View Full Version : Hunting the wermo (Kaie)
Kera Blacc
Sep 24th, 2016, 10:21:46 AM
Darkness, the forebear of evil, the appendage of sufferance, and the dagger of decay.. A smart denizen would run away from the cutless of cowardice, like a rodent caught in a maze the frail would always.. Make like a womprat and flee certain altercation...
Ryloth, an outlying world that has seen more misery and suffering than one would have ever imagined, the planet had unwittingly become a beacon of slavers looking to accumulate a small fortune off the bartering of souls in the many underground markets, where the price would be high and the merchandise... Stolen.
Buyers have been known to come from clear across the galaxy just to peruse the “fine wine”, code word for.. Slaves. Something that made Kera's soul scream, every time she was dispatched by Jaego to deal with these pesky little problems of his she had to hold back not to execute the Sleemo responsible for holding the current captives... Kera had become the Guardian for the Shag's of the Cartels, escorting them and making sure nobody touched before payment had been given, or they leave without an arm... A tough trade, but one can never be employed without some type of risk..
(OOC Note: It started out decent..)
Sep 24th, 2016, 11:46:07 AM
Cities riding the thin line between light and dark on the planet led a precarious life as Kaie exited the freighter that had brought her here. Nodding to the kind captain that had endured the Jedi and her unique perspective on life, she appreciated all that he and his crew had done.
"Sure you're wanting to come here," the older freighter captain inquired, motioning with his eyes toward the open entryway to the main concourse, now full of foot traffic from a host of races. Most of them being criminals of one sort or another, she knew. "Not really a place for a Jedi."
"We go where there's most need," Kaie grinned, her dark eyes sparkling in the host of lights not only lining the landing pad, but also spaced uniformly around the walls and ceiling. "Thank you for the ride. Have a safe trip."
"You too," he grinned, turned and headed back toward the opening cargo bay as a cargo skiff arrived for the haul.
Turning her attention toward the large, square doorway as she moved toward it, the Hapan Jedi knew she was here for more than just helping justice find it's way here, but there was someone in this city that also required her attention. Visions through the Force were unique in guiding her that way. Entering the busy thoroughfare, she added to the flow, dressed in casual clothing with an older, brown cloak over her shoulders hanging more like a poncho, hiding her saber. Once through the security inspection, she continued on to the left where the traffic of aliens and humans alike seemed like it never ended.
One thing that stood out, however, was the glimpse of deals going on within side rooms along the way toward the center of the starport. Credits exchanged hands for a host of things that weren't legal in many other places in the galaxy, but the Rodians and Twi'lek here thrived on that sort of trade. She had her work cut out for her, it seemed.
Kera Blacc
Oct 2nd, 2016, 03:01:31 PM
The Market Place wasn't as packed as it may have seemed. The denizens, some of them, were perusing the merchandise, others seemingly were uncomfortably fumbling with their pocket pads... Looking at the product Kera stood motionless keeping an eye on everything from a nearby balcony, eyes like a hawk.
Buyers can be seen checking out their product before they make an offer, onlookers either giving knowing smirks to some or glaring with disgust which only helped to build on the atmosphere of sorrow. Kera wearing a dark outfit fit for a hired mercenary with a plasma pistol strapped to her leg, and her fathers old lightsaber hidden... Carefully watching over the shags.
(OOC: Not very good, but wanted to get a post in.)
Oct 3rd, 2016, 05:42:57 AM
The sea of bodies soon began dispersing in various directions as their narrow channeled path opened to an intersecting corridor. Kaie knew that her point of interest was farther on and continued that way, meandering through toward the arched entry on the far side. Passing shops on either side, her eyes couldn't help but see the attractive, half dressed Twi'lek females trailing a particular Rodian, their shock collars giving her a chill. In the society of private gypsies that she had grown up in, that sight wouldn't have bothered her in the least, but now it tore at her soul. No one should be enslaved, she mused with regret as she passed by, knowing if her fight began here on that subject, she would be contesting the whole planet.
With a reluctant sigh, she continued on toward the large marketplace.
Eyes continued scanning the attractive human female as Kaie passed by, many rude comments made followed by a chuckle were ignored. Until...
"You look lost," a seedy Weequay moved in beside her, easily keeping stride.
"I'm not," she glanced up, grinning. "I know exactly where I am and where I'm going," the double meaning certainly lost on this mercenary.
Nodding, he grinned, chocolate skin hard like stone as he turned his dark gaze forward. "Buyer?"
"No, seeking a friend that's here actually."
He chuckled, "Never heard anyone here claim to have friends, only business partners."
