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T'yeellaa Meorrrei
Jan 5th, 2018, 11:32:31 PM
Part of the burden of leadership went beyond the tasks of command. You didn't clock out from that responsibility. You carried it with you off duty as well. That went double on a posting as big as Jovan Station, itself a self-contained community in space. On duty, T'yeellaa was K'ohta'rrou Meorrrei, executive officer to Commander Akiena. Off duty? The respect followed, as did the responsibilities. You were expected to participate in the community, to lead by example and be visible in doing so.
That's why when one of your junior officers held a wedding on the station and invited you, you attended.
As the sun priestess finished the nuptial liturgies in Cizeri, she lifted the saffron-tinted body veil from Su'taun'rrou Miiarra Kaaiarroya's newly-betrothed. The fifty-or-so gathered in attendance held their applause as Miiarra finally clasped her kaa'rri around her handsome groom's neck. Then, applause filled the conference room.
T'yeellaa readily clapped in approval, glancing to her right to see if Kes had gotten bored from standing through thirty minutes of liturgy he didn't understand.
"Sstjill wjith me, Commanderr?"
The Priestess let the applause ebb momentarily, then spoke again. T'yeellaa translated for one of the few non-Cizeri in the room.
"The Prrjiesstess jiss gjivjing a thjirrtjy mjinute rrecesss to grreet the couple beforre rreceptjion sstarrtss."
Kes Akiena
Jan 6th, 2018, 02:18:08 PM
His dress uniform was spotless and crisp. His boots had been polished. His posture was straight and respectful. His hands clasped before him in politeness, and on his face was a thin, barely-seen smile. Throughout the ceremony he had stood as such, not really understanding the words spoken, but the intent they conveyed was one that was easy to grasp. He'd been to enough weddings to know how the tone was meant to be, and in a way the Cizerack were no different. The outer dressing was not the same of course, but what was underneath was much the same all across the galaxy. It was... an enjoyable thing to see, when two individuals made the decision to spend the rest of their lives together.
Oh, he was quite aware that Cizeri women often took more than one husband, but the sentiment still applied, he felt.
As T'yeellaa provided a translation to the Priestess' words, the redhead gave a sideways look to his second-in-command.
In a voice equally as quiet as hers, he asked a very important question.
"Will there be chairs to sit in at the reception?"
T'yeellaa Meorrrei
Jan 6th, 2018, 07:36:04 PM
She should have been ready for that question. Still, the sheer human innocence of it startled her, and T'yeellaa grimaced at it. Diplomatically, she probed at an answer.
"jI...thjink we sshould prrobabljy excusse ourrsselvess beforre the rreceptjion sstarrtss."
Poor Kes Akiena. Poor T'yeellaa, for that matter. Cizeri wedding receptions might even be beyond her now. What a strange thought.
"We sshould pajy ourr well wjisshess to the couple. Come on."
Her mind was still on other things. Would Samus ever want to... She hardly thought he would.
Kes Akiena
Jan 7th, 2018, 09:44:08 AM
There was an expression that fell over his face. Something of unsurprised resignation. Of course it stood to reason that a Cizerack reception would be something he might not need to attend for who knew what reason... except, he had a sudden realization of what that reason was.
"Seems prudent," he nodded.
Gesturing for T'yeellaa to lead the way, the redhead rolled his shoulders as his stance shifted, loosening up his stiff posture as he did his best to expand the confining interior of his dress boots.
Despite all of that, his smile returned with ease.
"Ladies first, K'ohta'rrou."
T'yeellaa Meorrrei
Jan 7th, 2018, 11:01:33 AM
Her smile returned, and T'yeellaa waggled a contrary finger at her commanding officer.
"Ah, ah. Not todajy. The men go fjirrsst."
She gestured to the lines that were quickly separating by the sexes. With a cheeky grin, she leaned in to whisper.
"The trradjitjion goess, jyou wjissh the couple well, then do jyourr besst to charrm awajy the brrjide frrom herr chojice one lasst tjime."
The K'ohta'rrou gave the commander an appraising look.
"Who knows? jYou mjight get lucky."
Kes Akiena
Jan 7th, 2018, 11:09:58 AM
At that he couldn't help but chuckle as he deferred to the customs of the day.
"My years of 'getting lucky' at someone else's wedding are long gone," he grinned good-naturedly while stepping past her.
A parting pat to her shoulder, and Kes moved to stand gamely in the queu. Ahead of him were a fair offering of well-wishers, and all dressed in their best; hair perfect and eyes glinting in happiness. It felt good to move about again, and his limbs felt better now that they weren't so immobile.
T'yeellaa Meorrrei
Jan 7th, 2018, 11:34:54 AM
Miiarra's eyes brightened as Commander Akiena made the head of the line.
"Commanderr Akjiena!"
The normally plain-attired command staff clerk glittered today. Her hair sat coiffed atop her head in impossible arrangements of ringlets and flower petals. Large blue eyes were accentuated with impeccable makeup. Her ears raised, tinkling the array of glittering earrings dangling three in a row along each long ear. She took Kes's hands graciously as her betrothed, a man named Antuurru, gave Kes a smile and a deferential nod.
"jI'm sso glad jyou could come to ourr weddjing. Thank jyou!"
Miiarrra was airy and elated, with a big smile of white teeth that couldn't be mistaken for anything less than genuine.
"Miiarra ssajyss sso much about jyou, Commanderr. jI'm glad to meet jyou." Antuurru rested a hand on his shoulder, equally as genuine.
