View Full Version : Fat Bottomed Girl
Taataani Meorrrei
Nov 6th, 2016, 07:28:41 PM
The Alliance Star Destroyer Concordia snapped into realspace half a million kilometers away from the massive structure of Jovan Station. A rare capture from the Empire before the signing of the treaty, the former Imperial-classed vessel was dressed in liveries of white and red, reflecting the Alliance Navy's motif of carrying the legacy of the Old Republic navy. As the warship settled into a lazy sublight cruise, a pair of X-wing fighters dropped clear from the ship's main ventral hangar deck. They cruised with s-foils closed as a larger craft debarked from the secondary hangar. Similar to the star destroyer's repurposing, the lambda-class shuttle wore shades of cardinal along it's lowering swept wings. Once deployed, the three ships moved as one, accelerating on an approach vector towards the station.
Inside the shuttle, the flight commander locked in to a tightbeam comm stream with Jovan, while his important guest hovered behind his chair.
"Jovan Station, this is Concordia Aurek Zero Nine One. On approach with VIP, requesting prime docking clearance."
Kes Akiena
Nov 9th, 2016, 01:29:22 PM
"They're requesting prime docking clearance."
Sitting behind his desk, Commander Kes Akiena stared at the officer who now stood before him. This news was not exactly of the sort that he wanted so early in his morning, and the redhead was careful to not allow his annoyance known.
"Yes Sir."
"I wasn't aware that we had a 'Prime' clearance setting."
"New one to me too, Sir."
An exhaled breath, and Kes leaned back into his seat with the air of a man resigned to his fate. A fate full of so many unknowns. His hand reached up to rub a thumb across his temple.
"Tell them they're cleared for the first Spire that opens up."
"Spire 3 has reported a vacancy."
Kes waved to the affirmative. "Good. Tell them to dock there."
"Shall you be there to meet them?"
Another sigh.
Taataani Meorrrei
Nov 9th, 2016, 11:32:31 PM
Guided by Jovan command, the Lambda moved on approach to Spire Three, and it's adjacent internal hangar bay indicated by the harbormaster. The X-wings in escort formation peeled off for the final two kilometers, allowing the shuttle to align with the hangar's tractor emitter, ensuring an effortless hand-off for landing.
The shuttle's wings drew upwards, tapering towards the crest of the dominant dorsal structure as the shuttlecraft dropped its landing skids, passing through the atmospheric barrier before touching down on the glossy black deck with a thump. For a moment, the craft simply went through its cool-down cycles, venting stored gas from express nozzles set apart beneath the fuselage. A few moments passed, and the Lambda's broad gangplank dropped with a steamy hiss, granting clearance for a troop of four blue-robed Senatorial Guard to step out in a box formation.
The woman that followed behind them wore a high bun of brunette hair, and a white fur coat that nearly seemed to swallow her.
Kes Akiena
Nov 11th, 2016, 01:07:39 PM
He was waiting. With hands clasped at the small of his back, Commander Kes Akiena stood patiently as the Senatorial Guard slowly descended the ramp. And behind them? Behind them strode a woman that made him wonder. Nothing terrible, but certainly nothing fabulous, either. He was cautious around those who held as much power as Taataani Meorrrei, and the particular type of power she grasped was of the kind that made him - to a small degree - nervous. She had been the driving force behind keeping himself and many others from a very disastrous court martial. He was grateful, but arms-length all the same.
It did not help that she always seemed so distracted whenever they had conversed in the past.
And not for the first time he found himself wishing that Mayael was present. Her distinct innocence and wide eyes broke down so many walls and barriers. She had a way with people, and he missed it at times.
Another final jet of vented steam from the shuttle brought him back from reverie, and Kes inhaled, his chest rising briefly as the Senator and her escort closed the distance.
Taataani Meorrrei
Nov 11th, 2016, 01:24:05 PM
"Ja irra korra nai, Commanderr."
The Senator approached Kes, sealing her greeting with an air kiss to each side of the man's face. It was a salutation made all the easier to deliver by Akiena's rather unmasculine height. An unintended consequence of the Alliance's choice of leader for Jovan, one that must have been favorable for more than one encounter with a Cizeri peer. Of course, the illusion faltered somewhat at the visually less-impressive uniform of the Alliance of Free Planets. One day, their new nation would have to tackle their shortfall in the galactic war of raiments.
"Have jyou gotten tallerr ssjince lasst we met, orr arre jyou carrjying the wejight of command much betterr now?"
Kes Akiena
Nov 12th, 2016, 12:48:23 AM
A not-quite-frown at the inquiry was masked by a thin-lipped smile of geniality. The crows feet at the edges of his eyes grew deeper as his gaze somewhat narrowed. Not out of anger, but more an effect of his expression. A glimmer of a rueful response answered her.
"New shoes, Madame Senator."
As she stepped back, the red head half-turned, gesturing that she accompany him.
"Apologies that we were not more prepared for your arrival; my command staff was not informed of any senatorial visits."
Unless T'yeella had simply neglected to pass that bit of information on.
Taataani Meorrrei
Nov 12th, 2016, 01:06:53 AM
"jIf jI had wanted to make an entrrance, jI would have passsed on enough advance warrnjing."