"She's unique then, I guess." Kaie continued keeping positive as they walked, avoiding collisions with those who felt they commanded the spot they stood in. "What do you do?"
"Keep an eye on potential runners," his gravely voice one that commanded respect as well as his build.
"What do you do," he turned his attention back down to the lithe Hapan.
Green eyes glanced up to his rugged face, "Healer". A revelation that garnered widened eyes, lips pursed and rose in interest.
"Which house do you work for?"
Kaie grinned as she rounded a pair of Rodians escorting a Hutt, "I'm independent". Soon, they entered the slave market where hundreds were shuffled up and off of several platforms around the plaza, all frightened as a host of buyers bartered and argued for purchases. Kaie wanted to cry.
Kera Blacc
Oct 12th, 2016, 07:52:37 PM
The blond haired mercenary knelt down as she noticed the new comer to the arena of mercantile. Grinning as she checked her equipment and keeping her attention glued to the dark skinned woman Not good, lass Kera quietly commented while watching their path..
Glaring at them from a distance Kera quickly pooled the dark side and leapt to the nearest roof top and began scanning the are for any unusual plays, something telling her there might end up becoming more than one would bargain for here. Her fathers weapon secured, her comm unit active, but one major problem.. Too many innocence to be caught in the cross if anything should escalate.
Oct 14th, 2016, 03:33:26 PM
Green eyes followed the movement as Kaie noticed the uniquely talented female leaping upward and to a nearby rooftop. Her gaze also catching the attention of the Weequay mercenary, he grunted, "Hate that one," he stated.
"Troublemaker," he diverted his eyes though she knew he was keeping the woman in his peripheral. "Works for that one," he motioned with his head and guided Kaie's attention to the slaver bartering with two potential buyers.
What the Jedi was most focused on now was the feeling that she got when the girl leaped, the distinct touch to the Dark Side wasn't lost on the Jedi at all. Turning her eyes back up to the armed woman, Kaie began seeking out another avenue to reach the roof without causing as much attention, then disappeared into the crowd.
Kera Blacc
Oct 14th, 2016, 03:50:03 PM
Watching the crowd Kera smirked when she looked back at the two noticing the other had disappeared. Brushing her hair from her face shed walked toward the other end searching the crowd for the woman. Kera wasn't trained by a guide, she had been self trained, self disciplined in the use of the dark and light side. She was no pro but could handle her own well enough.
Scanning the crowd as she knelt to provide herself better cover she awaited her new "friend"s arrival..
Oct 15th, 2016, 03:17:59 AM
Opening herself to the Force, Kaie continued moving to the front of the building and eventually disappeared within the large shop. Aisles full of racks of clothing and other accessories kept the shoppers busy, musing over their next purchase or discussing style and colors, all ignored by the Jedi now gliding toward a back stair, then up. Around the first landing, she continued upward and soon came into contact with an older male human who slowed.
"You can't be up here," he stated, right hand up.
Touching his mind casually, "Just going up to see someone, then I'll be gone."
"...Then you'll be gone," he repeated thoughtlessly, then grinned and nodded as he continued passed her. "Take care."
Kaie climbed on, occasionally passing an employee until reaching the roof access. The door above closed, she reached out in the Force and soon noticed the aura to the far left now. The woman had moved and was on her guard, she noted. Pushing the door open slowly, Kaie stepped out and glanced toward the brunette, right hand up. "I'm not the enemy, just want to talk."
Kera Blacc
Oct 16th, 2016, 09:02:44 PM
Glancing over her should at the other woman Kera smirked amusingly and raised herself up while examining the intruder "Ya know your really not allowed up here" She remarked while taking note of the other "Rules and all" she casually quipped and began to walk over to the other woman.
Circling around her Kera enjoyed what she noticed, brunette woman, interesting getup, gorgeous looks.. "I take it you're not exactly one of the trinkets they love to show off" She mused and stood in front of the other female "Now, kindly tell me what it is you need, love".
Oct 21st, 2016, 04:10:33 PM
Had it been a male studying her up and down it may have been a different story, but Kaie was very comfortable around females having been raised in the Pachmari. Green eyes watched as the other brunette then moved to face her and quipped about territorial rights. "I felt something in you and being a Jedi, I couldn't help myself. You have a gift," Kaie motioned with her eyes toward the woman's heart, then back up. Voices below continuing on with their vile practises echoed in the background as the master relaxed, crossing her arms as she shifted her weight slightly to the left. "What began you on this path to helping slavers?"
