View Full Version : The Soundtrack (A-Z)
Sadie K'Vesh
Mar 7th, 2017, 09:46:04 PM
Pretty blatant snag from what Christin is doing over in this here thread ( only naturally gotta do my own version. Consider this a strange insight into songs I've found that fit Sadie - don't expect a timeline straight deal, more just random bits and pieces of her life thus far.
A'int No Rest for the Wicked
I can't slow down, I can't hold back, though you know I wish I could.
"Oh frakkin' Force SAKE, Rexxie. Quit your bawlin."
Sadie was kneeling in front of the big ol' strongarm who looked more like he belonged on some backwater farm someplace than in any sort of bank anywheres. Big blonde lug was blubbering, downright ruining those pretty blue eyes of his. An exasperated sigh came from elsewhere in the lobby - not from her, but from the green mo-hawked heavily tattooed mother frakker named Ronan Gafomaar who was glaring at his mates. The petite looking reddish haired girl - that was Sadie K'Vesh- was about a second from backhanding Rex Oldin - the big arse blonde guy who probably had muscles in his upper arms bigger than Sadie's head - when another bloke walked in as if he owned the joint.
Never give no mind to the two or three hostages the group never meant to take who were face planted and praying for this all to end nice, quick, and pretty so they could get back to their meager lives - The newcomer only gave attention to the trio of would-be-robbers and he weren't pleased. The look at Roho - that's what Sadie called Ronan - had given them earlier was echoed now on the recent addition's face. Well, best as it could be considering he was almost as big as Rex except with far darker skin and a head lacking hair but sprouting a few big 'ol horns. Yup, Bog'el Xcreth could be a downright mean looking Zabrak when he wanted. Not just here in a bank-lobby mid heist, no sir, on the stage as well. Sadie hated the rodder something fierce but had to admit - bastard had presence.
"What is taking so long?" Bog hissed through slightly pointed teeth.
"Ro sh-sh-shot th' man'ger." Rex replied through sniffles that were attempted to be buried.
"So why hasn't the kid cracking the safe, yet?" The Zabrak shot back, his ire turning on Sadie who downright loathed when the spotlight was turned on her.
Sadie knew that any reasons relating to trying to get Rex to chill the frak out weren't gonna cut it. Time for a wee bit of a lie, then.
"Had t' go an' make sure th' alarm weren't triggered firstly. Surprise! It ain't." Last bit was spoken far colder than Sadie knew was safe to tread on, but consequences be damned, Bog had to know that the band came first always. Making sure Rexxie weren't gonna go all soft belly on the lot of them on account of what he'd seen Ronan do was on her top priorities. If the big guy weren't there to watch her back, she couldn't go and focus on getting a damned safe open now could she?
"And what's the problem now?" The Zabrak retorted. Damned impatient arsehat.
"Gettin' there now, boss." Yeah, okay, sing-songy mocking voice weren't the best and all it took was for Bog to take one step in her direction and the girl was off and heading towards the safe. Not at a run, mind you, but quick enough to get out of the bastard's reach if he felt like ending the day early.
She could tell by the subdued sniffles in her wake that Rex had followed her like some gorram obedient hound too. As Sadie knelt by the console near the safe and readied her datapadd to begin futzing with the combination she let out out one of them big sighs.
"Y' should deck him one of these days, Rexxie. Don't think he'd know what hit 'im."
There was a pause behind her, one that even came with a held in breath from the big human that let Sadie know he was looking over his shoulder for the Zabrak before even thinking of responding to her.
"Can't do it, Sid. Not... Not that I don't think I couldn't y'know? Just..." Rex shuffled where he stood and the slicer only gave him a quick glance before returning to her work.
"Yeah, I know."
Sadie could go and count on her fingers the amount of times she'd seen Rex go and actually really hurt someone. Oh, he'd punched people but would apologize for it, and he'd even kneecapped a folk or two, but violence to the big oaf just wasn't in his blood, she figured. He'd do it if necessary, or if Bog ordered him mean enoughly, but otherwise he was just there for show in a way. Heart so big it probably filled the most of him.
"You though," Rex went on. "You could do somethin' to him. Make his accounts all empty or ban him from flying anywhere on a ship he don't own or... Just get out, Sid."
Rex sighed as Sadie glanced over her shoulder at him, his posture slumping just a tick or two before he looked up to let his eyes actually meet hers.
