View Full Version : Targets And Cleaning Kits [Nallia]
Syravari Elik
Oct 22nd, 2016, 03:40:47 AM
Having rented an eclip recharger, Syravari led Nallia into the range now busy with the cacophony of blaster fire erupting along many of the booths down it's length. Passing several individuals, they found two empty slots and he motioned for her to enter one and set the recharger down upon the narrow table along the top of the low wall facing the large, open area. "There'll be a holographic dude standing there," he motioned down range, then to the small monitor hanging up and to their left in the corner. "And your shots will be registered on that screen. Just take your time and relax."
Handing her the blaster pistol, he moved in behind her and took her hands, one on the grip and the other beneath it to cup the weapon. "Use the small rise at the top of the end of the barrel to aim," he informed as he raised their arms toward the now visible image of a man pointing a pistol at them. "Squeeze the trigger, never pull." Letting her take it from there, he patiently watched and waited as the chaos of blaster fire continued around them, knowing this was a good exercise as fights were typically chaotic and random sometimes.
Nallia Oberon
Oct 23rd, 2016, 07:51:56 AM
Nallia followed Syra into the range andthe first loud blast not muted by the muffling doors made her jump.After that, the jumps became mere twitches. She couldn't understandhow anyone could come here for pleasure.
As her boss and lover stood behind herand showed her how to hold the weapon, she listened and did her bestto keep her hold as he released his grip. She raised the weapon justa touch, closed one eye to focus along the barrel to the raised pointat the tip and squeezed. The feel of the pistol as it fired and thegive of the trigger at the apex of the pull surprised her and thebarrel tipped raised in a soft jerk. The shot went high and leftbarely grazing the shoulder edge of the hologram. “Whoa!” Hersmall squeak of surprise made her bite her lip at the lost shot.
She laughed softly and glanced over hershoulder. “They make this look so easy.” She nodded to the otherson the range. The target just to the left of her was being riddledwith shots in the center of the holographic form, no where near whereher shot had gone.
“Ok, maybe I should stick to kickingand screaming.” She laughed once more then took a deep breath,shook her head and glanced back at him. “Ok, I'm ready.” She tookaim once more and prepared to fire once more. This time the shot washigh and left, but she had anticipated that and lowered her site justa touch. This time the shot hit the target's left shoulder near itsbicep. “Well, at least I hit him.” She growled under her breathwondering if Syra was rolling his eyes at her helplessness yet. Shecouldn't quite bring herself to look back and check as she clenchedher jaw at her personal inadequacies.
Syravari Elik
Oct 24th, 2016, 03:29:14 AM
This was going to take some work, he mused as he watched her fire for the first time. Grinning at her mention of being more a girl than he had hoped, Syravari knew he had to keep them on track if she really wanted to be a part of his life. "Aim center mass," he motioned with his eyes to the holographic target. "He's going to kill you if you don't get him first." Steel-blue eyes looked into hers, his typical serious demeanor and years of growing up in the streets of Ord Cestus taking over. "This isn't a game, Nalli. This is life and death, everyday. You want to be a part of this, going to have to learn how to survive it."
Moving in closer he took her hands once more and lowered his chin to rest on her neck, face against her ear. "Aim small, miss small," he stated, pointing the muzzle of the pistol at the target's heart. "Fire, less thinking."
Nallia Oberon
Oct 24th, 2016, 03:47:28 AM
The seriousness of Syra's tone madeNallia bite her lip as she glanced back at him. He was right, ofcourse. If she wanted to stay with him, he had to know she could takecare of herself, even if she never was good enough to have his back.She had made it this far. She wasn't going to let a stupid pistol beher undoing. As she turned back to the targets, she absently wonderedwhat the Overseers would do if they saw her with a pistol on her hip.The thought was quickly squelched as she lifted her arms once more ather mentor's urging. "Yes, Sir..."
Taking a deep breath and closing hereyes a moment, she relaxed and opened them once more. This time shekept her head straight, her arms a bit more relaxed and knowing shewould probably be high and left, adjusted her sight just down andright of the center marking. She took one more breath and pulled backon the trigger.
