View Full Version : Freedom
Jan 7th, 2017, 07:24:59 AM
Wrapped in the cloak that she had been given, feeling human again was a foreign concept as Masiri descended the ship's ramp into the damp cold. Stark contrast from the dry heat of Tatooine, she shivered as the blast of pure, frigid air assaulted her face, nearly stealing her breath away. Burying her nose and mouth into the cloak's warmth, she pushed on. Showered and fed, she would never be able to thank the two Jedi that saved her, enough and though her sister was still missing, she hoped that Ossus would be able to offer her a chance to learn more about herself and then in turn, help free her twin. That thought pushed the seventeen year old across the tarmac and toward the temple. Passing between maintenance crew, droids and a large hover sled loaded down with equipment, Masiri suddenly felt out of place. Having been enslaved to the ruthless gang for almost a year, losing her parents and now her best friend, she felt lost here among those who believed as her family did.
This was going to take some time, she knew.
With majestic mountains as the backdrop, the large temple seemed right at home seated within the fork of two rivers merging into one and continuing east. Greenery around the base of the temple, she knew the Jedi would do their best to return some nature to the otherwise tortured world. Masiri had heard many stories of Ossus's history on the way here and a part of her couldn't wait to see it.
Climbing the wide stair, she took in the facade of the temple's main entry, hailing back to the days of the Jedi that once called Ossus their headquarters so long ago. Even the feeling in the air gave her a chill, though not as if cold, but within. Reaching the front door, her right hand grabbed the handle and pulled, then stepped within. Another impressive sight as she slowed her pace, taking in the amazing architecture of the grand foyer itself as well as the artwork filling the walls. Etched within the floor, she read the Jedi Code and slowed at the foot of it.
Immortal words that she could still hear her father quoting.
Wei Wu Wei
Jan 20th, 2017, 07:38:59 PM
"You know, a lot of people have a hard time believing that the entirety of Jedi philosophy can be contained in those 5 lines."
Wei Wu Wei greeted the young woman. He wasn't sure anyone had been expecting new recruits or diplomats. It was clear that the Jedi were somewhat new to her--or at least a mystery. "I tell people it's not exactly as simple as all that, but 20 page essay on the Force and the Jedi's relationship to it can be hard to recite when you're in a pinch and need to steady your heart and mind."
Wei chuckled at himself. "My name is Wei Wu Wei. What's your name?"
Jan 21st, 2017, 06:39:20 AM
The sudden sound of a voice caught Masiri unawares, jumping with a start and then she listened to his wisdom. The thought that she was even here in the first place seemed surreal though the kindness shown by this strange man seemed to draw her in. He wasn't a mercenary or thug wanting to hurt her, which was also a foreign concept. Her parents had never asked she and her sister to write about the Force when they were young, but she imagined that would be one assignment she would have to tackle while here.
"Masiri," she replied, her soft voice barely audible behind the cloak's thick fabric. Sighing, she tried her best to not show all the emotions roiling around in her mind right now, so lowered the cloak to reveal her smooth features. "Sorry, Masiri. Pleasure to meet you."
Wei Wu Wei
Jan 24th, 2017, 07:44:31 PM
"Nice to meet you, Masiri. What can the Jedi Order do for you today?"
Wei knew she couldn't be any sort of government official or representative. That meant she was either running from something, or running to something. Without the resonance of a singing bowl or his lightsaber, he couldn't even begin to feel her surface thoughts through the Force. She seemed...quiet. Reserved, maybe. He gestured at a low bench nearby, an unspoken invitation to have a seat while they talked.
Feb 3rd, 2017, 01:55:43 PM
Something else that would take some time getting used to, someone wanting to help instead of the other way around. The mental scars no doubt evident in her eyes, she sighed as Masiri took in the surroundings then back to him. "I need to learn how to harness my gift with the Force. My parents taught my sister and I about it, but never got the chance to show us how to use it." Swallowing hard, she also knew more of why she was here would eventually come out.
"I also need to rescue my sister from the ones that...," she stopped herself, feeling the large lump in her throat and eyes beginning to mist.
Wei Wu Wei
Feb 10th, 2017, 07:50:06 PM
Wei nodded. "I see." He pulled a clean handkerchief from his sleeve and handed it to her.