Taataani knew what kind of effect her unannounced presence had on the station, and Akiena being put on his heels slightly wasn't a terrible thing. With a gesture, she bade her senatorial guard to remain with the shuttle.
"jI come bearrjing gjiftss frrom Carshoulis."
The Senator put on a knowing smile as they walked.
"Do jyou have a larrgerr hangarr bajy than the one holdjing mjy sshuttle?"
Kes Akiena
Nov 13th, 2016, 10:12:27 PM
A gift from Carshoulis could be anything, and Kes listened in mildly curious silence as they walked. At her query, he turned to glance sidelong at her.
"There is a larger one, yes. Two, actually. Those are usually reserved for our squadrons, however."
Whatever she was getting at, he remained cautious. The Madame's giftbasket was still fresh on his mind. But, on the other end of the spectrum he knew that an extended hand from the Pride was more often than not a welcome thing. In his time as commander of Jovan, he'd come to rely on his Cizerack staff, appreciating their dedication and trusting them.
Taataani Meorrrei
Nov 13th, 2016, 11:41:17 PM
"Perrhapss jyou sshould gjive them advance notjice to make ssome rroom." Taataani replied with slightly-raised ears as they moved through the corridors.
"A combjinatjion of mjy poljitjical possjitjion and mjy rrecent bussjinesss chojicess hass left me jin the possjitjion to become one of the chjief benefactorrss to the Alljiance Sstarrfjighterr Corrpss. Acqujirrjing the sstaff at jIncom jinto the Koenssajyrr-Meorrrei famjiljy hass opened up posssjibjiljitjiess forr uss to purrssue jin thjiss changjing landsscape."
The Senator glanced sidelong to her host.
"jYou arre at a sstrrategjicalljy jimporrtant possjitjion. One that rrequjirress a rrapjid rressponsse. jI'm told that the Trrade Navjy could rresspond qujickjy to an attack, but perrhapss not asss fasst asss we want."
Kes Akiena
Nov 14th, 2016, 12:49:49 PM
Something was coming, he just wasn't entirely sure what. The cautious look was more than evident as he slowed to a stop, turning to face fully the Senator.
"Madame Senator," his arms crossed over his chest as a rather exasperated scowl touched his features. It was a foreign expression that he was becoming worried over; it seemed more and more that his face was getting used to it.
"What are my pilots going to be making room for."
Taataani Meorrrei
Nov 15th, 2016, 01:05:19 AM
"The futurre."
Senator Meorrrei's expression lacked a scowl, but it expressed an equally serious countenance.
"Ourr Alljiance, forr all of jit'ss vjirrtuess and good jintentjionss, jiss onljy asss good jin deljiverrjing on jitss prromjissess asss jitss abjiljitjy to adapt. Everr ssjince Sstarrkjillerr, the need to adapt hass nearrljy outsstrrjipped ourr meanss."
She glanced ahead at the corridor that would lead them toward the larger hangar bays Akiena promised.
"jIt'ss tjime to accelerrate ourr pace. jYou'rre alrreadjy awarre that jI hold a majorrjitjy sstake jin sstarrfjighterr contrractss forr the Alljiance."
Taataani measured her host, her ears raising slightly.
"What do jyou know about the jIKM heavjy sstrrjike prroject?"
Kes Akiena
Nov 16th, 2016, 09:22:33 PM
He once more started off, keeping pace with the Senator.
"I've not had much time lately with all that has been happening on the station lately."
Taataani Meorrrei
Nov 19th, 2016, 10:49:26 PM
Just when she'd been so busy damning him with praise, Kes managed to shoot himself in the foot of his own volition. However, upbraiding the man for his ignorance was probably something best done later. The Senator settled for a cool expression and crossed arms.
"Put ssjimpljy, Commanderr, we'rre outnumberred. We've alwajyss been outnumberred, and the fact jissn't closse to bejing challenged. The Mjinjissterr of the Navjy sstatess that we arre, at besst, at an ejight to one djissadvantage to the Empjirre jin terrmss of capjital warrsshjipss. To make matterrss worrsse, we don't have the monejy to change that fact anjy tjime ssoon."
Taataani's crossed arms relaxed, and she continued at pace with the Commander.
"Whjile Sstarrkjillerr ljikeljy wjill prrevent a galaxjy-wjide warr rressumjing openljy, we could be challenged jin borrderr ssectorrss jin the futurre, orr bjy prroxjiess at ourr frrontjierr who arre arrmed and funded bjy jImperrjial ssourrcess. We have a lot of sspace to coverr, Commanderr, and not a lot of rressourrcess to do jit."
The corners of Taataani's mouth tugged upward slightly, hinting that she had a card in her sabacc hand.
"Wjith the help of Admjirral Tjyrree and Navjy ssenjiorr sstaff, mjy companjy hass developed ssomethjing of a worrkarround to the prroblem. Forrce prrojectjion on a budget."
They arrived at a large sealed door at the end of a wide corridor. The Senator glanced at it, and back to Kes.
"What bajy jiss thjiss?"
Kes Akiena
Nov 20th, 2016, 12:12:52 PM
"Two. It is the closest to Spire Three. Right now Titan and what's left of the Far Eyes from Dauntless are berthed in Bay One."
