View Full Version : Grounded, but Flexible in Mind and Body.
Wei Wu Wei
Apr 27th, 2017, 06:06:37 AM
Wei Wu Wei stood with his two Padawans at the edge of the woods by the foot of the Forge. Near him was a young sapling, which had sprouted up over the last few months.
"Today, we are going to learn about staying grounded." The Force Cripple gestured to the tree. "This young sapling has a lot to teach a Jedi, if you are willing to pay attention. Think about what I have taught both of you about the Jedi Code so far, and watch the tree. See if you can make a connection."
Wei stepped back, and with the residual field of the Forge maintaining his connection, Wei stretched forth his hand and emptied himself of all thought and feeling. After a few minutes a wind picked up as the Force flowed through Wei and bent the tree. The tree flapped about in the wind, but when Wei lowered his hand it stood up tall once again.
"When you think you know, or at least have an idea, speak."
May 3rd, 2017, 12:43:32 PM
Making her way to the forge, Masiri knew that her new life here with the Jedi was going to be interesting and as she listened to Wei, she began to imagine how deep his touch with the Force truly was. Brown eyes then turned to the sapling and as the wind picked up, she soon recalled her father's words. Things that he had taught her and her twin sister about life and how to view others. Things that never truly left her, regardless of the dark year that she had just escaped.
Once the strong breeze died away, Masiri turned her attention to him. "Bend but don't break," she posed as more of a question. "Allow life to move around you, but don't allow it to make you like the situation you're enduring to effect what you know is right. Remain rooted."
Wei Wu Wei
May 19th, 2017, 08:04:48 AM
"Yes. Adhere to the Jedi Code, and you will find that you an adopt this mental outlook easily. But, when in physical confrontations, there are advantages to a grounded, flexible position. Yielding doesn't have to mean giving ground or accepting defeat. All it means is that you bend, adapt, and continue standing."
Wei activated a practice saber. "Draw your lightsaber. It is time to practice."
May 19th, 2017, 12:27:27 PM
Glad that she had thought correctly about his first test, she turned toward him and unclipped her practise saber hilt from her belt and ignited it. Having very little exposure to a real saber, the sticks that she and her twin used to use when they were kids offered some familiarity with a blade, though in reality she had a lot to learn. That time was now, it seemed.
Holding the orange blade upward from her waist, both hands on the hilt, she waited for instruction or his attack.
Wei Wu Wei
May 26th, 2017, 05:32:08 PM
"This objective is simple. I lock blades with you, and you maintain control by maintaining a flexible, yielding grip and stance. If I disarm you, or force you to move your feet, you lose."
Wei offered the Makashi salute. "One other thing about this: the electromagnetic forcefield that contains the blade of your lightsaber will be disrupted when the blades clash. As the field attempts to stabilize, it may resist the field around my own weapon. You'll feel some pressure in your wrist and arm. Maintain it long enough, and the blades will try to align their fields with one another. If that happens, you'll get this sort of sticky feeling in the blade. If that happens, be wary. If you can't unstick the blade, take control, or at least keep up with me, you're in danger. We'll talk about how to deal with 'stickiness' in depth later on."
The Force Cripple leveled his saber at his Padawan's chest. "Ready?"
May 28th, 2017, 02:50:46 PM
Understanding the concept, she raised her blade and touched his, the fields between the two becoming immediately apparent. An intense push-pull began and she did her best to keep her blade locked with her new master's, though the pressure in her wrist and forearm was becoming a bit too much. Not being as strong in her arms and shoulders, the padawan's lack of skill was telling. Gritting her teeth, Masiri knew that she had to relax and trust in the Force, though that confidence in her ability was also lacking as sweat began beading on her forehead.
It didn't take long before her own blade faltered away from his and she sighed, then relaxed.
Wei Wu Wei
Jun 18th, 2017, 05:17:46 PM
Wei gave her a moment to reset before he pressed her again. The lightsabers crackled as their fields struggled to maintain stability. Wei pushed her blade toward her, angling his own to suggest it could be moved up and to the outside.
"Stay flexible in your wrists and elbows especially. Bend in the knees and go with the flow. It may help to move your blade in a circular motion."
Jun 19th, 2017, 12:24:03 PM
Taking in the new instruction, she opened her stance a bit more and relaxed, trusting in the Force to warn her of variations in pressure from the opposing blade. It took her some time, but before she knew it the flow that he mentioned became more real and she could react to it. Still sore in her arms and wrists, she knew this was going to take some time to get used to, though her master had been doing these exercises and style for many years already.
Wei Wu Wei
Jun 24th, 2017, 07:35:18 PM
"Don't worry about the tension you feel, or the soreness in your muscles. Bitter before sweet."
Wei remembered his own teacher's instruction--the teacher before Master Vos. "Even for me, the beginning steps were very bitter. But in time, your grip will feel natural, your stance will become steadier, and your senses will sharpen."
The Jedi Knight whirled his blade around his Padawan's bringing it to the inside of her body. He pushed outwards, attempting to make her center strike zone vulnerable.
Feb 1st, 2018, 07:15:09 AM
Nodding, she understood the work that needed to be put in before she could reap the benefits of being natural with the blade. Masiri then noticed how his blade flashed around and worked inside, prompting her to side step, lowering her blade and deflect it as best as she could. Images of she and her sister mimicking their parents sparring now coming back to her, though her muscles were tiring slightly.
As they sparred, Masiri did her best to relax more and let the Force now flowing through her body help supplement the strength and agility that it took to use the blade.
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