Her arms didn't move nearly as muchthis time, which means she was still off. But instead of being wayoff target, she was one circle shy of the center and just to thelower right of it. Growling under her breath and firing quickly oncemore, this time the shot grazed just top center of the center targetmark. She gasped realizing that the target, had it been real, wouldhave been dead. “Aim small, miss small.” She murmured under herbreath, with a slight grin of satisfaction, and waited for Syra'sreaction.
Syravari Elik
Oct 24th, 2016, 05:10:31 PM
Watching the next couple of shots, he remained quietly observant and knew that this would eventually become muscle memory, but they had to get to that point first. "You've got it. But, like I said, less thinking and trust your instincts. Point center mass and let the weapon do the rest." Backing from her again, the pirate captain allowed her a few more shots so she could get a feel for the weapon and any recoil that she was adjusting to. Glancing between her stance and targeting, then to the small monitor in the upper left corner, he nodded in satisfaction.
"Alright. How's it feel now?"
Nallia Oberon
Oct 25th, 2016, 02:30:46 AM
Nallia nodded as she exhaled, notrealizing she had been holding her breath. The smile that crossed herface was priceless. A year ago, even a week ago, she never would havebelieved all this was happening. And now she was getting a thumbs upfrom her boss as she learned to fire a pistol.
When he asked how it felt, she nodded,still smiling. “Much better. I know what you mean now about focusand not pulling on the trigger.” She realized in the final shot,the one that barely missed the target, that she was squeezing herfingers together more than pulling the trigger back with a singlefinger.
She turned around and set the weapondown a minute, flexed her hands now that she felt more relaxed. Thenshe picked up the weapon, aimed and took a breath. This time one felljust inside the target area, the second one, shot in near successionwas only a few fingers off target to the side. She laughed as she setthe pistol down and turned to face Syra to see his reaction. “Wasthat better?” Realizing he carried a different weapon, she wonderedout loud. “Does your weapon fire the same? I mean, does it feel thesame, a slugthrower versus an energy weapon?” With her initial fearconquered, she was now a sponge wanting to know more. Absently shewondered what Brannoc would think of her with a pistol on her hip.
Syravari Elik
Oct 27th, 2016, 04:12:13 PM
Watching as Nallia tried quick firing with the weapon on the table and he knew she would get this soon, just had to practise and be patient. Glancing to her as she asked about his slugthrower, he grinned. "Definitely more kick to this bitch," he chuckled. Facing the target, he stepped up and took a deep breath, then let it out slowly. Strong hands lowered, he quickdrew the Morellian .48, aimed center mass and squeezed the trigger twice. Explosions from the heavy pistol echoed over the blaster fire that had been erupting nonstop since they had arrived. Two shots to the heart and just above noted on the monitor as Syravari holstered it and turned his gaze to his lover, smiling.
"More guys have shit themselves when they hear that thing go off, some duck for cover as one or two of their friends are bleeding out near them. I like blasters and it's much easier to recharge an eclip than it is to find bullets for this one, so there's definitely an advantage to having one of those," he motioned to the blaster.
Nallia Oberon
Oct 28th, 2016, 12:46:08 AM
Nallia was glad she had a chance ofgetting pretty decent with the pistol. If she had failed miserably,she wasn't sure what her fate with Syra and the crew would have been.Thankfully she didn't have to think about it.
When Syra started to describe hisweapon versus hers, she listened intently. Such things were obviouslysomething she was going to need to know.
As she backed to the wall to let herlover step up, she was thinking it would be loud, but she hadn't beenprepared for the concussion of the sound that echoed. She laughedwith a squeal as she covered her ears quickly when he fired. “WHOA!”She was laughing from the sound and her reaction as he set his weapondown.
“I can imagine that isn't so loud ona planet in open space. But I can see how the sound of it could makesomeone think twice about approaching.” She shook her head anddropped her hands as she saw where he had shot. “Well, I'll giveyou a run for your creds one of these days, hun. Don't you worryabout that.” She didn't realize her term of endearment to himagain. But her grin was so big, she wasn't paying much attention tomore than the man towering over her. A hand went to his chest as shestepped forward and nodded with a wink. “But till then, I know yougot me covered.” She rose up and kissed him quickly before loweringdown. No point in making a scene, even if the small alcove they werein was private from the eyes of those down range.
