View Full Version : Operation Barking Mynock

R. S. Esalis
Oct 16th, 2016, 12:22:33 AM
Borleias, Pyria System

The space above Pyria was a tranquil black sea studded with glittering diamonds. Sitting at the edge of the Galactic Core, it was a natural stepping stone out into the larger galaxy. It was like a glittering jewel that many fondly remembered as their last stop before venturing beyond the Core. Situated along the Namadii corridor, it enjoyed a certain level of popularity, and owing to its' surface climate, a welcome and often enjoyable vacation spot.

And yet, Borleias was also considered a doorway to the Core. Of strategic importance, the Empire had made sure to bolster its' presence there. Even after the treaty between the Empire and the Alliance had been signed, caution and paranoia reigned in the minds of many. Garrisons were quietly reinforced, and Intel agents had been recalled to new assignments on a planet that had so suddenly become crucial to the safety of Coruscant herself.

The Alliance was as bound by the treaty as the Empire was, but as always, others found themselves cast aside; cells that snarled in defiance of what had once been the Rebel Alliance. They felt abandoned and left to fend for themselves on planets that had been deemed necessary for the Cause, yet no longer given thought once territorial lines had been drawn. Many cells had been broken, their safehouses sacked and destroyed. A few of those left chose to fight back, but each one invariably fell beneath the heel of Imperial might. It was an inevitable conclusion, and ended much the same each time. Those captured had been brought back to Coruscant and interrogated, then publicly executed. A grand spectacle to show the citizens of the Empire that there was still justice being delivered despite a treaty that - for many men and women - allowed an infuriating pardon for past war crimes.

The bone white hull of an Imperial Star Destroyer cut that tranquil sea above Borleias like a hungry predator.

The VSD Imperator was a silent monster, perched over the planet as if waiting for the slightest of reasons to pounce.

On the bridge, Director Esalis stood, staring through the viewport at the planet below.

"Madame Director," a voice cut through her thoughts.

Turning to regard the Captain, Esalis raised a single eyebrow in a sign that he continue.

"The rest of the fleet is converging, Ma'am."

"That is good to hear, Captain."

Saying nothing more, she turned back to stare down at Borleias. It would not be long now. The last Rebel cell dug in would be rooted out and torn from their anoobaholes. Now to simply await the deputy directors. She looked to the Admiral who stood beside her.

"The landing units are ready?"

Rez Ace
Oct 16th, 2016, 02:21:15 PM
Admiral Ace stood staring through the viewport on the bridge, very deep in thought. He heard the voice of his trusted second in command behind him, but did not register it immediately. It was a voice he had learned to respect very much that tore away his concentration, as he heard the question being addressed to him.

"Yes Madame. An elite company of storm troopers is ready to launch out of the upper deck hangar bay, and I've had several walkers prepared, just in case."

Rez looked around the bridge at his crew, briefly monitoring everyone's performance. He had been very on edge since the Director arrived. His normal command style was extremely effective in every way, but constantly broke standard procedures. He was keen on making sure that everyone followed procedures while she was here.

"I still haven't had word back on if Commando Jarvan is ready."

Nov 20th, 2016, 07:03:35 AM
Silently gliding through the clouded sky, the wraith adorned in black guided her winged repulsorlift toward the remote mountains outside the resort town of Ascona. It's glimmering lights blinked in and out of sight as her goggles allowed her a heads-up display offering temperature, speed, altitude as well as any other cloud cars or other air traffic to avoid. Though she appeared as nothing more than a bird on any sensor equipment, the deputy director knew she could become visible to the naked eye here shortly if she wasn't careful. Banking lightly to port, she continued her slow descent and tongue-toggled the miniature communications suite over to a lower frequency, hoping that the cell might transmit while she was up here. Encoded messages had been piggybacking on common newsnet transmissions which was the reason she had chosen this town. Analysts aboard the Venator found the breach, though narrowing down it's source was another matter entirely. The Rebels had gotten smart and not stayed in any one spot for long, though she also knew that they had found a way to use a variety of avenues to get their messages out. Encryption was the mark of a professional and this sole surviving cell had gained those that had found a way to survive, taking notes from the Imperial fist which had deprived them of their comrades in arms.

Soon, trees became more defined as she slowed her descent and banked the wings enough to fit between two. Feathering the nearly silent engines, she landed with a barely perceptible crunch of leaves. Tapping a button on the right handle, the repulsorlift recoiled and folded itself into a metallic backpack, allowing her to now begin her mission. Crouching, she scanned the surrounding forested hillside for any eavesdroppers and eventually felt secure enough to relax. Doffing the suit and pack, she buried them next to a large tree whose gnarled branches would be easy enough to find later, as would the GPS in her chronometer. Heading toward town, she knew the two mile hike would take a bit, but it would also allow her to get a better lay of the land. The gentle sloping valley surrounded by green mountains were nearly cut off now by the heavy cloud cover which threatened rain soon, the misty air dotting her slender glasses with precipitation. She should be able to reach the cafe' just after it opened, she mused, and begin her investigation into this cell.

Shadows from the trees made her trek to Ascona remind her of horror movies she had seen as a kid, the killer lurking in woods just like this. Except this time she was the predator instead of the cowering, screaming girl running for her life. The thought prompting a grin on her smooth, lightly tanned face.

Lights beamed through the light fog as Akilah approached the cafe's facade, waitresses inside moving about as they prepared for the day, setting tables as their manager arranged menus and other advertisements near the entrance. Arrayed in a thin, medium blue jacket, white blouse, dark blue pants and black shoes, the brunette opened the door and stepped inside. Quiet, soft jazz music pumping through unseen speakers set the tone of the establishment immediately as the manager, a middle aged, raven haired woman turned to her and smiled.

"Morning," her green eyes sparkled. "You like to get an early start, I see," she chuckled.

"Best way to get the day going," Akilah smiled, motioning back outside. "Though the weather may put a damper on any sightseeing or laying out at the pool."

"No doubt," she laughed, grabbing a menu and motioned to a table. "Come on, the grill's warmed up."

"Thanks." Following the woman to the table, she glanced casually around the room and noted her first suspect already here, tending to the bar as the blonde put away newly washed glasses. Sliding into the finely crafted wooden chair, she took the proffered menu and scanned it over, realizing now how hungry she had become.

"Tania'll be with you shortly."

Nodding, Akilah glanced to the dark suited woman and then back to the menu, though also keeping Marian in her peripheral as she did so.