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Teagan s'Ilancy
Nov 25th, 2016, 10:22:46 PM
It was almost time.
Well, it was at least creeping up on the hour that he usually visited. Waiting in the common area of the home that she now shared with Master Vymes, Teagan s'Ilancy sat cross-legged on the floor. She was a little bit worried, and a little bit scared. Not about the shot, really, but more of... well, of other things. For now she was safe; she hoped.
She just had to wait for Uncle Feint, now.
She actually missed him. From that very first visit that she could remember, he'd always been kind and smiling. There was a tiredness to his eyes that she'd recognized the older she'd gotten. It was there. Kind of like the tiredness in Dama's eyes. Like the galaxy was weighing down on their shoulders. She'd meant to ask him during his last visit, but he'd somehow managed to duck out before she could ask. This time though, she would make sure that he listened to her question. If getting these shots meant that she would be healthy again, or whatever it was that she was always told - what sort of life was it to live if being healthy meant being tired all the time?
And so she sat, staring out of the glass doorway, with almost unfocused eyes.
It was almost time.
Mr. Feint
Nov 26th, 2016, 01:12:06 AM
The camp was bigger. Like clockwork it expanded and each time he visited it had grown beyond it's border. It was a good sign. It meant the fledgling Jedi, much like the Lupines, was recovering. He had no allegiance to the Jedi Order beyond his affiliation with the s'Ilancy family. It made them allies at best, and at worst they were acquaintances with overlapping interests. Regardless they let him come and go as he pleased, even if it was with hesitation and much paranoid observation. He knew it was not out of the kindness of their hearts but rather because Lok had no doubt requested it personally. It did not make him feel at home by any means. Instead he felt like he was invading holy ground.
Home was where you heart is, so they said. Ossus would never be his home, but those he considered family lived here and that was more than enough to put a spring in his step as he moved along the pathways into the Encampment. That was hardly the appropriate term now. It was now a fledgling village. His long coat, rigid suit, and briefcase made him look more the part of a lawyer, and set him apart from the various styles of dress among the Jedi and the Alliance servicemen. He paid them no attention. His mind was elsewhere. Had she grown while he was gone? Had she been eating properly? Exercising? Had they treated her nicely? Was he going to have to talk to her about brushing her teeth again? No many concerns, but nestled in the middle of it all was an excitement that only came when he allowed himself to be with his family again.
The domicile came into view around a corner, and through the transparent door he could see her, and a smile forced itself across his face without so much as a thought or his permission. His pace quickened. Finely polished shoes crunching on the gravel path. The door opened on it's own as he approached, and the moment he cleared the hearth he dropped to a knee and opened his arms. "Teagan!"
Teagan s'Ilancy
Nov 26th, 2016, 12:28:33 PM
A smile that came unbidden, wide and joyous. She couldn't help the excitement that always came with Uncle Feint's visit. And scrambling up, Teagan bounced into his open arms, throwing her own around his neck in a tight embrace that spoke of every ounce of her affection for her mother's hairless brother. She'd never seen him Change, but that did nothing to diminish her feelings for the man. She was sure he did it in private, just like she did. But, that little voice in the back of her head always wished that the two could run together, could traipse about without a care in the world and dig in the dirt. Though, he seemed to always be clean, and she'd never seen a speck of dirt on him; did he feel the same way about cleanliness that her mother did? It would certainly make sense, since they were brother and sister, at least.
She held him tightly, almost not wanting to let go. But, eventually she did release him, and standing back, Teagan ran a critical eye over every inch of her Uncle. She frowned, noting that he seemed more weary than the last visit. And while she had so much to tell him, there was a measure of her own mother in her behavior now.
"You're thinner than before," it was almost as though she was scolding him, and her hand clamped firmly to his sleeve kept him from escape.
"Have you been eating enough?"
Mr. Feint
Nov 27th, 2016, 07:14:46 PM
Every time he visited that hug got a little stronger. Already she was nearly squeezing the air out of him. Feint did not mind. It was a comforting feeling. In her hug he felt that everything would be alright, and it confirmed in that moment that everything he had done up until now had been the right choice. If this was a monster that needed to be destroyed than he had no idea what was right anymore. This was not the same enemy they faced in the days of old. This was not the cruel masters that enslaved them and cruelly poisoned their children. The sins of the fathers should not be the anchors that drown the children.
If only the other Guardians could see that.
"I eat when I have time. I'm very busy." He said, suddenly on the defensive. She grabbed his sleeve, preventing him from button his coat and covering up what must have appeared a gaunt stomach to her. Instead he used her grip to slip his arm out and pull the coat free, leaving him in his charcoal suit. Seizing the coat he hung it from a convenient nearby hook before turning back to Teagan and presenting her with an empty hand. With a slight flourish there was suddenly... nothing. He looked at his hand, his face scrunched in confusion. He turned his hand this way and that, even snapped his fingers a few times. Usually a lollipop materialized in his hand every visit.
Making a show of now looking around the room, he finally stopped and smiled. "Oh, looks like you already have it." And pointed a finger at the lollipop sticking out of her pocket. And just like that the ritual continued. Taking a seat on a stool, he set down his briefcase delicately on the floor beside him and then clasped his hands together, leaning forward, elbows on knees. "How have you been? Tell me everything." He had a purpose to his visit, but that was all secondary. Now was a previous moment spent with his "niece" and nothing could take drag him away.
Teagan s'Ilancy
Nov 27th, 2016, 09:15:04 PM
With a light smile, Teagan removed the treat from her pocket, staring at it as she turned it over in her hand.