"You gotta get away from him, Sid. From us. You're smart... smarter than me, smarter than Ro. You don't deserve what he does."
Weren't exactly the first time they'd had this conversation, though probably was the first where Sadie wasn't in some state of injury caused by the Zabrak in question.
"Yeah, maybe." She went and halfheartedly mumbled back. "Deserve or no, y're right 'bout needin' t' bail, though. Been right for a long spell. But I got a plan, Rexxie. Jus' a few more jobs - th' ones he lets me take on m' onsies. He ain't gonna be able t' touch me."
Sadie K'Vesh
Mar 17th, 2017, 08:28:24 PM
Breathe (2 AM)
There's a light at each end of this tunnel, you shout 'cause you're just as far in as you'll ever be out.
Insomnia weren't a thing that Sadie normally had to deal with. One of them perks of running around trying to stay alive all day things; tuckered a body right out. It did come along though, rearing it's ugly damn head from time to time. Sadie weren't sure if it was a normal teenager thing, hormones and the like screwing everything all up, but it had to be one of the most gorram annoying things ever. Even the unusual deluge from the clouds mucking up this part of Nar Shaddaa weren't helping none, too much worry about what exactly the water was washing way from the higher up bits that was now dripping down and seeping through cracks in the bit of a space she'd manage to find and call her own. Nothing was falling on her, thank frak, but the rivulets inching down the walls of the rundown warehouse was downright unnerving; made her go and wonder if the patchy roof were gonna go collapse the instant she finally got her head to settle down.
Nights like these, it weren't worth just laying there praying for the inevitable; were more likely to go mad by her reckoning. That meant making the most of it and pulling the tattered hood of her coat over her had and hunkering down a bit more to avoid letting the light from the datapadd catch attraction from anyone else who'd gone and decided this place was as good as any to hole up. Not that she was afraid of most other of the street folks, there was some sort of code of honor among them all that kept them from jipping each other's stuff and spaces... most of the time. Also meant that in a way they all sorta watched out for one another and anyone who went on hurting one of their ilk was dealt with with justice of a crude nature.
That didn't mean that other people weren't keen to it all and weren't oh so rare that one of their kind went missing or ended up dead in some back alley. Most days you were just glad it weren't you, other times it gave reason to try and move up in the world if their hiding spot were better than yours. Not that Sadie was having to stoop that low, not no more anyhow, just a few more jobs and she'd be out of this munkhole she'd settled on. In the dim light of her datapadd Sadie reached out and ran a finger down the moistened wall nearest her and made a face at the residue left behind. Yeah, she certainly wouldn't be crying over leaving this place any soon, good riddance and all that.
That same light changed a bit, a small blue beacon on the very edge lit up, signalling the holonet had been so kind as to go and actually make a connection despite the storm and she had a message waiting on her.
Got a job. Meet at the usual tomorrow.
Vhiran. He were a good sort by Sadie's standards. Which... probably didn't say all that many good things, really, but for what it was worth she trusted the guy. Jobs were pretty steady since they'd run into one another and truth was, he was kinda her ticket out of the slums. She weren't sure if he had a fancy ship or whatnot, but there'd been some vague mentionings of her not having to sleep on the streets no more real soon and it weren't in some creepy threatening way so she ran with the good feeling.
The smile kinda ran away from her face as the storm let loose, apparently on the intent of trying to dump as much water on Hutta Town in as little time possible. Maybe it was the verse trying to wash the whole place away. Either way, the sound was damn near deafening and it certainly weren't gonna help with trying to not be a kriffin virus-ridden shambler on the morrow. She heard someone curse in the darkness, a ways across the abandoned structure, the echoes just barely reaching her in a string of angry Huttese that spoke that the roof had done gone exactly what she was worried about 'cept some other poor bastard got drenched.
Sadie wanted to laugh, but knew damn better than to test the fates of the Galaxy like that. Instead she just packed up her belongings in the rundown satchel she had and hugged it close to her chest as she closed her eyes. Getting away from this place was gonna be a long time coming and damn if it weren't gonna be worth every night like this just to not have to be here no more. Things were finally gonna be better, that was... unless the verse was already making plans on having the proverbial sort of roof collapse on her. No way she could be that unlucky though, yeah? Nah, no way.
Sadie K'Vesh
Jun 1st, 2017, 08:42:04 PM
What the hell am I doing here? I don't belong here.