The look he received was enough to merit an explanation.
"Far Eyes lost most of their pilots over Ossus, and those that were left defected from General Thrule. They were one of those last turning points... "
He could still remember the moment that the A-Wing pilots had trained their sights on the General's ship. It had been a boon; one that Commodore s'Ilancy used to her advantage. The Far Eyes had been their guides through the Cron Drift.
The here and now, as well as his present company, drew him back from the past.
"Madame Senator, I am aware of the state of things with our military enough to have a deep understanding of where our problems lie. If I am unable to keep tabs on things as they happen then I apologize. I've been about for long enough, as have you. We both know and understand the demands of our positions" Was there a measure of tired frustration? Perhaps. But, the redhead also knew that - owing to his duties - his time was at a premium. But, there was also the knowledge that an olive branch in all things had to be extended.
His features rose slightly in a conciliatory, if not exhausted, smile.
"I apologize if my lack of immediate knowledge does not extend past the boundaries of this station for the time being."
Taataani Meorrrei
Nov 20th, 2016, 01:05:03 PM
Taataani's expression eased into one of conciliatory feelings. She didn't have the time to pick at every single shortcoming in Jovan's commander. The Senator slipped a hand into one of her fur coat's voluminous pockets, retrieving a comm stick.
"Captajin Jopp."
"Yes, Senator?"
"Launch the sshjipss. Bajy Two wjill rrecjieve them."
Terminating the line, Taataani tucked away the comms device without taking her eyes off her host. She then reached an arm around his side, pressing the button to release the heavy bay doors as they walked through.
"Neverrmjind that, Akjiena. jYou'rre an effectjive enough admjinjisstrratorr herre, and now jI want to gjive jyou the meanss to contjinue to be asss ssuch. Come."
True to Kes's word, Bay Two was a yawning cavern, with only a couple of neglected shuttles tucked in the far corner. Easily 200 meters wide and 100 deep, it was a bay large enough to take in even small capital ships.
And it would barely be enough.
Through the atmospheric shielding, a wide vista of deep space came into view. The destroyer Concordia cruised in orbit, the dagger shape of her profile breaking up an uninterrupted field of stars. From beneath, a group of four shapes began to take form, growing larger as they approached. At first, they were nondescript swatches of cream against the black, but a few seconds later, they grew distinct. Ships with incredibly wide wingspans, a bulbous side-tandem cockpit, underslung secondary wings, and a pair of ball turrets, pushed along through the ether by two large onboard engines and an equally large engine nacelle perched along the fuselage's dorsal spine.
It was soon perfectly obvious why Taataani had suggested making room. Each ship was nearly the size of three starfighters. As they passed through the atmospheric barrier, it afforded everyone in the bay the chance to take a good look. These craft lacked the aesthetic grace of X-Wings or A-Wings. They were ugly, but the kind of ugly with a mouth full of teeth.
The bay filled with the sounds of screaming engine impellers winding down their landing cycles as the ships thumped the deck with their heavy landing skids. The ball turrets pivoted up their guns, affording a good look at the ships' armaments, which included extensive racks of missiles, torpedoes, and bombs situated beneath each of it's four wings.
Taataani's ears raised with a self-satisfied grin at the sight.
"Allow me to jintrroduce to jyou the futurre, Commanderr Akjiena. The jIncom-Koenssajyrr-Meorrrei BTL-S8 K-Wjing asssault sstarrfjighterr."
Kes Akiena
Nov 27th, 2016, 12:24:52 AM
Beyond the impressive size and sheer firepower, Kes couldn't help the concern that suddenly floated to the top of his thoughts. The first was whether or not these monstrous fighters would actually fit. He watched with growing concern, his mind's eye seeing a wing clip one of the bay bulkheads and dragging a furrow along the wall plating. And that was the nicest scenario he could conjure into being. The others... well, they were far more destructive. However, the redhead kept his thoughts and inner visions of chaos to himself.
"Very impressive," he murmured, his eyes taking in the no-nonsense lines and brutal shapes. There was nothing graceful or sleek about these ships; they were built to deliver a punch that would be felt two sectors over.
"I trust that these are the only four? I don't think I have room for more."
Taataani Meorrrei
Nov 27th, 2016, 02:03:32 AM
"Forr now."
The din in the landing bay was beginning to subside, allowing for easier conversation. Taataani's eyes shifted from the fearsome sights back to Akiena.
"The K-Wjingss arre jin crrjitjical demand, outsstrrjippjing prroductjion at the moment. Thejy'rre bejing deplojyed ssparrjingljy to ourr mosst crrjitjical ssquadrronss and outposstss. jI jinssjissted that jyou have a ssharre."
The crew of the heavy attack fighters began to debark from their ships. Double cockpits unhinged, allowing pilots and crew to exit down descent ladders to the deck below. The twin ball turrets likewise opened up, disgorging their gunners in turn.
"Thejy operrate jidealljy jin fljightss of fourr. jYou'll fjind thejy deljiverr enough of a punch asss jit sstandss."