"I'm getting a little old for these, don't you think?"
But still, she couldn't help the automatic action of peeling away the wrapper to reveal the polished, marble-like surface of the candy. It was yellow, with red swirls. Most likely kabakaba fruit with namana mixed in. It used to always be her favorite flavor, and well, it still was, she supposed. Not that she could ever really find these around here, but somehow it seemed that Uncle Feint always had one with him. And, she was always happy to take it when he offered.
Her eyes lifted then, to lock onto him. He really did look thinner than the last time she'd seen him, and it concerned her. Even if he said he was fine - just busy - it made her wonder. She pursed her lips in thought, brow furrowing just a small bit.
"I've been ok," came the eventual answer.
"It's... different here. I'm not used to it, but it's getting better."
Climbing onto the stool beside him, she gave a loose shrug.
"My mom is usually away at work up in space, and Master Vymes makes sure that I don't fall behind in my studies."
A slight laugh, as she finally deposited the sucker into her mouth, speaking around the hard candy.
"I decided I'm gonna be a Jedi, so it's been different."
Of course, there was much, much more to say, but she found herself wanting to know where it was he'd been since the last time he had visited. She wondered if he was living on Ossus, or just stopping through as he had done back on Cathar. It was always one of those unasked questions that she'd never worked up the courage to put forward to him. Then again, no better time than the present to do a thing, as Master Vymes always seemed to say.
"How come I never see you around? Except for when you visit, I mean."
Mr. Feint
Dec 7th, 2016, 02:26:09 PM
"You will never be too old." He replied with a smile that wrinkled the sides of his eyes. His eyes sparkled and shimmered. It was difficult to tell what color they were when they kept shifting between blue and brown.
"A Jedi is a noble profession." He nodded his approval. Of all the nebulous factions in the galaxy the Jedi Order had proven the least destructive. The history books were tainted by the Empire's influence but the truth was revealed to those who dug deep enough. The Jedi were noble, selfless, and proactive in the galaxy. Their only fault was becoming an institution of the Republic, and falling into decadence. Still, one could not ignore that even in their twilight hour they continued to serve the people as they saw best. As Generals, peacekeepers, and diplomats. Now they were rebuilding, and the potential they promised was unrivaled in the galaxy. He had his reservations about their Order, and he kept them to himself.
The Jedi, with their allegiance to the Alliance, should be able to protect Teagan and Loklorien.
It hurt to hear her ask that final question. His heart ached when he was away. Feint wanted nothing more than to be right here with his family. He really wished there was a way and a place that he, Teagan, and Loklorien could spirit themselves away to somewhere safe to ride out the rest of their lives. If only such a sanctuary existed for the Lupines to rebuild their species. Such a thing would only paint a target on their backs. The Guardians would come. They have no respect for the governments of other planets and would sneak through in the night to kill the children. Monsters.
"I am very busy, Teagan." He said as his eyes dropped to his hands, where he was picking at a chip in his fingernail. She was old enough to hear the truth. He couldn't hide the danger she was in forever. "There are bad people in the galaxy and I have been doing my best to keep them away. It's like playing a game of tag, but a lot of people are it. I go to one planet and shout hey I'm here and run before they can show up. They are always chasing me, but they never get me. I'm good at." He smiled again at the boast, looking back up at the girl- young woman. "Lately I have been meeting with pharmaceutical companies, who make medicine, to make more of the medicine I've been giving you all these years. I was afraid I would run out. Good news I found a company to make more.
I want to visit more, but I'm afraid the bad guys will follow me here. I don't want anything to happen to you, Teagan."
Teagan s'Ilancy
Dec 30th, 2016, 01:34:25 AM
She understood the weight of what he spoke of. It laced each and every word he spoke. It was familiar, to be honest. She too had found herself in weighty situations as of late; none more heavy than her decision to become a Jedi. The day spent in thought, speaking with a few others about their commitments, and a host of other swirling emotions.
But, these she brushed to the side. They were not the right things to talk of right now. Now was a time for smiles and reunions, and catching up with her Uncle.
A sigh that seemed to deflate her entire being for but a moment, and the young Lupine finally let a lopsided grin tease its' way onto her lips.
"I know you don't. I don't want anything to happen to me either."
Reaching out, she took his hand in her own, giving his fingers a squeeze.
"But you're here now, yeah?"
Her free hand swept an errant strand of hair from her eyes, tucking it behind one ear.
"You thirsty?"
Mr. Feint
Feb 3rd, 2017, 01:34:50 PM
The grin that returned to his face following the somber moment mirrored her own. "I don't think you have anything to worry about, not here. No one would dare try anything with all these noble Jedi around. Yes, I am thirsty, thank you."
Such a polite girl, sometimes in stark contrast to her species, and her own mother. Feint would be lying if he said that his first meetings with Loklorein S'Ilancy had been anything but tense standoffs. So much in fact that he had almost abandoned his plans entirely when she had rejected his olive branch the first time. Thankfully the second time she was much more receptive, even if still on guard. Te'gan had yet to have the cruel brands of the galaxy laid upon her flesh, and if he had any say in the matter she never would.
The container he brought nagged him with it's purpose, but he ignored it. He had plenty of time to administer the inoculation. Right now he was spending time with his niece.
"What have you been up to? Tell me everything. Any adventures with the other youths?"
