View Full Version : Role-Play Idea

Kal Doran
Oct 10th, 2017, 09:09:53 PM
Since I am new here, I was thinking that the best way to integrate myself into the community and start establishing relationships is with an old-fashioned treasure hunt. The idea itself is straightforward.

A Mandalore of the distant past issued a secret order to a group of top Mandalorian scientists to research ship-mounted cloaking devices powered by rare Stygium crystals. The scientists were to amass a sizeable amount of the crystals to experiment with and develop their lab/cache in a secret location known only to a select few. All records of this installation were lost once the previous Mandalore was slain in single combat. The story of the crystals only lived on as a fun treasure tale told for the entertainment of children. However, during one of Kal's raids on an old Mandalorian military cache, he found a data disc that contained records exchanged between Mandalore and the scientists detailing the development of the project. There is also a portion of the disc that is encrypted which Kal had deduced contains hyperspace routes and planetary coordinates of the cache/laboratory.

This is where the RP would begin. Kal is looking for a group of 3-4 capable beings to help him decrypt this ancient data disc as well as recover the crystals (and whatever technical information is possibly left behind) from a heavily fortified and (most likely) heavily-trapped Mandalorian bunker. This is really open to anyone who is interested, but there would have to be some compelling reasons for Kal to work with anyone aligned with the Empire (due to his past dealings). I am also very open to edits on this concept if it would make the narrative more interesting to all involved.

Matatek Sel Vissica
Oct 10th, 2017, 09:23:12 PM
I like it. A good clean adventure.

Do you plan on just having it be a group of spelunking protagonists or were you also wanting to have an enemy involved?

Kal Doran
Oct 10th, 2017, 09:35:23 PM
Hey, if someone wants to play as an antagonist and people are interested, I'm down.

Matatek Sel Vissica
Oct 10th, 2017, 09:51:15 PM
Where would this bunker be, and what sort of enemy would you want to face? There's a nice motley assortment of folks who could come together for an adventure, so you should have no problem there.

Kal Doran
Oct 10th, 2017, 10:33:53 PM
Since Oderon and it's moon Dxun have a long and storied relationship with the Mandalorians in SW lore, I thought it would be a neat idea if the bunker ended up there. I'm not sure about what kind of enemy I would want to face, since I'm still learning about what the major factions on this site are. I do think meeting with a data decrypter could take place on an Imperial or Cizerack-controlled world. Not sure why that idea speaks to me, but there is something about needing to go into hostile territory that I think would be interesting.

Cirrsseeto Quez
Oct 10th, 2017, 10:43:40 PM
Okay, that would place the business end of the adventure in Alliance space, so you've got a few options here.

Onderon / Dxun has enough nasty fauna that you could make the threat simply one of environment if you wanted to keep the story neat and tidy around the adventurers. Combine that with the traps and defenses the bunker has, that could be enough.

Those worlds are also in the territory of the Alliance of Free Planets. There could be some laws you might run afoul of there which cause the authorities to try and catch you.

Another option - with loot like this, you might draw the attention of some criminal organizations like Black Sun who want to let you do the hard work and get the loot, then try and take it for themselves.

Kal Doran
Oct 10th, 2017, 11:03:13 PM
Ooh I would love to see Alliance Command claim that whatever salvage is in the bunkers as rightfully theirs since they would actually have a legitimate legal claim to it due to it. Of course, that doesn't fly with Kal, as property rights of Mandalorian artifacts and salvage always belong to true Mandalorians.

Ryloth Grimhammer
Oct 11th, 2017, 12:10:48 AM
"If ya need some slicing and decryption, I'm yer man! I'm currently sitting on Nar Shaddaa, but I can be anywhere you need me t' be."

I also play a host of baddies if we need obstacles along the way, such as Cannibal Space Pirates, murderous droids, terrorists, and space horrors.

Oct 11th, 2017, 10:06:07 AM
Ben and crew on Serenit— I mean Alderaan (the ship) are always up for a good adventure. If it pays. Gotta have fuel!

Oct 11th, 2017, 12:16:23 PM
This Sith Master has a love for history and archaeology, so perhaps their paths cross on Dxun or Onderon and she agrees to help. Being secretly Sith, she wouldn't come off as nasty or sadistic, only helpful as long as it suits her, though fighting the fauna of Dxun, they would all have to work together anyway just to survive.

Ben Merasska
Oct 11th, 2017, 12:29:20 PM
Ben and company running around Dxun with a Mandalorian and a secret Sith lady. Oh yeah. This could be fun. We could call it "Everybody Hates Ben", and have a Terry Crews cameo.

But yeah.

It sounds straightforward, and a lot like a TOR quest to be honest, so yeah. We got smugglers for ya if'n you need some.

Mace Riko
Oct 11th, 2017, 02:02:28 PM
If you're wanting to take any other Mandalorians along, I've been itching to do more with this guy. He's currently a sort of go-between, liaising with the Mando government on behalf of the Bounty Hunters Guild, and also is the proxy who sits in on High Council meetings for Clan Koine while the leader is elsewhere. He's a mercenary, and a former clone commando with a recon background... and if you're wanting any sort of political follow up if/when this tech is retrieved, he's the kind of guy who can get you face time with the right people.

Kal Doran
Oct 11th, 2017, 05:55:27 PM
Damn this looks like a perfect group to me, as long as some representative of the Alliance wants to insert themselves once we are on Dxun (the tomb of Freedon Nadd might be an interesting place to check out) to muck things up. Anybody have a preference where to start the thread?

Milivikal k'Vik
Oct 11th, 2017, 07:56:23 PM
Onderon actually has a strong darksider presence but most of the people who made that contingent are unfortunately inactive.

Captain Untouchable
Oct 11th, 2017, 08:01:40 PM
Aren't most of those darksiders in the Hapes Cluster rather than Onderon, though? Even Salem is off being Minister of State for the AFP a lot of the time, so that shouldn't cause any issues for folks sneaking around on the neighbouring moon.

Royston Basillie
Oct 11th, 2017, 09:30:51 PM
*Wipes the dust off*

Let's not forget that Lilaena took a bunch of Mandalorians from Dxun/Onderon with her when she left the planet, and are currently with the Eleutheria group. I assume the equivalent of an entire clan.

I write this character, Kyzer Rayne, who is the cousin to the Queen that went native among the Beast Riders. So if we want the Beast Riders to be an adversary to the group that's entirely possible.

I also write Jecht Tar, the Captain of the Onderon Royal Guard, if that's useful at all.

Kal Doran
Oct 11th, 2017, 10:12:55 PM
I started the thread here (https://www.sw-fans.net/forum/showthread.php?57537-Stygium-amp-Slicers&p=1059468#post1059468) for all those interested. The tag says PM, but in reality, it's open to anyone who wants to contribute. Hope to see you guys there!

Salem Ave
Oct 19th, 2017, 03:47:35 PM
Aren't most of those darksiders in the Hapes Cluster rather than Onderon, though? Even Salem is off being Minister of State for the AFP a lot of the time, so that shouldn't cause any issues for folks sneaking around on the neighbouring moon.

This is true. Onderon is fairly low on Salem's priority list now, so it would be pretty straightforward to do anything there without him noticing :)

The Queen might have something to say about it though... :mischief