia was in search of someplace either to cool off, or just explore while she waited. Spotting the frog, she had thought maybe she was on the right path to a nice lake maybe, but wrong kind of crawly apparently.
Lightsaber at her side, the young Jedi Knight continued on her path of exploration. So long as she did not encounter anymore lightsaber wielding crazed rodents, it would be a good day.
Mar 5th, 2019, 01:54:47 PM
Frogs were not the only peculiar thing in the trees that afternoon. As Cordelia continued her trek into the dense forests of Ossus, her progress caught the attention of something, or rather someone, else. A figure dropped out of a tree behind the Jedi Knight, landing with practiced grace. He wore a rough looking mixture of wool, linen and animal skins, and his face was covered by a carved wooden mask (, alien and almost insectoid in it’s design.
He called out to her.
Cordelia Morgance
Mar 5th, 2019, 11:53:09 PM
Cordelia stopped in her tracks, breathing for just a second. She really, really hoped this was not about to go sideways. They had only just got here, and her ribs were still pink with scratch marks from the she-rat. Trusting was not Cordelia's strong suit, and after their trip to Felucia she was even more on guard.
As peacefully as she could manage, the Jedi Knight turned to the apparent native of Ossus. She canted her head to the side, curiously. Masks huh? Cordelia could appreciate that, she was not usually one to speak with strangers, letting her master do the talking in most cases. But this seemed like a good time to break with tradition, she didn't want to make a bad impression for the other Jedi. Just because she was awkward did not mean they all were!
"Umm.. greetings?"
Mar 7th, 2019, 10:28:49 AM
Pacing forward a few steps, the figure's masked face tilted inquisitively up and down, looking over Cordelia from head to toe and back again.
“Are you a Jedi?”
Cordelia Morgance
Mar 7th, 2019, 07:48:18 PM
Cordelia was not sure she appreciated being scanned up and down by the person wearing a mask, seemed a bit unfair. She maintained her patience, after all she was plenty unique in her own ways. One thing travelling with Master Satkia had shown her was that there were all kinds... All kinds, and most of them were pretty alright, once you took the time to understand, and see it from their perspective.
Maybe she'd get a mask of her own and scare the crap of of her master later..
It was a tricky thing he asked her.. They did not make it a habit to announce what they were, not since Cordelia had first become a padawan, and before that. Being a Jedi was not a safe life. It was a target painted on you, and the weight of responsibility taking the option of inaction from you. She was aware though, that the local tribe was aware of them, and she did not sense any danger as she had on Felucia.
"I am.. Jedi Knight Morgance.", she said finally. "You are of the Ysanna, right?"
Mar 8th, 2019, 11:00:19 AM
“Morgance,” he said, as though testing how the word sounded. "Seems like a good name!"
He lifted his mask by the chin, sliding it up to rest on top of his head. Underneath the mask, he did not look so different to Cordelia: near-human, with pale skinned touched a little by the sun and cropped blonde hair.
“I’m Jarvi. You know, you’re standing on my peoples land.”
Cordelia Morgance
Mar 9th, 2019, 03:18:26 PM
"Thanks..", she said, having always appreciated it herself.
Once he lifted his mask, Cordelia relaxed marginally. He was far less intimidating without it. Seemed like he was around her age, or thereabouts. The likelihood that she was about to be attacked had just dropped dramatically.
"Oh, right.. I was just...", she started to explain but stopped, it was probably beside the point what she had been doing if she was intruding.
"Would you like me to leave?"
Mar 9th, 2019, 03:26:46 PM
“No, but I’m going to have to walk with you while you’re on it.”
More and more Jedi were finding their way onto Ysanna land, lately. Jarvi had seen a number of them from a distance and though he had never spoken to them, he had observed that in spite of their differences, they often had a shared goal.
“Are you going to the Great Library?”
Cordelia Morgance
Mar 9th, 2019, 03:45:05 PM
"That's fine..", Cordelia made no argument. It was their land after all, and she was trespassing.
"I had been thinking about it, yes. Can you show me the way?"
She probably could have found it on her own, but having a guide who knew the way was by far the better option.
Mar 10th, 2019, 07:40:00 AM
“I know the way.”
Technically, he was supposed to be on patrol at the edge of the Karhu territories, where their land met what was now occupied by the Jedi. It had been a quiet patrol so far, however, and Jarvi felt certain that the elders of the tribe would prefer him to keep a watchful eye on this particular Jedi, instead of letting her wander around their land alone.