"Masiri, I understand your pain and loss. Catch your breath, and then we will discuss what it takes to become a Jedi."
This poor girl was full of raw emotion. Wei felt for her. The loss of his wife still stung late at night, or in the small moments in the morning between waking up and going about the day. Wei almost hadn't held on to his Jedi teaching. He had, in fact, nearly fatally despaired--drowning the deep pain in drink so potent it set his innards on fire. No drink could ever warm that ball of ice-cold pain. It had to be expunged--let go. Could she do that? Wei could see a clear path to her Fall, if she were not prepared.
Feb 11th, 2017, 06:57:56 AM
Taking the handkerchief, she pushed out a grin and wiped her eyes, knowing all this was going to take some time to come to terms with. Her father's voice in her mind being one of the few things that kept her going through it all. Sighing, she glanced down for a moment, still wrapped in the cloak which was keeping out the cooler air cutting through the seams of the door behind her. Regaining her composure, she raised her eyes again.
"Sorry, I'm alright." She could sense his empathy and knew now that he did understand to a degree what she had been through, the wound still evident in his eyes. Was this necessary to be a good Jedi, she wondered.
Wei Wu Wei
Feb 22nd, 2017, 08:20:12 AM
Wei nodded. He had puzzled over how to explain the purpose of the Jedi as she gained her composure. He wanted to be sure she heard the full meaning of his words. At last, finding no easy way to start, the Jedi Knight just dove right in.
"Masiri, Jedi are known the world over for their calm. They are able to set aside their feelings and work throughout the galaxy to bring balance to the Force. I know you want to save your sister, but if you want to do that yourself, it may take some time. You might have to set aside her rescue for years before you can execute that plan. And during that time you will have to learn to make peace with yourself and your feelings until the day comes that you can help her. Does that sound like something you're willing to do?"
Feb 22nd, 2017, 10:10:54 AM
Finally taking a seat beside him, the large, bullet shaped window behind them open to the rugged mountains and river valley behind as well as the landing pads, some with ships being prepped or unloaded. She listened to his statement and as he mentioned that her wait to save Lurianne may have to wait... years... Her heart sank, but she knew that learning about the Force would take time and mastering, probably longer. Brown eyes fell a bit as she thought about his query.
"I know my father would tell me that she's going to be alright, to keep the faith in the Force and that she's going to survive." Though from their own example, she also knew how short life could be as well. Sighing, she looked up to him again. "I'm going to try, but I remember how she was before they left with her." The memories flooding back, her screams and the fighting and her eventual knock to the head that put her out. The inability to save her twin then was still hurting. "She's as in tune with the Force as I am. I'm only hoping that she doesn't turn to the darker things going on in her mind."
Wei Wu Wei
Mar 2nd, 2017, 04:00:22 AM
"I know that must be hard to bear. But if you two are sisters and Force Sensitive like you say, then perhaps the pair of you will are connected through the Force. It has happened before. Perhaps we can find someone who can teach you to use that connection to help her. Until you can rescue her." Wei smiled. "I will investigate this."
The Jedi Knight took a breath and let it go. "I need to gather up some documentation. In the meantime, let's see if we can't get you a nice meal, a shower, and some clean clothes. What do you say?"
Mar 2nd, 2017, 11:37:52 AM
Hands still keeping the oversized cloak close, she nodded and hoped that a mental connection would be possible. Her mind entertained that hope and knew it was one way to at least keep tabs on her twin and she hoped that would help guide Lurianne to her, or visa versa. The thought of a change of clothes and meal were more than enticing as Masiri grinned. "That would be great, actually. Thank you for your help."
Rising, she followed him deeper into the temple, taking in all the architecture and holograms of past masters while listening to him.
Wei Wu Wei
Mar 8th, 2017, 06:23:26 AM
Wei guided her to the dormitories, where they would be able to find her some clothes and get a refresher for her to use. The Padawan on duty found what they needed, along with some soap and a towel, and Wei waited out in the common area until Masiri returned. While he waited, he passed the time answering Padawans' questions. By the time Masiri had returned from her shower, she found Wei surrounded by a small group of learners.