This was a bad thing, that was for damned sure. Not so much with the whole new start and new life and new whatever it were that Sadie had in folks on Bespin apparently thinking she were worth two credits. Nah, that was well and good, she reckoned; it were that other bit. The whole, being downright kinda doe eyed over the guy who'd gone and pulled her out of the pit of... Well, calling it one of the seven hells that Corellians thought were real weren't probably all that far from the truth with the way that Bog'el had left her. Funny that, in it's own sort of way. She'd done gone and apparently saved the whole kriffin' galaxy with a bunch of others and what'd she get as thanks? A blade gouged all through her and a near death experience, thanks so much. Course, that was only the start. Boss lady Shadowstar had come through right as rain on Kamino - even if Sadie hadn't expected as much - as well now here she was.
Weren't all that that was the trouble though. Owing folks was what Sadie figured was just a fact of life, you did it and they did it and eventually it all went and evened out. Nah, it were the OTHER gorram bantha in the room that Sadie somehow managed to keep all well and good an hidden.
Yep. She'd gone and gotten stupid. Gotten all vexed by the guy who'd saved her arse because... Well, he'd gone and treated her like a downright person rather than some injured little lothkitten and then had the nerve to go and be easy on the eyes on top of it. Yeah, okay so any girl in the verse in her position probably would have went and fallen for the likes of gorram Vittore Montegue but she weren't just any girl and Sadie damn well as frak knew better than to fall for that dren of the brain.
Still it somehow had taken root in her dumbass girlie head and now she was sitting here alone in what was apparently her right and proper place 'board the Tide in a copilot chair she didn't know half of what the controls in front of her meant. All in the dead of whatever gorram Force forsaken hour it was. Using the damned shirt he'd given her when they'd first met - which she'd been all frakked up and unconscious for most of - as some sort of blanket or some such. It were a comfort though, despite every damn attempt that Sadie made to discredit it all.
Damn it all to every scragging one of them seven hells and back again.
She was obsessed, that was it. Some stupid infatuation brought about by hero syndrome. Not that Sadie figured Vittore weren't worth some girl doting on him and thinking he was her sun and stars or whatnot, but the hunter sure as hells deserved better than her. Beat up, ex musician, ex spice junky, ex - only on account that she'd been deprived - cigarra fiend, not quite ex booze hound. That was the kind of girl Sadie were. Everyone else in the verse knew it and accepted it, pretty much treated her like she was what she was, but Vittore? Something about the way he just didn't... act that way. Was kind of hard to describe. Felt like the kind of thing that she could have yelled at him about at the top of her lungs and he would have shrugged off cause it didn't really matter what you were in the past and were now so long as you just were you or some other nonsense that Sadie didn't feel up to describing.
That stupid gorram green shirt was tugged around her as she tried to go and make herself all the smaller in the chair, what with legs curled in towards her body and all, watching hyperspace go by like it was the easiest thing in the verse to comprehend. Was a whole lot more easy than trying to really come to terms with how she was feeling. The guy was her friend, her partner at that. Mentor even in a way! Not nobody she should be bothering with some stupid feeling that made her insides all kinda fluttery at times and just seemed downright normal at others.
She weren't LIKE THIS. This didn't happen to her! She didn't get all stupid over guys since no good ever came of it!
Frak him. Frak her. Frak this whole thing.
Meant that it was time to think 'bout running again, that was for sure. Downright shame, that. Sadie had a pretty sweet gig as of it, and she actually cared for folks and they seemed to actually for genuine once give a damn about her in the same sort of way. Weren't nothing to help it though, stick in one place too long and bad skrag would follow, folks would pay; just this time around Sadie was feeling a bit irked by the fact that it weren't just herself she was trying to save the hurt from. There was wisdom in protecting yourself. Trying to keep others from getting smacked upside the head by your stupidity though? That was kinda new. Damn all the lot of 'em.
Still, it could wait. She could plan and leave when she was ready and thought timing was best. For now, she could huddle under the damn shirt in her damn chair on a damn ship that was kinda becoming home but not nearly so much as it's damned Captain was kinda the embodiment of all that thought.
"Damn it all," Sadie said, mumbled against the cold glass of hard rotgut she'd snagged at their last stop.
Yep, this was all gonna lead to trouble and a kriffing skragstorm.
Sadie K'Vesh
Jun 3rd, 2017, 07:32:48 PM
Don't Follow
Hey you, you're living life full throttle. Hey you, pass me down that bottle.
