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Douglas Smythe
Apr 11th, 2017, 09:00:31 AM
The bell tolled at the appointed hour of 08:00 standard ship time and awoke the officer from his slumber.
Captain Douglas Smythe of the Imperial Star Destroyer Indoctrinator blinked twice when he awoke, no more and no less then what was suggested as such as per Imperial Doctrine 645.782, sub-section 34B, in regards to proper procedure when awakening from a standard nap due to natural cycles. Of course, if he had woken due to an alarm, then a single blink would've sufficed according to sub-section 34A.
He then executed a single sit-up while in bed, before swinging both feet together to the floor. Doctrine Guide 646.734, sub-section 13A, the proper method for getting out of bed for the normal reasons. Moving on to 647.102 sub-section 8C and sub-section 9B, he moved unerringly over to the refresher and filled the sink precisley to the half way point before splashing his face twice with the stingingly cold water.
A standard side glance at the chrono as per 768.340 sub-section 2B confirmed the current time of 08:01 and that it had been six hours since he had last bathed, an acceptable limit within the Imperial Code of Hygeine Guide Book, page 37, paragraph 2.
He allowed himself a small smile, courtesy of the allowance within the Imperial Guide to Officer Conduct, Page 96, Paragraph 4, detailing when and how senior officers should smile when they're by themselves.
Executing an about face straight from the textbook of Imperial Marching Codex 434.657 sub-section 99A, Captain Smythe left his personal quarters to confront the tasks of the day.