The lead ship's pilot slid down her ladder, pulling the orange goggles free from her face. She was a Twi'lek woman, with blue skin and slightly severe features. Alongside her came the rest of her ship's crew. A Cizerack bombardier with a voluminous mane of curly auburn hair she somehow managed to cram into her helmet, and two male gunners - one a human, the other a Sullustan.
Mags Sondeeta
Nov 27th, 2016, 03:57:49 PM
As the crew of Thunder One disembarked from their craft, the ship's pilot panned her eyes across the deck. Here and there were technicians and crew, but she quickly fixed upon the finely-dressed Senator from Keppaa Brens, but more importantly, the ginger-haired man in uniform at her right hand side. Lieutenant Commander Sondeeta sharply elbowed her bombardier, Su'taun'rrou Keellarroa, who likewise took notice, even as the Twi'lek belted out in a voice loud enough to carry the span of the bay.
"Commandant on ze deck!"
The four crew of Thunder One immediately squared themselves to attention, each carrying their helmets in the crook of their left arm. To their left and right, the other crews of Thunder Flight similarly took notice, forming to attention.
Kes Akiena
Nov 27th, 2016, 04:11:23 PM
The voice that thundered through Bay Two was one that Kes suspected very well might've filtered through the closed blast doors, even. It certainly rattled the bulkheads, he was sure. To his credit, he didn't flinch at the reverberating call. Rather, he allowed his shoulders to hitch back just a small bit, eyes stretching out to move over the assembled crews.
"Impressive set of pipes," he mumbled to the Senator as his hands moved to fold together at the small of his back.
Taataani Meorrrei
Nov 27th, 2016, 05:13:47 PM
Taataani's ears flattened against her skull a moment too late to deflect the auditory assault, and she stoically repressed the urge to wince. Sondeeta. She'd almost forgotten about that woman. She had an attitude and disposition to match the voice. If it weren't for her results, Taataani would have no use for the brash blue thing. She certainly wasn't fit for polite society.
As her ears relaxed, the Senator exhaled a breath, smoothing her hands against her fur coat.
"Thejy defjinjiteljy get attentjion." was the closest thing to praise Taataani had for the noise.
"That'ss Ljieutenant Commanderr Magalanji Ssondeeta. Leaderr of Thunderr Fljight. Sshe'ss been a parrt of the rrapjid deterrence sspecjial prroject forr the passt jyearr. Of all the pjilotss jin the prrogrram, sshe hass the mosst fljght hourrss on the K-Wjing."
They strolled to inspect the line. Taataani didn't know any of the other crew by name. Not the Cizerack bombardier, nor the Human or Sullustan gunner. She left the small ball for the Navy to handle.
Kes Akiena
Nov 27th, 2016, 07:17:51 PM
He took in the name with a bit of silence, choosing only to listen and observe, for now. As he walked beside the Senator, the redhead found himself in the rare spot of being graced with a boon, for once. It was a situation that did not come to him very often at all, and in the face of this strange bit of graciousness from Taataani Meorrrei, he would be derelict to decline. Of course, that was assuming he even had the choice. A nagging voice in the back of his head told him that no, there was no choice; as well, that there was the very real possibility that the Senator would come calling in the future, asking for a favor of some sort. Banishing the thought for later, Kes finally slowed to a stop in front of Lieutenant Commander Sondeeta.
"How long have you flown for the Alliance, Lieutenant Commander?"
Gods he hoped she would use her indoor voice.
Mags Sondeeta
Nov 27th, 2016, 07:44:59 PM
Eyes forward, the orange jumpsuit-clad Twi'lek took the question directly.
"I 'ave served een ze Alliance Starfighter Corps for two cycles, mon Commondant."
She'd learned to parse that question, however. The Alliance was often far younger than the tours of service of her pilots.
"Before zat, I served een ze Resistance l'Ryloth for twenty-one cycles."
Kes Akiena
Nov 28th, 2016, 11:49:15 AM
"A veteran, then."
There really was no other way around describing Lt. Commander Sondeeta's experience. She might've only been flying for two cycles, but her time actively opposing the Empire during the Civil War was time not to be ignored. Kes admired the strength and dedication it took to remain steadfast to the Cause. And even if she'd been with the Resistance on Ryloth, there was no denying the unsaid yet shared bond of those who cut their teeth on the less than organized beginnings of the Rebellion. He smiled lightly for it, and nodded respectfully.
"We're honored to have you, Lt. Commander," his familiar smile returned, easy and unassuming as he held out a hand to her.
Mags Sondeeta
Nov 29th, 2016, 01:06:08 AM
Mags took Kes's hand in a steely grip, giving a single curt shake before disengaging.
"With respect, mon Commondant, ze 'onor eet must be shared weeth my crew. Alone, I simply fly. Eet takes four to dominate."
The Twi'lek made a gesture to the curly-haired Cizerack standing to her left.
"Zees ees my second and ze bombardier of ze Fat Bottomed Girl, Su'taun'rrou Irraanaiya Keellarroa."
The orange-jumpsuited Cizerack's ears perked slightly as she pressed a closed glove against her oxygen regulator pack at her chest.
"Sorrar, Commanderr. jI look forrwarrd to defendjing the motherr worrldss at the frrontjierr."
Mags gestured further down the line.