Kes Akiena
Jan 7th, 2018, 12:11:04 PM
His own smile grew, and Kes gave a respectful nod as his own arm snaked up and around Antuurru's own do deliver a heartfelt pat to his upper back. Antuurru was a strapping, strong man that commanded all around to take notice; it was easy to see why Miiarra had chosen him.
"It's always a wonderful thing to see two people find happiness together," he encouraged.
His off-hand went to Miiarra's shoulder in a firm, no-nonsense grip then as he turned his eyes to her. His smile remained through it all, a natural expression for him.
"Take an extra day to spend time with Antuurru, Miiarra. We'll survive well enough without you for that much. It's the least that I can offer the two of you."
T'yeellaa Meorrrei
Jan 7th, 2018, 12:46:35 PM
"Well...thank jyou ssjirr!"
Miiarra exchanged a quick glance and smile with Antuurru, and returned her attention to Kes. She smiled airily a second or two longer. Indeed, it seemed like everyone was now looking at Kes, T'yeellaa included. The K'ohta'rrou broke the silence with a mischievous grin.
"Assk herr to sspend the extrra dajy wjith jyou jinsstead!"
The comment elicited a few hoots and claps of approval. Even from the groom, who smiled and nodded along with the crowd.
Kes wasn't going to aw shucks his way out of this one.
Kes Akiena
Jan 7th, 2018, 01:18:45 PM
He wasn't really the blushing type, and now was certainly no exception. But still, the challenge had been pressed, and so in the interest of observing cultural norms, Kes grudgingly allowed himself the indulgence. After all, there was certainly no way that things of this nature could backfire... he desperately hoped, at least. His smile remained even as he disengaged from Antuurru and focused on Miiarra.
"Of course, I suppose that if you feel inclined when you return to duty, we could go over the intricacies of all the supply orders you missed; in triplicate if it comes to that."
Miiarra had always been a stickler for making sure that her orders and lists were in order and up to date, and her often lingering presence to ensure those things had not gone unnoticed. It was that knowledge that he pulled from now.
"Your attention to each detail hasn't gone unnoticed, and I'd welcome the chance to express my utmost thanks for your meticulous eye on behalf of the rest of the station."
T'yeellaa Meorrrei
Jan 7th, 2018, 04:56:32 PM
It was roundabout, but artful. Miiarra smiled sweetly, and demurred as expected.
"Thank jyou, Commanderr, but jI thjink jI won't be avajilable forr all thosse extrra hourrss togetherr."
The bride took Kes's hand, pressed the knuckles to her lips, and gently let him loose.
The next 'unsuccessful' suitor stepped up to try his hand, and Kes was off the hook. After a few minutes, the line snaked by, allowing the women their turn at well-wishing - and trying their hand at stealing away Antuurru. T'yeellaa gave it her best, gave the couple her best wishes, and was soon reunited with her commanding officer at the back of the room.
"Well," she spoke with a loop in her tail, "jI ssupposse that'ss ourr communjitjy sserrvjice forr the dajy. jI know jI'm takjing jyou awajy frrom djinnerr at the rreceptjion, but take mjy worrd forr that one. How about ssome place eassjierr? Mjy trreat."
Kes Akiena
Jan 7th, 2018, 08:46:36 PM
Her knowledge of his own culinary boundaries was one of the things that he greatly appreciated about his unofficial guide to Cizeri culture, and Kes gave T'yeellaa a grateful nod. He trusted her when it came to matters as this, and more often than not deferred to her instincts. But, she didn't need to pay for his meal.
"Dinner sounds wonderful, but don't think you have to cover my ticket."
One last look to the throng of well-wishers and the happy couple, and Kes finally let his eyes turn to his K'ohta'rrou with a smile.
"If anything, I think I'm the one that owes you a meal."
T'yeellaa Meorrrei
Jan 7th, 2018, 11:53:38 PM
"jYou'rre jusst djyjing to flex jyourr human chjivalrrjy todajy, arren't jyou?"
T'yeellaa's nose scrunched with a smile, and she held up both white-gloved hands in surrender.
"Okajy, jyourr trreat. jI wouldn't want to be a pauperr. A K'ohta'rrou'ss ssalarrjy onljy goess sso farr."
"Commanderr Akjiena."
A voice singled Kes out, and T'yeellaa followed the source. A woman stood ahead in a cowled robe. She quickly drew back her hood, revealing her face and the golden brooch that had been shaded beneath it.
T'yeellaa's eyes widened slightly. It was the sigil of the Royal House of Feessarro.
Kes Akiena
Jan 8th, 2018, 12:08:42 AM
He knew that sigil, and the weight it carried. His posture stiffened once more, hands coming together in a show of respect as he gave a bow to the woman that had called his name. A herald of the Feessarro line was not to be given anything less than the utmost of grace, and Jovan's commander was meticulous in his deliverance. But, at the same time to see such a woman at an event like this... it was far beyond unexpected.
For now, the dinner that he and T'yeellaa had planned to share would be pushed to the side.
"I am he."
T'yeellaa Meorrrei
Jan 8th, 2018, 12:22:29 AM
The courier simply drew into her robe and presented a vellum and gold leaf envelope to the Commander.
"Frrom the Emjisssarrjy to the Thrrone."
With that, the woman hooded herself once again, and slipped away in the crowd.
Behind Kes, T'yeellaa stood with brows raised.
"A Rrojyal courrjierr. Don't ssee that everrjydajy."
Kes Akiena
Jan 8th, 2018, 12:28:32 AM
"Well," came the bemused reply as he turned the envelope over in his hands," at least she didn't run up to me without warning."
And it was the truth; he'd had his fill of unexpected messages being delivered in just that fashion as of late. To have someone pass along a letter - a letter - in such a civilized manner was refreshing.