Kera Blacc
Oct 24th, 2016, 08:48:08 AM
"Risk Management" Kera mused with a sideways smirk "You're a jedi... How amusing" she then adopted a 'tude and rested her hands on her hips "Whatchu doing on ryloth, Jedi?" Kera didn't really care whether the other was what she had claimed to be, she cared more about actions...
"Not exactly friendly territory, ya dig?" The darkside heir remarked in a more authoritarian tone.
Oct 24th, 2016, 05:05:25 PM
"I go where the Force leads me and here, I found you." Kaie knew she was treading dangerous ground, but the Jedi had survived much worse over the years and either way, she had already won in her own mind. Regardless of the outcome. "You have a gift with the Force, but it's raw and untrained. Just seems a waste to use it for such things as this," green eyes motioned beyond the rooftop's outer edge. "Where'd you learn how to leap like that?"
Kera Blacc
Oct 24th, 2016, 05:22:19 PM
"You listen to the invisible voice of the cosmos?" she toyed as she spoke "How lovely' she then began to reminisce on her childhood, seeing the visage of her late father teaching her very basic abilities, her mind sifting through those memories until the scenery changed and she relived the very moment she learned to leap using the darkside and came to "Some of us were created for certain.. Fates intertwined" she replied.
Nov 2nd, 2016, 07:47:55 AM
A smirk rose from the corner of her mouth and Kaie knew this girl's attitude toward her own life and the galaxy was jaded to say the least. She could definitely understand why. "The Force is a guide," she nodded, then listened to Kera's vague thoughts on life which also fit her personality. "Couldn't agree more."
Stepping closer toward the tumult below, green eyes took in the thoughtless actions going on within the plaza as humanoids were treated like bantha. Given no say in their own future, they would only know deprivation and servitude to someone that saw them as little more than a pet. If they were lucky. Turning back to Kera, she motioned with her head back down to the slave trading. "There isn't anything about this that bothers you in the least?"
Kera Blacc
Nov 6th, 2016, 12:54:32 PM
As the other female stepped closer to the ledge Kera smirked arrogantly and watched as Kaie looked over the edge, turning to face the ledge the blond haired adept shrugged and responded "One gets used to the public cherades after so long" she admitted without emotion, almost as if one wouuld have been progammed to be a droid..
Stepping closer as well she placed her right foot on the very edge and learned forward looking at the cargo of flesh "Its a dull thing to witness now, the fun wore out a while ago" she remarked and watched as a male rodian walked underneath, taking a second to conjur up a wad in her throat she launched a ball of spit at the male and laughed as it landed "So what exactly is a purty little jedi doing in this neck of the intergalactic woods" she playfully asked.
Nov 8th, 2016, 05:09:06 PM
Trying her best to ignore the rude gesture to the Rodian far below, Kaie also knew there was little she could change about this practise of slaving, especially with the Twi'lek who were traditionally very passive, and very attractive which made them the perfect targets for Hutts as well as other criminal syndicates and those of wealth. It still bothered her to watch this though. Glancing to the hired gun, "I was meditating a week ago and saw you here," she revealed. "Like I mentioned before, there's so much more you could be doing with that gift rather than wasting it here."
Turning toward Kera, the healer continued keeping a polite tone. "Where'd you grow up?"
Kera Blacc
Nov 10th, 2016, 11:54:59 AM
Listening intentively Kera smirked when she overheard the woman admit to the seer ability, this time her senses weren't more focused on her surroundings to notice new things "I see.." she responded in a more neutral tone "The jedi have a seer pet" she toyed as she glanced at the other female.
"I grew up in Hutt Space.. and that Jedi is all you need to know" she blasted back as she grinned and placed her hands on her hips adjusting for an atttitude shift.
Nov 10th, 2016, 04:29:05 PM
Kaie smirked at the reply, knowing the outer, hard veneer was going to take some patience to crack and though this girl had no apparent desire to leave this life, she was at least giving the Jedi some attention which in some cases might be just enough. "Every Jedi can see things in the Force. Not just me," she corrected politely. "It's just one ability that we're trained in. My primary is healing, which is the main reason that I sought out the Jedi. Same profession that my mother practised, actually." The fact that Kera grew up in Hutt Space started to clarify the attitude and career choice a lot.