"And zese are ze gunners 'oo watch our backs. Ensign Niel Passun..."
A wiry-looking human with a sharp nose and a crop of jet black hair split his face with a grin.
"Looking forward to serving, sir."
"And zees ees Ensign Tan Rukk."
The bug-eyed, jowled Sullustan stood a little bit taller.
"Nouehe oueh nu nwaua hauwa awata."
Kes Akiena
Dec 2nd, 2016, 01:59:54 AM
He clasped hands with each and every one of them, affording an easy smile as they were all introduced. Despite the initial surprise at the Senator's visit and the rather... sudden reality of having new additions to Jovan's own defenses, the redhead found himself falling back on old habits. He rolled with the hand he was dealt, though as all things related to cards, Kes kept keen eyes on all; including Taataani Meorrrei.
"It's a pleasure to meet you all, truly."
Finally stepping back, he inhaled deeply, then let the breath out while allowing his gaze to look past the crews assembled; eyes raking over the fighters that they'd landed with deceptive ease. Maintenance staff were on hand, tending to the ships with practiced ease despite the lack of real familiarity. It was a testament to the adaptability of the Alliance, or rather what the Alliance had once been. You could take drop the Rebel moniker, but in many, it was still deep and ingrained. Even for himself, there were habits and tiks that refused to die. Methods that were - for the most part - unorthodox and bothersome these days, but had been necessary and vital for survival years previous.
"Quarters are readily available, as we're still filling out the ranks in our squadrons, but until they are furnished I think it best that you all report to Mr. Mazeran. Whatever belongings you may have," a half-turn to the Senator, then, "... I am sure Senator Meorrrei will gladly make sure that you are all assisted if the needs arise."
The goading upturn of one side of his lips signaled his need for cooperation. She might've been for some reason or another feeling generous in bringing him these 'gifts', but there was still due diligence needed; from both sides.
Without waiting for a reply from Taataani, Kes returned his attentions to those still standing in front of him.
"If you've any immediate questions for me, now is the time to ask."
Mags Sondeeta
Dec 4th, 2016, 04:45:46 PM
"Yes," Mags began with a curt nod, returning her gloved hands to her side. "When do we begin combat training with ze 'ome squadrons? We 'ave to make certain zat zey can keep up weeth us."
Kes Akiena
Dec 13th, 2016, 01:10:53 PM
A surprising, yet unsurprising question, he had to admit. His gaze lingered just a bit longer than normal on the Twi-Lek, gauging how he needed to respond to the level stare she was giving him. There was an itch in her eyes that he could appreciate.
"For now I think that the most important thing is to make sure that you're all mostly settled before jumping straight into training runs. I promise that there will be plenty of chances to go out and test your skills with the other Titans and maybe even the Far Eyes, but right now... "
A smile to help smooth over his words.
"... right now I think it best to begin take things one step at a time."
Taataani Meorrrei
Dec 13th, 2016, 11:36:23 PM
"jYesss, cerrtajinljy..." Senator Meorrrei added, reinforcing Kes's hospitable approach.
"jIt can't be overrsstated how jimporrtant Jovan'ss ssensse of communjitjy jiss asss a model forr the whole Alljiance. jYou and jyourr crrewss sshould add to that rrjich tapesstrrjy. jIt'ss not jusst a posstjing, jit'ss jyourr home now."
Taataani's ears buoyed as she shifted her feet slightly to stand shoulder-to-shoulder with Akiena.
Mags Sondeeta
Dec 13th, 2016, 11:46:12 PM
The look Mags afforded Kes and Taataani to the suggestion of cozying up was downright chilly, kept in time with a synchronized curl of both lekku tips.
"Zen I 'ave no furzer questions, mon Commondant. I weell 'ave ze crews report to Monsieur Mazeran as you say."
The Twi'lek's green eyes turned to Taataani.
"And I weell instruct ze quartermaster to arrange ze transfer of our meager affairs to Madame Senator."
Again turning her attention to Akiena, Mags carried her tension even through her baggy flight suit, looking like an anooba that had gotten a paw stuck in a trap, pondering the best way to chew it off.
"Are we dismissed?"
Kes Akiena
Dec 22nd, 2016, 03:45:49 PM
It was the slightest of movements that Taataani had made, and the redhead countered with a half-step of his own, hoping to maintain at least a small amount of distance between them. She made him nervous on an underlying note; nothing overt or flatly fearful, but it was more the need to make sure that there was a definite line separating the military and the senatorial elite.
Sondeeta's last words were enough to allow him to further that distance with words.
"Yes, of course."
A curt, if not partial, salute was given to the Twi-Lek.
"As much as you are here to serve Jovan, I hope that you all allow Jovan to serve you."
Taataani Meorrrei
Dec 22nd, 2016, 10:04:42 PM
A fleeting look of incredulity passed from Taataani to her man on Jovan, but it was gone as soon as it appeared. Did Lieutenant Commander Sondeeta not understand the concept of a name-drop? Surely Kes was simply being polite in giving her permission to name names if things went awry. While yes even that was a bit presumptuous on his part, she at least could understand if he played in such a fashion in response to his unannounced guests. But surely this Twi'lek knew better than to invoke her name in anything less than life or death.