“It’s about a half days hike. Shorter if we ride.”
Cordelia Morgance
Mar 10th, 2019, 09:01:16 AM
"Great, happy to hear that."
Cordelia felt sure she knew what her master would say. More important than discovering the library, or a random swimming spot, was the potential to make a positive connection with the Ysanna tribe. Cordelia was a bit awkward, but she was brave, and kind, if she were to say so herself. She would make Satkia proud.
"Wait... ride what now?"
Mar 10th, 2019, 12:54:11 PM
Jarvi had already started walking, assuming that the Jedi would follow. He looked back, at the sound of her question, his face wrinkled as if she had asked what colour the sky was.
"Kirruk? What else."
With the Ysanna ahead of her, Cordelia could see that he had some kind of weapon strapped over his back.
"If you can't ride, you can come on the back of my mount. He's big enough for two."
Cordelia Morgance
Mar 11th, 2019, 12:29:30 PM
The look Jarvi gave Cordelia implied that he thought she had less sense than the frog she'd been speaking to. "Sorry, first time on Ossus. I just got here."
Following along behind him, Cordelia tilted her head to the side, sending her braids swinging trying to get a better look at what kind of weapon he carried.
"I've never heard of a Kirruk." , she admitted, hoping it was some kind of swoop, how badass! Wait.. "He?"
Mar 11th, 2019, 01:18:57 PM
“Come, I’ll show you.”
With a better angle to see the weapon, it appeared Jarvi was carrying something halfway between a bow and a gun. Strapped to the stock and around his waist were little arrows, that looked about large enough to fit into the bow’s barrel.
Wading through the undergrowth, Jarvi soon lead the way to a small clearing - where a huge creature ( appeared to be engrossed in tearing some food apart. From behind, it appeared to be some kind of armoured lizard on two legs, at least a few feet taller than Jarvi, with a lethal looking tail and curled horns.
Jarvi held up a hand for Cordelia to be still and then, grinning to himself, he crept forward. Closer and closer to the unaware animal until… he yelled at the top of his voice. The huge beast whirled around with a roar, it’s massive clawed hands raised as if ready to strike. Jarvi jumped backwards with a bark of laughter -
“I got you!”
- and the flash of feral anger in the creature’s eyes vanished. Now that it was facing the two of them, it was clear that the big beast was tied to a nearby tree, with a rope that it could almost certainly tear through with it's claws.
Jarvi beamed at Cordelia. “This is my kirruk, Littlefoot. He hasn’t learned how to eat and listen for predators at the same time, have you, Littlefoot?”
Cordelia Morgance
Mar 17th, 2019, 02:50:45 PM
Crouched in the undergrowth, Cordelia quietly brushed aside a thorny vine as she watched Jarvi approach the beast. She was not exactly a fresh tadpole, she knew that each world was different, their fauna would be as well, and she had seen many different beasts be domesticated into mounts.. but still, the thing looked capable of tearing their heads off.
Whatever aggression it had been about to loose, it calmed when it saw who had disturbed it, clearly recognizing Jarvi. Cordelia shook her head, but she did smile at the display, creeping out to get a better look. This was going to be the hard part. As a person with mixed species herself, her scent had been known to incite responses from creatures that did not know her.
"He's... cool.", Cordelia spoke softly.
While she approached, the Jedi kept herself centered. Surrounding her thoughts with calm, and peace. Easy there, Littlefoot. I don't bite you, you don't tear my head off. Deal?
Her thoughts drifted like an unobtrusive breeze toward the kirruk, showing it she meant him, and his master, no harm.
Mar 18th, 2019, 02:41:51 AM
The huge kirruk’s nostrils flared as it sniffed the air. As Jarvi went to loosen the rope that held the beast in place, it pulled towards Cordelia - and Jarvi was pulled along with it.
“He smells you’re not from here,” Jarvi said, giving a tug on the rope as the kirruk pushed its snout inquisitively towards Cordelia. While the big beast was occupied, Jarvi planted one foot against its side and swung himself up onto Littlefoot’s armoured back.
With the rope still in one hand, Jarvi held out the other to the Jedi.
Cordelia Morgance
Mar 23rd, 2019, 08:13:33 PM
"Yeah, I get that a lot." Not from here. That was just it. She was from nowhere. Littlefoot did seem interested in Cordelia's scent, but not in any way that implied aggression so far. It probably would have happened by now.. Probably.
