View Full Version : Palinsa Donar (Imperial Knight hopeful)
Palinsa Donar
Oct 29th, 2016, 07:31:04 PM
Palinsa Donar
26 years old :: Human/Corellian :: Telepath for hire
Currently on Coruscant
Character Background
As a child of Corellia, her parents supported the Empire with their hard work and allegiance. Then the Star Destroyer falling to their world changed everything.
When it was driven home that there were vipers in their nest (Alliance sympathizers in their home, so to speak) they began doing more. They sought out groups to infiltrate and guage their 'loyalty'.
Palinsa (Linsa to her folks, alone) discovered her telepathic (Force) abilities at an early age when her parents thought one thing but said another.
Without any real training, she started doing it for others. Her parents routing out liars and Alliance to the Empire through seeming innocent contact. Their daughter being their lode stone to whether folks spoke the truth or not.
The problem was, without proper training, the gift has become a hindrance and nearly debilitating gift. The headaches from using it are coming sooner and more intense. But the money is needed now that her parents are dead and she is alone. She takes contracts as she needs them but is close to burning herself out without proper training, soon.
And the worst of it is, she thinks this is how it's SUPPOSED to be, so never sought it actively herself.
Raw Material
She is 5'7, about 150-155 lbs.
She is tight and well toned, though more of a dancer's body with grace than an athlete's body.
Horrible with weapons, she can hold her own in an unarmed fight. But she requires something at her back (wall or floor) to give her slight frame support. Will sometimes force the fight to the ground where she can grapple more easily and with more strength.
Red hair of unruly curls. She keeps it often plaited and coifed on her head. Few have seen it down and loose. "Mid back length like a cascade of wild fire," is how one man explained the beauty of it.
Palinsa is well known in the right nefarious circles. While she will use her powers for nearly anyone, she still refuses to use them in support of Alliance or Republic use.
She will use them for clients trading with the Empire, but may sometimes lean more in favor of her Imperial favoritism if she can get away with it.
Unaware her power is actually untrained telepathic ability. Assumes the pain and such is normal.
Plot Ideas
I would like to have her discovered and made an Imperial Knight. Proper training at their hands could make her an invaluable asset.
Perhaps discover her parents' award and that they were exonerated of their wrongly assumed ties to the Alliance.
Existing Relationships
With her family dead, she has no ties.
Her first benefactor could possibly call her out if he sees her. She never brought back his shuttle (since sold) or his cut of the job he sent her on.
Current Threads
PAY HER NO MIND ( -recruitment to the Empire and the Imperial Knights
Credit for the basic template goes to Dun of RPG-D (
Oct 29th, 2016, 08:14:30 PM
A few directions that may help getting fleshed out here:
1. Something about her familial ties to the Empire. Is there a story here? Why was her family so staunchly in support? Were they in the military or in political posts? A part of the military-industrial complex benefiting from Imperial largess? Asking some of those questions might help paint a picture of Palinsa's formative life before her parents died.
2. How did her parents die? Natural causes? Accident? Or was it something darker? Did criminals or rebels have a hand in it, or did the Imperial system they supported end up purging them? Maybe Palinsa doesn't even know that, but even if she doesn't, what her perceptions are might color her worldview.
3. She runs in nefarious circles with her gift. Has she worked with any specific individual or group before? Is she a free agent, or did she have someone who steered her to clients and helped her stay out of trouble? Do any of her past associations have the potential for blowback?
These are all optional avenues for additional information, and it's up to you if you choose to reveal any of them. It might be a good idea though, in terms of creating a map of Palinsa's motivations.
Palinsa Donar
Oct 29th, 2016, 08:16:02 PM
Thank you... bios are a bit new to me since I never got wiki to work right <laughs> but this seems SOOOOOo much easier <laughs> Will update asap, thank you for suggestions.
Palinsa Donar
Oct 29th, 2016, 09:20:59 PM
Character biography "FROM THEN TILL NOW"
Palinsa was born to Daryn and Andraze Donar. They were factory workers in an Imperial run manufacturing plant that made parts for ships and weapons. Her parents had learned early on that their ability to make friends with nearly anyone could be an asset.
Daryn and Andra (her nickname) would make friends with new employees as a sort of welcome wagon. They would infiltrate the new person's life enough to figure out if they were true Imperialists or merely working there because the parts were easily removed under the light security and then smuggled to Republic and Alliance groups once gone from the premises.
After Palinsa was about 5 or 6, she began to show an innate ability to tell when someone was lying. No matter how well played, spoken or acted, she always knew when her parent's were lying to her, no matter how benign, and occasionally would call out a liar when someone else spoke to her. Her parents dismissed it as child's luck, but as Palinsa grew, they realized she truly DID know.
Her parents began using her as a sort of truth meter. Her cues for liars and truth speakers were trained into her like a mutt learning new tricks. She never called anyone a liar to their face, but certain hints like wanting to switch from Mommy to Daddy or back again, became a sign of the fibs she heard from the mental surface thoughts around her.
As she got older, she helped them by reporting the actual thoughts when they were safely at home. Her parents collected enough evidence each time to give to the local law enforcers and saw to it the sympathizers were collected swiftly and quietly. Small perks came with their superb loyalty. Palinsa was allowed access to an education far above that of her playmates and station. It was written off as a pilot program for integrating the classes. Food that was above their ability to get was often waiting for them when they got home. They never questioned such things and just made sure to keep the intel coming and their loyalty plain.