Teagan s'Ilancy
Feb 5th, 2017, 07:04:40 PM
Moving into the kitchen, the young Lupine cut a surprisingly 'responsible' figure as she reached up to one of the cabinets. The door opened with ease, and she pulled down two freshly cleaned glasses, proceeding to set both on the counter top. Having inherited her father's height, Teagan was able to easily access things on a higher level than most her age, and turning, she pulled open the cooler unit. A carton of purple-colored juice was removed, then summarily poured into the two cups.
"Namanico," she clarified while replacing the cap and returning it to the cooler.
But, his question wasn't entirely ignored, and taking up one of the glasses, Teagan slid the other across the built-in bar counter to where Uncle Feint stood waiting.
"I don't really spend much time with the others," she admitted after a first sip, "... I mean, there are a few that I hang out with, but honestly I have enough coursework to keep me busy."
She bit her lip in much the same way that her mother often did when considering her next words.
"I go out running every day though."
It was no small feat to understand - for those who knew - what she spoke of. Of that glorious hour spent racing through underbrush each day.
Mr. Feint
Feb 11th, 2017, 03:22:50 AM
Feint accepted the glass and lifted it to his lips, sipping the sweet juice while looking over the top at the gir- young woman; he corrected himself. She was growing up fast and already looked like a smaller version of her mother. If he closed his eyes and listened, he was sure it would sound like Loklorien S'Ilancy was in the room with him. There was a strange sensation that came with that realization. A kind of pride, but not the kind he had once been accustomed to; the pride of hard work. This was altogether different, and better.
"Exercise is very good. You don't want to get flabby like Uncle Feint." He said with a wry smile while patting his stomach, which was nowhere even approaching flabby in reality. "Tell me about your training. What is it like being a Jedi, what do you call it... Padawan?"
Feint honestly had not a clue what the Jedi truly believed or practiced. He had been trained in it's use as a teenager as was customary among his people, but he had not much interest in it at the time. His classmates had all vaunted their strength and power, but Feint had opted for the mysterious avenues of illusions. Something defensive and practical that would allow him to get close and yet never be in danger. It was what allowed him to collect and record the many histories of the galaxy for the Grand Library, after all.
That felt like a different life. So long ago.
Teagan s'Ilancy
Feb 12th, 2017, 02:07:43 AM
"It's... different," she finally admitted after a thoughtful silence. She sipped at her own juice.
"Though, my Mom tells me it's different than how it used to be for her, when she was at the Temple all those years ago. She said things were a lot more strict back then, but I dunno. Things seem pretty strict here, but that's ok I suppose."
Propping herself up on the counter, Teagan leaned on her elbows as she rocked slowly back and forth, explaining everything about her days and how they transpired. From her more general classes in the morning hours to the focused training that was had in the afternoon; from meditation to learning about the foundations of the Jedi Code and the fundamentals of lightsaber combat. She'd still not gotten up the courage to volunteer for any sparring matches, and shyly admitted to being more interested in the Jedi histories.
"Some of the students here already have made their own lightsabers," she let out a long sigh.
"But I still don't know. I guess I'm just waiting for the right time. Whenever that is."
Mr. Feint
Feb 23rd, 2017, 01:30:55 PM
Feint listened intently, leaning forward, eyes locked on hers. Occasionally he would pause mid-sip to smile knowingly. It was a pleasure to see how her mind worked, and to hear so much about her accomplishments within the Jedi commune. A hesitation to fight made him want to laugh and point out how her mother seemed to always be itching for a fight. Feint had thought for sure, all those years ago, when they first met that Loklorien would force a fight out of him. Invading her home at their second meeting had only made him all the more wary of a fight. Such a difference to see a young Lupine so hesitant toward violence.
It was almost as if all the propaganda shoved down their throats was truly a lie after all.
He also wondered if her love for history was in part his fault. There had been many a visit that was spend regailing a younger Teagan with some ancient story or another, plucked from his own memory. All his resources and records were gone now, lost to him, but he had an uncanny ability to recall almost anything with startling clarity. Many stories of the Jedi Order had been recorded in his library, and thus in his durasteel trap of a mind. Perhaps he should pen them to paper someday. Teagan would enjoy it, no doubt.
"There is wisdom in waiting until you are ready rather than rushing before you are ready. If they allow it I could help you make your lightsabre. I've never built one myself, but I'm sure the two of us can figure it out. I used to make model starships as a youth, after all. Same thing, right?" He said jokingly followed up with a chuckle as his smile turned playful, the corners of his eyes wrinkling with the expression.
Teagan s'Ilancy
Feb 24th, 2017, 01:34:00 PM
A press-lipped smile met him then, and Teagan rolled her eyes in that way that only pre-teens could. It was that universal sign of amusement mixed with a plea to stop. As though - even despite only the two of them being present - embarrassment was imminent. She rolled her head then, sharp pops sounding from her neck.
"Model starships are not the same thing," she half-chided.
But, his offer was certainly enticing, and the young Lupine found herself more taken with the notion than any other. Her Uncle offering to help was something she'd never considered, and yet when he did, it was as though it was the only real solution. It only made sense. It made the most sense of anything on this planet.
"But... "
She smiled, leaning forward slightly as a tiny glint of conspiratorial excitement shone in her blue-flecked grey eyes.
"If you help me, then I know it will be the right lightsaber for me."
Mr. Feint
Mar 11th, 2017, 01:06:47 PM
"I have confidence that any lightsabre you built will be the right one for you. It is about the journey, not the end product. The force will guide you, and I will help."