Both Commander and K'ohta'rrou extricated themselves from the festivities, stepping from the chapel hall with little to no fanfare to signal their departure. It was a quiet exit that was savored.
Still, he held the envelope, and as the two entered into the closest lift, the redhead looked to his second as a finger poised at the wax seal.
"Bets on the contents?"
T'yeellaa Meorrrei
Jan 8th, 2018, 12:37:44 AM
"Hell jif jI know."
T'yeellaa was devilishly curious. The last time the royal house was on Jovan, she honestly didn't think Kes had made that big of an impression one way or another.
"Onljy one perrsson jin thjiss ljift hass everr gotten a rrojyal mjisssjive beforre, and jI'm lookjing at hjim."
There was an awkward silence as the lift ascended. She gently rocked back and forth on her feet.
"jYou gonna open jit orr not?"
Kes Akiena
Jan 8th, 2018, 12:44:28 AM
It was a rare, candid moment between two friends. Well, he hoped that they were friends. Their initial introduction had been terribly rocky at best, but circumstances had thrust them together in a strange alliance that yielded ever-changing results, and Kes couldn't help the playful elbow that he gently sent into her side while pushing his finger through the wax. It came away with a satisfying snap, like breaking Ithorian butter crisps in half.
Without a word, he reached delicately inside to slide out a single piece of cardstock, making sure that it was presented in front of both their eyes.
T'yeellaa Meorrrei
Jan 9th, 2018, 12:42:59 AM
There was something about the details of it all. The very act of sending a courier with a physical missive, and one as gorgeous as this. Vellum envelope with wax seal showing the royal crest. Gold leaf. Ink. A handwritten message, carried a few light years by person, in an age of instantaneous HoloNet messaging. Of course, this shouldn't be shocking to T'yeellaa. This was the world she'd been born into. Still, she'd been away long enough to appreciate the absurdity.
Peering around Kes to read, she could see the cursive script was written in Basic, not Cizeri. That might have been obvious to a layman, but it shoud never be underestimated how haughty the Cizeri royal house could be. Even a personal missive to an alien might still be in the mother tongue, and they'd expect the lucky recipient to find a translator. Not this case.
Dear Commander Akiena,
I trust this letter finds you well. I regret that we only had so much time in our previous encounter with which to interact. Your tireless service as administrator of Jovan Station has not gone unnoticed on Carshoulis, and I wish to convey the satisfaction of the High Mother Kiiataarra Feessaarro to the dispensation of your duty. As members in good standing of the Alliance of Free planets, the Cizerack Pride takes its commitment to the goals of combined prosperity, trade, and defense of our neighbor star systems. I would like to discuss our continued good relationship in person, on the mother world. I cordially invite you to be my guest in a more informal setting. I trust this will meet with your satisfaction.
In great friendship,
Keerrourri Sarrtarroa
Emissary and First Consort to the Pride Mother
Kes Akiena
Jan 9th, 2018, 12:54:36 AM
Well then.
He read the letter three more times, just to be certain of what he was reading. Not exactly what he'd been expecting, Kes let out a puzzled 'hmph', as he looked up in thought, staring at the doors of the lift. Slowly, the letter was returned to the envelope, and he flipped the vellum closed without looking.
What was there to say, really? He half-turned, opening his mouth to speak, but was interrupted by the seemingly over-happy ding! of the lift as it slowed to a stop. The doors opened, revealing a gaggle of individuals impatiently waiting for the two passengers to file out so that they could rush in.
Leading the way through a sea of bodies, Kes looked to T'yeellaa.
"Fish bar sound good to you?"
T'yeellaa Meorrrei
Jan 10th, 2018, 01:12:01 AM
“jYeah. Ssurre.”
T’yeellaa was miles away. Kes could have said nearly anything, and she would have nodded along.
”jI djidn’t thjink jyou made that bjig of an jimprresssjion durrjing the rrojyal vjissjit.”
No, that wasn’t it. She shook her head.
”Actualljy, jI thought jit wass a djissassterr.”
She grimaced, then course corrected.
”Majybe djissassterr jiss too strrong a worrd. A gaffe?”
Kes Akiena
Jan 12th, 2018, 12:06:05 AM
He turned a slightly surprised look to her as they passed by a pair of Ishi Tib.
"Disaster? Gaffe?"
There was amusement slowly creeping up into his expression that did well to betray his feigned 'hurt'.
"I thought I handled that particular bit of pomp rather well."
But, she was correct all the same. He was still learning some of the more nuanced aspects of Cizeri culture, and the visit from the Pride Mother had been a hell of a crash course, complete with banging into sidewalls and spinouts. Thankfully the repulsor rings hadn't come off entirely, and he'd barely managed to crawl out with some dignity intact.
The hand holding his royal missive came up as he pressed it to his chest in a show of pride as he continued to tease.
"And obviously I wasn't the only one that thought that."
T'yeellaa Meorrrei
Jan 12th, 2018, 01:22:15 AM
Well, he had her there.
The blinking neon frontage of the fish bar lay ahead, and T'yeellaa couldn't help but wonder at the man who, in the shadow of a royal summons of all things, was content to nosh on casual street food. The distraction allowed her license to think, and the K'ohta'rrou turned back to Kes with skewed ears.
"jIt'ss a meetjing wjith the Emjisssarrjy, not the Hjigh Motherr. That could mean ssomethjing morre ssubsstantjive than a sstate vjissjit, orr jit could jinssulate jyou frrom the Hjigh Motherr to prrevent a mjissunderrsstandjing."
She frowned. Courtly intrigue gave her a headache. This sort of crap was always in the wings of possibility at home. House Meorrrei was wealthy and influential in the extreme, and her mother certainly had a relationship with the royal family, but she'd only met them at large functions with all the influential houses of the oligarchy.
