View Full Version : Character Evaluation

Sirdi Kōhō
Nov 29th, 2016, 04:59:29 PM
Star Wars - Jedi Order
Sirdi Koho (https://sw-fans.net/forum/showthread.php?56092-Sirdi-K%C5%8Dh%C5%8D&p=1037844&viewfull=1#post1037844) - Padawan
Injah Bas (https://sw-fans.net/forum/showthread.php?57256-Injah-Bas) - Master [Padawan]

Star Wars - Alliance of Free Planets
Zeel Attond - Rebel Agent
Amlaka (https://sw-fans.net/forum/showthread.php?57251-Jeddesh) - Representative of Jeddesh

Star Wars - Galactic Empire
Khaowan T - ISB - Imperial Security Bureau
Hoo Onasi - Imperial Intelligence
Olivia Shań - Imperial Intelligence

Star Wars - Independent
Dai Von Juń (https://sw-fans.net/forum/showthread.php?57247-Dai-Von-Ju%F1&p=1053994&viewfull=1#post1053994)- Musician/ex-Empress Hand/Child Actor
Marhlee the Bob - Musician/Clone War hero
Aura Vao - Musician (Abo)

I stumbled across a few old Character (https://sw-fans.net/forum/showthread.php?56545-Character-Evaluations-for-meeeeee&highlight=character+evaluation) Evaluation (https://sw-fans.net/forum/showthread.php?18374-Character-Evaluations!!!!!!!!11&highlight=character+evaluation) threads when collecting info for the Jedi Order (https://sw-fans.net/forum/showthread.php?55431-So-you-want-to-play-a-Jedi&p=1054627&viewfull=1#post1054627). I like the idea. This November there was a lot of Roleplay for the forum. I think it would be nice to give the reviewal a comeback. So, I'll kick the trend off. You go next. Just hold to give some evaluations for me first. I'd like to see where I can improve, expand, or whatever response you may give me.

Nov 29th, 2016, 05:23:45 PM
Sirdi - From what I've read so far in our thread between Sirdi and Kaie, I like the detail and not rushing along in the storyline. Good description with his thoughts and not making him all-knowing. :) Definitely interested to see where they end up as the story goes along.

Black Sun

Madeleia - Smuggler
Denoel Quane - Pirate
Alanie Herleva - Bounty Hunter


Sianna - Sith priestess

The Hapes Consortium

Shyahwyn - Dark Jedi assassin

The Empire

Isamaya - governmental attache
Willem Van Beek - Imperial navy
Lykeira - Imperial Knight
Akilah - Deputy Director, Intel
Jezekel - Imperial army

The Alliance

Maggewetok - Agent
Cabrin Versailles - Army


Kaie - Jedi Master
Masiri - Padawan

Tenloss Syndicate

Syravari Elik - Pirate/Slaver


Torgeir DeHaan


World of Darkness

Alvalana Tijk - Kindred