Looking up at her escort while on Ysanna lands, Cordelia nodded in understanding. Grabbing Jarvi's hand, she repeated what he had done climbing the kirruk, and let him pull her up behind him atop his mount. She would admit to being slightly uncomfortable, but only slightly. It was a new experience, and she really did need to get out more.
They both did, she.. and her master.
Mar 26th, 2019, 03:16:06 PM
“Hold onto me,” Jarvi said, patting himself on the side, to show Cordelia where to put her hands. The reason for that suggestion becoming apparent as he nudged Littlefoot in the side and the big beast whirled around, making a 180-degree turn. Jarvi gave another nudge, the kirruk began to march through the forest. Littlefoot swiped aside all manner flora, stomping on the undergrowth. Without a saddle, he wasn’t exactly the most comfortable of mounts, though Jarvi seemed to be used to it.
After they’d walked in silence for a short while, he asked: “So, what do you hope to find in the library?”
Cordelia Morgance
Mar 27th, 2019, 11:32:22 AM
Coredlia eyed the Ysanna suspiciously for a moment. She did not know him, but she had known other boys. If this was some kind of way for him to get her to put her hands.... The kirruk moved, swinging Cordelia hard to one side suddenly, necessitating her immediate grab for Jarvi, exactly where he had told her to. She shut her skeptical thoughts down pretty quickly after that, instead focusing on how to sit the beast like she knew what she was doing.
"Me? Nothing, I guess. I just wanted to know where it was, just in case my master decided we should check it out while we're still here. Seems like it should be on the itinerary during our visit to Ossus."
Mar 30th, 2019, 03:53:22 PM
Littlefoot seemed to know the way with a great deal of direction from Jarvi, aside from a nudge to the side when the big kirruk was about to become distracted by something small and potentially edible rustling about in the undergrowth.
“You are not staying on Ossus? I thought all Jedi wanted to be here.”
Cordelia Morgance
Mar 31st, 2019, 10:18:13 AM
Feeling slightly more comfortable with the stride of the kirruk, Cordelia relaxed marginally behind Jarvi, but continued to hold on to him. She let go as they passed beneath low hanging branches, lifting them up and away from them when she could, and ducking beneath them when she could not.
"I don't really know what the rest of them want.", Cordelia admitted. "I think.. maybe they just needed to find a place to put themselves back together."
"No..", she said, already knowing the answer without having to speak to her master about it. "We're not staying."
They could serve the galaxy best by continuing on as they had been, and by returning to serve with the rest of the Jedi if they were called to do so.
Apr 3rd, 2019, 01:39:58 PM
It occured to Jarvi, for the first time, that he didn’t really know any of the Jedi. They were a people he had observed a little from afar, as a group. LIke most of his tribe, he had assumed that they were a constant community, putting down firm roots on Ossus, but perhaps they were coming and going all the time.
“After I take you to the library, will you show me your ship?”
Cordelia Morgance
Apr 5th, 2019, 02:31:45 PM
Always a catch.
Behind the native, Cordelia smirked. It seemed a fair compromise. An escort to the Jedi Library, and a general idea of how to return should her master desire to. Also, should the Ysanna allow them to come this way again. There was no guarantee, she supposed. In exchange, she took Jarvi for a look at her master's star yacht. How much trouble could that get her in really? It was an acceptable risk.
"I guess that will be alright, sure."
Apr 18th, 2019, 06:07:54 AM
Jarvi smiled to himself, satisfied with the easily made bargain.
At one moment, they were wading through the trees and at the next, the dense forest gave way to a clearing. There before them stood the Great Jedi Library, or at least what remained of it. A vast structure of ornate stonework, it was shattered and broken in places but no less majestic for it’s flaws. It had been thousands of years since the library had last been intact, but it’s ruinous state did little to detract from how impressive it was.
It was almost impossible to imagine how such a towering structure could appear so suddenly, and yet it had, concealed from view up to that point by the dense canopy above. Jarvi swung himself down from Littlefoot’s back.
“Well,” he said, as Cordelia climbed down too. As she walked ahead a little, he looped the rope tether around the kirruk’s neck to a nearby branch.
“What do you think?”
Cordelia Morgance
Apr 28th, 2019, 08:41:36 AM
"Umm, yeah. Wow.."
Cordelia wasn't sure what she had expected. She had even seen some images of the Jedi Library before, but seeing it up close and personal made it that much bigger. She had intended to note the location and then return to her master, but it was awfully tempting, already being here..
"It's impressive. Have you ever been inside?"
Turning back to Jarvi, Cordelia weighed the risks versus rewards of going in, without Satkia.