Kera Blacc
Nov 12th, 2016, 03:38:21 PM
"Oh?" Kera responded clearly intrigued. Reflecting back for a moment trying to remember her own mother but nothing came to her, the woman who birthed her seemed alien, she couldn't picture her mother... Looking back over the ledge she began to look back on her life as she replied "its been so long since my arrival here" she stated as she cross her arms over her chest in deep reflection "Sometimes unique measures are needed to protect the innocent, that's the reason for all this" she admitted as she turned her attention back to Kaie "Criminals aren't exactly any different than a force users.. Granted they can never tap into the invisible whirlpool we call the force.. But they aren't exactly ill-equipped either" she then looked down with a smirk as she noticed another merc helping a slave to her feet "Somethings are never as they appear"
Nov 13th, 2016, 08:23:12 AM
Things were becoming clearer as she listened and followed Kera's eyes to the plaza below, abuzz with activity which seemed as if it never ended. Grinning, Kaie glanced again to the mercenary, "I never thought that way, to be honest. It's just that those people that are being sold have families, friends and dreams just like you and I do." Sighing lightly, she turned her attention below again noting that some of the hired help did indeed have a heart which wasn't surprising. The amazing dichotomy between slaver and enslaved wasn't that widely separated as some thought. Only one wore chains that the other held, but those were only physical after all.
"Jedi are just those gifted with an amazing responsibility to help when and where we can," Kaie stated as she turned her attention to Kera once more. "It's a big responsibility, just as keeping these aliens safe until they're relocated is for you."
Kera Blacc
Nov 13th, 2016, 10:42:49 AM
Hearing what she had to say Kera grinned and looked over at a nearby cart, sitting nearby was a container.. The female darkside heir tapped into her kinetic abilities and extended her arm with her middle and index fingers extended in a mock V pattern, reaching out with Hydrokinetic properties she called for the influencing of the force and grasped the container. Lifitng it she chuckled slightly while bending her arm up and flicking her wrist to cast the container into a nearby wall watching it break and siphonic the liquid contents to her.
"I'm not exactly the average force user" she said as the liquid came to her and she used mock hand gestures and shot the liquid at the other female in an antagonistic manner, making it appear she is merely bending the properties of the liquid..
Nov 13th, 2016, 10:51:39 AM
Following Kera's eyes to the crate, she then felt the untrained, dark aura around the mercenary and Kaie knew this wasn't going to be an easy road already, the crash of the box validating that fact. Grinning as she watched the malleable, bulbous liquid rise to their rooftop perch, she knew what was coming next. Encapsulating herself with the Force, the invisible Force Shield became tangible where the water splashed against it, then coursed down to the gravel strewn rooftop. "There's no such thing as a cookie cutout Force user in any group or sect," Kaie informed. "We're all unique in some form or fashion. It's just that I choose to preserve life with my gift instead of using it to hurt someone. It's much easier to hate than it is to care, isn't it?"
Kera Blacc
Nov 13th, 2016, 11:09:39 AM
"Yes I understand" she responded in kind as she noticed the intense power this jedi wielded, her test had concluded and she was amused "Not just a gorgeous face, but powerful to boot" she commented as she adopted a charismatic tone "So whats it like, ya know.. Being a pacifist and all" she mused as she looked Kaie over once more, judging whether or not to kill this jedi.
Nov 13th, 2016, 02:16:50 PM
Smiling as she nodded her head to Kera at the compliment, Kaie released the Shield and soaked the Force back into herself as she contemplated the query that was obviously meant as an insult. "I've used my saber before," the white witch clarified. "Just prefer not to if I don't have to. I grew up in a coven before joining the Jedi that instilled a martial life more than anything, but I've seen firsthand how that kind of culture can hinder us rather than help." In fact, the Pachmari wasn't missed now that she thought about it and was glad that her mother and sisters hadn't been killed during the ambush on Baralou.
Kera Blacc
Nov 18th, 2016, 01:50:36 AM
Nodding her head in disbelief as she listened to the other, her mind wanting to recoil from the stagnate information about Pacifism She doesn't like violence yet was trained in it she committed the information needed to memory. Feeling a sudden breeze Kera smirked as she waited for something worthwhile to pop out that purty little mouth of the other only to realize it might be a boring day.
"Ah so a cult girl" she responded only half listening "I bet that was fun" she responded in sheer sarcastic delight even though her sarcasm was never well received "First time to Ryloth?" she asked trying to change the subject.
Nov 18th, 2016, 06:27:33 PM
"As healers, we were never bored, that's for sure," she offered and then noticed Kera's face melt with disinterest and then change the subject, which Kaie didn't mind at all. Just being able to keep a conversation going with this potential was enough. "Yes, actually," she nodded. Though her life growing up had seen many backwater worlds, this one was never on the list for her mother. "You been here long?"
