View Full Version : Making Their Mark II [Xel]
Denoel Quane
Feb 11th, 2017, 07:31:37 AM
"So," Colin interrupted her quiet musing as they sat in line in space over Randon. Convoys, independent freighters and container ships all waiting for a spot in the overly busy hub as military fighters raced down the length, no doubt scanning for anything illegal or more passengers than the ship was reporting. "You think he's going to like it?"
Brown eyes glanced over to her copilot, right foot up on the edge of the control console. "Not unless it's black, no."
Sighing, the twenty four year old's hands went up, then dropped in his lap. "Come on, everything Dirk owns is black. Branch out once in a while, live a little."
"You know who you're talking about right?"
"Yeah," his eyes fell.
"Mister mercenary. Kill 'em all, let the coroner sort 'em out later..."
"Yeah, I got it."
"Muscle Times with a X-Forty-Five across his bare chest..."
"I said, I got it," Colin laughed, eyeing her.
"Just sayin'," Denoel looked back out through the large transparisteel viewscreen. Slowly they moved toward the gathering of large stations, skyhooks, shipyards and maintenance facilities as well as the planet itself, buried beneath.
"Why not red...?"
Sighing in exasperation, she dropped her foot again and shook her head. "Get him what you want. Don't think he ever cared about his birthday anyway."
"That's right, kill the mood. Way to go."
Glaring at him, she knew he was just pushing her buttons until the comm suite came to life. "Acula, you are clear to proceed. Follow the beacon and do not deviate from your present course."
"Copy that, thanks," Colin returned, then shut off the transmission. Moving to the sensors now before him, "Keep toward the large station in the center there."
"Alright," the pilot replied as she then guided the large vessel toward the uniquely shaped station as a multitude of other ships came and left it's many hangar bays, then soon noticed the blinking yellow beacon which guided her into their proffered landing spot, well lit and no doubt about to be crawling with Port Authority officers.
"Alright ladies," Colin announced over the intercom. "About to be hosting the local inspectors, so no flirting, Amund."
Smiling as she went through the shutdown procedure, her left arm still slung, Denoel glanced up to notice the group of six uniformed inspectors making their way to the entry. "Here they come."
Feb 14th, 2017, 01:03:00 PM
Xel carefully sat down in a grav couch in the common room. The action of which caused quite a bit of pain to flare all over his tender body, but he ignored it like the true psychopath that he was and made no outwardly acknowledgement of it. His tough guy image was back in place, complete with leather jacket and jack boots. His weapons were hidden away, leaving him feeling naked and vulnerable. He knew it was not the case. He still had his two meat hooks at the ready. Just sitting here and accepting an inspection went against everything he had ever experienced in Black Sun. It was something to be avoided or cheated.
Never before had he actually been technically innocent during an inspection.
Denoel Quane
Feb 15th, 2017, 07:19:02 AM
The Action IV now shut down except for the auxiliary power for life support and water, Denoel rose gingerly and made her way downstairs to join the rest of the crew, bandaged and bruised. Dirk still resting in his own bed, Denoel opened the small cabinet near the lowering ramp and pulled out their manifest and other forms, then closed it again with her elbow. Boots rose up the ramp and she turned to see the middle aged officer leading the band, nearing her and slowed, eyeing the crew.
"Looks like you guys have seen some action," the bald officer said as he accepted the forms and BoSS cards. "Anything I should report to the office?"
Grinning, Denoel stepped back giving the man his space, or ensuring the officer's proximity wasn't a symbol for asking for other favors to avoid fees. "Pirates, hit us yesterday on the way here. Narrowly escaped," she glanced to the rest of her crew, and Xel who didn't seem all that enthused about the inspecting team. A sentiment felt by all.
"I'll pass it along," he stated, then reviewed the forms and cross-checked them with his own report from their central hub. "Looks good," he handed her back the stack, then scanned the ship's interior. "Anything to declare before we start looking around?"
"Nope," she shook her head, the information offered already clearing weapons and armor. Protection from piracy, the reason given.
Nodding, the officer then motioned for his men to do their cursory checks, the cargo holds being paramount.
Feb 15th, 2017, 02:36:30 PM
Xel was visibly uncomfortable as the Inspector moved about the cabin. Every neuron and thought demanded he get up, grab the gentleman by the back of his head, and slam him into the closest sturdy object. Wall, table, hell even the floor was an option. Or he could just beat him to death with his hands. His hands tightened into fists at the very thought of it. He kept it contained, trying his best to look cool and collected. Sometimes, just sometimes, when you are so used to being nothing but a hammer it is hard to turn off the urge to smash nails.
