View Full Version : Lúka Jibral

Lúka Jibral
Feb 27th, 2017, 10:26:59 PM
30s :: Galactic Empire :: Imperial Knight
Currently on Coruscant

Character Background

Prior to joining the Imperial Knights, Jibral was custodian of the Black Archives: an asteroid facility in the Maw where the Inquisitors, ISB, and Imperial R&D abandoned many of its discarded prototypes and research projects. Officially, Lúka was an Inquisitor, but his deployments away from the Archives were few and far between. (think Morgan Freeman in Batman Begins)
On the recommendation of the Minister of the Interior, Jibral has been inducted into the Imperial Knights. He primarily serves as an Instructor at the Academy, teaching Cadets how to employ unorthodox techniques against Force Users ("Defense Against the Dark Arts"), but is available for field assignments as well.
Lúka Jibral was once a Jedi Padawan apprenticed to Inyos Aamoran, but was believed to have been killed during the Jedi Purge. Lúka is unknowingly a clone of the original Padawan Jibral.

Raw Material

Jibral (pronounced "Yib-ral") is a natural analyst. He spent the majority of his time at the Black Archives studying science, strategy, psychology, and other disciplines. He always thinks critically about every situation he is in, analysing all the angles, and choosing the most efficient or effective course of action. This has the effect of making him seem emotionally removed and coldly calculating at times. He does not let analysis delay him from acting, but he will never rush in blindly, and will often opt for a more unorthodox approach than brute force, or the obvious.
Lúka is somewhat frustrated that all his theory and preparation is seldom made use of in the field. He sees training Cadets as an opportunity for at least some of his study to be made use of, but would rather be out there employing it in the field himself.
Believing that his Master left him to die, Lúka has a visceral dislike of those who identify themselves as "Jedi".

Plot Ideas

A Lesson in...
Lúka has been having one-on-one encounters with Cadets, and doing his analysis/assessment thing to work out some of their flaws and failings. He then works out what he needs to be / how he needs to act in order to help them change, re-evaluate themselves, etc. (See: Humility (https://theholo.net/forum/showthread.php?57369-A-Lesson-in-Humility), Trust (https://theholo.net/forum/showthread.php?57384-A-Lesson-in-Trust), Secrets (https://theholo.net/forum/showthread.php?57418-A-Lesson-in-Secrets), etc.)

Training sessions. Come learn to fight Jedi, Boggarts, and Dementors with me!
Missions. Before he goes stir crazy and kills someone.
Intrigue? Perhaps a former Inquisitor (or associate of the Minister of the Interior) warrants some attention from political types.
Perhaps their are political factions within the Knights, based on loyalty, origin, etc?

Existing Relationships

Inyos Aamoran - Former Jedi Knight, and Jibral's former Master.
Amés Falcon Liszt - Minister of the Interior. Knows about the Black Archives. Jibral's "sponsor" for joining the Knights.
Jeryd Redsun - A Force Sensitive cadet at the Citadel. A trusted asset. Lúka's protégé.
Jensen Par'Vizal - A Cadet whom Lúka recruited to the Citadel, who he sees as resembling his younger self.
Anastasia Xivelle - A Doctor at the Citadel, co-conspirator, and "pretend" romantic interest.
Orenth & Shen - Former "prototypes" from the Black Archives. Lúka feels deeply protective of them.

Current Plots

A Lesson in Humility (https://theholo.net/forum/showthread.php?57369-A-Lesson-in-Humility) - [COMPLETE] A first encounter with Cadet Redsun.
A Lesson in Responsibility (https://theholo.net/forum/showthread.php?57422-A-Lesson-in-Responsibility) - [COMPLETE] The acquisition / recruitment of Cadet Par'Vizal.
A Lesson in Restraint (https://theholo.net/forum/showthread.php?57381-A-Lesson-in-Restraint) - A one-on-one encounter with Cadet Khapst.
A Lesson in Trust (https://theholo.net/forum/showthread.php?57384-A-Lesson-in-Trust) - Cadet Redsun joins Lúka on a recovery mission for the Black Archives.
A Lesson in Fear (https://theholo.net/forum/showthread.php?57389-A-Lesson-in-Fear) - Lúka rescues Orenth and Shen from a monster.
A Lesson in Secrets (https://theholo.net/forum/showthread.php?57418-A-Lesson-in-Secrets) - Quality time with Anastasia Xivelle, exploring a secret facility on Coruscant.
A Lesson in Denial (https://theholo.net/forum/showthread.php?57673-A-Lesson-in-Denial) - More quality time with Anastasia Xivelle.
A Lesson in Agency (https://theholo.net/forum/showthread.php?57648-A-Lesson-in-Agency) - A criminal investigation with Cadet Zepparah.
A Lesson in Regret (https://theholo.net/forum/showthread.php?57644-A-Lesson-in-Regret) - Lúka and his associates become trapped in a simulated reality.

Credit for the basic template goes to Dun of RPG-D (http://rpg-directory.com/index.php?act=idx)