View Full Version : Back in MY day...

Loklorien s'Ilancy
Sep 30th, 2018, 03:08:40 PM
This bit of silliness came up in the Slack channel, and I thought it'd be fun to poke at our old selves and look back on our cringe worthy days with a healthy dose of humor. Silly things we did, goofy writing habits, all of it. This isn't a shaming session, this is something to seriously just have a good laugh at ourselves over, and it's a good possibility that someone will remember something hilarious that the others had forgotten about.

To start us off, I'll go first.

I turned s'Il into a cannibal in the months leading up to the reset. It was really bad. Really, really bad. It was a stupid idea and the few things I did with her during that point were... ugh.
But even before then, when I first showed up, I was super obnoxious and even had s'Il fly her little ship up to throw bows with a Cizerack Trade Navy galleon.
I was pretty damn soap-opera-y. Still am, but not as bad; I hope.

Things I remember:

Xazor always had coins in her hair. I always wondered how they were attached so that they jingled and jangled like how she wrote them doing.
Alpha, I think, constantly switched sides so that he was a Jedi one day, a Sith the next, and by the end of the week practically he was a Jedi again.

So, what do you guys remember?

Sep 30th, 2018, 07:36:08 PM
Dumb crap I did, lets see:

Brought waaaaay too much Dragonball Z into Star Wars
Flip-flopped a character from Jedi to Sith and back
Created a character solely to to take the piss out of another character, then had them brutally killed and eaten for no reason
Put nanorobots in peoples drinks because I'm a dick

Morgan Evanar
Oct 3rd, 2018, 08:10:25 PM
I did flip flop a Jedi once. I'm sure I did some other incredibly dumb crap.

Loklorien s'Ilancy
Oct 3rd, 2018, 11:09:21 PM
I remember When Morgan picked up both s'Il and Arya by their ankles at the old B&G, and held them aloft. The mental image of that still makes me giggle.

Zereth Lancer
Oct 4th, 2018, 11:41:59 AM
I haven't done a flip flop Jedi. Clearly I'm missing out.

What I remember most from the old days is...

Naming lightsabres
OOC Force Weapon fights
Everyone and their mom showing up in every Yog's thread
Radioactive Cockroach!
Jedi Toilet Duck
Terry Pratchett inspired characters, mannerisms, and writing style
Body armor with "micro servos" that allowed for incredible strength lifting/crushing
Underage characters getting Cola at Yog's
Everyone had katanas.
I think I remember there being a lot of wrist mounted lightsabres, especially among darksiders.

Now to air my sins.

I know for a fact that I was incredibly annoying rolling in as a fourteen year old. I've looked through my old threads. I was starting new OOC threads every other day with titles like "i'm bored."
I bugged somebody, probably Charley, to invent a Cizerack name for me. This is how Jaas got his name.
Zereth was a literal ninja for most of his lifetime; katana, throwing stars, smoke bombs, then works; and a backstory that changed with the wind.
I created numerous accounts (Zanon, Kane, Luna, Alex, Neo) purely as support characters for Zereth's many backstory changes to the point that I was almost entirely writing with myself.
At the height of my Pratchett obsession I wanted a Sam Vimes inspired character (on a different SW Board) but was struggling with a name so I stole Charley's Zem Vymes like a stupid teenager. I received a much deserved temp ban when it came to light.
I quit the board on several occasions only to come back like a month later.
I would often post as the wrong account (usually Kyle and Zereth) and instead of having the post deleted I would force the character into the thread, which often resulted in a lot of really bad threads.

Park Kraken
Nov 8th, 2018, 09:24:57 PM
Hard to think of unique sins for myself, I remember doing pretty run-of-the-mill stuff as far as sins go.

Now as for memories, I don't have as many unique ones as I do with TRF, but I do remember some general things.

Loklorien s'Ilancy
Nov 19th, 2018, 02:01:07 PM
Let's not forget that in our youth, we all seemed to think that ordering full glasses of nothing but vodka neats or whiskey neats was what happened at bars, lol

Morgan Evanar
Jan 23rd, 2019, 09:28:02 PM
I have ordered whiskey neat at a bar, though.

I'm not sure what this says about me.

Ilias Nytrau
Jan 24th, 2019, 12:50:36 PM
Not only katanas, but being 8ft+ and having oversized katanas. So anime.