But something went wrong. When Palinsa was almost 20, her parents had gone to a local gathering they had been invited to. Palinsa was busy with friends that night and hadn't attended. Her parents would see if she was needed and perhaps hold a gathering of the same people in their own home to make it easier for Lins to do her readings.
When Palinsa was coming home, she saw the house her parents had been at being pounced on and raided by local law enforcers. As blaster fire went off, her friends had run for cover, she had run for the house. Held back by the crowd controllers, she was only able to discern a few things... they were all Alliance sympathizers... and they were all dead. She turned and ran home, packed a bag, grabbed the stash of credits they had set aside and run out the back door and never looked back.
She never found out that later investigations found her parents had been innocent and were given posthumous awards for civilian loss of life in tribute to the Empire. To this day, she has no idea.
She found herself in a cantina several miles away and managed to garner a job and a small sleeping corner in the store room above. The local wealthy played Sabbacc there and she was learning which men would be generous if she helped them win. One man she started to favor soon saw more in her than merely a bar wench and invited her to his pleasure yacht where he would have grand parties and her very presense made her known as a good luck charm to whomever's arm she was on that night. Sometimes her new benefactor would 'lend' her to another for the night. On those nights, her job was to help the man win and earn him gratitude with his host.
For three years she did it till one day she saved his life by hearing the mental tones of the plot for his murder. Afterwards, she confessed she sometimes heard those initial thoughts when certain phrases were said. Her life then became very different. He used her as a spy in his business meetings, making her give him the edge to close tons of profitable deals. When she proved herself there, he would give her to other men to let them profit as well, the deal being she always came back to bring him his cut.
For two more years she had been his to use, abuse and control. With no money of her own, he held it all IN TRUST for her, she had no where to go and no way to get there. When she finally got the nerve, she left on one of his 'missions' as always. But this time, she told the man she was going to work for why exactly she was there. Shehelped him gain more than his fair share, and when he gave her a morethan generous cut, and someone else who may benefit, she took the shuttle she had been given and gone to the next job.
Job after job took her further from her original benefactor tillshe was where she was now. She was a well known truth seer who could help anyone willing to pay her way. She kept her fees ridiculously high and made her clients promise not to contact her for one full year once they had used her. And each one was required to send her to the next job. If they didn't have a contact for her, they were to pay her two additional salaries to 'tide her over'. Needless to say, only one had ever had to pay up. Her cycle around the galaxy allowed her enough time between jobs to recover. The pain of the readings was more intense with each job. Each time they wanted her to learn more, it took more time to recover. This job (PAY HER NO MIND) was going to be her last for a while. She had another client lined up, but not for several more months. She would find a nice pleasure planet somewhere, get a secluded suite and do nothing but relax and recuperate.
Palinsa, while no longer actually actively turning over known Alliance sympathizers to the Empire, she refuses contracts with known supporters. And will turn down contracts if she finds out the client will be helping the Republic or Alliance in any way, shape or form from the contract she is helping broker.
She harbors a slight resentment to the Empire, but they are family and she will never betray them.
When not on a contract, Palinsa is a fun loving woman with a mean talent for cooking. She has no true friends but at one or two places she frequents on Corellia, she is well enough known to come into the kitchen and whip something up.
She has no emotional ties to anyone, and because of her gift is also a virgin because emotional ties are often steeped in lies. She has been approached on more than one occasion but her readings of surface thoughts let her know there was more than a fun roll in the rack on the mind of those who approached her.
When she is in work mode, though, its a complete 180. She is almost royally bred cold. She can sit and be stoic or demure as is needed. She can pretend to be aloof and bored, and she can also become all business and take over negotiations when she is ordered to. She considers her work side a separate persona within her. And when she is isn't working, tries to distance herself from that as much as possible.
Rossos Atrapes
Oct 30th, 2016, 12:14:50 AM
So far I'm finding Palinsa to be an interesting concept, and your plotter is easy to follow too, which just makes things easier all around! Thumbs up!
One criticism or tip I would like to throw in is simply fleshing out "until things got crazy". How did they get crazy? One or two sentences explaining that situation in the most brief manner possible, as it's much more rewarding to write it out or read it out in a thread itself rather than in a bio or plotter, we just want to be able to skim and get all the essentials about your character in a few moments so we can help you get to writing and RPing as quickly as possible.
I like the biography, and the thought you've put into it is great! Palinsa definitely is unique and has a lot of potential, but I would love a bit more Raw Material. Just lay out how you picture her or how she seems personality wise. Is she a fascist fanatic, dedicated to the cause like Knight-General Atrapes? Is she like Palara, having suffered in her life and being the stronger for it? What drives her? Again, the simpler the answer the better. We don't need a lot, just the bare essentials of what makes Palinsa Palinsa, if you get my meaning.
Palinsa Donar
Oct 30th, 2016, 12:24:02 AM
Always open to the input. Thank you. I guess I said "things got crazy" because it's something I could flesh out later. But I see the point of putting a sentence or two in now.
As to her personality, thanks for that too. Used to things being played out, not to a plotter. (Wiki was more of a choronology for me when I could post to it) lol
I'll update asap, thanks again
And thanks to everyone reading and giving input. I am enjoying this. I always had characters fleshed on paper, but putting it in here is a bit new to me.
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