Was nights like this one that made all the dren worth it, Sadie reckoned. The slow nights, the ones you could sit and watch them little fire bugs twinkle like the stars slowly forming above with a bottle of the local brew in your hand, boots propped up on an old empty fuel canister. Letting the galaxy spin for a change, rather than trying to chase it.
Felt kinda surreal in a way, like this was all too good for the likes of her or the guys sitting round with her. Bog'el was off making deals which just left her, Rex, and Ronan to their own devises. Was times like this that Sadie generally tried to come up with some new lick that'd be the base of a new song but this night she'd gone and said frak it and felt like just chilling with the guys who made up the more agreeable part of her so-called family. Tunes was playing, something nice and mellow, nothing like the stuff they'd made happen the night before that'd left them all hyped up and full of pep. Sadie had met the guys who were on the radio once, nice folks, one of them damn good with a quetarra had offered Sid to go and guest on a song on some live festival shindig he was doing. If everything worked out, she'd join if for no other reason than her word had gone and been involved. Drunk as she'd been, it'd been given and that meant something and if the timing was right betwixt jobs, then Sadie would make the effort.
Seemed a verse away at this point, what with Rex just drinking his brew and nodding his head along to the music; Ronan fetching to get himself nice and spaced on whatever spice he'd picked up at the end of last night's gig; and Sadie? Well, she was just enjoying the combo of a good cigarra, good music, and shit alcohol. Cool breeze came through, made her wish she was wearing more than just shorts and a tank but it felt good. Coolness felt like she was alive right then and there. Not the sort of alive she felt on stage or a job but some kind of proper kind in it's own right.
One long drag at the cigarra was puffed out as Sadie watched the lackadaisical way the smoke lingered and blurred the world for a bit as she drank more from the bottle in her other hand to follow it up. This was her sort of life, truth be said. At least for the now. One's view of paradise often went and changed, she'd heard. Some sort of life evolve, and that. One day she suspected this would seem like a vision of lesser times, when a beer and a cig and some blasters weighing heavy at your hips but not needed and fresh ink itching at your arm was nothing worth writing home about. Well, fine then, it was all good that Sadie didn't really have a home to write to, then.
Frak the verse, this was bliss as it was. And there weren't no body or nothing in the verse was gonna convince her otherwise right then.
Sadie K'Vesh
Sep 28th, 2019, 08:12:36 PM
Everybody Loves You Now
See how all the people gather 'round Hey, isn't it a thrill to see them crawl?
Them lights, that thrill. This was what made the jobs worth it, what made all the skrag with Bog seem like a distant memory, even when it was his voice that was shouting, commanding, screaming, singing to the crowd. Didn't matter to Sadie, same and she figured it didn't matter to Rex and Ronan. Not then anyhow, not with the music pulsing around them, not with the faces and voices from the crowd giving their all in return. Yeah, sure, they may have done a whole heap of misery when they weren't doing this, but this? Being Capatain Sweeg? Being part of the heavy isotope scene, feeling that, living it?Corellian hells, it didn't matter if they had fans or not, Sadie appreciated them for sure, but it was the music that mattered. That living, breathing, pulse that she created.
Who else got to go and say that? Sure Ronan was wailing on his quetarra like there weren't no tomorrow, but it was her notes he was playing. Yeah, Bog's was the voice they heard, but lyrics were just lyrics, poetry. They could stand on their own, Sadie have to give him that, he was good at weaving pretty words together - something she'd fallen for herself. But it wasn't his words that the bodies swayed to, that they jerked to when a sudden change came, that they would have stuck in their heads and find themselves humming to days later. Nope, them were her creations. Sadie was downright sure she'd never go and be a mom, but she'd gone and given birth to this, to these notes strung in a sequence that no body in the place couldn't help but be gripped by.
Yeah okay, so heavy isotope and it's ilk weren't for everyone. But Sadie didn't make this music for everyone. She made it for herself first and damn foremost, a screaming of her soul out into the verse so it could be heard. It other folks resonated with that? If they could feel it, if their souls went and reached back? That was what it was all about.
