View Full Version : That Night on Terephon

Lira Terranova
Nov 11th, 2017, 08:15:01 AM
It was night on Terephon.

Although this system was further removed from the various other stars and nebulae of the Cluster, nonetheless it too remained in perpetual twilight. Still, Lira Terranova noted as she looked out from one of the Villa Solis' fortified windows, it was dim enough for the stars to make an appearance among so many other brilliant points of light. Maybe if she tried, she could find Onderon out there? Serious eyes squinted, but did not find the world of her birth hiding among the scattering of destinations beyond the Mist. In fact, what she was seeing was probably within the Cluster itself.

Sighing, she made to turn from the window, but something held her attention. Something that made her spine stiffen.

Beatrix had noticed it as well. The child was abed now, but earlier she had noticed Lira's discomfort and had held her hand, giving her grown caretaker comfort for a change. She smiled at the memory and left the window, smoothing a hand over the dampened front of her gown. Bath time with Queen Bea left no one unscathed it would seem..

Stopping at a sideboard, Lira turned her attention toward preparing a pot of tea, carefully measuring out the proper amount with her back to the room. "Is it me, or did Her Grace seem a bit...energetic this evening?"

Renart Al'Gray
Nov 11th, 2017, 09:41:19 AM
Renart's answer was one he barely had to think about, it was so often called upon.

"As befits ereneda."

In Hapan culture, the norms and expectations of society were largely set by the monarchy. Whatever the Chume did was considered good and right and proper. She would never be late, for instance, rather everyone else would simply be early. These were simply facts of Hapan life. That being true, Lira's observation could only have one retort: everyone elses behaviour had simply become less energetic than Beatrix's, which was in fact that ideal amount of energy that any good Hapan should exhibit.

All of this twisted inside of Renart, who remained outwardly stoic, playing his own part as the good Hapan man: seen and rarely heard.

"It appears that she is happy here," was all he added.

Lira Terranova
Nov 17th, 2017, 12:00:02 PM
Still facing away from the room, there was no one to catch the wry turn of Lira's lips. That was almost exactly what she had expected him to say, word for word. Apart from the further observation that their queen was in fact happy on Terephon, despite the odds. Beatrix was taking it as an adventure and setting a good example for everyone else, as a good ruler should. He was not wrong.

"Well, Ereneda may have boundless energy, but I do not." Lira simply stated, turning and bringing with her a gilded tray set with the stately tea service. Setting it down carefully, she too lowered herself to a chair, grateful for the moment of rest.

Somewhere out on the moors, there was a flash low in the sky. Some might have mistook the phenomena as silent lightning, the kind absent of the accompanying storm. It all depended on ones definition of a storm, she supposed.

Capable hands lifted the pot, not a tremor to be seen.

"Why don't you tell me another story, captain? Like the one about that Lafleche scoundrel.", she invited, pouring not one but two cups of the floral Hapan tea.

Renart Al'Gray
Nov 18th, 2017, 06:35:45 AM
Though he could not keep his eyes from straying to the window, drawn by the flash of light, Renart accepted Lira's invitation and sat. The act of sitting was much easier without the ornate armour the captain ordinarily wore, though there was a stiffness in his movements regardless, where centuries of custom and tradition hung like weights around his neck and limbs.

"What kind of story would you like hear, tadin?"

Lira Terranova
Nov 18th, 2017, 01:34:19 PM
Chume'la was a bad influence.

That was all there was to it. Lira's experience with men was extremely limited. Most of her knowledge having come from observing then Princess Razielle and her obvious infatuation with the former Prime Minister of Onderon - and that could not possibly be a wise course to follow. For a time, Lira had indulged a brief crush on the handsome Arkanian, the same as her lady. That was all it had been though, a girlish crush that had faded as quickly as it had come. Actually, that was putting it politely. Her crush on Salem Ave had withered and died the moment Captain Renart Al'Gray's lips had parted and he had spoken to her (https://theholo.net/forum/showthread.php?55307-Soul-of-Solitude). Since then she'd born a terrible compulsion to get him to keep talking. The truth was, Renart could read from a Hapan fishing guide and Lira would find it to be the most stimulating thing she'd ever heard...

"Hmm, tell me something about yourself."

Lifting one of the two cups, she turned the handle away from herself and offered it to the Chume'nor captain, just for the pleasure of watching him decide what would be worse, taking her offering, or not taking it.

Yes, Razielle was a terrible influence..

"How about something from before you became one of Her Majesty's Select Commandos? Did you have a favorite subject in your education?"

Renart Al'Gray
Nov 18th, 2017, 02:11:03 PM
It was not the first time that Lira had asked about the Captain's life and past, and experience told Renart it would not be the last. He was grateful, then, for the teacup, as lifting it to his lips and blowing on the steaming liquid gave him the time to think on her request.

"We begin training to join the Chume'nor at a young age, when we are still boys. Before that, most of my education was in piloting, the history of the Consortium, and other, necessary... compete'n entretien-"

Renart paused, seemingly struggling for the right words. His command of Basic was stronger than it had been when they had first met, but Renart wasn't sure that there actually was a term comparable to the Hapan in this case.

"Skills and... manners... expected of me."

Lira Terranova
Nov 18th, 2017, 02:27:28 PM
Cerulean eyes watched attentively as the captain took the cup from her without any fuss, before proceeding to cool the steaming liquid with parted lips. Lira congratulated herself on her ability to appear unaffected, while simultaneously wishing for nothing so much as to be a cup of tea just then.

One eyebrow arched upward at the unfamiliar Hapan term. Clearly Beatrix had not been tutored in compete'n'en.... whatever the fanciful sounding word was. Which meant Lira had not been appraised of it either, as she took her lessons with the little queen and learned at the same pace.

"A pilot! Now see? That I did not know.", she sipped her tea, licking a bit of honey from her upper lip where it had caught upon the rim of her cup.

"Skills and manners? Like... the right kind of bow for Ereneda? Or the proper way to address an Archon rather than a Count? That sort of thing?"

Renart Al'Gray
Nov 18th, 2017, 02:49:25 PM
"The Cluster is vast. It's important that we are able to travel from planet to planet - and, there is every chance that, in times of war, we might be called upon by the Royal Navy. Though, that is unlikely now, given my position."

He folded his hands around the teacup, enjoying the warmth radiating from within. Tea was not a common feature of Hapan cuisine but Renart was beginning to understand the appeal. When he ventured a sip - the liquid hot but not scalding - there was something calming about the taste.