Was his reply as he leaned forward in kind to match her, her own excitement mirrored in his eyes; the ones that always seemed to be shifting between brown and blue. Instinctively he wanted to reach out and tousle her hair as he had done many times through her childhood; a combination of play, comfort, and his own jealousy for hair. His withheld from the action. She was no child anymore. It may have been just yesterday that she was asleep in her crib, but today she was a strong young woman.
"Are there supplies to gather? Schematics to follow? Archaic rituals to perform in the woods underneath a full moon? I hope there are no sacrifices." He winked at that last one, and the rest of his statement dissolved into a poor joke, but of the kind he had established as his unique Uncle humor.
Teagan s'Ilancy
Mar 11th, 2017, 01:35:38 PM
"No sacrifices," she laughed, her smile wide. "But, there are apparently some things that I need to get before we can start building it."
Of course, there was something he'd said that stirred a deep cord in her, and the young Lupine couldn't help a knowing look to him from over the tops of her eyes.
"As for going out in the woods... "
She licked her lips, an expression of hopefulness falling over her as she leaned ever closer. Now was her chance; her chance to finally share a Change with him. He'd always been so busy doing whatever it was that he did. Always away and tending to some mysterious task that kept him from being home. It was frustrating at times, but that frustration always evaporated the moment she saw him. And even though he seemed just a little bit older and more gaunt with each visit, he was always the same Uncle Feint that she knew. Her mother's brother that never forgot to make some sort of time to spend with her. And she loved him for that. She loved those last few moments of expectation that always preceded his visits, and loved the times they spent together. Even despite the medicine he gave her each time, she looked forward to his voice, and seeing his arms go out to bring her into a strong embrace.
He was her Uncle, and she was his Niece. It was an undeniable truth that she could never let go of.
"We could have a run, you know."
Inwardly, she'd always imagined him being just as snowy-white as her mother, a pure pelt that was glossy and silky and just perfect.
"I bet you could use some time to get out."
Mr. Feint
Mar 27th, 2017, 02:46:24 PM
"We certainly could, but I would imagine I would have a hard time keeping up with you."
His answer came immediately off the cuff without much thought. To Feint any racial prejudice had melted away years ago and in it's place he found a family. The lines between them had blurred until they were no longer discernible. He had watched Loklorien and Teagan shift many times over the years, and he had never felt left out. Perhaps he had simply not been around enough to feel that way. Watching Teagan grow from a pup to a capable young woman was admittedly seen through snapshots of her life seen one yearly visit at a time.
Her words finally filtered into the processing center of his brain. Feint realized in that moment that he had never put much thought into how she would discover his racial identity. Such things had long ago become irrelevant to him. Somewhere deep inside he had imagined that Loklorien would have said something to Teagan eventually, and that they had moved beyond this point. Clearly that was incorrect.
"I cannot change, unfortunately. I am not a Lupine. I'm a Leh'beni. I'm not biologically related to you or your mother, although our ancestors did originate from the same system of space; Figaro. I met your mother a few years before you were born. She was mean to me. I've been with her, and you, ever since."
A smile crept over his face as the memory bubbled to the surface. Reaching out he set his hand on the countertop between them, and when he pulled it away an imagine remained. Like a hologram the images stood up and became three dimensional. It became an image of that same meeting, in the library on Cathar. A standoff between the two, circling around, mouths moving but there was no sound. As the illusion continued Feint's eyes swirled with color, shifting between blue and hazel. The scene changed, the figures and library melting away like ink blotches into a puddle only to rise again, reformed. Cathar again, but this time showing Feint standing outside Loklorien's home. Years passing in the blink of an eye. It followed them inside, where they stood over the crib of a sleeping infant. The scene changes became rapid, showing Feint repeatedly walking into the same room, and each time Teagan was a bigger, older. Each time Feint got thinner, more worn, and older.
"I know it's not the same, but I can still go running with you. I think my old bones can manage it."
Teagan s'Ilancy
Mar 27th, 2017, 11:42:15 PM
Such a small word to convey such a large concept. Teagan watched the illusion with rapt fascination, taking everything in. From the first meeting to the last, it was a whirlwind of memories playing out just for her, only there was so much more than the times that she could remember. There were times before, and it was those fleeting showings that had captured her so completely. Suddenly not thirsty, the young Lupine slowly slid her glass to the side, a measure of juice still inside.
That her mother had never told her the truth of things as they stood now made some amount of sense; the time they had spent together since she'd come to Ossus was dismally short, and before that had been spent in a life that had apparently been a lie. And in that instant she suddenly missed that life-that-was-a-lie. She missed her old room on Dauntless. She missed the evening spent reading books on a sofa with her mother. She missed her father. Even despite everything that existed in her life now; despite Markos, despite Zem being her adopted father and showing her a degree of love that she'd never known, there was still that listless yearning for the way things were. It was a feeling that did not exactly occupy her thoughts very often anymore, but sometimes... sometimes she missed that old life.
And seeing the yearly visits of her Uncle... well, he wasn't really her Uncle apparently, was he.
Except, in her heart she knew that he had never and would never be anything but her Uncle Feint.
He had become such a facet of her life. He always came back to visit her, and always brought nothing but wonderful stories and smiles and treats.
Unfocused eyes blinked, and she let her gaze lift to his.
One corner of her lips ticked upward in a strange, barely half-smile. A look to the side, then she refocused on him.
"Well, you might be... Leh'beni or whatever, and even if you aren't my mom's real brother... " She reached out then, idly trailing a finger through his illusion.