Apr 29th, 2019, 11:07:33 AM
“Of course.”
Leaving the kirruk behind, Jarvi paced until he stood alongside Cordelia. He stared a moment longer at the library itself, before his gaze drifted back to the Jedi at his side.
“It’s my people's duty to protect what’s inside.”
Cordelia Morgance
May 5th, 2019, 09:28:51 PM
Feeling the gaze on her, Cordelia looked to her side to Jarvi.
"Right." She had heard something about that.
It was possible that Satkia might not want to come to see the Great Jedi Library at all. In the time before they had known each other Satkia had been the student, and the late Master Natalia Sal-Koron the wise master. It was possible they had come together even. Or that Cordelia's master had made the trip on her own at some point, like a pilgrimage.
She tried for a moment to imagine her future self as the wise Jedi Master... Yeah, not yet.
Smirking now, Cordelia had made up her mind. "Would you care to take me inside?", she asked hopefully.
It might be her one and only chance, if they were not staying for long.
May 6th, 2019, 05:54:05 AM
Every time Jarvi had set foot inside the hallowed halls of the Library, it had been in the company of other Ysanna. As he looked up at the shape of it now, he knew there would already be members of his tribe inside, keeping vigil over the remains, yet the prospect of entering alone - admittedly with a Jedi beside him - made Jarvi feel… uncertain.
In spite of that flicker of doubt, Jarvi turned a grin toward Cordelia.
“If you like… though you should know, it would take days to explore the whole library.”
There were sections that Jarvi had never seen, and never expected to see. The full extent of the library was known only to some of the oldest of the Ysanna.
An idea occurred to Jarvi. Why shouldn’t he know more of the place, of the secrets it held? Perhaps in doing so, he could learn more about the Jedi….
“We have camps inside. You could stay with me there, if you wanted to see everything.”
Cordelia Morgance
May 11th, 2019, 05:00:33 PM
Something about taking her inside.
Cordelia had been traveling with the Jedi, and learning from them, for the last seven years. She knew conflicting emotions when they were left unguarded. There was a trace of doubt in Jarvi maybe? Perhaps what she asked was not as easy as it seemed. Maybe the smart thing to do was head back.
Just like that thought, the indecision seemed to have passed and he was agreeing to take her inside the Great Jedi Library.
"I am not sure that I have days..", Cordelia admitted.
She had planned to be back by tonight, but.. Master Beltrak knew where she had been heading. If she was required back before then, Cordelia felt sure that the Jedi Master would roar up on her swoop in a cloud of dust and say so.
"But.. maybe overnight?"
May 12th, 2019, 09:59:56 AM
“Wait here,” Jarvi called back to Littlefoot, before he motioned for Cordelia to walk with him.
Though they were still a way from the library, Jarvi’s mind had leapt ahead. He thought of the possibility of crossing paths with the other Ysanna, and explaining to them that he had brought a Jedi into the library. This wasn’t what the tribe had committed itself to. They were supposed to guard and protect the library, not escort people around it. Well, no one had ever explicitly said he shouldn’t escort people around it. That was basically the same as saying he could, right?
“If you tell me what you want to learn about, I’m sure I can take you to the right section tonight.”
Cordelia Morgance
May 12th, 2019, 10:40:51 AM
Cordelia walked with Jarvi as he lead her toward the library. She still got the impression he was not so sure this was a good idea anymore than she was. Riding a swoop at max speed, flying around other swoops, potentially crashing in an explosion of fire and instant death was not a good idea and yet both she and her master made it a point to do so on any world that had a track.. She could handle a library.
The Jedi Knight thought about the library and what she might discover inside but only one thing kept coming to her mind. A conversation ( she had had with a blind padawan called Serah. Maybe she could find something to help her, when she did eventually make it to Rishi to search for her sister.
"How about maps and charts? I have.. a friend.. who would like to know more about the planet Rishi."
Oct 14th, 2019, 01:13:40 PM
“Maps and charts,” Jarvi echoed her words, a hint of uncertainty or perhaps surprise in his voice. Maps and charts were well and good, but they weren’t where the true value of the Great Library could be found, were they? Unless they were maps that lead to some sort of boon or treasure.
“Have you been other Jedi…” he seemed to be struggling for the right word, brow furrowed, “Monuments… like this?”
As they waded through the tall grass, the dirt beneath their feet began to give way to paving stones, half-hidden beneath the abundant flora. They were following a path now, one that was well-worn from the footsteps of many pilgrims before them.
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