"The skills and manners are more... the social and familial duties that are expected of men, by their wives. It involves knowing how to address our betters but also more personal interactions."

Lira Terranova
Apr 12th, 2018, 11:47:47 AM
Lira could not fault the logic in being prepared for anything, while in the service of Chume Beatrix. Perhaps she should take some piloting lessons herself! It was not an altogether bad idea, but when would she have the time? Not until Queen Bea was much older and she wanted such lessons for herself. The queen's lady sipped her tea, not bothered by her fate. Her fingertips held the tea cup away from her face, about to set it down it seemed when she paused.

Renart's next words '..social and familial duties expected of men by their wives.' and 'personal interactions' lost Lira for a moment. A frown wrinkled across her brow as she attempted to riddle it all out without having to ask and risk appearing the inferior foreigner even more so than usual. What did he mean? Like... Hapan men making their ladies appear to be delicate graceful flowers at all times, rather than the thorny, potentially poisonous, lovely blooms they were? Or knowing just when to hand them a handkerchief? Fetch their wine glass?

"Sounds gripping.", she allowed. "Were you.. good at that sort of thing?"

Renart Al'Gray
Apr 12th, 2018, 12:38:32 PM
"One of the best," Renart said without the faintest hint of bravado, his expression as cool and implacable as the Transitory Mists.

"My mother commissioned a kurh'n'ta'a who was - is still, in fact - widely respected to tutor me," the Captain added, after pausing long enough to wet his lips with another sip of tea.

When Renart's teacup was halfway between his lips and the table, some thought seemed to freeze his movement for an instant.

"Is it... common for men to attend a finishing school on Onderon too?"

Lira Terranova
Apr 26th, 2018, 12:42:16 PM
It was obvious when Lira figured out what they discussing.

One moment she was imagining all of the tedious sort of tasks he must have had to learn. Then that one word 'kurh'n'ta'a' changed everything. She had heard the term before. It was not exactly part of Beatrix's curriculum just yet, but considering how very... tolerant Hapan's were about pleasure, there was no telling when it would come up. Fifth something, Lira felt certain on the translation. As she understood it, he was speaking of a sex worker. Renart Al'Gray was talking to her about sex.

And he was one of the best.

Her cup began to rattle, right around the same time her heartbeat attempted to match it's tempo.

Lira did the only dignified thing she could think of and sipped her tea, to stop it's knocking about, and stall for time to recover. There was nothing she could do about the rosy stain creeping over her skin though. Self directed headfirst into a situation she was not prepared to deal with, all because she had to go asking questions. She should know better. Feeling like she might squirm, she set the tea down before she spilled it.

He had asked her something. Something about men attending finishing school on Onderon.

She managed to shake her head slowly. "Not that I'm aware of.."

No more questions? What had happened to all her curiosity? Her better judgement advised her to stop right now.

Renart Al'Gray
May 1st, 2018, 12:22:16 PM
Renart's eyes shifted from the teacup to Lira's face, all flush with colour. Had he offended her, by showing his ignorance of Onderon's customs?

"Is.. something wrong, ta'din?"

Lira Terranova
Jan 29th, 2019, 05:12:09 PM
"Not at all.." She did not sound very reassuring, even she could hear that, but explaining would be far worse.

Lira became temporarily fascinated with smoothing the crisp white fabric of her gown where it draped over her knees. Anything to give her time to cool her cheeks and find a way to redirect the conversation.

"Actually it is, or has been, the custom on Onderon for the ladies to better themselves to seek the attention of a suitable partner. I'm sure that sounds quite backward to you."

She risked a glance upward.

"Although there does seem to be a growing trend of equality under Queen Adraudia's rule."

Renart Al'Gray
Jan 30th, 2019, 02:46:08 PM
He tried to picture it: a world where women deferred to men. The thought stirred some dim memory of something he’d heard a rumour of during his early training, whispers that there were cadets circulating a fantastical and frankly heretical novel that told the tale of a Mists-born male whose strength and intellect were unsurpassed even by females and before whom all women fell to their knees in desire and obedience. Renart hadn’t read the book, but the premise seemed absurd even now.

Then again, that wasn’t the world Lira spoke of. Onderon wasn’t just Hapes, but inverted, with males ruling over females. Lira had served a Queen of her own, yet was equally at ease deferring to Salem Ave, the politician who was both male and not human. It was puzzling, enough to make a little thoughtful dimple in the middle of Renart's brows.

“I would like to know more about Onderon - about your life before joining the Consortium.”

Lira Terranova
Jan 30th, 2019, 03:48:23 PM
She had been correct, if the intriguing little wrinkle in Renart's brow was any indication. He definitely seemed to struggle with the notion of submissive women. Lira supposed she should be flattered by the lofty position females enjoyed in this part of the galaxy. Still, she found it just as bizarre as Renart would find Onderon, no doubt. It was just how they had been raised. Lira was getting an opportunity to experience the other side of the spectrum, perhaps one day Captain Al'Gray would as well?

That he wanted to know more about Onderon didn't necessarily surprise Lira, she did make mention of the world with some frequency. That he was curious about her life stunned her enough that she glanced askance, hatted head tipping at a jaunty angle, to see if he was serious. It seemed he was.

"About me? There is not much to tell."

Deciding that she had fidgeted enough for the present, Lira rose, placing her already cooling cup of tea upon a sideboard to be cleaned away by the staff of the Royal House.

Renart Al'Gray
Jan 30th, 2019, 04:21:19 PM
Renart stood, as protocol dictated he should, mere moments after Lira rose from her chair. His gaze followed her as she moved about the sitting room, not surprised in the least to see the respect she afforded both the room and the household staff in tidying away her cup.

“I would be.. honoured if you would share even a little.”

Lira Terranova
Jan 31st, 2019, 12:07:49 PM
And just like that an armada of butterflies took wing inside Lira's tummy. Though outwardly she appeared as unswerving as ever, within she felt quite deliciously, disturbingly, unstable. She stood quite still to manage the sensation.

"How could I refuse that.?", she pondered quietly. She wasn't sure herself if she had meant for it to be out loud.

Fingers linked together before her, Lira nodded. "Very well, though I fear it is not a glamorous tale."