"... you're still my Uncle."
Mr. Feint
Mar 28th, 2017, 01:06:44 AM
"I will always be your Uncle. Blood doesn't make us family. Family makes us family. I'm sure you have a lot of questions, and we will have plenty of time to talk about it. I plan on sticking around for a spell this time. My old bones need rest."
He returned her smile, watching her finger trace through the illusion, causing it to splash like inky water and melt into the countertop. As the illusion drew to an end his eyes stopped swirling and returned to their natural color. Blue; or was it brown?
"So, what do we need for this lightsabre business? A flashlight and some colored cellophane shouldn't be too difficult to find."
Feint winked at her before swiping his hand across the countertop and in it's wake leaving behind the glowing image of a schematic which described the mechanics involved in creating a lightsabre. Some of the details were missing or blurred, the image plucked from his memory as he remembered it. He was not overly familiar with the process. He, like many in the galaxy, had a passing interest in the mythical weapons of the legendary Jedi. The Guardians had no use for such a weapon. They had their own methods, although he had to admit that it would fit in perfectly in their arsenal. They preferred more civilized and elegant weapons. To an experienced Guardian any object was a capable weapon.
Teagan s'Ilancy
Mar 28th, 2017, 01:26:04 AM
Snatched from the more serious nature of their conversation, Teagan let her features melt into a look of 'jeeeez' before allowing a sigh to escape her lips. She leaned back, both palms still on the countertop while maintaining eye contact.
"To be honest?"
Her gaze flitted down then, to the picture displayed before her. It existed between her and her Uncle like a phantom; some things clear and others faded as though there was some sort of glitch.
"I really don't know."
But, there were other more pressing questions that now paraded through her thoughts. The lightsaber could wait. Reaching out, she passed her hand through the illusion as if to dispel it.
"Tell me about the Leh'beni?"
Mr. Feint
Apr 6th, 2017, 05:42:46 PM
The illusion was bisected by her hand, the image splashing aside like droplets of water that formed a dirty puddle that pooled together and then rose from the surface, reborn, as a collection of planets floating in the air above the counter top. The worlds exploded with vibrancy as the inky black illusions dissolved into blossoming colors.
"The Figaro system. The birthplace of the Lupine and Leh'beni people. My people are from here; the planet of Leh'ben."
With a finger he pointed through the cluster of planets and stars to one in particular. A blue and green orb that was the very example of a inhabitable world.
"We are very much like other humanoid races and cultures. We don't grow hair on the tops of our heads. Yes, we are all bald. Yes, even the women. Our culture is very civilized compared to some. We hold cleanliness and professionalism very highly, and try to adhere to a higher moral code. Some Leh'beni are quite elitist and look down on other cultures. They keep to themselves for the most part but have a tendency of spying on the rest of the galaxy while also keeping it at arms length as if we could catch a cold from them. Some people both in and outside of Leh'ben refer to us as Guardians. It's a nickname that has stuck through the ages and is how the galaxy at large refers to us, if they know of us at all.
The Leh'beni are very attuned to the force, perhaps even more so then some other species. We produce many force capable individuals, although the numbers have lessened in the last century. All force sensitive children are sent to the Nidus Academy in Galphast, the capital city. All children, regardless of force sensitivity, are given combat training not unlike standard entry military training. As a result, all Leh'ben are capable of defending themselves. Force sensitive children usually become Hunters and the others can choose to join the Vassal Army or remain civilians.
My people are currently enjoying an era of peace without any real enemies. The have flourished in the last hundred years."
Teagan s'Ilancy
Apr 8th, 2017, 11:57:42 PM
She stared again at the illusion as it swirled into the shape of orbiting planets. It was mesmerizing, and Teagan listened intently as she let her eyes go over every little bit of what he was showing her. From the twin suns of Figaro and Favoura to the planets circling them. Even the Schattenfelsen - she remembered it from what her mother had taught her - was there. And further, to the moons of those planets. Each one looked as though it had a story waiting to be told about it, but it was fascinating enough to listen to her Uncle as he spoke.
Every word drew her in, and a myriad of questions filled her mind with each passing moment. But still she listened, not daring to interrupt until he was finished. And when he fell silent, her eyes lifted to his; wide and curious.
"Are there forests like on Schwartzweld?" She hoped that there were, and without allowing him time to answer, she went on.
"I bet they'd be fun to explore."
Again her eyes went to the illusion, a finger lifting up to trace around the periphery of Leh'ben.
"Do you think we could go there sometime? I'd like to see Galphast, and see everything."
Mr. Feint
Apr 9th, 2017, 01:14:32 AM
The smile dimmed on his face, and the illusion began to melt like warmed ice. He stared at her, looking her in the eye, unsure of what to say. The other planets fell away, leaving only Leh'ben. The planet grew in size, becoming more detailed. Continents could be seen clearly. Dumas. Orzka. Sallahine. Each with their unique shapes, each separated by pristine oceans that became darker the further out to sea you went. You could almost see the oceans rolling, but they were hidden by the permanent cloud formations that hovered above the most isolated seas. Thunderstorms that threatened any unprepared sailor who tried to cross through them.
They had an old saying among the Leh'beni. It's easier to build a bridge than cross the ocean. It spoke of the merits of community and also the dangers of the seas of Leh'ben. Now, in those moment, Feint felt himself staring across the ocean; and between the churning sea and tumultuous sky was a pair of eyes looking back at him.
