View Full Version : Knowledge For Hire - Force users proposition

Halajiin Rabeak
Feb 10th, 2017, 11:57:34 AM
In our setting, I feel that the Jedi are beginning to establish themselves, but are still at a serious disadvantage when compared to the Empire and their Imperial Knights Cadet program. And I'm not talking about funding/equipment/influence, I'm talking about knowledge. It is my understanding that the Empire still has all of the old Jedi Archives, meaning they have access to TONS of information about use of the Force, even strange or obscure stuff. The Jedi only have their own knowledge, maybe a couple holochrons, and what they can salvage from the Jedi Library (which is all old and mostly out of date.)

I would propose that in order to rebuild and enhance their skill sets and knowledge bank, the Jedi on Ossus might legitimately look into hiring non-aligned Force users to come and act like guest instructors on Ossus, to teach and explain specialty skills - for a paycheck. Yes, the Jedi ought to offer money for information/instruction, because it's a fast way of regaining parts of what was lost. The guest teachers could be non-aligned, or be from Elutharia, or whatever, and would NOT be expected to teach or follow Jedi philosophy. They're there solely to teach, not preach, and would likely be asked to refrain from discouraging Jedi traditions while doing so, as a matter of polite respect.

This could open the doors to some really neat interaction between characters that might not otherwise meet, and could help to foster a better acceptance of Force users again in Alliance space. Not to mention those going to Ossus to teach might also learn something while they're there.

What do you all think? Right now there's not a lot going on on Ossus, and this could help to get the ball rolling there, in addition to sparking new storylines and new character relationships. There's also the possibility of intrigue or infiltration, naturally.

Feb 10th, 2017, 12:02:23 PM
It's a good idea but, to be honest, I don't think the Jedi are lacking for instruction and sources of knowledge, especially when it comes to the Force. They already have several highly skilled Jedi masters for that.

I'm not against the idea, I just don't believe that, for knowledge and training, the Jedi are in need. For non-Jedi skills, however, such as piloting, for example, I think this is a great opportunity for throwing characters into the mix. The Jedi won't be paying, though, they have no income of their own, and have been an Alliance charity case for a long time.

Loklorien s'Ilancy
Feb 10th, 2017, 12:40:54 PM
I'd love to see things explored on both of the fronts you guys spoke of. On the more material aspect of things, I can certainly see the Jedi welcoming folks to fill the void left by the Alliance and Cizerack once they 'officially' leave.

Feb 10th, 2017, 12:58:42 PM
Having a smaller group of cizerack stay behind as advisors is always an option

Loklorien s'Ilancy
Feb 10th, 2017, 01:21:10 PM
A mishmash of folks, from Jedi to Cizerack to refugees to a few noncom Alliance folks to settlers would really give Ossus a well-rounded appeal, and with other Force users coming in to help further knowledge, it seems a lovely, fertile ground for interactions and intrigue.

Rev Solomon
Feb 10th, 2017, 02:17:59 PM
This is an interesting idea - it's weird in a way that I really like. It makes me imagine a scene where two Jedi approach Lilaena De'Ville in a smoky alien bar, she reaches for her lightsaber and wheels around ready to fight, followed by a "You want me to do what?" Or maybe it's more like Wolverine's cameo in X-Men First Class.

But I'm not sure it's feasible, for two main reasons. First, non-aligned Force users are mostly off the grid. If they're in the Empire, they're going to be hunted down. If they're in the Alliance, they're probably on a watchlist if they're known at all. The ones that known enough to teach the Jedi anything also know enough to keep themselves from being found if they don't want to.

Second, I have a hard time seeing the Council agreeing to let third parties in to teach the ways of the Force to their own people. Solomon certainly wouldn't - for him, learning to use the Force isn't like learning to fly a starfighter. It's a spiritual journey that shapes the learner's heart and mind. He would never vote to allow a known Dark Side user to teach on Ossus, because the way they commune with the Force is inherently destructive.

Of course, I can't think of many non-aligned Force users who could teach the Jedi anything new... Charley and I had talked about Kale teaching Draiya a few tricks, from one urchin to another, but there's no way he's going in front of a classroom to talk about things he only understands on an intuitive level. If there is a character who fits the bill, I think we could find a way to navigate the problems I outlined above in order to serve the story.

One possible angle that could be interesting is if the Imperial Knights offered some selections from the Jedi Archives in exchange for something or other... Perhaps even as a peace offering to come visit Ossus.

Feb 10th, 2017, 02:27:08 PM
This is more or less what the Tanaab Academy (The Sith Order) is already doing. They are a neutral school on the surface and do not teach philosophy. As a result they have students and teachers who fill the range of Light to Dark, and everything in between. Most of the faculty as secretly sith, but not all. I would say that any curious Jedi could enroll, but that costs some serious credits. The Academy wouldn't want to send teachers to the Jedi and appear to sympathize with one side over the other.

I'm sure there are non-jedi force users out there that would be willing to work with the Jedi to pass on knowledge, there are others that the Jedi would definitely not want around their padawans. Zereth would be more than willing to teach a class or two if the Jedi asked him. They have been very welcoming of him so far and after a daring adventure with Kazahan I am sure his acceptance among them will only grow. It will be hard for him to teach without philosophizing, though. It's his favorite thing. Likewise, Zereth would enjoy learning the Jedi too; namely about meditation.

Sirdi Kōhō
Feb 16th, 2017, 03:04:35 PM
The idea is interesting. What I see is possibilities for creation and inclusion, especially after reading other's ideas. Characters like Dai Von Juñ, or the Emere could create connections through this professional development program. See, my creations are already there for the picking, but there are many other knowledgeable species & sects still in existence trained on the ways of the Force who people could create to represent in this idea such as a Kiffar, Aang-TiI, Ysanna, Dathomir, Baran Do, Jensaari, Kilian Ranger, Omwati, Sälãi Käsi, Voss Mystics, and etc.

I think it could work if done with spacific parameters