"Like Princess Razielle, when she came to live on Onderon, I too was a royal ward. Although in my own case, it was more for charity. My parents both died when I was very young. I do not remember my mother really, but I do recall my father. I remember missing him very much." There was a softening of Lira's features as she pondered the past, one reserved for when she was speaking fondly of Beatrix typically. The association could be made that it was an expression she wore when speaking of someone she loved.

"Iziz had been under attack by Mandalorians from beyond it's walls. My father and the other Beast Rider's went out to defend the city. Many did not return. My father was one.", Lira explained. "I'm told he was quite valiant, and respected. His sacrifice secured my upbringing and education."

Renart Al'Gray
Jan 31st, 2019, 04:09:27 PM
His cup of tea now forgotten, Renart stood in place as he listened to Lira’s tale, ensuring that she had his full attention. When Lira lapsed into silence, it was not the image of Beast Riders and Mandalorian's skirmishing outside the walls of Iziz that seemed the most unfamiliar part of her story.

“Do you have no other family?”

Lira Terranova
Jan 31st, 2019, 05:06:10 PM
"Not that I'm aware of." Lira shook her head, mouth turned down at the corners for the smallest of moments. "None that stepped forward to claim me, at any rate."

"It's all worked out rather well. I was of an age with the princess when she arrived, and so was given the opportunity to serve her. Which has been such a blessing, really. I have learned much in her service, seen parts of the greater galaxy that I would otherwise not have. I have been bestowed with a great position in Ereneda's household. I have no cause to be unhappy."

There was another disturbing event outside. Not another flash, like the last one. Something seismic seem to roll, not through the ground, but through the air itself. Lira would have sworn she felt it move through her.

Renart Al'Gray
Jan 31st, 2019, 05:16:13 PM
Whatever strangeness was at work outside, Renart felt it too. The sensation was sudden and peculiar enough that his hand drifted to his weapon belt, though there was nothing there for him to grasp, and he could not help but look toward the window.

“I…” he started, puzzled for a long moment before he pushed his focus back to Lira.

“I am glad, that you’re happy. I understand how rewarding it is, to serve, to... be of service.”

Lira Terranova
Feb 2nd, 2019, 01:50:10 PM
A look of pleasure not quite a smile, that would be going rather too far for the very serious servant of the Chume., flitted across Lira's features. She could tell, he did understand what she meant. "Yes, I get to watch the most wonderful little girl ever born grow, and enjoy her affection."

If she were at all lonely. If it bothered her, watching over and caring for someone else's family rather than having one of her own, Lira would probably never admit to it. There were less interesting people to live vicariously through. Worse places to be.

Her gaze too went to the window, not knowing what she expected to see. A shiver rolled up her arms.

"I should look in on Ereneda." On nights like this, even the most treasured child in the Cluster slept restlessly.

Renart Al'Gray
Feb 2nd, 2019, 02:03:33 PM
A quick nod. "Of course."

With the exception of ereneda, everyone residing within and around Villa Solis was there for one reason: to ensure the safety and comfort of the young Hapan Queen. There were members of the Chume'doro and the Chume'nor monitoring every inch of the villa, inside and out, while royal retinue - including Lira Terranova - had personal guards of their own, at their sides at all times if they desired.

"Shall accompany you, ta'din?"

Lira Terranova
Feb 2nd, 2019, 03:47:45 PM
While she was certainly capable of making the walk alone, and confident that no one would assassinate her along the way, Lira could not deny she would enjoy the captain's presence.

"Please? I would appreciate the company."

The walk was not a long one. Lira did not like to be out of earshot of Beatrix, in case the little queen woke frightened or wanted for anything. Her other attendants certainly would assist her, but whether or not they would dote on her with the attention of someone who genuinely loved her was debatable.

The Royal bedchamber was one a number of suites within Villa Solis, Lira's room was adjacent to Beatrix. The Queen Regent had rooms of her own, also close by, but closed off to everyone save Lira, while she recovered from what she referred to as Her Ordeal, which was to say, the events on the cliffs of the Fountain Palace where apparently a Jedi had made an assassination attempt. Lira was still not quite sure what had happened that night, but she was no longer under suspision of treason for being armed in the presence of Queen Bea.

She looked in on Bea, who seemed fine. Unable to shake the chill in the air, Lira grabbed another blanket from a stand bearing them near the wall of Chume Beatrix's room. The little queen was fast asleep, arm wrapped around her shark. Lira tucked the additional layer around her all the same, tucking a strand of dark hair behind her ear.

Returning to the door of the room, Lira nodded. Everything was fine, they could return to a quiet evening if they wished.

Renart Al'Gray
Feb 4th, 2019, 02:40:51 PM
The captain didn’t follow Lira into the royal bedchambers. It was not forbidden for him to enter her chambers, but there were already a number of Chume’doro on guard at the threshold. Their expressions wordlessly suggested Renart’s presence in the Chume’s room was not necessary, not while they were present. Renart merely dipped his head in silent acknowledgement of their seniority, and waited outside the doorway while ta’din Terranova saw to her mistress and ward.

When Lira returned, he fell into step beside her.

“Would you like to take a walk outside?”

Lira Terranova
Feb 4th, 2019, 02:58:50 PM
She did not like to be far from Queen Bea, but for the moment, Lira was confident that no harm would come to the child. Too many people, who knew their lives depended on Beatrix being safe and happy, were present. Also, she had a feeling inside her that if there were any danger to the young chume, her mother would explode out of nowhere and heads would roll..

"Very much, yes."

Lira fell easily into step beside the Chume'nor captain, not at all hurried. Simply content just to be in his company for the present.

"I think it's your turn.", she commented, cautiously. She was desperately interested in hearing more about him, but she was also duly warned that she might find out things no well bred, unmarried lady should know.

One of the best...

Lira fanned her cheek a bit, despite the cool night air.

Renart Al'Gray
Feb 4th, 2019, 03:34:29 PM
Renart lead the way onto the patios that surrounded the Villa Solis. Chume’doro and Chume’nor surrounded the estate, silent statues watching the horizon. The sky was full of distant stars, distant worlds, and though the night was cloudless, the air felt charged as if there was a thunderstorm on the verge of breaking.

“What else would you like to know?”

Lira Terranova
Feb 4th, 2019, 04:25:35 PM
Taking in a deep breath, and the scent of the moors, Lira had to admit it was a nice change of scenery, being on Terephon amid the wild things, rather than cooped up in the Fountain Palace like so many fancy birds in a cage. The only troubling note was the persistent sense that something was going on. Something was taking shape out on the moors, and while it did not seem an imminent threat, it was getting harder to pretend nothing was amiss.

