View Full Version : Untaaura Verratoa

Untaaura Verratoa
Oct 15th, 2017, 10:27:48 PM
Untaaura Ressahi Kobirro Verratoa
Age 38 :: Cizerack Pride :: Major of the Jaani'sarri
Currently on Jovan Station

Character Background

At five feet and one inch, Untaaura is considered fairly short among Cizerack women.
Born on Carshoulis, but moved to the alpine world of Taltimant in the Carshoulis Cluster when she was a child.
Born of a working class family.
Joined the Jaani'sarri immediately after graduating from University.
Veteran of the Third Thalassian Siege campaign.
Was wounded by a grenade attack during the campaign that left her right ear bobbed and mangled.
Served a posting of two years at the Jedi Sanctuary on Ossus, helping to construct facilities and housing.
Recently deployed to Jovan Station as head of Cizerack security to replace the Jaani'sarr officer who had been posted during the terrorist attack.

Raw Material

Untaaura is a closeted lesbian. This has deep consequences in Cizerack culture, and if discovered, it could ruin her career.
Her parents discovered her secret and have disowned her. She burned the bridge to her immediate family, and to anyone who asks, she tells them they died in the clone wars.
Her homeplanet best friend was a lanky girl named Kuurramaai. They went into the marines together. In secret, they became lovers.
Kuurramaai was killed in the Third Thalassian Siege. The loss devastated Untaaura and she's only started to make some sense of peace.
An obsessive fitness person. Untaaura spends most of her free time either running or weight training. She has a wiry and compact frame.
Enjoys hiking, hunting, and the great outdoors.
Addicted to tabac from her combat tours in the Jaani'sarri. She's since cut down to a modest half pack a day.
Holds a wary respect for Jedi from her time on Ossus.
Typically irritable, short-fused, and prone to getting directly to the point. She doesn't mince words, but she also doesn't go out of her way to be capricious or cruel.

Plot Ideas

If you run afoul of the law on Jovan Station, you're going to have a run-in with Untaaura
War veteran? You might have war stories to swap.
If you're a lady who fancies other ladies, there might be something here, but don't expect Untaaura to be direct or initially willing.
She's a hard person to befriend, but its possible.

Existing Relationships

Teagan s'Ilancy (Jedi): The only person who knows her secret beyond her surviving family. The only person Untaaura considers a friend.

Current Plots

. Briefly explain a few current plots or threads. These might spin off into new plots and threads.

Credit for the basic template goes to Dun of RPG-D (http://rpg-directory.com/index.php?act=idx)