Kes Akiena
Jan 16th, 2018, 12:31:19 AM
"Well," he led the way inside, nodding to the Cizerack attendant who gestured for them to take their pick of seating. Apparently it was a slow day today. Not that it bothered him, in fact he was rather glad that the clientele was on the lighter shade at the moment.
Kes moved to one side of the U-shaped bar, sliding himself up onto a stool before finally finishing his sentence.
"... I suppose a guy has to take what he can get. Not many people in my line of work get invites like this, I shouldn't suppose."
T'yeellaa Meorrrei
Jan 16th, 2018, 01:14:06 AM
"No thejy don't, and that'ss whatss sso peculjiarr."
T'yeellaa settled down to a seat, but not before unbuttoning her coat and passing it off to the attenant. She carefully slipped her white gloves off, and propped against the bar with her elbows.
"The Fjirrsst Conssorrt jissn't jusst the head of the Hjigh Motherr'ss housse. He norrmalljy meetss wjith headss of sstate. jI would have expected a chajirrwoman of the Rrojyal Cabjinet but thjiss jiss..."
At a loss for words, the K'ohta'rrou breathlessly exhaled as she looked to Akiena.
"...jit'ss unussual."
Kes Akiena
Jan 16th, 2018, 01:45:01 PM
Hands coming up, Kes unclasped the top two buttons of his dress jacket, letting out a sigh of relief at the feeling, and a moment later his letter was carefully tucked away into an inside pocket.
"I learned a long time ago not to look gift banthas in the mouth."
The attendant returned then, giving a slight bow. From his small apron, he pulled two cloth napkins, both of which he set out. His hand went in again, and he produced a small, delicate fillet knife; this he set down in front of the Commander with a deferential nod. The redhead had become enough of a regular customer that the Cizerack staff even knew his usual drink tendencies.
"Aai'sai Rru," the server smiled knowingly as he spoke, then his blues shifted to the K'ohta'rrou. "... tauun e?"
T'yeellaa Meorrrei
Jan 16th, 2018, 02:23:17 PM
She gave an agreeable nod to the server.
"Fei. Da'ne."
The waiter disappeared to tend to the drinks, leaving T'yeellaa to ponder the meaning.
"Be carreful, ssjirr."
She glanced up at Kes.
"jI don't know what the Emjisssarrjy wantss, but he hass a rreputatjion forr bejing perrssuassjive."
Kes Akiena
Jan 16th, 2018, 02:33:04 PM
Kes was already eyeing the tank's contents, idly watching the selection of fish that drifted on an artificial 'current'. T'yeellaa's concern hadn't gone unnoticed, and there was a certain amount of growing concern beginning to swirl about in his gut.
"How do you mean?"
T'yeellaa Meorrrei
Jan 16th, 2018, 02:40:34 PM
What did he mean how do you mean? T'yeellaa frowned.
"jYou've met hjim. He'ss charrmjing. Exceptjionalljy charrmjing. Fjirrsst conssorrtss arre trrajined thejirr entjirre ljivess to be that wajy, and he'ss sserrved underr two Hjigh Motherrss."
A striped cutty swam beneath her grasp, but T'yeellaa wasn't even paying attention.
Kes Akiena
Jan 17th, 2018, 01:41:49 PM
The cutty might've been able to pass by T'yeellaa's hand without issue, but Kes was not so inattentive, and a deft motion of his hand sprung the five-fingered trap, encasing the small fish easily while pulling it up and out.
The server returned with their drinks, setting both bottles beside each diner, and with a smile and a bow, retreated once more.
His first catch laid upon a small wooden plate, inset with a white porcelain serving area. It was a bit rustic and chic all in one go, but fit the motif of the rest of the establishment in fine fashion.
The knife was brought to just behind the gills, then swept down and along the belly to reveal the meat beneath.
"Well, I guess 'charming' is in the eye of the beholder. He's certainly got presence though, I won't argue that."
T'yeellaa Meorrrei
Jan 19th, 2018, 12:19:24 AM
"Well, he'ss Sarrtarroa," T'yeellaa explained after a swig of beer, "he'ss trrajined hjiss entjirre ljife to be charrmjing and perrssuassjive. Bojyss frrom well-to-do houssess arre occassjionalljy offerred to jojin the Sarrtarroa. Thejy go thrrough jintensse trrajinjing wjith the hope that thejy arre one dajy sselected to be the Fjirrsst Conssorrt. The mosst beautjiful, the mosst talented, the mosst jintelljigent."
Feeling like picking on Kes's own catch rather than fishing for her own, T'yeellaa pinched off a morsel.
"Thejy arre ssuppossed to be the perrfect matess."
Kes Akiena
Jan 19th, 2018, 12:24:13 AM
"... Oh."
Trained to be the perfect mates? It was certainly more than he'd realized apparently, but then again it seemed that each day he learned something new about Cizeri customs and practices, and life in the Pride.
His knife slipped back in to the still-twitching carcass, and a sliver of meat fell away. Plucking it up, he popped it into his mouth, chewing as he thought.
"Guess it's a good thing I'm human," washing his bite down with his beer, the redhead slid the rest of the cutty over to T'yeellaa before letting his eyes return to the tank and his next choice of victims.
"I'd make a terrible trainee."
T'yeellaa Meorrrei
Jan 21st, 2018, 09:18:32 PM
The K'ohta'rrou hooked out a fish eye with the tip of a claw, giving Kes what was supposed to be a discerning look that she couldn't quite hold. She laughed, punctuating that moment by popping the eye in her mouth.