"I'm.. not sure.", she looked a little sheepish, Lira supposed. The one topic she was now cursed with curiosity about was the one thing she could absolutely not ask about. Hapan ladies could get away with all sorts of things, but that was just not her way.

"Do you speak with your family often?"

Renart Al'Gray
Feb 4th, 2019, 04:59:36 PM

Renart offered an arm to Lira. The patio was even enough, but it was the proper thing to do when acting as an escort. Particularly on an evening that felt so unusual.

“My sister is… often busy. She is the ducha of Relephon, and has four children to raise.”

Lira Terranova
Feb 5th, 2019, 03:55:00 PM
A tingle ran up Lira's spine. Striding about on a pleasure walk, on the arm of a gentleman was a new one for her. She felt decidedly guilty and irresponsible, but at the same time could not bring herself to do otherwise. Quietly marveling at the strength wielded in the arm beneath her hand, she just enjoyed herself.

"I have seen her. She was at the Reef Fortress."

Coincidentally, that had also been the first occasion she'd had to speak with Captain Al'Gray (https://theholo.net/forum/showthread.php?55307-Soul-of-Solitude). A rare thing happened. Lira smiled, only for a second before it was gone.

"She seemed...", Do not say lovely, Lira. They are Hapans, they are all lovely. "..formidable."

Renart Al'Gray
Feb 9th, 2019, 01:19:03 PM
“You’re very kind to say so.” Renart could almost imagine the satisfied little twist of a smile that the word ‘formidable’ would tease onto his sister’s lips. She would relish the thought that someone as well-placed as ta’din Terranova thought her impressive.

“I have a younger brother too, Auberon, but…” Renart went on, shaking his head. “Without our mother to guide him, he is a law unto himself. He... forgets his place.”

Lira Terranova
Feb 12th, 2019, 04:31:31 PM
Whatever his failings without his mother, Lira was certain that Auberon was as alarmingly attractive as his elder siblings. Hanging about court for a chance at a peek at the child queen did not seem to be his idea of fun, as she had not yet had the pleasure of meeting that particular Al'Gray. Part of her curiosity was piqued, wondering all kinds of questions at once. What did he do that was troubling? Did the ducha not remind him of his place? What...exactly was his place?

"It sounds distinctly as though having a large family is quite complicated. I suppose in that regard I should count myself lucky to be unbound to anyone else. It leaves me free to devote all of my time to our queen."

Renart Al'Gray
Feb 19th, 2019, 10:38:35 AM
Looking out over the wilderness of Terephon, it was not difficult to see why some members of Hapan society came to the world to holiday. The landscape was breathtakingly sparse, the kind of picturesque natural space that played backdrop to so many stories from Renart’s childhood. It was no wonder that Razielle Alastor had chosen the world as a place to rest and recover.

“Would you like to have a family of your own?”

Lira Terranova
Feb 19th, 2019, 12:28:59 PM
Careful Lira..

"I..." Lira began, but then stopped and delicately cleared her throat unsure of what she should say. The truth seemed boring and sad, but it was what she had. "That was what I used to think."

Of course that was what she had wanted. On Onderon, before the princess had come to live with Queen Adraudia, Lira had entertained a girlish fancy that someday when she was grown someone would notice her. Court her, marry her, happily ever after. The dreams of any young impressionable girl watching life happen for others, just not for her. She had given that up though. There was simply no way, all of her time was dedicated to Beatrix.

"I think I would have liked that very much.. but now I have chosen another path."

Renart Al'Gray
Feb 24th, 2019, 03:30:28 PM
“That is very.. Hapan of you. What I mean is, we are both wed to a purpose that we may not have chosen ourselves, but which we are bound to fulfil.”

It was a rare thing for any child of the Consortium to step outside of the boundary lines that were often drawn by their family, or the ruling family of their home world.

Renart slowed his step. He watched the horizon in silence and began to frown.

“Do you… see something moving out there?”

Lira Terranova
Feb 24th, 2019, 10:54:39 PM
If she did not know better, Lira might have suspected that the captain was having a go at her. The very last thing she would have described herself as would be Hapan. By her own estimation, she was far too ordinary. She could not help but note though, that this was not the first time Captain Al'Gray had said so. The first time she had simply been trying to get some ladies to move along, so that she could talk to him actually.

Otherwise known as manipulation. Evidently she was developing some habits adjusting to life in her new home, and not very good ones.

However, if she were going to be wed to her purpose, there were worse people to be bound alongside.

Lira was distracted with her guilty pleasure. She did not see at first whatever Renart was frowning at. She had her suspicions, and if they were correct Lira was impressed with the captain's attention. And a little worried. Her gentle grip became marginally tighter upon his arm while her eyes searched in the direction he was looking. "Probably some of the game wandering closer?", she attempted.

Renart Al'Gray
Mar 7th, 2019, 04:08:04 PM
“If that’s the case, ta'din, I think it… might be wise to take a closer look.”

With a glance around, Renart saw that none of the other guardswomen or guardsmen on duty seemed to be moving to do anything about whatever appeared to be causing some disturbance in the mid-distance.

“Alone, of course. I can escort you back in doors before I investigate further.”

Lira Terranova
Mar 8th, 2019, 04:45:46 PM
Lira closed her eyes for a moment. Apparently she had said exactly the wrong thing, and now Renart wanted to go out there and investigate?! A sick, squirming feeling pooled in her tummy. She just knew, if she let Captain Al'Gray go, there was a very real possibility that he would not be coming back.

"No.", she said, with absolute finality, without any cause to do so. That it was his job, and that he was trained for it, seemed to not register to Lira just then.

"I mean...", she struggled for something that might make sense. "That is.. I'm quite afraid. I think I must insist you remain with me. Please?"

Renart Al'Gray
Mar 8th, 2019, 04:50:55 PM
Lira’s no stopped Renart in his tracks. A lifetime of training and experience had honed his reflexes to that kind of no.

“I…” the Captain grasped for words. He knew he should investigate the disturbance, to make sure that the Villa Solis was safe, but he could not refuse Lira’s request. Protocol dictated that, given her rank, but more than that, he felt a strong desire to protect her.

“Of course. Then.. I suggest we do not linger outside.”