Finally the inspectors moved on to the cargo hold, and he took that moment to crack his knuckles together. The action soothed the beast. His armor might be gone but the beast lived on inside his head, somewhere behind his eyelids it watched and it was always hungry. As much as he wanted to stay away from the nails, he got up and followed after the Captain and the inspectors. In case something went down, in case they found something they were not suppose to find and things got hairy, he was going to be there to settle the matter. His way. The hard way
Stepping into the cargo bay he was immediately and painfully reminded that his armor was not present. What was left of it had been left on the last ship they ripped off. It was not salvageable. It was fine, he kept telling himself. It would be fun to build a new one out of spare parts like he had with the last. He just wished the goddamn beast would get off his back about it.
Denoel Quane
Feb 16th, 2017, 09:14:05 AM
Following the chief inspector to the cargo bays, Denoel noticed the large Black Sun member now trailing her as if waiting for something to happen and seeing the look on his face made her wish that she had the Force and could make these officers leave before Xel did something that was going to get her ship impounded, or worse. Doing her best to keep her cool, she motioned to the vast open space beyond the few crates and barrels that housed spare parts and consumables. "See, nothing here."
"You here prospecting then?"
"Actually, here to take a short break and refuel, but that's a good idea," the captain nodded. "But, as you can see, nothing here." Turning, she hoped that he got the hint, but as she watched the local instead walked over toward the only supplies that were in sight. Come on. Denoel tried to keep between the large, bald killer and the uniformed official without bein obvious about it, though she knew that was failing miserably.
"These are on the manifest?"
"They are," she nodded again, hands clasped before her belt. "Supplies, food and water. That's it, so," she motioned back toward the cargo bay entrance.
Brown eyes glanced between her to the icy blue eyed beast whose demeanor would make anyone else want to stay out of his way. "Am I keeping you?"
"I have several crewmembers that need a doctor, after our pirate hit, so yeah."
Nodding, he seemed unfazed by Xel and continued his cursory inspection, then sniffed indifferently and turned to leave, heading back toward the lone door to the ship's common area. "Make sure you report the pirates. I'll do as well. Hate for those bloodsuckers to keep threatening the lives and livlihoods of our people."
"I will," she agreed, still trying to keep herself between the officer and Xel, though if the Black Sun "cleaner" wanted to strangle the man, she wasn't getting in the way of that. "Thanks again."
He soon reached the door and took one last look, scanning the high ceiling and floor plating of the large interior.
Feb 17th, 2017, 02:52:55 AM
With one final look the inspector finally left, and Xel visible deflated. Then something caught his mind and he began patting his pockets in a frenzy until he pulled a piece of bent up flimsi out of his coat pocket and scribbled down the Inspector's name, taken off his badge. Also his badge number. A physical description. Port, city, and planet. Finished he pocketed the flimsi again and looked up to see the look on Denoel's face. "Just in case I have the urge to come back and pay him a visit. There was something about his face that made my mitts want to get grabby." He shrugged his large shoulders, and then winced and twisted away from the pain.
"What's next, Captain?"
Denoel Quane
Feb 17th, 2017, 06:42:08 AM
Watching the Port Authority officers leave her ship finally, Denoel turned to the rest of the crew, otherwise known now as the Walking Wounded, she noticed Xel penning something with a stylus, then grinned at his explanation. Sighing lightly, she motioned for Egil to leave, "Go ahead and get Dirk to a medbay. I'll check in later."
"Okay," the medic stated, pushing the ex-mercenary down the ramp, whose face looked like an angry child having to endure some terrible practical joke that he may never live down as he rode in the hoverchair.
"Amund," brown eyes danced between the engineer and Xel. "Maybe 'we' have some friends here that could help you find some replacement armor. May need it. We're going to be here for a few days, so might also get that drink you were thinking about."
"Served by a couple Twi'lek," Baldor interjected, smiling. "Long hot bath and massage with a happy ending," he headed for the exit as well. "Damn straight."
Chuckling, she watched Colin follow him. "Just going to make sure he doesn't do anything he regrets. Big brother thing and all," the copilot smirked.
"See you guys later," Denoel stated, letting the engineer and mercenary do their thing as she headed to her suite.
Feb 22nd, 2017, 03:18:37 AM
Sticking his hands in his pockets he pulled the liners out empty.
"Gonna need some credits 'fore we can go shopping. That mean's finding the Black Sun hook up on this planet. That means I need to make a call."