"I want you to know something, Teagan. I will never lie to you. I will tell you the truth even when it is hard and it hurts. I warn you that you are opening a box from which the lid can never be put back on. It is a tired, hateful, and violent story. Do you still want to know?"
Teagan s'Ilancy
Apr 9th, 2017, 01:28:46 AM
This was a side of her Uncle that was unfamiliar, and Teagan blinked in mild surprise as she leaned back slightly. Both hands came down to rest on the countertop then, as she let his words wash over her, mulling over what they could possibly mean. And in that moment, her features twisted ever-so-slightly. It was a look of cautious confusion at what might lay beyond. A look that was worried, yet curious all the same.
Her tongue darted out then, to wet suddenly dry lips.
The seriousness that he had taken was enough to make her briefly reconsider wanting to know more...
... but the desire to hear what he spoke of won out, and after a few more moments of though, she gave a solemn nod.
"I do."
Mr. Feint
Apr 9th, 2017, 02:04:50 AM
His body deflated at her answer. Feint knew that she would be told the truth someday, but he had imagined it being some far away time that would never come. That somehow he could shield her from the horrible past shared between the Lupines and the Leh'beni. That maybe, just maybe, by the time she was older the galaxy would be a better place and there wouldn't be any need to hide it from her at all. No. He knew he was wrong to think that. The time had come, and he had never been so unprepared in his entire life.
"A long time ago the Lupines were a powerful empire. The Greater and Lesser houses had only themselves to compete with. They conquered their neighbors and made the Leh'beni their slaves. They did not treat the Leh'beni well. They killed any they saw as a threat to their dynasties, forced them to live in squalor, and treated them like livestock. There is not a lot of recorded history from those days from their prospective. They were often uneducated and forbidden to write. We do not know for sure when or how it happened but there was a great uprising. The madness had begun sweeping through the Greater Houses and they were weak. The uprising was brutal. The wild Loveloxx were put out their misery while the rest were hunted down to the edges of the system. The battle raged for years. The Leh'beni had greater numbers and with every victory they freed more slaves and added to their army. The Lupines dug in and held out."
"The Leh'beni knew they needed something to tip the scales in their favor, so they developed a genetic mutation that was administered to the surviving Lupines. The result was that after a few generations they would become increasing sterile until they were no longer able to produce. The Leh'beni won the war by crippling their opponents ability to create more soldiers. By the time the Lupines realized what had happened it was too late to rectify. The damage was done. Slowly the Lupines were forced off each planet and finally from the Figaro system entirely. The Leh'beni were not content to stop there. Once they were strong enough they began hunting outside the system, chasing Lupines down to the very edges of the galaxy. They continue to hunt to this day, and as a result there are very few Lupines left in the galaxy, and almost all of them are incapable of reproducing."
"The medicine I've been giving you your whole life is a cure to the genophage. I am hopeful that when you are older that you will be able to have children of your own." He smiled, but there was a sadness in his eyes. His eyes were unfocused, like he was thinking about somewhere else far away. "I fled the system when they found out I had the cure made. To say the least I am not welcome back. It's funny. I had intended to administer the cure to your mother, but she was able to have you without it. A miracle of life."
Without thinking the illusion had shifted into a large plaza and at it's center was a huge statue of a man standing over a half-transformed lupine and shoving a spear through it's heart. The feral lower body with it pronounced claws and bony tail, and it's front half with the muscular body of a man with fangs and claws. Feint's eyes focused and he realized he had conjured up the grizzly monument and banished it from sight. He hated it, he hated how the man it commemorated and many other prolific hunters had been shoved down his throat as a child, and he had eaten it up like food to a starving child. It was deeply embedded in the culture and there had been no escaping it. Monuments to the slaughter. Statues of their hubris.
Teagan s'Ilancy
Apr 9th, 2017, 03:58:11 PM
Some of what he spoke of she knew; the Houses and their dynasties, their rise and fall... there was a lot that she knew from the books her mother had let her read, but a new thought began to emerge that worried her; had she only been reading carefully selected texts that'd been given to her only because they held no mention of the Leh'beni? Had her mother so purposefully hid this knowledge? A spark of resentment flared up, but soon enough it was smoothed over by the much more logical reasoning that she'd begun to employ more often these days. If her mother didn't tell her of the Leh'beni, then there was more than likely a good reason. Memories of the countless times that she had begged to know the story of why Dama had only one eye came flooding back, and with them came the inevitable conclusion of when she'd managed to get the story out of her father. She could still remember being unable to fall asleep because she'd been so scared that the Sith was going to come for her. She'd slept in his bed that night, too afraid to be alone in her own bedroom.
Blinking, Teagan realized that for much of the terrible truths about her kind, she'd had to wait until she was old enough to really understand them.
But now she was coming into her own, and with that came new knowledge. New realizations. No longer was she so little as to not grasp what was happening around her.
Each word that Uncle Feint spoke sank into her thoughts with particular weight. They rooted themselves deeply, but in such a way that gave no cause for alarm or worry... no, it was more an inward analytical eye that she turned to everything he said.
The illusion though, that was what arrested her thoughts and sucked her into an entirely different mindset. Curiosity mixed with concern fell over her features as she leaned forward to get a better look, eyes trying to pick out every detail...
... and then it was gone. Erased like tiny bits of pollen dust blown away by the wind.
"No wait... !"
She wanted to see it again, and see the man with the spear. She wanted to see the Lupine and the way the Change had been shown.
Eyes shifted to and fro, and she sucked in a breath before looking back up to him.
