View Full Version : New Arrival

Kera Blacc
Feb 11th, 2017, 01:25:57 PM
Ossus – Landing Pad

Sometimes fate can be cruel when it comes to the ever flowing tides of the living force, sometimes a shove could dictate the direction of those connected to the life waters of the mystical entity that gives enlightenment to all whom can feel it, the force as many know resides within everything and everyone, just some are more sensitive to its embrace than others.

Years ago a little girl watched as her family were slaughted right in front of her eyes by a sith lord, a lower life form that wasn't on the level as her father or mother. This lord was still under the guidance of a much larger foe that sent him on a suicide mission.

That fate filled day torments kera's dreams to this day, she is forced to relive it whenever she closes her eyes to sleep. After fate had dictated her path she found herself being taken in by an old contact of her fathers; a hutt crimelord named Jaego. For a hutt the old slug was remarkly compassionate, he treated her, unlike the others as a daughter, and not as a contractual deal or bargain.

In the end like any sith would do Kera betrayed the Hutt and walked away from the life of an overpaid Mercenary. She knew her path wasn't to watch over the slugs market products. After meeting an interesting figure she decided it was time to move on with her life.

Without looking back Kera left the grungy planet of Ryloth, barely any change and a newly stolen light freighter, she headed toward the only semblance of a life she could have gotten... Ossus. Something told her deep down she would find her next path there. Setting course she retired to the cargo hold and shifted into a deep meditation as it will take a fewdays to make it with the junker she accumulated.

Upon arrival she set down in the landing area of the planet, put her black overcoat on and walked out of the ship, down the ramp and began making her way to the entrance of the starport not knowing what would become of it, her fathers weapon safely stored. "Whatever fate befalls me this day, I promise you father.. Your death will be avenged". she whispered as she looked up at the sky once out of the starport as if speaking to someone directly.

Draiya Naaianeya
Feb 12th, 2017, 09:03:10 PM

It had become a pillar of Draiya Naaiyaneya's life. A commitment made at the tipping point of her personal trial as a Jedi. It wasn't simply a pledge given to the Jedi Order or to Master Laran. It was Draiya's pledge to herself. A daily reminder to be vigilant against the lures of pride and arrogance that had threatened to turn her quick rise into an uncontrolled crash. It had been a painful lesson to learn - knowing that even the drive to be the best could turn every virtue against you. Focus was on the moment. Focus determined reality. The Syragori Padawan hadn't spoken to Abarai Loki in months since the fateful incident that left her wounded and him reprimanded. She hoped that one day she could offer up her solution to the crisis of her soul and that he might agree with the steps she'd taken since his departure. Was it attachment that made her seek out that kind of peace? Her master was wary, and she likely had good reason to be. Nevertheless, it was something Draiya hadn't yet let go of completely. Hence, focus.

Draiya spent her morning amid the tumult and crush of sentient life that came and went from Sanctuary's star port. It was a place full of noise. The roar of ship engines, the clatter of droids, and the babbling of dozens of species in nearly as many languages. Everything possible surrounding her to try and pull her away from her focus. This is where Draiya would renew that commitment.

With her pair of shoto lightsabers tucked safely in their leather tandem scabbard on the ground, the Syragori Padawan learner was free to concentrate on the moment. She drew a grey cloth sash that was tied over her tunic's belt, and tied the cloth over her eyes, shutting out the world from her sight. The moment her conventional vision was deprived, she was free to fully engage with the world that surrounded her by means of the living force. That world was electric, alive in ways that maybe only artists could see. Starbursts and eddies of life energy, each leaving trails in their wake and moving along the leylines of relationship and intent. The brilliant fountains of color that were Jedi Knights, overlaid by the numerous and unique beacons of everyday visitors. It wasn't so long ago that Draiya had been overwhelmed to the point of helplessness in the presence of this vivid sense. It had taken a great deal of focus to reconcile it. To become one with the moment in which all of this living force passed her by and interacted with her all at once.

As an exercise in focus, the Syragori girl began a careful routine of body control. With seemingly-feline grace, Draiya drew into a handstand, then drew one hand off the ground to hold parallel to it. With her remaining hand, Draiya carefully began to bunch her fingers, one at a time, until she had raised up upon only her fingertips. It took the utmost amount of respect for the moment, and each day she had done it, the task proved a challenge.

Draiya didn't hear the descending roar of the light freighter's engines as it feathered down to repulsor landing. She didn't feel the slight displacement of warm air breezing over the tarmac. What the Padawan felt was a different radiance in the living force. Bright with potential, but yet different from so many.

Different enough that it damaged her focus. Averting a fall from her precarious position at the last minute, the Syragori planted her soft-soled boots back upon duracrete, her sightless face looking in the direction of a new visitor.