Syravari Elik
Oct 28th, 2016, 05:33:43 PM
Smirking with pride at the expression on Nallia's face, he knew she had seen her share of firefights even before they met. The station that they had met on wasn't the best place for anyone to be, especially someone with her talents and potential. Every day since, he was glad that she had decided to stow away on his ship. Returning the kiss, he smiled and then motioned to the blaster once more. "Going to try something different this time," he moved around behind her and accessed the control panel for the target and clicked on another feature that allowed the holographic gunman to move and duck as he tried to approach her before being killed. Though the first sighting of the imaginary enemy was much farther away at first, making his way toward her as she tried to hit him.
It would begin the moment she was ready. "Pick up the pistol," he stated as the image disappeared and readied to re-emerge at the far end. "Say when." Once she was ready, he hit the button to begin the exercise.
Nallia Oberon
Oct 28th, 2016, 10:35:34 PM
Nallia was glad to see his face lightup as he kissed her back. Funny how life made things end up.
When he said they were going to trysomething new, and stepped behind her, she maneuvered back to thesmall table across the front of their booth and got her pistol ready.She glanced to him as he punched buttons on the targeting machine onthe wall and frowned. Perhaps he was going to move the target furtheraway.
As she picked the weapon up at hisinsistence and set her stance once more, she nodded and said “Go.”
Sure enough, the target popped upseveral additional yards from where it had been last time. It wasalso a little more to her right, thought still, obviously, in herlane of firing. She took aim and fired. The shot hit the target inthe upper right shoulder, once more going high and left for her. Shegrowled and was about to take another shot when the target dropped.Frowning, it popped up a moment later. This time it was in themiddle, and a little closer.
She took aim and fired again, this timeher shot was high, but at least in its chest. She set off a secondshot but the target was dropping again and the energy pistol missedits mark, firing over the hologram's head. It wasn't till it poppedup a third time, this time closer and in a different location thatshe figured out it was coming closer like a real enemy would be. Shetook a deep breath and settled herself into the rest of the exercise.Despite knowing the target wasn't real, as if passed the halfway markand came closer, self defense feelings of 'fight or flight' kicked inand her panic began to rise. Each time the target emerged the lastfour times, Nallia found herself backing up half a step as if tryingto escape the imagined menace. By the time she was done, if Syradidn't stop her, she would be half a step behind the line that markedthe entrance to the cubicle they were in.
Of the seven times the target popped upafter that (ten times in all) she hit it center mass at least sixtimes, missed only the once, and seriously 'wounded' it the remainingtimes. When it went down the final time, she let go her breath andquickly set down the pistol, her hands shaking slightly from thestress. Several times a growl or expletive had fallen between herlips and her body was tense from the shooting. She hadn't expected tobe firing in such rapid succession and her body was feeling the rushof adrenaline. She knew the target couldn't kill her, but by the timeshe was done, she was still a bit shaken.
Her hands tightened to try and stillthemselves as she spoke to him, though remained looking down range asshe gathered her wits about her once more. “It feels worse than that in real life, doesn't it?” She asked, her voice betraying theshot of emotion she had felt. Once more she assured herself it hadn't been real. But while her mind knew without a doubt, her body wasn'tquite as fast to accept it. She was trying to laugh it off, but it didn't quite sound genuine.
Syravari Elik
Oct 29th, 2016, 05:43:43 AM
His amusement as she danced backward as the enemy approached continued, then his mood sobered quite a bit at her query about killing for real. Trying to play it off, he shrugged. "First time's hard on those that don't have something else to keep their mind preoccupied, but some weaker bastards cry about it. After the first time, it's fairly easy actually," he stated, his steel-blue eyes diverted initially, then focused on her as his cold demeanor returned with the words. "Thing I keep in mind is this: It's either them or you and I'm not going to let anyone keep me from retiring. When it comes down to it the first time, and you see that look in their eyes.... you'll know what to do," he glanced to the pistol now discarded on the small table, then back to her.
