View Full Version : Next Deployment
Untaaura Verratoa
Sep 29th, 2017, 12:52:09 AM
The waiting was the worst part.
Shuttles and dropships traded speed for carrying capacity. Half economics, and half laws of physics. An airtight sajoi cage at class two sublight or terminal velocity didn't get much say in when it got there, just a fair chance that it would. All a marine could hope for was that they didn't get shot down, and that no one lost their lunch or shit themselves. No one wanted to experience a hard vacuum compartment evacuation with soiled unders.
Still, it was a lot of waiting, even in the best case scenario.
Further complicating the fact of the matter was that, taken conservatively, two out of every three marines was a smoker. Not that raaka-ass jeeta shit. Wholesome, acrid, carcinogenic tabacc. So wholesome they issued a pack a day, along with your toiletries kit. If you didn't know why, you'd figure it out real quick after getting shot at a time or two.
On a planetary billet or on a galleon, that shit was above board, so long as you weren't posted on security. Whole different story when boarding or dropping though. Smaller ship. Smaller communal air supply. Smaller personal spaces. The Jaani'sarri code gave those reasons, but Untaaura figured there was a more practical reason. You stuff four dozen marines into a stale boxcar and throw them into harm's way - without a cigarette - they're gonna reach their final destination a little bit pissed off. Worked like a charm. Some marines tried to flank and outmaneuver on that shit by chewing. Good way to get your ass kicked, spitting on another marine's boots.
So that's a long story in telling that by the time the slow boat from Daikarro Norri arrived at the outer docking ring of Jovan Station, Major Untaaura Verratoa had been without a cigarette for way too long.
The hatch cleared with a hiss, and just like the Pride Mother wanted, four dozen of her finest pissed off marines debarked faster than a kaabbuk could bleed out. Boots beat against diamond-stamped durasteel decking as rucks flew off the racks overhead.
Untaaura squared the officer's cover firmly atop her shock of close-cropped hair and secured her own kit. The debarkation was orderly violence, and she hit the deck on Jovan at 18:30 galactic standard. The rest of the marines were already at work getting their shit together and hoofing it to the barracks, where they certainly would be able to unwind with a smoke. Not her, though. Not the Major.
She had to put that off a little while longer.
Fifteen minutes later
Untaaura had beelined it for Operations, intent on reporting directly to the station commander. When she arrived at Kes Akiena's office, she found that the Commander was currently occupied in a meeting that was running over. Hurry up and wait was practically Jaani'sarri holy verse, so Untaaura had little else to do but drop her ruck, park ass, and crave a cigarette.
Then came the whistling.
The Major's scarred ear perked, bristling with irritation as she tracked the source. Posted to either side of the commander's quarters were a pair of marines at guard duty. Their red armor was clean and orderly, and their blaster rifles looked like they'd pass muster. But one of the men - out of some kind of boredom-induced insanity, had taken to whistling a marching cadence. It was off tune, off beat, and half-hearted. It was also absolutely unsat.
"Leekta! Jaani'saarr!"
Untaaura exploded to her feet, startling half the room as she advanced on the offending Marine, who promptly stowed his lips. That didn't satisfy the Major, who presented her hand as a knife edge, prodding forcefully into the man's chest.
"jYou arre on dutjy! Act ljike jit!"
The Major's half-scarred face turned in a sneer. The unfortunate marine under her ire redoubled his stance at attention, keeping his eyes dutifully forward.
"Ya ve, rrou'a!"
Untaaura pushed off with the edge of her hand, giving the man a withering glare as she backed away.
Goddess, she could use that cigarette right now.
Kes Akiena
Sep 29th, 2017, 11:40:41 PM
His attentions had been on Captain Cipteo, who's low, scratch-like voice had filled his ears for the last hour. Hour. The meeting was only supposed to be no more than thirty minutes, but the discussion had branched to many different topics that had eventually led to a sort of holding pattern for Kes. He had other appointments to be sure, but one didn't rush a Mon Calamari who insisted that every bit of minutia be examined when it came to the stock rolls going to his ship. It wasn't even anything terribly out of the ordinary - in fact it was the same set of supplies the captain always received. But, just as the restock list was a constant, so was the inevitability of an overage of time.
Salvation came in the form of movement through the muddled transparisteel office doors that separated the rest of the command hub from his office. Eyes shifting slightly to cast over Cipteo's shoulder, Kes couldn't help a furrowing of his brow as he watched a blurred shape move with intent to stand in front of one of the marines posted outside his office.
Words were being spoken, though he could hear nothing. There was always a way to tell when someone was speaking, and as his interest grew, so too did the obvious nature of his distraction. Cipteo paused mid-sentence, blinked bulbous eyes, and slowly shifted in his seat. His torso twisted so that he could catch the tail-end of... something.