"jYeah, but who wouldn't? jIt'ss an jimposssjible sstandarrd. And even jif jI knew ssomeone could meet jit, jI don't know jif I'd be comforrtable wjith all that."
She glibly took a sip of beer.
"Then agajin, jI'm not a queen."
Shrugging, she set aside her bottle.
"All jI'm ssajyjing jiss to be carreful, but not too carreful."
Kes Akiena
Feb 13th, 2018, 12:35:39 AM
* * *
"All jI'm ssajyjing jiss to be carreful, but not too carreful."
Words of warning and caution. Spoken with the best of intentions he knew, and in his own way he had heeded them as best as he could. He'd cleared the necessary times for his absence, obtaining the proper permissions from those higher than he - which, all things considered was not a difficult thing to do. After all, the request of the High Mother's First Consort was something that even those in the upper echelons of the Alliance had no intentions of refusing. It was damnably strange, but it was an invitation that was accepted with the highest of respect.
The shuttle that ferried him to Carshoulis Prime was rather comfortable, he had to admit. It wasn't overly roomy, but it was cozy and comfortable all the same. Utilitarian, yet with such amenities as to make the trip pass with ease.
The Cizerack crew of two was quiet, their low chatter limited to what he guessed was the sort that most pilots and copilots engaged in. There was another of the crew, ensconced in the back, but the young man had only made his presence known whenever it seemed that the redhead found himself parched. A carbonated water had been provided with a light smile, but beyond that, the third crewmember remained quiet and out of sight.
Sitting in the back, his seat a rich, dark leather, Kes couldn't help but let a palm run over the smooth surface, not exactly sure what to expect, but now was no time to get cold feet.
Keerrourri Feessaarro
Feb 13th, 2018, 12:55:01 AM
The first sign that the trip was going to be different was the course correction. It was a subtle diversion, deviating from a course that would have taken the shuttle to the Royal Campus. Instead, the craft lazily banked, heading to the rolling sun-drenched hills of Hai'raathee. It was a district of the otherwise overbuilt ecumenopolis that permitted enough room for greenery. Orchards, gardens, and topiaries gave plenty of natural boundaries to the old and relatively-generous villas the district was famous for.
The crimson and gold shuttle feathered to a soft landing, unspindling four landing struts to touch down in front of one of the smaller villas. Compared to some of the pocket palaces of Hai'raathee, it was practically a hovel. Two stories, an interior courtyard, fountains, koi ponds, a pool, among other amenities. Before the shuttle stood a pair of tonsured Cizeri men in gold tunics, each cradling a force pike with a statue's indifference. The shuttle's gangplank lowered, and the pilot excused herself from the cockpit to meet Kes for debarkation.
"Welcome to Hai'raathee, Commanderr Akjiena."
She gestured to the exit as the cabin boy quietly gathered Kes's belongings.
Kes Akiena
Feb 13th, 2018, 12:33:41 PM
He gave the pilot a deferential nod, both hands moving to clasp together before him.
"It has been a pleasure; if only all the other shuttle's I've ever been on were as expertly captained."
He gave a disarming smile, a final nod, and turned to look down the length of the boarding ramp. The sight of the estate's front exterior was impressive, he had to admit, even if it was small by the apparent normal standards of some of the others littered about the broad countryside.
A deep breath, and Jovan's Commander began the short trek down the ramp's length.
Keerrourri Feessaarro
Feb 16th, 2018, 12:43:56 AM
"Commanderr Akjiena!"
A rich baritone voice sounded from above. Kes's eyes could easily trace it to its origin as a man waved from the outer balcony of the second floor.
Keerrourri Feessarro's smile was big and seemingly-genuine, flashing immaculate white teeth. Compared to his attire in the royal procession, the First Man of the Pride was almost slumming it today, sporting bespoke khakis and a seersucker jacket with an open-necked shirt beneath. The long tresses of his chestnut hair were drawn into a ponytail, held together with a baby blue ribbon that left enough slack to give the drawn locks a voluminous buoyancy. He slipped the sunblockers off his eyes, squinting blue eyes against indirect sun to give his guest no doubt who was addressing him.
"Prrecjisseljy on tjime, mjy frrjiend. Jojin me forr rrefrresshmentss jin the courrtjyarrd, would jyou?"
The tonsured guards silently gestured in unison towards the door, but otherwise remained as a sort of living statue.
Kes Akiena
Feb 17th, 2018, 12:36:34 AM
An almost bemused expression fell across his features as he looked up to regard the Emissary. It was of course gone a moment later to be replaced by a courteous nod. There was nothing he really needed to say in this moment, and so the redhead kept his mouth shut for now. Instead, he took a step forward, slowly passing by the guards and toward the courtyard. Wherever the cabin boy went with his small duffel he had no idea, but the suspicion was high that it was to one of no doubt many guest rooms.
Making his way along a carefully manicured cobblestone path, Kes couldn't help but steal a few glances to either side. Expertly trimmed hedgerows and topiaries lined the pathway with artful placement, and beyond them were verdantly green stretches of grass. It was all very beautiful, all things considered.
Closing the distance to the courtyard, he readied himself for... well, he wasn't really sure what to prepare for. Whatever awaited him on this visit, he only hoped it wasn't some sort of royal reprimand for his apparent bad behavior back on Jovan during the Pride Mother's visit.