And so here she was, with the band, with Sweeg, and all pain and hatred she sometimes carried towards it's mates were forgotten and lost in a haze of melody and sweat and screaming and life. Someone in the biz, one of her fellows, guy from another band, asked Sadie once why she regulated herself to bass when she made most of the damned music for Captain Sweeg. Easy. Bass kept it organized, kept it flowing, kept the heartbeat that the drums echoed and knitted it all damn together. That, and Sadie had feared if she was left up to Ronan's job of lead she'd lose herself to this. More intoxicating than the finest spice it was. Back in the background she could feel her music, live it, breathe it, but not drown in it... There, in the damned real spotlight?
Sadie had a hard enough time keeping her breath as it were.
Even backed away as she was though, Sadie couldn't imagine her life without this. Without the band, without the people who joined them and for one frakked up hells of a night made all the stars and planets of the entire verse align to weave whatever magicks and damned Force sakes this was.
Nah. This was her life now. Miserable servant by day but put that bass quetarra in her hands, give her Sweeg? Sadie was a Force-damned Goddess. And no body were gonna take that away from her. Not no body.
Sadie K'Vesh
Sep 29th, 2019, 10:27:13 PM
Fast Car
And I had a feeling that I belonged. I had a feeling I could be someone.
The canvas bag at her shoulder was juggled, hand digging in past a pack of cigs, a lighter, a few holotexts that outlined the latest in coding developments, her trusty datapad, and finally - triumphant like even - snatched hold of the keycard that Sadie still hadn't quite memorized the feel of. The card was placed between her lips as Sadie set about shuffling the bag back into it's place at her side. There were other places that didn't go and need such things, stuff with retina scans or other biometric DNA nonsense that could recognize and unlock a door as a body approached; but that sort of stuff took a hell of a lot credits. Not that Sadie was lacking in that arena, not to more at least. Was more a principle thing. Sure Bosslady Shadowstar, her uncle when he felt like visiting, they were the type of folks that expected that kind of luxury, she guessed. But this place? Weren't on the bottom edge like the apartments on the Worker's District, but it was far a from high class joint. Level 100. Nice round even number, bottom edge of Residential. it suited her. Suited them.
Sadie finally managed the feat of pressing the card to the reader and let out a breath as the door opened with a satisfying hiss. It was finicky some days, one of them fixes that could have been shouldered on the landlord but Sadie was too damn stubborn to report and vowed to go and fix herself, maybe add a bit more security to it... something that made it so that either him or her had to hold the card and not open for no body else...
The familiar smell of home made that thought vanish. Took six damned steps to be inside enough before Sadie let the bag drop from her to the floor with a soft thud. The bit of scrap with a magnet was snatched from it's place resting against one of the kinda oddball pillars in the space as she made her way to the kitchen. Fridge door in her mind was damn near torn off its hinges, but the truth was that Sadie didn't have the gumption for that; actually took a tug more than she'd have liked against the seal to get the damned thing to open. A bottle was fetched and the scrap did it's job in helping to pop the cap off. It hit the ground and Sadie eyed it momentarily, torn betwixt picking the damned thing up and seeing if she could make it go and raise to her hand all obedient like. She was too damned tired though. Body ached and head weren't far off. Took her that long to realize that the only light in the apartment were coming from a few appliances' readouts. Unset time blinking at her to correct that too.
Karabast. How damn late was it?
First sip from the bottle had a mixed sort of feeling, one that weren't sure if it wanted to go and make her want to just drop onto the sofa and forget the rest or actually perk her up a bit. Probably weren't a good thing either way. The trudge from kitchen down the hall felt like a damn slog, one Sadie weren't sure she was gonna make it all the way through until the bedroom's edge was hovered at. Even in the dim light she could see the figure in the bed there, sleeping despite what Sadie knew had been a damn war to stay awake. Was another war that took place then and there too, wake him and end that peaceful silly bliss he had plastered on his face or let Vitt sleep and hear about it when she finally came back to the world of the living herself. The second was settled on, damn all the consequences, hadn't he earned the rest? Hadn't she?
A crooked half smile came to her, natural, kinda familiar like. Damn. Felt good to be home.
Sadie K'Vesh
Jan 14th, 2020, 07:39:41 PM
Going Down Slow
Forgive me for all my sins.
Quiet nights in the Underworld of Elysium were rare now, least for Sadie. Seemed like more often than not she was running 'round the verse on the whim of either Emelie or Vissica. Two bosses, two heaploads of secrets. The insides of the Umbral Mairan was starting to become more familiar than her realm down here among the consoles and displays. Seemed wrong, that. Guess it was just part of growing up, of things changing. Didn't mean Sadie liked it, though. She should have invited someone down here to share her watch, but Vitt was actually on a job and Nen was off with her folks digging through ancient sites. Meant it was lonely vigil time.