The red-head took the chance without hesitation, and rising to stand, he skirted his desk.
"Excuse me, Captain."
It was a relatively short walk to the doors, and with a whisper they pulled apart.
Untaaura Verratoa
Sep 29th, 2017, 11:53:14 PM
She'd kept her tirade brief and potent. That was the best way to instruct a marine. Not to succumb to any insipid stereotypes that certain women in the Navy might perpetuate, but people who made a living out of killing those they could look in the eye tended to prefer things delivered on point. So when the doors glided open, Commander Akiena wasn't subject to second-hand abuse from Marine-speak and profanity. She was done. Instead, Untaaura instantly squared to him and made eye contact.
Then again, when a Marine did that, it was also pretty forceful. Intense and focused. It worked when the person across from you was either in a conversation, or on the other side of a gun sight.
"Commanderr Akjiena."
Boot heels snapped together, and the Major saluted with open palm.
"Majorr Untaaura Verratoa of the Jaani'sarri."
Kes Akiena
Sep 29th, 2017, 11:58:47 PM
He let the greeting hang in the air for a fraction of a second longer than normal, and in that small point in time, let his hands move to clasp at the small of his back. There was a strange expression on his features; a mix of stern curiosity and level acceptance of the woman so smartly saluting him.
"Major," he finally answered.
A look to each of the marines on either side of him then, then back to the newcomer once more.
"You're with the detachment brought in by the Daikarro Norri, yes?"
Untaaura Verratoa
Sep 30th, 2017, 12:09:46 AM
Keeping at attention, the Major didn't so much as season her response with a head nod. The only change was a slight elevation of her ears - the one on the right was noticeably cropped several inches shorter than the other.
"jI am, Arr'u."
As was customary, the Major pulled her orders dataslip from her jacket's breast pocket, presenting it for inspection. No doubt unnecessary. A troop rotation of ninety-six marines might escape the notice of a forrda bureaucrat, but not the sea change that caused that, and a change of the battalion commander.
Still, there was a way in which these introductions were done, and Untaaura was not going to deviate from it.
Kes Akiena
Sep 30th, 2017, 12:14:07 AM
One hand disengaged, reaching out for and taking the dataslip. He gave it a glance, but nothing lengthy. His eyes were quickly back to the Major, and after a thoughtful silence, the Commander took a half-step back and to the side, his off hand coming out to bid her entry.
"Please join me."
Captain Cipteo had by now also risen to his own feet, and towering over both the Commander and the Major, stood in the center of the office like some aquatic sentinel.
Untaaura Verratoa
Sep 30th, 2017, 12:28:01 AM
Breaking from her attention pose, the Major followed Kes through the threshold, momentarily taking stock of the Mon Calamari with the same level of fierce attention. Enough time to distinguish who she'd be sharing the Commander's company with.
"Captajin." she greeted, keeping the word clipped and utilitarian as she pulled her cap from her head, tucking it under arm. A shock of platinum blonde hair sat tight and tidy atop her head, seemingly unfazed from spending time under a hat. Her nose scrunched slightly, picking up on the distinct smell of the pescaloid. Untaaura didn't let it distract for long, returning her attention to the station commander.
"The Rrojyal Commandant hass jissued orrderrss that, effectjive jimmedjiately, Majorr Iniirraahe jiss to be rrecalled back to homeworrld."
She drew in a breath.
"Wjith jyourr perrmjisssjion, jI am to rreljieve herr."
Kes Akiena
Sep 30th, 2017, 03:06:00 PM
It was no real surprise that Major Iniirraahe had been pulled from the station. The sudden nature of it, too, was no shock. There was a swiftness to the Pride's methods that one had to respect.
Moving back towards his desk, Kes passed by the Captain who'd given a respectful nod in turn to Major Verratoa.
His eyes went to Kes one final time as he drew himself up. Shoulders hitched back, stance loose yet proper.
"Commander, it has been - as always - most enjoyable."
The red-head lowered himself back down into his seat as Cipteo gave his farewell. Crisp, formal, and to the point. A far cry from the Man Calamari who seemed to take a strange sort of perverse pleasure at seeing how long he could stretch his visits.
"Until your next docking, Captain."
Moments later found the only two occupants in the room staring at one another. Major Verratoa was short in stature, but by the looks of her, she hadn't let that hinder her.
"Please, sit," he broke the silence with a gesture to one of the two chairs before his desk.
Untaaura Verratoa
Sep 30th, 2017, 03:18:34 PM
The scar-faced marine found the chair directly opposite the commander, and occupied it. Even the way she sat seemed to come from some kind of martial training - lowering down in a way such that her back kept perpendicular to the deck all the way down. It was deliberate enough so that the padded chair sighed, instead of softly thumping with weight. Untaaura splayed her fingers along each armrest, testing the material lightly with outstretched claws.