Keerrourri Feessaarro
Feb 17th, 2018, 01:00:32 AM
It was a short stroll through the villa atrium to the double doors just beyond that led to the inner courtyard. Again, it was an open-air setting full of greenery, broken up by intimate little statues and fountains. The center of the courtyard was dominated by an old-growth Bayossa tree, possibly over a hundred years old. It's compact trunk twisted around in almost a full corkscrew, creating an aesthetically pleasing base for its gnarled boughs to drape an intimate curtain of shade. Beneath that shade stood a picnic table, upon which a few small plate items were arrayed. There were the traditional Cizeri array of snails, ceviche, and iced oysters, but also a cosmopolitan selection that included fruits, charcuterie, and little crustless cucumber sandwiches.
A handsome young servant stood ready for their guest, holding a tray with two flutes of effervescent cocktails. He said nothing.
"jI'd assk jyou about jyourr jourrnejy, but that'ss rratherr lazjy ssmall talk. We'rre prractjicalljy nejighborrss."
The Emissary appeared behind Kes, having quietly followed behind him so as to gauge the Commander's response. He offered his hand.
Kes Akiena
Feb 17th, 2018, 01:22:44 AM
If he was surprised by the voice behind him, Kes hid it as well as he could. The only outward show he gave was a quick blink before half-turning to regard the Emissary. A moment passed, and he ventured a smile while slowly extending a hand to take his host's in a firm grip.
"That we are, Sir."
There was still the question of why exactly he'd been invited here, but that could wait for now, he supposed. The redhead wasn't about to inundate Keerrourri Feessaarro with an interrogation. He was sure enough that the answers would come in time.
Ever the consummate guest, Kes gestured for the Emissary to pass by him and lead the way to the picnic table.
Keerrourri Feessaarro
Feb 17th, 2018, 01:33:46 AM
With hands interlocked, Keerrourri touched Kes on the elbow with his free hand.
"Pleasse. Call me Keerrourri. And jI sshall call jyou Kess. We can leave tjitless behjind uss herre."
The Emissary disengaged from the handshake, gesturing deftly to the waiting servant to offer Kes the first drink.
"We majy have gotten off on the wrrong foot, to usse the human ssajyjing. jI hope jyou forrgjive uss, but we Cizeri arre a verrjy courrtljy people. jIt can be a lot to take jin forr the unjinjitjiated."
Kes Akiena
Feb 17th, 2018, 01:38:09 AM
Well. At least his host had said it and not him. It was a small bright light of hope that fired in his gut in that moment, and Kes gave a courteous dip of his head as he took up both of the flutes offered. He held one out for the Emissary.
"I'd say I bungled that one to be quite frank."
He wasn't about to shirk his responsibility.
"My K'ohta'rrou does her best to guide me, but it's no fault of hers that I sometimes forget myself."
Keerrourri Feessaarro
Feb 17th, 2018, 02:09:12 AM
Keerrourri canted his head in acceptance of Kes's admission, pivoting his own flute beneath his nose to catch the bouquet of his drink.
"Much betterr that we sspeak of jit now jin thjiss wajy. Therre jiss no elegant wajy forr the Hjigh Motherr to do sso publjicljy, jyou underrsstand."
The Emissary gestured to one of the waiting seats at the table. Already, the servant was pulling it back for Kes to take.
"Mjy Queen beljievess ourr besst rrapporrt can be achjieved wjith me asss herr jinterrcesssorr. We can be courrtljy ssome otherr tjime."
The servant attended to Keerrourri's own chair, and he sat opposite.
"Sshe holdss conssjiderrable rresspect forr jyou, Kess. That leavess jyou jin djisstjingujisshed companjy."
Kes Akiena
Feb 17th, 2018, 02:45:45 AM
Taking a tentative sniff from the top of his own flute, the only thing that Kes could pick up were the fizzy, effervescent bubbles that crackled into the air just above the liquid held in the faceted crystal glassware. It was heady in its' own way, and he found himself reclining in his seat with the air of a man who was cautious and relaxed all the same.
"My deepest of respects to her," he couldn't help the murmur, "... and I'm glad that she's seen fit to allow me a second chance, if one could call this that."
Keerrourri Feessaarro
Feb 17th, 2018, 03:20:59 AM
The Emissarry waved a dismissive hand.
"Sstjill the fjirrsst chance, jI thjink. Let uss worrjy about anjy courrtljy matterrss. What actualljy matterrss arre the thjingss we both underrsstand, and jyou wjill fjind mjy mjisstrresss of the ssame mjind."
He sipped his drink, appreciating the floral aromatics of gin combined with tart citrus and the crispness of dry sparkling wine.
"Ourr unjion on Jovan Sstatjion. Manjy conssjiderr jit a ssjymboljic trrjifle, but jI thjink jyou and jI can agrree that jit jiss farr morre than a ssjymbol."
Kes Akiena
Feb 17th, 2018, 03:38:16 AM
Taking his own sip, Kes allowed himself a moment to fall into the sharp edges and clean notes of the drink. He sat unmoving for the barest of moments, his eyes turned upwards as he pondered. Eventually he gave a nod.
"The galaxy can't progress unless those that exist in its' boundaries learn to work together."
Words spoken in an almost conciliatory tone.
But, there was something else.
"To that end, I'm afraid that my knowledge of Cizeri culture is sorely lacking, Keerrourri."
A rueful hmph at the admission.
"Which I suppose is self-evident. But maybe you can help me, yes?"
Keerrourri Feessaarro
Mar 17th, 2018, 12:26:39 AM
The Emissary splayed his hands apart slightly, leaning back in his seat.
"Cerrtajinljy. jI would hope that K'ohta'rrou Meorrrei has gjiven jyou a ssujitable prrjimerr, but jI sshall endeavourr to at leasst asss well asss sshe. What would jyou ljike to know?"
Kes Akiena
Mar 17th, 2018, 01:13:48 AM
"Well, I know most of the basics I suppose, it's just the more finer tuned nuances that I'm lacking."