Mar 8th, 2017, 07:29:50 AM
Nodding at the kindness shown, Masiri was almost in tears as the equally young padawan led her to her own room, then left her to clean up and change. Memories of the tortures endured at the hands of those murderers on Tatooine still caused physical aches as she disrobed and headed into the refresher. Mental scars that weren't going to just disappear anytime soon. Washing up, she felt like a new person as she combed her hair, then put on the clean, tan and brown outfit. Pulling on her boots, she then stood from the small, backless stool and looked at herself in the mirror, now seeing her mother in her robes. A thought that brought a smile to her face.
I hope I make you both proud.
Sighing, she moved from the stool and toward the door, glancing one last time to the spartan, but nicely appointed room. A huge difference from the dirt-filled, humid room that she and her sister had to endure. Clearing her throat, she moved from the dorm room, carrying her rags in a ball toward the incinerator door which also claimed their garbage. Opening it, she unceremoniously tossed them into the dark chute, then closed the door again. Pushing the button to ignite the tattered clothing, she hoped it would burn out the memories as well.
Turning from the small, inset door, she continued on toward the dining hall, passing other padawans and masters alike, nodding to them quietly. Her heart beating a mile a minute now that she realized that their dream had finally come true, even if her twin wasn't here with her. Lurianne would be soon enough, she determined as brown eyes soon located Wei surrounded by other young students at a large table. Slowly, she joined them and listened in on his tutelage to these others who all seemed to respect him.
Wei Wu Wei
Mar 10th, 2017, 11:51:27 AM
"But why?" one Padawan asked. "Why no attachments? You can't just stop feeling! It would be horrible to be just an empty shell!"
"You say that word 'emptiness' like it's a bad thing," Wei said, gesturing Masiri to an empty seat beside him. "But look at this bowl," he continued. "When it is full, it can do nothing but hold what is in it. I can't put anything else in there, can I? But if it's empty--why, there's no limit to how I can use it. It's not bad for the bowl to be empty."
Wei pulled out his datapad and pulled up an animated schematic. "This thing is called a bellows. When you squeeze the handles, the air inside it is pushed out When the handles return to their starting position, the air rushes in. Once upon a time it was used for heating forges. But the main thing is that it only works when empty. Empty, but it never runs out. It never gets tired. A fully trained Jedi is very much like both these things. When your mind is empty and calm, the Force fills you, and you find there is no limit to what you can accomplish for the sake of Balance in the galaxy."
The Padawan looked down at his plate and poked at some of the food. "I don't believe it."
Wei unhooked a mesh bag from his belt and took from it a ceramic bowl and a wooden rod. He ran the rod around the rim of the bowl until it produced a clear, pure tone. "Don't let the tone die down," he told the Padawan.
The perplexed Padawan did as he was told, and the Jedi Knight shut his eyes. As he breathed in and out in slow, measured breaths, the entire room started to naturally fall silent. People's conversations found places to close, plates and cups and utensils seemed to clatter less as everyone found within themselves a sort of inner calm. Eventually, even the Padawan felt so at peace, he stopped what he was doing and the tone faded away.
The silent calm hung in the air for a few seconds more. Finally, the background noise of the hall rushed in to fill the space, and they were once again surrounded with buzzing chatter and clattering, clinking dinnerware.
"Not all emptiness is bad, Padawan. Seek to create in yourself the feeling I lent you, and you will one day find yourself promoted to the rank of Jedi Master."
Wei smiled and nudged Masiri gently. "Hungry? There's plenty to eat."
Mar 10th, 2017, 05:21:32 PM
Moving to the proffered seat, Masiri then listened to the older man whose features had made her wonder where he was from, though as he spoke those curiosities faded. He was wise and as she took in the interaction between the other padawan and Wei, Masiri knew she had met someone very much like her father. Someone who understood the universe and it's beauties. Things that she had forgotten and once the young boy toured the edge of his bowl with the tuning fork, she felt the quiet that followed, not only physically but also in her soul. Regardless of the darkness that had enveloped and threatened to swallow her whole, she began to see a spark emerge in that blackness.
She was in the right place.
Wei's nudge startled her from her musings as brown eyes shot to the dark haired Jedi, prompting a grin. Rising, she began heading for the serving droid. "Starving, actually," she began, handing him a tray and plate, then taking one for herself. "My father would like you," she finally revealed, smiling, though with a hint of sadness buried deep behind that statement. Eyes diverted to the variety of dishes now arrayed underneath the stainless lids, she began deciding what to eat.