Kes Akiena
Sep 30th, 2017, 03:39:26 PM
He wasn't exactly one to dawdle for too long; or so he often tried to tell himself. Placing the dataslip onto his desk, Kes reached over with his other hand to pull a loose leaf flimsi close before letting his eyes skim over the information it held.
"You were posted to Ossus before this. Interesting place?"
Untaaura Verratoa
Sep 30th, 2017, 04:06:12 PM
Interesting place? It sounded like something a Carshoulis matron might ask to her girlfriend after a weeklong holiday on Paltinnian. It definitely felt more familiar than what she'd expected from her future Commander, whom she imagined would be more interested in measurables and specifics.
"We possted forr two jyearrss on a cjivjil engjineerrjing mjisssjion. jIf prrefabrrjicated consstrructjion jinterresstss jyou, then jit wass verrjy jinterresstjing, arr'u."
There were entire volumes left unsaid. She guarded those things under the heart's lock and key. It was clear that he wanted more though, so the Major humored Akiena. She raised an eyebrow along with an ear.
"But jI asssume bjy jinterresstjing, jyou mean the Jedji. Morre often than not, we worrked at arrm'ss length. Thejy...tolerrated ourr prressence."
Kes Akiena
Sep 30th, 2017, 04:24:29 PM
"Well, the Jedi are certainly interesting in their own special way, but I was more speaking of the chance to watch and help a new community grow."
He gave her a genial smile.
"But I suppose that it's all in the eyes of the beholder. We all see different aspects of the same thing."
Kes pressed on.
"But now you're here," He leaned back in his seat. "... and I have to ask, why choose Jovan?"
Untaaura Verratoa
Sep 30th, 2017, 07:10:57 PM
She stiffened at the question, blue eyes locked on Kes's with a bird of prey's focus. The real answer for that also wasn't his to have.
"jIt'ss a challengjing possjitjion, full of demand, rrjissk, and dangerr."
Figuring an acceptable and still-truthful reply broke Untaaura's stillness. A line of scar tissue on the right side of her face itched, and she satisfied the urge to scratch it.
"jI left Osssuss at the rrjight tjime. A Jaani'sarr sshouldn't get ussed to that ssorrt of posstjing. jIt tendss to make one ssoft."
Kes Akiena
Oct 1st, 2017, 02:40:19 AM
He gave a knowing look, offering an understanding nod.
"Well, no real need to worry over becoming 'soft' here."
There was enough on Jovan to keep a being on their toes indefinitely... and it wasn't always from those who meant to do harm. Sometimes it was worrisome enough to simply have friends here.
"I'm sure that you've already been given the normal welcome packet from customs, yes?"
Untaaura Verratoa
Oct 1st, 2017, 09:35:23 AM
The Major mildly scoffed, retrieving a choice pamphlet from her opposite pocket.
"jI am warrjy and mjindful of the kaa'rri, and underrsstand jit'ss culturral ssjignjifjicance when offerred."
She carefully folded up the flimsi again, keeping her eyes on the Commander.
"jI'll trrjy to keep that jin mjind. jYou'll be pleassed to know that jI'm alrreadjy marrrjied to the Corrpss, and he'ss a needful and jealouss hussband."
Kes Akiena
Oct 1st, 2017, 11:02:55 AM
At that he couldn't help the laugh that escaped. It wasn't often that the pamphlet held the most tactful bit of information, but for many it was necessary. Enough instances of harried visitors unknowingly accepting strange necklaces from strangers had warranted the addition of a welcoming pamphlet.
"Good to know."
From the look of Major Verratoa, there was little doubt that the woman was interested in pursuing any sort of interest outside of the Corps.
The pamphlet aside, there were always other matters to attend to, and these he moved to.
"Now that you're here, what sort of expectations do you have?"
Untaaura Verratoa
Oct 1st, 2017, 11:10:22 AM
Untaaura's expression was careful. Her jawline tightened and relaxed as she considered the best way to answer that.
"Thjiss jiss not a combat zone. jI underrsstand that rressponssjibjiljitjy jiss to be ssharred jin ssome degrree wjith the cjivjil ssecurrjitjy apparratuss. Wjith the Bothan..."
She paused, trying to recall the man's name.
"...Consstable Essk'avarr? jI asssume jyou mean to entrrusst legal enforrcement to hjim. Thjiss sstatjion'ss legal code rremajinss ssubject to Alljiance mandatess. No ssummarrjy enforrcement agajinsst ssmugglerrss and the ljike?"
Kes Akiena
Oct 17th, 2017, 12:05:38 AM
"Well," he'd become rather well-versed in the more particular fashion of punishments for smugglers and pirates dictated by the Pride, "... I would like to avoid on-the-spot executions, yes."