"I... I want to see it again," came the whispered words.
Mr. Feint
Apr 10th, 2017, 11:39:13 AM
The fist that closed to destroy the illusion slowly opened again until each finger was splayed out. Setting it down on the counter top once more he slid it sideways, and the illusion formed in the wake of his hand. An inky puddle that rose and formed, growing together until it once again formed the same structure from a moment ago. It was undefined, blurry, but slowly the details were chiseled into place. It was bigger this time, giving a better view of the whole piece. It was set in off-white stone. The man and the beast, locked in battle, but one dominant over the other.
"Balog Vrashn was one of the leaders of the revolution and he went on to become the first Arbiter; living incarnations of law and order who wield near absolute authority. They are second only to the Council of Nine. He is a prominent figure in our history. They say no one killed as many Lupines as him, they say he never lost a battle, they say he see through any disguise and through any ruse. They say a lot of him, but history is written by the victor. Actual hand written records from the time tell a different story of a raving, bloodthirsty madman bent on the total destruction of Lupines. He set the culture of his people on the violent path it has embraced ever since."
Teagan s'Ilancy
Apr 11th, 2017, 12:16:50 AM
Every bit of her attentions were on his words and the illusion before her. Eyes picked out each minute detail, drinking in the site of something so raw and powerful. It was amazing in its' own way, and she blinked before venturing a gaze up to him. He looked... angry? Frustrated? Pained? His features were set in each of those feelings, yet none of them at all. It was a look that she was unfamiliar with, at least. Disgust, maybe?
Her brow knit further, and Teagan looked back to the image of the statue. A finger ventured out then, trailing along the bony tail of the Lupine.
"My Dama never told me about any of this," her voice was quiet, almost whispered, "... but I think it was because I was too young to understand. She was... just trying to do the right thing."
Mr. Feint
Jul 10th, 2017, 10:04:59 PM
"It is a lot to take in. The history of our peoples is deep and intertwined, but also painful and dark. It is hardly the subject for a child, even one as inquisitive as you."
For a moment the pain vanished from his face and the edge softened as a smile gently tugged at the sides of his mouth. Memories of a rambunctious child running about during his visits, getting into everything, came flooding back in. Always poking, prodding, and asking why; and never content with half answers. Very much the embodiment of her mother's spirit. Relentless and pure.
"It is sad story, too. The Leh'beni became what they hated. They hide it underneath a disguise of silk and satin, but deep down they have become the animals, blood thirsty and paranoid; and like the Lupine Empire the Leh'beni Empire is doomed to collapse under it's own hubris. However, their fall will come not from a revolution of slaves but from their zeal and fear turning them against each other. They will devour themselves. I cannot hate them. I pity them, and fear them. They may unleash terrible calamity as their twilight comes to an end. Only time will tell. Thankfully, we are safe here. The hand of the Leh'beni is long, but even they would not risk the wrath of the Jedi and Alliance.
Teagan s'Ilancy
Jul 13th, 2017, 12:43:53 PM
She thought on all of this, on each and every word that her Uncle spoke. She also watched him. Her eyes went from his fingers to his face; the way his mouth moved, the sad glint in his eyes that seemed cast shadow over any other emotion brought on by memory. There was hope and comfort trying to peek through, but for now they were overshadowed. Her lips pursed in thought as she watched him, and for a moment she wondered if he missed his home as much as she missed her mother. It was a notion that was quickly dashed away. Of course he did. Why even question such a thing?
Teagan leaned on her elbows, her forearms moving to fold over each other as her upper body tilted forward, her head finally angling back down to look at the vision flickering in front of her.
"Good to know."
But, there was a nagging thought that wouldn't go away.
"What if they do come here, though?"
Mr. Feint
Sep 21st, 2017, 03:36:25 AM
A reassuring smile was forced to appear upon his pale face.
"Then they will be politely, but firmly shown the door. We are proper folk after all and they will be shown every kindness until they provoke another reaction. Should diplomacy fail and a conflict be provoked than we will abide by the Jedi Council's response. I cannot say how they will rule on the matter. Perhaps we will be made to leave, so that the Jedi do not suffer for our sake. Perhaps yet they will come to our defense and stave the onslaught. Even the wisest cannot see every aspect of the future. No matter the result we will continue to be a family and take care of each other. I have no doubts that your mother will come racing to our sides.
Still, I doubt they would risk sparking open warfare with the Jedi and the Alliance. The Leh'beni are strong but they are few. Breeding has never been forefront on their minds; more and more are born without the light, without the force. It would certainly spell the end of their empire."
Teagan s'Ilancy
Sep 24th, 2017, 12:10:47 PM
She listened intently, nodding as his words made sense to her.
The two sat, opposite one another, and pursing her lips, Teagan let her eyes shift upwards; from the countertop and the glass with her juice, to wander the path from his own hands - each finger gentle and sure... to the cuffs of his suit jacket. Then his arms, his chest, the pale skin of his neck, the sharp line of his jaw. His lips, nose, cheekbones, and finally to his eyes. They held exhaustion in them, mixed with hope and contentment. It was strange to see such things mingling together, but she recognized them all the same. She'd seen many of the same sorts of looks in her mother's eyes. Was this what happened when one grew older? They became tired and weary, and hopeful all the same? It seemed so terrible a thing, to her still young mind. It was a mind however, that was beginning to understand the finer points brought with age.
The young Lupine finally gave a quiet nod as she cast her gaze back low. Deep in thought, she couldn't help the long inhale, then equally long sigh of escaping breath.