Stomping down the ramp with the bewildered Engineer in tow, Xel wasted no time lighting up a stim before thrusting his hands into the pockets of his jacket and walking along like he owned the very ground he walked on. Just outside the docking bay they melted into the crowds, or rather the crowd parted like waves crashing on the stern of a Xel shaped ship. Those who didn't step out of his way rammed shoulders with the Black Sun operative, and in a contest of shoulders his were going to win nine times out of ten. Any complaints or cries of protest were silenced by a sideways look that caused mouths to snap shut with enough force to be heard.
After a brief search they found a public comm unit. Fishing his personal comm out of his pocket he cycled through his numbers until he found one he wanted. It was underneath the name "Sugartits". He dialed in the number into the public unit and then picked up the receiver while pocketing his own. He waited a few moments and then there was a click. "Hey beau. I'm on Randon. Yeah. Randon. Where's the hookup? Ahuh. Got it. Thanks hot stuff. I'll see you first thing when I get back. I'll bring you back something nice-ish."
Hanging up the line he turned to look at the Engineer. "If there was ever a woman who could salvage my soul, she would make it the furthest before failing." He said before taking a long drag on his stim and blowing the smoke out the side of his mouth. Without another word he stomped off, forcing the Engineer to once again chase after him. Molly gave him the location for the Black Sun cell in this city. Although she was not directly affiliated with the crime organization, he knew he could get better information, and faster, from the infochant than from his own people. Prent would probably moan and complain about using company funds to replace his armor, but as far as Xel was concerned it was a goddamn work expense.
Eventually they reached a nondescript building. Some kind of textile shop. Xel told Amund to stay put before he went in. It was a quick exchange. The most time was spend confirming his identity and passing all the various passwords required to get into the inner sanctum of the building. Than it was just a matter of bringing up his account and being passed a credit chit. A legit chit, but it would self destruct after twenty-four hours. Handy when you need supplies in a pinch but don't know how much it's gonna cost. It'll all get charged out of his account, of course, so it wasn't like he was going to go on a shopping spree.
Popping back out on to the street he waved Amund over and they took off again. "You know any good places in this dump to buy power armor?"
Denoel Quane
Feb 22nd, 2017, 10:01:53 AM
Being over six and a half feet tall, Amund watched the crowd of aliens and humans alike as they moved through the crowded concourse, soon finding the comm center which allowed the engineer to start also making some contacts. Afterward, he followed the strongman for Black Sun, listening to the explanation and wondered if he wanted to meet this girl or not. "I'd be careful of her then," he replied, grinning as he watched a suited human male walk by with two Twi'lek females, scantily clad and shapely as they all seemed to be. "Now, that's living right there."
Eventually entering several shops, Amund kept his eyes open for anything useful or at least other contacts to make while here, then turned his attention to Xel. "I have a name we can check out, but never been here before, so." Referencing his datapad momentarily, he then scanned the signage around them to get his bearings. "Warehouse owned by a guy named Baes Desyk, near the merchant quarter."
Denoel locked up the ship and eventually found herself window shopping and soon found what she was looking for. Stepping into the well kept lobby, she noticed the others seated to either side, some watching holovids on their datapads or reading, others talking to one another and most ignoring the pirate as she moved to the receptionist's desk. "Hey, I need to see Lovisa."
"You have an appointment," the shapely blonde asked, glancing up to the brunette.
Reaching into her shirt with her right hand, Denoel pulled out the silver pendant hanging around her neck, revealing it to the woman who's eyes widened slightly. Replacing it under her shirt, Denoel watched as the woman in white keyed a few notes on her computer, then motioned to the hallway to the new patient's right. "Thanks."
"She'll be right in."
Nodding, Denoel headed to the first empty room and closed the door behind her as she noticed the examination table, shelves and single stool near a bank of medsensor equipment. Taking a seat on the padded bed, she waited.
Apr 2nd, 2017, 08:36:55 PM
Xel made a face, something like disgust mixed with discomfort.
"I don't know if I would go so far as to say that. Twileks are weird. The females are alright if your into that sort of thing, but the males look like a testicle with teeth. Maybe it would be okay if they let you pull on their tentacle things, but they say it's painful or whatever. It's a damn, rotten shame."
The merchant district wasn't far from here, and Baes Desyk's shop was easily found after only walking into the same dead end alley twice. Xel immediately walked past the salesman, probably Baes himself, past the newer models and headed straight for the back corner looking for a discount bin. "Hey buddy, I'm looking for something out of date. You know, lovingly worn with odd features and a few inconveniences but still have a reputation for being a top pick back in it's heyday."
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