Which meant no one was there to watch her run footage back and forth on one of the holos in front of her. Was footage that was supposed to be scrubbed, of a rather nasty bit of business that had taken place down in Port Town. Sadie'd promised herself she weren't gonna let snuffing out Bog's life mean a damn thing to her aside from it meant he was good and dead, but here she was again, watching herself suddenly with a lightsaber in her hand, watching the big 'ol cyborg Zabrak get ganked.
It weren't the first person that Sadie had ever killed. Not that she'd ever forget that mess, but Bog? Well, he'd been the first time it was mighty personal and that made it stick somehow. Didn't help with how she'd done it, neither. Meant she had to make good with what she was capable of, that whole Force dren and all. Real problem though? The thing that really was irking her? Well... it was the fact she felt... not guilty. Hells, the suns were all gonna collapse and the galaxy itself was gonna get fragged before she ever felt a shred of guilt for ridding the verse of him. Nah, it was something else... something set off by seeing her family at the edges of the image, of seeing Vitt almost dead just seconds before she'd acted. If it'd been just her and Bog, well, that'd been normal. But it weren't. She'd put other folks in danger, and they'd all willingly tumbled into it.
Sadie had never figured herself one for big emotions, but they were heaped upon her lately. Most of them had names, right proper ones at that...
But this? Well... this one she just couldn't suss out.
Her hand reached for the bottle of Tevraki whiskey that she kept snuck down here away from her boss' thirsty soul and lingered on the neck of it for a tick or two before set it in her lap.
She was supposed to be good at puzzles. This one was just gonna take some time. But since this puzzle were herself? Well... something told Sadie that it weren't gonna go and be solved anytime right quick.
Sadie K'Vesh
Sep 15th, 2020, 08:00:19 PM
Hunger Strike
The blood is on the table.
Welp. It were a lost cause, weren't it? Or she was, thereabouts. The one damn truth Sadie had tried to go an instill in herself and she went and broke the damn thing. The cargo run had been easy credits and therefore shouldn't have been a thing. Bleeding hearts of the verse would have yelled and screamed at her for her sin of complacency but Sadie'd turned face and kicked closed a cargo door at the grasping hands and now she was here. Stuck in her damn guilt that was well past deserved. Cattle. That's all it were. Running cattle and getting paid.
The word stuck in the roof of her mouth and caused the whiskey to stick and choke her a smidge.
Sadie breathed in the smoke and stink of the bar that her and her partner had gone to celebrate a job well done at. She had in a chair, heels kicked up on the table in front of her and glass of something not quite past rocket fuel in her hands as her partner shoot some billiards and played the opponent for a fool. Classic ploy, classic game. But they were playing with credits that'd come at the cost of flesh. It shouldn't have bugged her none. Sorry saps that hadn't scratched and clawed their way to a better thing like she'd done and paid the price for it. It meant they were off being traded about the 'verse and she was here in this here pub enjoying the spoils of... well it weren't war, but damn if it didn't feel that way none.
Of all folks who should have understood their plight though, should have been the girl who had found herself in a racket when she was small-like and hadn't learned better. Frak, she'd even gone and helped wreck that mess before she was even near puberty. Broken it down with the help of two blokes who'd had hearts far bigger than hers was now. Tons of thoughts of rights and wrongs that her young self knew to be truth and here she was tossing it all aside in favor of what? Credits?
Jobs were ugly sometimes. They'd stick with you and scar up your soul good and deep and certain. Nightmares for penance. But at the end of the damn day it meant some sorry bastard was left without their freedom and free will and Sadie? Well, in a hellish way she was just the same but with the privilege of getting to pick what the next day would bring. Kind of. The girl was still all kinds of indebted to someone else, half her earnings would go towards Bog'el and keeping him off her back, but for now? Just now?
Welp. Now Sadie could sit back and finish her drink or get up and shove the bastard losing to her partner aside and show someone how the game was really played. For now she'd choose the first, just happy to idly sit and breathe and enjoy a bit of a moment. Even if it weren't' guilt free. Even if she was gonna pay hard for it later. That was life, weren't it? Some folks lost and the smart ones made sure they made headway when they won.
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