"So there's no real telling what will happen."
Gently, she pushed her glass awayin a slow motion. It was deliberate, but halting all the same.
"Should I leave here, then?"
It was her mother's sensibilities that reared up, now.
"If I leave, it will save the Jedi from having to make that choice. I can leave, and just find somewhere to live that's hidden and no one can find me. My mom did it, and I can too."
Mr. Feint
Sep 29th, 2017, 12:11:54 PM
Feint's smile grew from fake to genuine at her insistence on hiding away. So willing to make such a sacrifice, and for the best of intentions.
"Absolutely not." He chimed back, with false authority betrayed by the mirth on his face. "Your mother and I have worked far too hard to make a safe home for you here to go running off to living in a dirty cave just yet. My mistake, I mean a home for us. I've thrown those bad guys off the trail more times than I have fingers and toes. They would need some kind of giant space dog to track us all the way here. No. We should be safe here for some time to come. Besides, don't you like living here? With Master Vymes and the other Padawans? Becoming a Jedi Knight? Yeah? You'll have to protect the family someday, when I become too old to do it."
Teagan s'Ilancy
Jan 9th, 2018, 12:17:53 AM
Of course she liked living on Ossus, it was a place that was in one spot and didn't move about like a starship did. She'd spent so many years on starships, flitting from one place to another. What once had been a quiet life on Cathar had been uprooted to an existence on Sanis' ship, Layla. And then after that she spent a decent amount of time with Zem, then Feathers. And after? She had gone to live with her mother and father on an Alliance cruiser, though every so often that part of her life had been peppered with trips to Schwartzweld. Finally she had been brought here, to Ossus. Her mother had said that she and Markos would be safe here, and that the Jedi would care for them while she was away. Even here though she'd gone from a small dormitory room to a much more private and permanent residence as she and Markos had moved into a home with Zem.
Her Uncle was one of the few constants in her life; he'd always been about in some form or another. And now? There was a sort of permanence that had begun to form and it made her happy to think that her family was slowly coming back together. Well... except for her real father. But, even in that she had begun to look at Zem in the very same way she'd used to look at Dan Thrule; with lit-up eyes and a smile that was becoming harder to wipe away every time he arrived home in the evening times.
Uncle Feint always brought those same feelings from her, and even when they spoke of serious matters like now, he made her feel safe.
But, it was his last words that gave her pause, and Teagan reached out to take one of his hands. She turned it over, touching a fingertip to the center of his palm.
"I know about how long I'll live, but... "
It'd never come up before, but now she wanted to know.
"... how long will you live?"
Mr. Feint
Jan 25th, 2018, 04:37:28 AM
The question sent his mind reeling backwards, through dusty old memories of delving through old tomes of records. Somehow, in all his reading on the subject, he could not recall a comparison of lifespans between the Lupines and Leh'beni. Very few had been concerned with such knowledge when their existence had been dictated by a desire to but the other to death immediately upon meeting. He would guess that they would share similar lifespans. That is, unless the phage responsible for their sterilization had any side effects when it came to general health and life expectancy.
If her mother was any indication, then Lupines could live forever.
"I have many years left in my life. Back on Leh'ben most people live for a very long time. Everyone is very fit, and medical technology has almost eradicated disease. Out here I imagine I will live for a similar amount of time. At least another forty years. I'm only a little older than your mother, after all. I'll be here to see you grow up into a woman, see you become a Jedi Knight. Maybe a Jedi Master even. Who knows. The future is full of possibilities, and I can't wait to see what you grow into."
His hands closed around hers.
"I'll be here with you for as long as possible. I love you, Teagan."
The front door quietly opened in the dead of the night, and the whisper of a shadow slipped through. It shifted through the air like a vapor, leaving the Vymes domicile and moving quickly toward the landing pad. On one of the Alliance controlled landing pads a starship sat, it's midnight blue exterior almost invisible in the darkness. It looked like nothing found in the navies of either the Alliance or the Empire. At the behest of the shadow the landing ramp cracked, spilling light as it fell, and closed back up just as quickly as it opened.
Inside the shadow rematerialized into Feint's form, as if a cloak of invisibility had been pulled from his shoulders and left to drop to the floor. The inside of the vessel was brightly lit and every surface was polished to reflection. There was an elegance and comfort to be found here that was betrayed by the straight forward hull design. For all it's luxury the Simulacrum ( lacked any real comfort. It was empty but clearly designed for multiple crewmen. It was a lonely prison. His prison. It was the greatest shield in his fight across the stars, a Leh'beni made stealth prowler that his would be hunters had hoped would be the edge in his capture, only to let it fall into his hands.
But that was a story for another time.
Taking the pilot's seat he began flipped switches and turning dials as he brought the communication array online. The channel was selected, set to deep space transmission, and a cipher added for extra security. Finally the recording began.
"Lok. She asked me about the truth. I told her everything. She took it very well. Curious as ever. Nothing is ever going to slow her down. You should be very proud. I know I am. I have decided to stay, like we talked about. We miss you... End. Send transmission."
And like that, his words fired into the void of space, to his last known coordinates of Loklorien S'Ilancy. He found comfort in the knowledge that she would receive someday. It might be weeks, months even, but she would get it. These long distance bread crumbs were sometimes all they had. She was busy with the military and he had been on the run all these years, never in one place for long and a direct transmission could give him away. At least now, finally putting down roots, she could visit him. It had been too long.
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