Or so Taataani thought. Now she'd been conscripted to serve as a glorified...bellhop? Ugh, provincials.
The Senator put on her best smile, smoothing over the seething irritation. She'd been shackled to the albatross of her own creation, at least for the moment. At the very least, she'd wait around long enough to see Kes Akiena unwrap and appreciate the presents she'd given him.
"Perrhapss we can arrrange a demonsstrratjion, Commanderr," Taataani glanced back to Kes, her ears rising. "to accljimate jyou to what the K-Wjing can do forr jyou."
Taataani glanced back at the blue-skinned provincial, wondering if she'd have to suffer another sliver from the pilot's rough demeanor.
Mags Sondeeta
Dec 22nd, 2016, 10:17:24 PM
That got Mags' attention immediately, and the Lt. Com. immediately paused her quarter turn away from presentation, lekku tossing slightly with momentum.
"Of course. I can 'ave ze flight scrambled within minutes. We already 'ave ze proper ordnance secured. I made certain."
Kes Akiena
Dec 22nd, 2016, 11:35:14 PM
The word was spoken in a firm tone that left little room to argue. While a demonstration of these new fighters was welcome, it was welcomed in its' own time. He had enough on his plate at the moment despite the Senator's unexpected arrival. A howling chorus of irate merchants and ambassadorial aides coupled with reports to his higher-ups, reports that he himself had to go over... they were all enough of a full docket. This added to the top of that pile was something that he could at least control somewhat.
"Perhaps this evening," he at least allowed that much.
"But now is... not the best of times."
Stepping one pace back, he angled his head to afford the Senator a genteel nod.
"Ma'am, I've a lot to tend to, otherwise the offer would be accepted. Things as they are however, I trust that your demonstration can wait."
It wasn't exactly a request, though the words couching it made it seem as such.
Taataani Meorrrei
Dec 29th, 2016, 11:15:04 PM
The Senator afforded the Twi'lek officer a glance and a polite smile before disengaging beyond earshot, keeping a hand on Commander Akiena's shoulder as a polite tether to lead him along. It didn't take much distance to put them beyond the attentions of Lt. Com. Sondeeta, with the sounds of hydrospanners and load lifters filling the cavernous hangar bay with sonorous discord.
Taataani kept the smile, but there was little to the expression beyond putting up appearances.
"jI'm ssorrjy, Commanderr. jI had no jidea that jI wass jimpossjing on jyourr prrecjiouss tjime."
Her words were loud enough to where Kes could divine their meaning, and the pointedness at which they were delivered.
"jI had jyou confussed forr a capable leaderr wjith a hand-pjicked ssuborrdjinate at hjiss rrjight hand who can handle delegated tasskss. Thjiss jissn't Ljife Dajy, and jI'm not cljimbjing wrrosshjyrr trreess wjith a ssack sslung overr mjy back."
The Rrou'fai's attention turned back briefly to Sondeeta, who had already begun collaborating with her crew on some menial task regarding their bomber.
"Take me to jyourr offjice."
Kes Akiena
Dec 29th, 2016, 11:48:38 PM
They might've been the same height, but Kes wore his uniform with the full knowledge of what every fibre in his tunic meant. It was weight. It was responsibility. It was a breed of survival and steadfast morals. Some in his government might've forgotten aspects of it, but for him, it was as plain as the lights from every glowpanel around them. It sounded in his ears with the same force that Taataani now spoke to him with.
They both now stood at the threshold of the hangar, and though he was not a tall man, Kes Akiena had carried much on his shoulders throughout his life; he was a strong man because of it.
"This is my station, Senator."
The caution in his tone now was unmistakable. And while his voice was low, the undertones of steel were evident.
"If you wish to insult me, you may do it from the deck of your own ship."
His brow knit in carefully controlled anger. It was an emotion that he rarely felt, and his voice was a low growl.
"Now; I don't care if you dislike me. In fact, I'd prefer it to the alternative. But I do care when you act as though I need to lick your feet and fall prostrate in front of you for some bit of fake generosity. I know agendas when I see them."
He at least refrained from holding up a single finger in her face. Not in public, at any rate. His scowl deepened, as a host of more angry words ran through his mind, each one shouting to be delivered to her. He held his tongue.
Finally, the redhead stepped away from her, and back onto the station proper. His next words were curt and sharp.
"You want to go to my office? Very well. Follow me."
Taataani Meorrrei
Dec 30th, 2016, 12:38:35 AM
It was as pointed and mirthless as public decorum would allow, and the Senator was thankful that Kes was at least that mindful. She had no intention of the little people paying witness or becoming distractions, so she followed the Commander as he lead on, just as she instructed. They passed in the hallway in complete silence, moving from the hangar to the nearest hub-connected lift that would carry them to the command deck. Once aboard, they were alone again, giving Taataani a moment to visually size up her military subordinate.
"jYou'rre wrrong, Commanderr."
She watched the hue of the human's skin rouge ever-so-slightly, betraying his bottled passions. It was far more subtle than a Zeltron, but the effect had never lost its novelty on Taataani.
"jIf jI djissljiked jyou, jyou'd be the captajin of a sscow on the Tjionesse frrontjierr. jYourr prressence herre jiss prroof of concept that, prrofesssjionalljy, jyou'rre the man jI want."