Lira Terranova
Mar 9th, 2019, 02:21:27 PM
Lira was quite sure, in her life she had never snapped at anyone like that. Let alone someone she liked. She was positive that Captain Al'Gray was used to it from Hapan ladies, but he should not have to be treated like that by her. It was the only thing she had been able to think of at the time. There was no way to explain that it was him she had been afraid for.

Even upset as she was with herself for her behavior, she was even more relieved that it had worked. When he agreed to stay, she blew out a relieved breath which he would probably take to mean she was grateful not to be on her own. Fine. She was fine with it. She would rather he was alive, even if it was to think her turning into an obnoxious study in Hapan behavior.

"Thank you. Yes, that would be best I think. I'm sorry.", she said the last quietly, but unable to stop herself.

Renart Al'Gray
Mar 10th, 2019, 07:09:38 AM
“There is no need to apologise.”

As they stepped hurriedly back in doors, Renart hesitated at the threshold. Had he just heard the sound of a distant shout or scream? Pursing his lips, the Captain forced himself to step inside and lock the door.

“I am sure there is nothing to be afraid of,” he said, hoping to convince himself as much as Lira. “The creatures that were brought here from Onderon will be no match for members of the Chume’doro.”

Lira Terranova
Mar 10th, 2019, 08:54:43 AM
Regrettably, Lira let go of the captain's arm as they returned. Whatever was going on out there, it seemed to have cut short her fanciful evening, strolling about escorted by Captain Al'Gray. For someone remarkably difficult to irritate, Lira was mildly annoyed. It was not as if she made a habit of of stealing time for herself, but alas.

It had been on the tip of her tongue, to answer. 'Probably not.' But Lira found she could not get the words out. Dancing around the truth was one thing, but she was having a hard time outright lying to Renart. "I.. just have a bad feeling."

Which was true enough, but her bad feeling was not for the safety of the Chume, or the Queen Regent, or herself. If it was a creature from her homeworld, she would not have been concerned in the least. She was the daughter of a Beast Rider, she might surprise them all someday, but not today..

Renart Al'Gray
Mar 10th, 2019, 12:59:38 PM
“I’m certain it will all be resolved by morning.”

Although he was glad to have been asked to come to Terephon, part of Renart would be glad when Star Home finally returned to its rightful place on Hapes. Hapes was a known quantity, for the most part. Well, when there weren’t Jedi trying to storm the palace…

“Life has been… eventful recently.”

Lira Terranova
Mar 10th, 2019, 03:30:35 PM
"Yes, the morning has a way of making things seem better.", Lira agreed, hoping at least this much could be true.

Truthfully Lira had not been precisely.. appraised of the situation herself. She simply had very good ideas about who and what it was, and the good sense to know why it was not a good idea to go out there just now.

Preparing to waltz as carefully around the truth as she were able, she nodded. "Yes, I suppose it has. Was it not like this before, when Ishara was Queen Mother?"

Renart Al'Gray
Mar 10th, 2019, 03:39:17 PM
“Not at all.”

It was easy to forget just how recently Ishara Alastor had sat upon the throne of Fountain Palace. She had been the woman to induct Renart into the Chume’nor and he could still remember her cool smile as she looked down at him, pronouncing him a captain of Her Select Commandos.

“There was no contact beyond the Consortium, no… Force users to threaten the Chume. I had never even seen someone from outside of the Cluster, until Prince Tristan’s wedding.”

Lira Terranova
Mar 10th, 2019, 04:40:40 PM
"Of course."

Lira drooped slightly just for a moment. Queen Mother Ishara had no idea what she had opened the door to, but it was too late now. They were inside, all of them, in their obtrusive, awkward glory. It was noble to say they now had representation in the greater galaxy, but had it been necessary? They had lived in their beautiful isolated Mist, untouched by outside influence and from what Lira could surmise, they had done just fine.. And now?

"It must all be quite bothersome.", she said, equally as apologetic now as she had been after she had demanded he stay with her.

"I believe our queen will rise to the occasion. The challenges she faces now will make her strong later."

Renart Al'Gray
Mar 10th, 2019, 05:08:16 PM
“Not.. bothersome.”

It occurred to Renart that he had been speaking without truly considering his words before opening his mouth. It must have been the potential threat on the moors, or the overall strangeness of Terephon at night, that had made him forget himself.

“Chume Beatrix will guide the Consortium into a new age of enlightenment and prosperity,” he said, with the kind of speed and certainty of a man who had said those very same words a number of times before.

Lira Terranova
Mar 10th, 2019, 05:42:44 PM
"She will.", Lira's not-quite-a-smile expression was renewed at the thought her little majesty.

Renart's words may have been just the appropriate response for a Hapan, but Lira truly believed it. She loved that little girl, and hoped to be by her side for years to come, to make sure exactly that happened.

Lira supposed the proper thing to do at this point was bid the captain a good evening, check on Queen Bea a final time, and then retire to her own room. She made no move to do so though, struck with the possibility that the minute she took her eyes off Renart he'd be out that door, off to investigate the disturbance on the moor. Well, not on her watch.

"So, where to now, Captain Al'Gray? I'm quite certain that I won't be able to sleep a wink."

Renart Al'Gray
Mar 10th, 2019, 05:47:23 PM
Renart nodded faintly along with Lira’s words. The captain was on high alert, and although it would have been sensible to sleep, he knew that he would be unable to rest easily.

“If it would help you, I can sit on guard at your bedside while you sleep.”

Lira Terranova
Mar 10th, 2019, 05:54:50 PM
Renart Al'Gray..watching over her, in her bed.

One of the best..

Lira was so thoroughly distracted by the thoughts that went rushing directly into her brain at that moment, she almost missed the fact that blood had rushed everywhere except to her head. Feeling quite flushed, and caught completely off her guard by their earlier conversation returning in full force, Lira's legs turned decidedly wobbly just then. To keep herself from falling, she reached for the only solid thing nearby.

Captain Al'Gray.

Renart Al'Gray
Mar 10th, 2019, 06:13:47 PM
Renart’s training was such that Lira did not so much fall into him as find herself caught by the captain.

“I have you,” he said, and when she sagged against him, he didn’t think twice before gathering her up into his arms.

“Don’t worry, ta’din. I’ll get you back to your room.”

Lira Terranova
Mar 11th, 2019, 11:31:59 AM
Still reeling, there was simply no objecting to being scooped up in his arms. Lira was not sure she could have protested anyway, she seemed to have lost her voice, along with her sense. Since when had she ever felt faint? Never! Absolutely speechless, she struggled to find the good sense that she had always depended on, but all she seemed able to process was how close Renart was. She could feel the heat of him, gods..she could smell him, and that was the only reason she knew she was still breathing, that's how still she had become.