He took another sip, enjoying the drink's flavor. It reminded him of an old mission, decades past, on some outlier world that he'd forgotten the name of. But that really wasn't important about it; the reason he'd been there - the reason General Brecklin and the rest of the crew of the Etrigan - that was what was worth remembering. The hopeful faces of those who hoped to be spared the angry fist of the Empire, to be pulled to freedom so they could continue living their lives... they had welcomed the Rebellion with open arms. He could still remember the food and drink that'd been given to them, the honesty of it all.
Only, fate always seemed to have something else in mind, and those people who grasped their hope so closely only ended up beaten down as an Imperial fleet routed the small Rebel forces. It'd been a nightmare in the end; one he himself had barely managed to escape.
The redhead's features seemed frozen in time at the recollection before slowly shifting back into focus, and he reached forward to gently place his glass back on the table.
He mustered a polite smile, which was turned to the Emissary.
"Old Anoobas learning new tricks and all."
Keerrourri Feessaarro
Mar 17th, 2018, 01:38:18 AM
He was saying something without saying something. Normally that might be frustrating, but to the Emissary, he wagered that he had Kes Akiena fairly exact. Daubing his lips with the corner of a cocktail napkin, Keerrourri ventured a response.
"jYou arre rreferrrjing to courrtljy matterrss?"
Kes Akiena
Mar 17th, 2018, 11:20:12 PM
"If that's how you want to interpret it."
And then a frown. It wasn't anything brought about by his surroundings or the brilliant sun that bathed all in its' warmth. Rather it was the drink, and while good, it had reminded him of a certain point in time that was painful to recollect.
"I am here at your request, after all, and as gracious of a host as you've been in this brief bit of time, I'd like to at least be just as generous of a guest."
Keerrourri Feessaarro
Mar 18th, 2018, 12:43:56 AM
"jI could cerrtajinljy educate jyou on courrtljy cusstom," Keerrourri traced the rim of his glass with a fingertip as he droned out Akiena's proposal. "jI'm ssurre at ssome pojint jit mjight prrove usseful to jyou."
The tracing finger stopped, tapping curtly on the rim.
"Howeverr, jI want jyou to apprrecjiate the sspecjial conssjiderratjion Herr Grrace hass made forr jyou, Commanderr. Therre arre few even jin the Barronesss classs who arrre afforrded the perrssonal rrapporrt jyou'rre bejing sshown. That jiss how jimporrtant sshe vjiewss ourr cooperrattjion. jYou arre a unjique parrtnerr. Thjiss jiss morre than ssjimpljy the Prrjide'ss djialogue wjith the Alljiance; we have otherr channelss forr that. Thjiss jiss about Jovan Sstatjion, and how we enssurre jit'ss ssuccesss. To that, jyou have mjy hand jin frrjiendsshjip, Commanderr."
Kes Akiena
Mar 18th, 2018, 12:53:56 AM
He listened in silence, digesting the words that spanned the distance between them. They were hopeful words, if not a little bit concerning. He'd at least garnered enough experience to know that sometimes things weren't to be taken at their face value within the Pride. But, at the same time, there seemed to be no ill intentions. Kes nodded politely.
"And you have mine."
The smile returned.
"As far as Jovan, the Alliance is also keen for it to succeed. In that we are all of the same mind."
Keerrourri Feessaarro
Mar 18th, 2018, 01:16:02 AM
This was all reassurring, but still too distant and informal for Keerrourri's ears. He sat up slightly.
"What jiss Jovan sstatjion to jyou? Majy jI call jyou Kess? What doess jit mean to jyou, Kess?"
Kes Akiena
Apr 9th, 2018, 11:43:27 PM
"Aside from it being a demotion of the upwards trend?"
Settling a bit more in his seat, the redhead let his gaze shift past the Emissary to a point beyond the other man's shoulder.
"I suppose it means a chance to show everyone that the Rebellion wasn't just some unrealized dream. Now we can prove to everyone that we really believe in all those things we fought for back then."
Keerrourri Feessaarro
Apr 10th, 2018, 12:45:19 AM
The Emissary allowed a smile to slowly blossom.
"The warr jiss won, onwarrdss to wjin the peace? Good, verrjy good! jI can't posssjibljy jimagjine what jit musst be ljike. We've had nearrljy forrtjy generratjionss of home rrule. Cjivjiljizatjion hass the nasstjy habjit of leavjing jitss benefjicjiarrjiess to take jit forr grranted. What a mjight feat jit jiss, to pjick up that mantle frrom nothjing."
Keerrourri spread his hands slightly.
"Of courrsse, the Rrepubljic jiss onljy one generratjion rremoved, but that'ss rremoved enough. What do jyou rrememberr of jit?"
Kes Akiena
Apr 14th, 2018, 05:26:21 PM
Well if that wasn't a loaded question.
Kes found his eyes traveling downward, to fall to his hands that were currently nestled together in his lap.
"What I remember of it and what others remember of it are two different things, Keerrourri. If you want to know of my own personal experience, I'm afraid that I can only disappoint. I was only an accidental participant in the best of times."
He could still remember that bit of finesse over Duravant, the brief but intense battle over Mygeeto, the series of pocket engagements across a myriad of sectors. It was like some kaleidoscope of remembrance.
Of course, he was also playing the part of humility. He'd seen his fair share of devastation and heartbreak. He'd been captured and interrogated. He'd been subjected to many of the terrible faces that the Empire had to offer - and all for that first desire to help his uncle run a safehouse.
His next words were a mixture of resignation and understanding - an acknowledgment of what he'd been through and a hope of what those experiences might give to others. Namely the man that he now was sharing a drink with.