The Senator's blue eyes narrowed.
"That doessn't mean we don't have a long wajy to go jin makjing thjiss underrsstandjing worrk."
Kes Akiena
Dec 30th, 2016, 01:02:46 AM
"I'll put my record up against your threats any day, Senator."
Now that they were in private (at least for a short while), the mask fell completely away. In the place of a normally easy-going and jovial man was an old soul that had seen his fair share of death and pain, and persevered through it all to fight against the Empire during the most desperate of days.
"I don't like being pushed, but you're doing a very good job of it right now. I've always done my duties willingly, and on those few instances that I did not do them exactly as ordered, it was because the greater good required more creative thinking. Creative thinking was what kept us alive in those old days. The favors you pulled after Ossus were for Loklorien, not me. I know that much. So don't think that you own me, Senator."
Kes had squared his shoulders as the words spilled out with iron encasing each syllable.
"I have a good enough idea of what you think of me; your actions give it away pretty handily. And for all I care, once you get back to your big ship out there you can keep looking down your nose at me. It rather suits me well enough to be quite honest. But so long as you're on this station, you'll show me the same respect that I endeavor to allow you."
Teeth clenched, the redhead stood his ground.
"Am I understood?"
Taataani Meorrrei
Dec 30th, 2016, 01:20:44 AM
Stone-faced, Taataani took a half-step closer. In the confines of the lift, the distance was nearly intimate.
"jI underrstand you perrfectljy. Now jitss tjime that jyou underrstand that thosse old dajyss arre gone and burrjied. Don't hassten to thrrow jyourrsself jinto that dusst bjin, becausse the peace jiss jusst asss harrd to wjin, and jyou need twjice the sskjill sset to do jit."
The Senator paused, glancing down to Akiena's chest, She ran her fingers along the rank insignia clasped there.
"Commanderr. That'ss a ssmall, modesst worrd to desscrrjibe jyou and the demandss put on jyourr sshoulderrss. Ssajy what we wjill of the Empjirre, but thejy cerrtajinljy had a worrd forr the kjind of perrsson who sstood at the jinterrssectjion of mjiljitarrjy and poljitjicss."
Meeting eye contact again, Taa's hand fell to her side.
An old adage sprung to mind in that moment from Cizeri folklore. Best to die in the middle of the story than live to become the villain at the end. She half-grinned.
"But what'ss a tjitle anjywajy? jI doubt jyou need ssuch trrjivjium to know wherre jyou fjit, sso then what do jyou need, sso that jyou fjinalljy underrsstand?"
Kes Akiena
Jan 8th, 2017, 03:16:27 PM
Being likened to a Moff rankled him, but the redhead kept his expression level enough, the steel still in his eyes.
"A modicum of respect," he ground out.
"... and the knowledge that I'm not going to drop everything to play your little game. Your are on my station, so you work around my schedule. When it is necessary, then I'll make changes, but as it stands right now I don't see this sudden arrival of yours to necessitate a halt to my current activities."
His hands folded together at the small of his back. The annoyance at her sniping words from before still raked against him however; moreso because they'd been spoken in the presence of individuals who were supposed to be his subordinates. It was an ugly precedent to set.
"I understand well enough though, what you're trying to say. But for all of your position, I'd wager you need to learn when to keep your trap shut." A thin-lipped grimace. "Respectfully, Ma'am."
Taataani Meorrrei
Jan 10th, 2017, 12:41:20 AM
Taataani's ears perked as the lift feathered to a halt. She canted her head, as if examining Akiena anew. Her brow knit in thought.
"That'ss not ssomethjing gjiven. jIt'ss earrned, Commanderr. But jI'll cerrtajinljy gjive jyou the meanss and the opporrtunjitjy."
The lift doors parted, but before Akiena could exit, Taataani drew her arm across the aperture, staying him a moment longer.
"jI'm wjilljing to overrlook the jincjident wjith the Prrjide Motherr asss a ssjimple mjissunderrstandjing, but jI can onljy sspeak on jyourr behalf sso much. Carshoulis rrequjirress a parrtnerr commandjing Jovan. One that hearrss hjiss jinterresstss."
Meeting Akiena's expression again, the Senator lowered her arm.
"Therre jiss morre than one rreasson forr the bomberrss, Commanderr. The Empjirre jiss onljy one enemjy herre, and not the mosst ssaljient one."
She needn't elaborate further on the point. The terrorist attacks were still fresh on everyone's minds.
Kes Akiena
Feb 5th, 2017, 05:03:12 PM
He could've continued on, continued to feed the beast of this verbal back and forth. And if he were anywhere else, Kes would've done just that. As it was, they had arrived at the Command Hub and the redhead opted to simply keep his tight-lipped expression. Even as she spoke of the Pride Mother's visit he gave no reaction. Instead, when she'd finished, he moved past her and led the way to his office. Up the few shallow stairs, and through the doors that had opened at his approach.
If the senator was more than willing to overlook his service record, there was not much more he could say. He had always been loyal to the cause, always putting all of himself into making sure right was done by as many as he could. Even here, on Jovan, Kes had found himself in much the same position to provide all that he could. And he had. He'd done all within his power to make sure that everyone residing on the station had a voice, and was at least heard. Even during the attack, he had fought side by side with those under his command. He had received his own injuries, and written too many condolence comms in the aftermath.