How did you stop feeling befuddled when the source of your befuddlement was carrying you down a hall? Being still and quiet, just watching him was not helping either. Lira had just noticed the way the muscles and tendons in his neck flexed with each step, and was mesmerized.

This was such a terrible idea. For the rest of her life she was going to have first hand knowledge of exactly what being carried off to bed by Renart Al'Gray was like, and...she was not sure she wanted it. Was there any going back? Her sheltered little heart was sure it would never recover from this, beating a million times a minute in her chest. He was so achingly perfect that it twisted her insides around, but she had to keep reminding herself. Not yours, Lira. Not even close.

Renart Al'Gray
Mar 11th, 2019, 12:48:43 PM
If the other guards on duty within the Villa Solis were surprised to see Captain Al’Gray carrying the queen’s lady to her bedchamber, they said nothing of it. One even held the door aside, as Renart stepped into the darkened room that was reserved for Lira. Carefully, he set her down on her bed, laying on her side. From his time in service to Ishara and her attendants, Renart knew that the clothing worn by the royal household could be restrictive and had the potential to cause fainting. Combined with the uncertain excitement of the evening, it could well have gone to her head. As he had done to a swooning Ishara on a number of occasions, he carefully loosened the fastening at her collar, and moved to do the same at her waist.

Lira Terranova
Mar 11th, 2019, 01:42:43 PM
The moment her body sank into her silk covered mattress, Lira told herself it would be fine. She was here now, it was over. Mission 'Carry Lira to bed!' was complete, and with a bit of luck the captain was about to do as he had said. He was going to sit beside her, watching her not sleep. While she watched him not go outside.

Which was why the cool air on the back of her neck gave her chills that had nothing to do with the temperature.. Was he? He was! Lira could definitely feel Renart's fingers, and one by one the fastenings of her dress practically flung themselves free. The most efficient lady's maid had nothing on him.

Oh, my goodness.

Lira was sure her eyes were wide with something like panic. Finally, a sound escaped her, but she was not sure what kind of sound it was. It did not sound familiar to her chaste ears. It was enough to shock her into something. A little breathless, she rolled flat on her back, just to keep whatever was left of her dress and her sanity together.

Renart Al'Gray
Mar 11th, 2019, 02:00:59 PM
Renart took a quick step back from the bed, with a relieved: “Oh!”

The captain smiled, pleased to have been of such quick and effective assistance that Lira had come to within moments of being returned to her bed.

“Ta’din, are you alright? Is there anything I can get you?”

Lira Terranova
Mar 11th, 2019, 02:45:52 PM
Lira's hand gripped the front of her dress, half-afraid it might just fly right off her body if he happened to move his fingers just right.

She nodded, probably too quickly for someone as reserved as she had always thought she was. "Fine.."

Which did not seem to match her wary scramble, sitting up and inching backward, all the while holding her dress. "No. No, thank you, captain..."

Not so seduced that I'm letting you out of my sight that easily. Her breathing was still a bit labored, and with good reason. That was about as close to ravished as Lira had ever been and was ever likely to be. She wasn't sure if she had just dodged something, or missed her chance entirely. She also could not sit here half-undone all night, but she was not sure what do to about that yet.

"Robe!", she blurted! "Please, I.. I have a dressing gown, just in the wardrobe?"

Renart Al'Gray
Mar 11th, 2019, 03:03:49 PM
Without a word, Renart stalked over to where Lira’s clothes were kept, in a wardrobe that had been well-stocked for the royal family’s stay on Terephon. He returned to the bedside with the robe and held it out to her, before turning away. Very rarely, including times like these when the situation had been momentarily fraught, Renart forgot that Lira was not Hapan and so was not necessarily comfortable with being nude in front of her servants.

“My apologies. I will… step outside, and join the guard at your door.”

Lira Terranova
Mar 11th, 2019, 03:52:09 PM
The moment he had turned away, Lira pulled the dress the rest of the way free from her chest, before stuffing her arms into her robe. It was not as if she were completely naked beneath, she did have a thin shift of very fine linen, and the other accompanying undergarments. It had simply been a bit too intense, she was not at all sure what to do with that much.. feeling.

Lira had only just slid her legs over the side of the bed, meaning to let the rest of her dress fall free, when the captain said he was going.No, no..no. Pulling the robe around herself with as much dexterity as she could muster, Lira stepped out from the circle of her fallen dress, and ran after him. Prepared to do whatever she had to, to keep him from leaving.

Very Hapan of you, Lira.

"Please don't go!"

Renart Al'Gray
Mar 11th, 2019, 04:52:25 PM
Renart turned to the sight of Lira practically sprinting into him. She looked genuinely afraid. However much the peculiar happenings on the moors had unsettled Renart, it was as if the entire evening had rattled Lira.

The captain’s brow furrowed and he gave a solemn nod. “As you wish. Where should I stand or sit, ta’din?”

Lira Terranova
Mar 11th, 2019, 05:22:26 PM
Relieved once more, Lira pondered what to do with him. She glanced about, and no reasonable solution presented itself. Had they been at the Fountain Palace this would not be a problem. Her room was large enough that a small family could have dwelled inside, and while her room in the Villa Solis was comfortably appointed, it did seem to have a lack of furniture. It had not bothered her before, as she was hardly ever in it, but now it was slightly problematic.

Finishing tying the belt at her waist, Lira walked to the foot of the bed, her fingers trailed absently over the duvet. She turned around and sat. This was the choice, one and only.

"Maybe.. just sit with me?", she scooted over, and back a little, kicking her shoes off. It seemed like they were going to be here a while..

Renart Al'Gray
Mar 12th, 2019, 01:20:11 PM
The captain did as he was asked, perching on the end of the bed. He offered a small smile.

“You ought to rest, Lira. You don’t need to stay awake on my behalf.”

Lira Terranova
Mar 12th, 2019, 03:30:30 PM
She really did, but it was a moot point. All points had been rendered moot.

"You've never called me that before." Lira commented quietly.

Inside, her heart was no longer pounding in panic. She felt sort of warm, and slow now. Maybe it was a side effect of all the excitement, or just a response to Renart Al'Gray saying her name in his fanciful Hapan accent. Probably the later.