"I hope that that will not be too much of a problem?"
Untaaura Verratoa
Oct 17th, 2017, 12:30:10 AM
Untaaura regarded Akiena with an even expression.
"jIf jyou arre asskjing jif a Jaani'sarr knowss how to follow orrderrss then jI can allajy jyourr fearrss."
She gave a slight nod with an upturned hand.
"The Jedji too had thejirr prreferrencess. We sserrve the Prrjide, jyess, but wjith rresspect to ourr local alljiess. jI wjill rremand all ssusspectss of crrjimess agajinsst trrade to the Alljiance Code of Jusstjice."
Untaaura eased her hand back down.
"Ourr wajyss arre not jyourr own. Therre wjill be djifferrencess, but the Marrjiness underr mjy command wjill rresspect authorrjitjy desspjite them."
Kes Akiena
Oct 21st, 2017, 12:59:03 AM
He gave her a smile, leaning back in his seat as he did so.
"Of that I have no doubt."
It was true that his first introduction to how the Cizerack dealt with smugglers and pirates had been rather in the thick of the action, as it were, but in most other things, the redhead had found himself admiring the Felinoids and their sense of honor and duty.
"If there's anything that I can help or provide you with, Please don't hesitate to ask, ne?"
Untaaura Verratoa
Oct 21st, 2017, 01:37:37 AM
The phantom craving of a cigarette reared its head again, but Untaaura didn't dare think the invitation extended that far. Instead, she considered the question in a more practical way. That the Commander had ended his question with a Cizeri affectation only gave an inkling that this wasn't his first foray into playing host for her people, or at least the women of quality that spoke that way.
"jI'd ljike a tourr of the ssecurrjitjy checkpojintss and the barrrackss. Alsso, a rrossterr of all Alljiance ssecurrjitjy perrssonnel would be helpful."
Kes Akiena
Apr 24th, 2018, 12:52:05 PM
"Consider it done."
He would bend over backwards to make sure that she was as informed as possible, and would continue to provide her with what she needed as long as she did the job that she was assigned. Everyone's safety relied on trust here, and so long as those in charge were willing to work together to ensure that safety, then every being on Jovan would be better served.
"I'll personally make sure that the rosters are delivered to you."
There was a half-smile that formed then.
"And I am sure that Chief Esk'avar will provide you with the tour that you are wanting."
Untaaura Verratoa
Apr 24th, 2018, 11:20:12 PM
"jI'm ssurre he wjill."
The Major's smile was as tight and utilitarian as all of her combat maneuvers, brandished like a weapon and holstered just as quickly.
"jI alsso have a rrequesst frrom the Commandant herrsself."
Untaaura retrieved a flimsi from her breast pocket. She slid it across Akiena's desk with a slow and deliberate motion.
"jYou have thrree terrrorrjisstss jin cusstodjy frrom the jincjident. We want them rremanded to local jurrjissdjictjion, on Carshoulis."
Kes Akiena
Apr 24th, 2018, 11:30:03 PM
He paused, eyes going to the slip before reached out with a methodical motion to pull it the rest of the way towards him.
"I'll see what can be done."
Nothing concrete, and the Major would certainly know it. The truth of the matter was that his word was not the final one, and whoever the terrorists ended up with, was not his decision to make. The occasional sharp pains in his left leg were only a one person's testament to the fact that the Alliance had been attacked as well.
Everyone on Jovan had been a target.
Untaaura Verratoa
Apr 24th, 2018, 11:41:08 PM
That had been the expected response, and Untaaura didn't betray one emotion or another in receiving it.
"The Commandant ssendss herr thankss. We arre a unjited frront, agajinsst enemjiess forrejign and domesstjic."
The Major pressed her tongue briefly between dry lips, still craving her cigarette.
"Can jI sspeak candjidljy, arr'u?"
Kes Akiena
Apr 24th, 2018, 11:46:34 PM
His hand lay flat atop the slip, his eyes locking with the Major's as an easy smile broke his previously neutral expression.
"I'd hope that you always will, Major."
Untaaura Verratoa
Apr 25th, 2018, 12:03:34 AM
"Ta'u saai Fey'danna have been an annojyance jin the clussterr. One that we've kept behjind clossed doorrss untjil rrecentljy. Half of Fey'dann hass been jin a sstate of marrtjial law forr fjive jyearrss. Now that thejy've sshown themsselvess herre, jit'ss an embarrasssment to the Hjigh Motherr. We arre not gojing to be poljite wjith them anjymorre."
There was a lot packed into that understatement, and Untaaura's claws lightly kneaded her arm rests.
"jYou've ljived among mjy people forr overr a jyearr, and jI ssusspect jyou arre a good judge of charracterr. jI would apprrecjiate to know jif anjyone hass attrracted jyourr attentjion."
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