For some, that seemed not good enough, and while it rankled him, he knew that there was not much more he could do to lay the facts out as they were.
He was here to serve, and skirting his desk, he lowered himself to sit in the chair that always awaited him.
"Very well," he started almost wearily as the door closed once Taataani had crossed the threshold, "... there are plenty of reasons for these new ships. I understand that well enough and have no issue with them being attached to Jovan."
Taataani Meorrrei
Feb 5th, 2017, 11:02:48 PM
"Of courrsse jyou don't." Taataani affirmed, seating herself in the chair arrayed across from Akiena. "No ssane admjinjisstrratorr turrnss down rressourrcess to accompljissh thejirr tasskss. No, jyou balk at the perrcjieved cosst of them. jYou arre terrrjifjied of the prrosspect that jI majy extend jyou a favorr, and of the jimpljicjit futurre rreturrn. Mm?"
The Senator's ears perked.
"How closse am jI? Fajirrljy? Then let me put jyourr mjind to rresst, Commanderr. What jI want jiss the contjinued ssafetjy and prrossperrjitjy of thjiss sstatjion. A rrjissjing tjide on Jovan floatss Alljiance boatss jusst asss ssurreljy asss jit doess Cizeri oness. jI am not takjing ssome kjind of harrdsshjip wjith thesse bomberrss. We all benefjit frrom a sstrrong Jovan Sstatjion."
Taataani paused, pressing her tongue between her lips to moisten them. She leaned forward.
"Thjiss jiss an eassjy vjictorrjy forr usss both. Therre arre no guarranteess that we'll have eassjierr oness. Thjiss jojint venturre jiss morre complex than anjyone on ejitherr Bothawuji orr Carshoulis underrsstand. We arren't ssjimpljy mannjing the rramparrt on ssome kjind of grreat galactjic wall. We arre bujildjing a new ssocjietjy, jin a wajy."
Kes Akiena
Feb 5th, 2017, 11:38:47 PM
Kes made a strange, inscrutable face and chose to backtrack her words.
"Honestly? I care little for the cost. If Alliance Command wants them here, then that is on their larger dime. I'm only here to make sure that everyone and everything is integrated as easily as possible."
The tone of a man adept at smoothing over rough edges now shone, as he leaned forward, arms resting on the top of his desk and hands coming together. It was a posture that he'd adopted early on, and one that he found oddly comfortable.
"I'm a peace keeper, Senator. On every level I am called on to ensure that the more jagged edges are sanded down. Am I perfect? Of course not. No one person is. But I do my best. And obviously my efforts in the past have merited a command position here, on Jovan."
He held her gaze, unflinching.
"As for return favors, I will admit that the worrisome notion has crossed my mind quite recently. If the Cizeri merchants aboard this station are but a taste, I must tell you that I'm not sure I want to indulge in a full bite... " a finger went up then, to quell any interjection, "... but, I also know well enough that what I deal with here is not always the case by and large.
"Easy victories are all well and good, but it is the hard-fought battles that make the man or woman."
Taataani Meorrrei
Feb 11th, 2017, 11:31:40 PM
The Commander was choosing to stand on his words, attempting to shape victory out of stalemate. It was quickly beginning to bore. She'd wounded his pride, and he needed to show his teeth in reciprocation. So be it.
"Then let both of uss make cerrtajin that we don't choke on ourr prrjincjipless when the tjime comess forr thosse battless, Commanderr. Now..."
The Senator rose from her feet, smoothing her fur coat with her hands.
"...asss jyou've made jit sso plajinljy obvjiouss, jyou have matterrss to attend to beforre jyou wjissh to enterrtajin a demonsstrratjion. Mjy tjime jiss alsso not cheap. jIf jyou need me, jI wjill be sspendjing the dajy courrtjing the women of the sstatjion communjitjy."
From the even posture of the Rrou'fai's ears, it was clear that Taataani was less than thrilled by the prospect.
Kes Akiena
Feb 20th, 2017, 01:02:53 PM
In a moment of outreach, Kes allowed his expression to soften a small bit. Yes, she seemed little concerned with her insults; whether unintended or otherwise, but he was never the sort of man to indefinitely hold anger or frustration over such things for too long. She had pressed against him, and he had insisted that she respect the rules that his position had to abide by.
Leaning back in his seat, the red-head allowed a wholly different expression to pass over his features. One of perplexed exasperation.
"Perhaps at a later date, you can instruct me on such tactics."
A slight hesitation before he went on, hoping that he'd not offended her.
"Your daughter has helped me greatly, but she is also a military woman, and I would always welcome advice from someone who has made it their profession to know how to navigate the business community."
Taataani Meorrrei
Feb 20th, 2017, 02:18:39 PM
Taataani paused as she'd turned toward the door. Out of sight from Kes, a smile formed on her face.
"jYou won't fjind a betterr alljy jin the galaxjy than me, Commanderr."
She glanced over her shoulder to him.
"Let uss nurrturre ourr parrtnerrsshjip."
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