Renart Al'Gray
Mar 13th, 2019, 02:25:46 PM
The moment Renart realised what he had done, his eyes widened.


The captain bit down on his lower lip. How had he been so careless? To call a ta’din a ducha, or otherwise mis-label a member of the court, could get a man into serious trouble. Renart pictured how his sister would react to being name Valois by her attendants and fought back a wince. She would have slapped the name right out of his mouth.

“I will be certain to use the correct form of address in the future.”

Lira Terranova
Mar 13th, 2019, 02:45:12 PM
Now she'd done it.

Lira felt instantly contrite about bringing Renart's attention to the fact that he had said her name, as it seemed to have really bothered him, and worse he might not do it again.

"No, it's fine!", she tried to sound reassuring. "I.. liked it."

Lira forgot for a minute that she was the very image of stoicism. Rarely, if ever, smiling. Still, beyond her control or knowledge, the corners of her mouth crept upward in a hopeful expression. "Would you.. do it again?"

Renart Al'Gray
Mar 13th, 2019, 02:58:51 PM
There was no slap to the face. Quite the contrary, Ta’din Terranova looked almost pleased.

“Of course… Lira. You can call me Renart, if you like.”

Lira Terranova
Mar 13th, 2019, 04:11:15 PM
Just as it had the first time, Renart's use of her name sent a roll of pleasure through her. Whatever had been going on outside, Lira was content to forget about it for now. For just a little while longer. Just this one time., she told herself, happy to indulge in the illusion that they were alone. It was not true, just on the other side of her door Chume'doro were on patrol, stationed at every entrance, constantly on the watch for any threat to the Chume. That Beatrix was fast asleep did not signify, or cause a less eventful rotation in duties. The Villa Solis did not sleep while the queen was in residence, and tonight it seemed neither did they.

She would like to, just this one night maybe, call him Renart, but she was not sure she dared. Seemed like a very slippery slope, and she was already too familiar with the Chume'nor captain, by far. Lira was also sure that right now she couldn't remember why that was a problem? "Yes. I think I would like that.. Renart."

Uncharacteristic shyness poked her right in the belly. Desperate to find something to do, Lira reached up and pulled the pair of combs from her hair. She didn't have many trinkets, but these combs had been a present from Beatrix, little golden honey bees had been worked into the design. She had known instantly upon seeing them they had been a response to Lira calling Her Little Majesty 'Queen Bea' when they were on their own. Lira scooted off her bed, only long enough to move around to her bedside table, to set the combs down and retrieve her brush.

Renart Al'Gray
Mar 13th, 2019, 04:26:32 PM
It was difficult to remember the last time somehow had actually called Renart by his given name. He was Captain Al’Gray or Chume’nor to most, and brother or uncle to his family on the rare occasions when they met. It was no hardship to him, to be known by other titles and ranks, but it was… pleasing to think that Lira Terranova respected and trusted him enough to speak, at least this once, on first name terms.

As she returned to the foot of the bed, he regarded the items in her hands.

“Can I help?”

Lira Terranova
Mar 13th, 2019, 05:11:14 PM
Sitting back down, Lira began brushing out the end of her hair the same way she did every night before bed. Presently it was less of a routine and more of a distraction, keeping her focused on something beside the obvious. That she had Renart, Captain of the Chume'nor, sitting on her bed, just because she had asked him to.

Lira stopped pulling the brush through her long blonde hair, looking at Renart askance. While the thought of having him run a brush, or his hands, through her hair sounded like a sin she was most eager to commit, she was not at all sure she could get through it without losing her mind.

"Oh, you don't have to do that. It's bad enough I'm making you stay here at all. I just had a terrible feeling that you shouldn't go..", she said honestly.

Renart Al'Gray
Mar 14th, 2019, 02:24:10 PM
With no duties to perform, Renart kept a watchful eye on the four corners of the room. It was unlikely that anything was about to burst out of the wallpaper and disturb the peace in Lira’s chamber, but the habit of playing watchman and guard wasn’t easy to shake.

“It’s important to trust our instincts, when they tell us something isn’t right,” he said, thoughtful. “You seem to have a keen sense for danger.”

Lira Terranova
Mar 14th, 2019, 02:46:42 PM
Lira's brushing slowed while she considered what she should, or should not, be so transparent about. She did have good instincts, maybe too good. Suspiciously good, if she were not more careful.

"Probably the result of growing up on a world where everything can, and will, eat you.", she nodded slowly, tiredly, and then thought about how absurd that must sound to someone from the Cluster, glancing at Renart.

It was all a little much for her. Out from nowhere Lira dropped the brush, covering her face she burst into laughter.

Renart Al'Gray
Mar 17th, 2019, 06:12:30 AM
Lira’s laughter was infectious and it tugged the corners of Renart’s mouth into a smile.

“The more I hear of Onderon, the more I’d like to see it someday.”

Terephon was perhaps, of all the worlds in the Cluster, the planet that now most closely resembled Lira’s homeworld. The similarity was entirely artificial and came as a result of Ishara ordering the import of dozens of Onderonian species.

“It would be interesting to take a group of royal guard recruits there, for training, instead of to Gallinore. I expect there’s a lot we could learn.”

Lira Terranova
Mar 17th, 2019, 02:34:11 PM
Lira's hands, still cupped over her mouth to cover her laughter which she was chalking up to hysteria, fell away as her giggles did as well. She was a little horrified with her sudden lack of control, she who never gave away even a grin, had laughed like a maniac.

""Maybe you will." Lira said, regaining her normally cool composure.

The thought of Renart going to visit Onderon brought to mind the mystery of the last son of Hapes that had visited her home. Prince Tristan, gone but not forgotten just yet. He had simply vanished. Lira wondered if they would find his bones in a pile of boma leavings someday.

"That is.. not an awful idea actually."

Onderon, and also Dxun perhaps, would be a test to the normal Hapan training, particularly if they went about it during the nighttime hours. Those born in a world of perpetual light would find that trees that obscured the sunlight, and worse at night the eerie proximity of their moon and it's greenish hue, a challenge.

"I wonder if I would be permitted to go along..", she mused, missing her home just a little, but not enough to want to return permanently.

Renart Al'Gray
Mar 18th, 2019, 02:12:09 AM
“I will make a recommendation to Major Lecavalier.”

As much as the Chume’doro were set in their ways, ways that had been dictated by centuries of service, Renart felt almost certain that the Major would be open to the idea of exploring new avenues of training, to combat the new types of foe that the Consortium found itself facing.