Grinning, he reached for the weapon, "Going to hang with us from now on," he raised it and moved to leave. "You'll need that instinct. Those we tangle with aren't going to be pleasant sometimes, and those that are are usually waiting to stab you in the back. So, get them first and live to see another day." Wrapping his left arm around her shoulders, he drew her along with him back toward the main entrance. "Hungry?"
Nallia Oberon
Oct 29th, 2016, 05:57:50 AM
As Syra's voice dropped and got stern,she swallowed and steeled herself. Of course killing would be worse.But her lover was right. It was them or her. And while he wasn'tgoing to let them ruin his retirement, she wasn't going to let themend her for any reason anyway.
When Syra reached for the weapon andslid his arm around her, she nodded. “I won't hesitate. I promise,Syra.” As she settled easily into his body and they headed out, sherealized she was hungry after all. “I could eat. Would you like meto cook or have someplace you want to go?”
Either way was fine with her. It justfelt good to be with him again. She would make sure to never let himbe in a situation where she would chance losing him again. That reason alone was worth all the training, discomfort and learning shehad to do. She couldn't send Brannoc with him all the time, andBrannoc couldn't always accompany them if they were out together,anyway. No, she was going to have to make sure she was up to thetask, herself.
“Where are we off to, next? I mean,or do we have something more to do here?” She still wasn't overlyfamiliar with where they were, so she wasn't sure what all was about,around or to do. And she knew, at least before he had left, Syravarididn't like staying in one place too long. Her arm settled easilyagainst the small of his back as they walked. It felt good to beclose to him.
Syravari Elik
Oct 29th, 2016, 06:11:17 AM
"We can grab something on the way back to the ship," he stated, mentally going over what cantinas or restaurants were along the main avenue and knew that Cloud City had them in abundance. Plus, it would give her a break as the journey coming up was going to keep her busy enough. Heading to the main counter, he handed over the blaster pistol back to the proprietor, then turned and headed out. Relaxing in his hold on her, Syravari now was back in business mode as his eyes met those of the lower levels of this floating city, knowing some of them would be keeping an eye on the newly arrived pirate captain and perhaps looking for any weakness, like the attractive brunette next to him. She had some familiarity with a pistol now, but she wasn't a killer yet and still vulnerable.
Stepping into a small cafe, he led her up to the counter and perused the menu as the younger, tattooed cashier helped another in front of them. Leaning over, "I'm working on a job now and we should have the final details here shortly, so we'll be leaving tonight. Anything else that you may want to grab before we leave, go ahead and get that done," he glanced to her as the tall, thin human before them turned and walked away with their order.
Nallia Oberon
Oct 29th, 2016, 06:22:25 AM
Nallia felt his arm drop from around her as his whole stance changed when they hit the main thoroughfare. It didn't surprise her after she thought about it for a minute. Here was this man, supposedly someone not to trifle with, and his arm around her might make his seem soft. It didn't occur to her that onlookers would consider them lovers. She just figured he didn't want them thinking she was a pleasure woman available to the right bidder.
As they entered the cantina and made their order, she nodded to him. "I'm fine. As long as we have the provisions we need," she laughed, "and you desire, then everything is set. I don't have any reason to stick around and nothing to get besides what I took to the ship already." She wasn't used to having anything, so even the duffel of possessions and clothes she had were extravagant in her eyes.
They ate in friendly silence, occasionally commenting on a person or spatter of conversation they heard. On the way back to the ship, she took a deep breath and smiled inwardly, not wanting him to question a dumb grin on her face. She was home again... that's what mattered. Everything else, from new business empire he was building, to the jobs they would do, to even her getting good enough at the pistol to earn a nod of approval from him, was all secondary. Life was good and she was glad once more.
Seems stowing away on scary men's ships sometimes did pay off in the long run. She just hoped no one else got the bright idea. A small mental laugh echoed in her head, and not for the first time was she glad Syra wasn't a mind reading Jedi.
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