Wei Wu Wei
Mar 20th, 2017, 09:04:43 PM
"I am glad to hear that."
He patted her arm as she passed and returned to the learners. "When you are calm, you can see clearly. A small pond is maintained on the grounds. I suggest you go look at it some time. When it is still, the water is easy to see into. You can see all the fish and underwater plants. But I also suggest to throw a small stone into that pond and tell me if you can see anything under the surface while the ripples roll across it. Or the next time you are on kitchen duty, tell me if you can see the bottom of the cooking pot when the water comes to boil."
"I know it is hard, Padawan. No Jedi Master lives today, or in the past, that did not struggle to manage strong emotions." Wei took the bowl back. "I do not ask that you do not feel. I only ask that you understand why you feel what you feel, and that you understand why you must be able to place those feelings aside."
Mar 21st, 2017, 06:36:20 AM
Yes, Masiri's dad would like Wei a lot, she mused as he talked about emotions and how it correlated to throwing a rock into a pond. She understood how emotions could overpower someone with powerful abilities and how easily they could get lost in those feelings. As she chose her breakfast, Masiri soon accepted the plate with a smile and nod to the server, then turned and headed to an empty table and sat down. Sighing, she began eating, the food's taste making her want to inhale it all at once, having been a while since she had wanted to eat.
"When you've seen dark things and....," she hesitated as the memories came rolling back. "How do you separate yourself from them," she queried, eyes misting.
Wei Wu Wei
Mar 21st, 2017, 08:17:31 AM
"Well, speaking from personal experience, during the initial sting of pain and my emotions run high, I breathe. Just slow, steady breathing. I listen to myself breathe until my heart rate goes down and my mind clears. Then, when I am calm, I look at those memories and accept them. I acknowledge that they happened. Then, I remember the good that is in my present. I choose to focus on the good, rather than the bad. Then, if those dark memories rise again, I take a deep breath and remind myself that even though they did happen, they are gone. I remain."
The Jedi Knight grinned somewhat sheepishly. "It's easier said than done. It takes some practice."
Mar 31st, 2017, 07:17:05 AM
Brown eyes rose to her new mentor and she nodded, knowing that made sense and it was definitely easier said than done. Eating, she mused on his words as well as what her parents would tell them when things happened to the twins. "My sister and I can feel nearly everything that the other does," she admitted, grinning as she glanced up to him again. "That made everything harder, but you're right. It did happen and maybe one day I can help someone else that's been through things like that." Sighing, she returned her attention to her meal and thought long and hard about what she wished to accomplish here.
Soon, nearly done with her breakfast, "Do you have any students?"
Wei Wu Wei
Apr 6th, 2017, 04:46:12 AM
"One," Wei replied. "I think a second student would be nice, though."
Wei sipped some water. "Mainly I teach Jedi philosophy and lightsaber combat. I can teach you some other techniques, but my skill in them is pretty rudimentary outside of certain circumstances, so if you are interested in other skills, we will need to find you a teacher." Wei scraped his spoon around the bowl to get a little bit more yogurt.
"I spend most of my time at the Lightsaber Forge, preparing it for full use by the Jedi Order. My Padawan and I spend most of our time there during training." Wei swung around to the implied question. "I'll be glad to take you on as my Padawan learner. You and Katina will improve greatly by practicing together."
Apr 6th, 2017, 08:23:16 AM
Grinning at the offer that she had wished would be accepted, Masiri knew her journey here had been directed by the Force as her parents would always say. It had a way of guiding those that listened to it, to safe harbors when the need arose. She still hoped that it would also lead her to saving her twin.
"Thank you," she replied genuinely, her brown eyes still glistening from the divulging of such a dark hour of her life to this stranger, now turned master. "My parents taught us some of the basics, but I need to learn how to touch and use the Force like a Jedi." Finishing the last bite, she set her fork down and thought on having a lightsaber of her own one day. Something that she and Lurianne always pretended to play with, saving people from dark siders. A childhood now seeming as if it had been lived by someone else.
"Looking forward to it."
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