“If you asked, I can’t imagine the Major could refuse.”

Lira Terranova
Mar 18th, 2019, 02:42:19 PM
It was rather a good idea, Lira would be sure to follow up on it. Whether or not she would be refused though? Renart was probably correct, the Major would not really be able to object if Lira waved her title of Ta'din Terranova around. Having power like that was not something that Lira was used to, or made a habit of taking advantage of. It was not the major that she was worried about convincing anyway. There were very few minutes in her days that she was not attending Beatrix, or Razielle. It had been so for all of the Chume's life. Lira did not take time off. It would have to be given much more thought..

"Probably not.. but I'm not sure I could bear to leave our Queen Bea."

Hair brushed. Soft robe on. Shoes off.

Lira was beginning to feel far too comfortable sitting in the darkness of her bedroom with Renart. She would have denied the possibility a few hours ago, yet here they sat. Eyeing him now, Lira shocked herself by wondering just how much a ta'din could get away with exactly.

Renart Al'Gray
Mar 19th, 2019, 03:18:43 AM
Renart nodded to himself. They were both bound to the throne, to the Queen. As a Chume’nor, Renart was sworn to her protection for life. Though he had taken the oath to Ishara, Beatrix’s grandmother, it was a promise that would live as long as the captain himself did. Looking up and realising that he was being watched, Renart offered Lira an encouraging smile.

“Perhaps the Chume would like to visit the city where her mother and father were first betrothed.”

Lira Terranova
Mar 19th, 2019, 03:35:55 PM
"Mhmm, I think she might." Particularly now that the Chume had seen for herself what sort of creatures lived there. "I believe the queen has also wished to visit Onderon's Queen Adraudia." Auntie Adraudia was what she had said, actually.

"There is quite a tale of the night that they met there.", Lira informed Renart.

It was his smile the ultimately did her in. With what Lira hoped was only a bit of awkward shyness, she worked up the nerve to move closer. Bracing her palms on the mattress to either side of herself she scooted over, as near as she dared. Turned out to be closer than she would have thought, the entire side of her thigh was pushed up against Renart's now. As if that were not enough, she went a step beyond, leaning into him just a bit. Cuddled quite close, she thought.

"Is this.. ok?", she whispered.

Renart Al'Gray
Mar 20th, 2019, 03:32:03 AM
“Of course.”

The captain looked down to where Lira’s leg was flush against his own. There was a marked difference between the light robe she wore, and the armour that overlaid his thigh. It was not the heavy, ceremonial suit, with its ornate gilding, but it was nevertheless perhaps not the ideal attire for cosying up to.

“I can remove my armour, if that would be more comfortable?”

Lira Terranova
Mar 20th, 2019, 09:45:28 AM
Was it really alright though? Lira was not convinced. In fact, she felt as though she were boarding a vessel knowing it was doomed, while waving goodbye to sense and reason as she did. It was definitely not ok.

"If you would be more comfortable." Lira barely had a voice that time.

What was she doing? Inviting Chume'nor to start stripping in her room now? Lira swallowed. No, not Chume'nor. Just Renart.

"Is it alright because..it is? Or because I'm Ta'din Terranova and that has something to do with it?", she risked a peek up at him, knowing she was probably quite pink by now.

Renart Al'Gray
Mar 20th, 2019, 01:11:25 PM
Renart had already begun to slip off one gauntlet, revealing the padded shirt beneath. His brow wrinkled, just a little, though when he saw Lira looking so shyly up at him, he couldn't help but smile again.

“I'm afraid don’t understand the distinction.”

Lira Terranova
Mar 20th, 2019, 02:59:47 PM
Lira really wished she could be the sort of female that would not let that bother her, but it did. It bothered her, but it did not stop her. She might be more complicated than a Hapan lady, but she felt confident she could explain it better. His smiles were very motivating, she found.

"Well, what I mean is.. I would not want to sit so close, not if you did not really want me to. I wouldn't force that sort of thing on anyone, least of all you. I would much rather be there if you..wanted me to be there too?"

One brow arched upward hopefully, wondering if somewhere in all of that babbling she had made her point?

Renart Al'Gray
Mar 21st, 2019, 05:19:18 AM
Off came the second gauntlet and Renart, about to begin removing his thigh guards, paused. There was something she was dancing around, a question that she was perhaps unable to ask plainly. Years among the Hapan people had not yet given Lira Terranova the in-bred sense of seniority that allowed Hapan women to speak as candidly as they pleased. Rather than reaching for the next piece of armor, the captain reached for Lira’s hand, his calloused fingers squeezing hers.

“I’m very happy to have you beside me, Lira.”

Lira Terranova
Mar 21st, 2019, 03:04:39 PM

Somehow she managed not to disgrace herself by actually asking it, but Lira was sure it was plain on her face all the same. Probably went well with whatever shade of pink was permanently settled on her at this point. Her fingers twitched, just slightly as he took them but then she simply sat still, a bit mystified with it all. Holding hands with Renart now..

"Oh.." Every time he said her name, just a little bit less of Lira recalled what a bad idea all of this was.

"Good." Promising herself that tomorrow she would regain her senses, Lira stopped fighting the only person telling her no. Herself.

Renart Al'Gray
Mar 21st, 2019, 04:25:55 PM
Lira shuffled a little closer, nestled up against him. Renart smiled to himself. How at ease he felt in her company. He looked down, at his hand laid over hers. He was happy to be beside her. To be the one she chosen to spend her time with, when her duties did not call.

If this were courtship, he knew what he ought to do, what his education in such matters had lead him to believe was right.

Renart lifted his hand, their fingers twined together, and pressed a kiss against to the back of Lira's hand.

Lira Terranova
Mar 21st, 2019, 09:31:20 PM
Little bumps rose on her skin at her wrist, shooting in a path up her arm and she could not stop the little shiver of her breath. It was such an unexpected, and yet obviously perfect, thing to do. Lira was both stunned into quietness, and also not at all surprised. Everything he did was perfect.

One of the best, Lira. Remember? How could she forget? Those four little words kept repeating themselves in her mind.

Lira was in completely over her head with this particular Hapan, and she knew it well.. but she still smiled shyly, completely enjoying herself for a change. It was surreal enough that if she suddenly woke up, it would make more sense than the situation she found herself in. "I'm very happy you stayed with me, Renart."