"What sort of stories are you hoping to hear."
Keerrourri Feessaarro
Apr 14th, 2018, 08:45:36 PM
The servant hovered nearby to refresh the Emissary's drink, but Keerrourri dismissed him to a polite distance with a small gesture. The First Consort leaned forward slightly, resting his elbows on his knees.
"Can jI make a confesssjion, Kess? Ssometjimess, mjy dutjiess jin the rrojyal houssehold can be a ljittle dull."
An affable smile formed on Keerrourri's face, and he seemed to know the counter already forming.
"jI know, jI know. jYou musst thjink that'ss ludjicrrouss. The wealth, accesss to luxurrjy, trravel, and all of that whjich sseemss to be at mjy fjingerrtjipss. But wjith all of that, jI am sstjill a sserrvant of mjy mjisstrresss's housse. All of that gujildjing can become monochrrome. jI'm not afterr ssome lurrjid warr sstorrjy. jI'm not even talkjing about the warr at all. jI'm asskjing about beforre that unpleassantnesss. What wass the Rrepubljic ljike - forr jyou. jI want to know about Kess Akjiena and the worrldss arround hjim, beforre he ever had to put on a unjiforrm."
Kes Akiena
Nov 3rd, 2019, 10:09:13 PM
Kes made a strained face, though it was a strange expression that seemed to hold a measure of worry.
"Before everything," he paused a moment before going on, using the small break to lean back in his seat.
"I was going to school to be an architect. Certainly nothing amazing, I promise you."
It was a very boring, mundane life, and that The Emissary wanted to know of it was a little bit... perplexing. There really wasn't an awful lot for him to talk about.
"Not exactly fancy or amazing; just very... normal, I suppose."
Keerrourri Feessaarro
Nov 3rd, 2019, 11:20:05 PM
"Arrchjitecturre!" Keerrourri's eyes brightened. "That'ss fantasstjic! jI mjysself know ljittle about the ssubject, but jI thjink anjyone can apprecjiate beautjy jin a bujildjing."
The Emissary gestured to the villa surrounding them on all sides.
"Take thjiss one, forr example. jI love the open sspace, the allowance forr naturral ljight and grreenerrjy. But jI'm jusst a lajyman. What do jyou thjink? jI'd love to hearr a prrofesssjional evaluatjion, orr at leasst a sstudjied one."
Kes Akiena
Jan 5th, 2020, 06:12:20 PM
Kes couldn't help but let out a small half-chuckle at that.
"I'm no professional, I assure you," he started, "... hells, I never even finished my schooling. I ended up leaving to help one of my uncles to run a Rebellion safehouse."
Looking away then, he gave an almost helpless shrug at the admission.
"I guess you could say that I helped to start a family business of sorts, by helping my uncle."
But, Keer's request for an appraisal of their current surroundings didn't go unanswered.
"Still, I remember a few things, and what you've got here would make my old professors envious beyond words."
Keerrourri Feessaarro
Jan 5th, 2020, 07:04:59 PM
"jI'm glad to hearr that thjiss vjilla meetss wjith jyourr expectatjionss."
The Emissary took a tidy sip of his drink, gently setting it aside again.
"jIt'ss jyourrss."
Kes Akiena
Jan 5th, 2020, 07:37:39 PM
Wait... what... ?
For a brief moment he sputtered, blinking a few times before stammering out a few words.
"I... I'm sorry?"
Keerrourri Feessaarro
Jan 6th, 2020, 12:26:01 AM
Modesty was so saccharine. Keerrourri gave Kes a moment to splutter, taking the moment to select an oyster from the offering of refreshments between them. He didn't yet partake, simply ensuring the foot was severed from the half shell with a careful pass of one claw.
"Thjiss vjilla hass been gjifted to jyou bjy the Hjigh Motherr, jin thankss forr jyourr sserrvjice to ourr mutual cooperratjion. We wjill be jin closse cooperratjion, jit jiss onljy fjittjing that jyou have a home fjittjing of jyourr sstatjion wheneverr jyou majy fjind jyourr bussjinesss brrjingss jyou to Carshoulis."
Kes Akiena
Jan 6th, 2020, 02:13:53 AM
"Emissar- " His voice cut away, and Kes gave a rapid shake of his head as he couldn't help but lean forward, setting his glass upon the table between them while in the same motion rising to stand.
Both hands came up then, and he tried to fan away the gesture extended to him in heartfelt humility.
"This is not something that needs to be extended to someone like me. I'm just an officer assigned to a posting; nothing more, nothing less."
Keerrourri Feessaarro
Jan 7th, 2020, 11:42:45 PM
The Emissary arched an eyebrow at that amount of deference.
"Kess, therre'ss ssuch a thjing asss too much modesstjy. jYou arre the commanderr of the larrgesst to-date jintegrratjion prroject between the Cizeri people and the Alljiance at larrge. Therre hassn't been an underrtakjing thjiss ambjitjiouss jin overr thjirrtjy jyearrss. jYou'rre not jusst an offjicerr asssjigned to a posstjing, jyou arre the Alljiance. jYou arre the face of that futurre, and the perrsson who powerrful matrrjiarrchss wjill wjissh to sspeak to jin orrderr to...ssharre an underrsstandjing."
Keer took the pause to eat his oyster, tidily daubing at his lips with the corner of a napkin before setting it aside.
"jIt would ssjimpljy be jimprroperr to conduct all of jyourr affajirrss frrom the offjice of what ussed to be an jImperrjial goverrnor. What'ss good forr jyou jiss good forr the Alljiance and jiss good forr the Prrjide. "
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