Kera Blacc
Nov 19th, 2016, 04:12:07 PM
"Being Orphaned sometimes has its disadvantages" she admitted longingly as she looked toward the ground when another guard appeared. Focusing on the exchange between him and another her inner fire began to flare as she noticed which guard it was "If you'd excuse me for a moment jedi.. Got a date with a rat" she admonished as she knelt and dropped from the roof.
Sending a force push at the man she nodded her head when he flew into a wall "That's payback, Shutta!" she scolded as she stood there and noticed the other guards backing off "Next time you give a report to the sleemo, leave me out of your affairs!" she warned and used the force to send him flying against another wall and corrected her seething anger as she allowed the force to help alleviate some of that anger by dissapation.
Nov 19th, 2016, 06:32:29 PM
Sympathy for Kera faded as she watched the Force user then leap into a fray and begin abusing the mercenary with her ability. Moving to the edge of the roof, green eyes watched as did many others interested in the display of power. No doubt, his companions wouldn't be as casual. Kaie watched the group of bystanders for anyone wishing to intervene, knowing she should be the one to do so. She was in a bit of a quandary now as Kera's aura had gone from passive to glowing red in anger which wasn't going to serve her later. Sighing, the Jedi Master also dropped down to the alley, slowing her descent using the Force and hoped that Kera was done.
Glancing to the brunette, she moved to the victim of her rage and knelt beside him. Checking his wounds, she knew that most of the damage would be internal and she began focusing the Force flowing through her into his head. Both hands raised to his temples gently and the healer's mind then drifted through the man's brain and to the areas now flaring. Concentrating, she did her best to soothe the back of his head as much as she could.
One of the larger, human mercenaries seeing Kera's ability stepped up. "What the hell was that," he asked cautiously. "Never knew you could do anything other than jump," he chuckled, prompting many others to do the same. More out of surprise and apprehension that she may turn on them next.
Kera Blacc
Nov 19th, 2016, 06:41:12 PM
Watching as the jedi went straight for the merc Kera shook her head in disbelief before making a comment "I wouldn't waste--" she began and stopped as she noticed the others step up to the plate. Looking back at the jedi she glared and flicked her wrist as a single blade cralwed out her sleeve "Alright. If thats how you want it" she remarked to them while noticing their surprise at her fathers lightsaber "Scared of an heirloom, boys?" she asked as she ignited the blood red blade "Well then come on now" she taunted while turning to the side extending her arm outward and ignited the weapon in a direct challenge to the others.
It happened suddenly, the first to step up had his wrist severed when trying to pull the trigger, unlucky for him he was far too close for comfort. Other stepped up only to have their weapons damaged or to find themselves against walls. Afterward she doused the blade and placed it back in her sleeve "You should let him die" she advised.
Nov 19th, 2016, 06:50:30 PM
More cries of pain behind her distracted the Jedi as she then released her hold on the first victim's head and turned to see two more now on the ground, holding burned stumps and then a third. Rising, Kaie's green eyes narrowed as she had no idea this woman also had a blade on her. Though she shouldn't be surprised now that she thought about it and waited for Kera to be done finally before moving.
"That may be your way, but it's not mine," the healer replied and knew these men would need more than she could help them with. The Force could only do so much, she knew, and no one here was going to help her. Several helped their wounded friends escape the area, though their lost hands remained behind among the broken weapons and other personal gear. Glancing to Kera's wrist, then up to her eyes. "Where'd you get that?"
Kera Blacc
Nov 19th, 2016, 06:59:35 PM
Walking over Kera adopted a more casual attitude and knelt next to her while listening to what she had to say and then replied "You grew up in a cult, I grew up knowing I had more of a destiny than most" she quipped and looked to the man and got an idea "I have a unique ability. Lets see if it can help" she retorted as she drew on the lightside and tore open the rodians shirt, placing her fingertips on his chest over his heart she bowed her head and closed her eyes trying to concentrate while tapping into her hydro ability.
"Try and see if you can heal while I do what I can" she remarked cooly as she began to cool his body temperature by way of hydrokinetics, influencing his own body water to act as a painkiller. She knew she couldn't hold it for long so she was intent on lowering his body low enough that his wounds wouldn't hurt as badly.
Nov 20th, 2016, 06:27:49 AM
Watching as Kera knelt beside her, Kaie noted the actions on the alien and then focused on the hand, then his chest. Concentrating once more, she also laid her hands gently near the wound and poured all the Force would allow her into the damaged area. Muscle tissue now cooler, began to slowly heal as the process lowered to the worst of the damaged skull and brain. The once red aura slowly cooled to a more comfortable blue and his breathing eased considerably. Soon, he was ready to move and hopefully get back home, or wherever he was staying for their visit on Ryloth.
Releasing her hold after several long moments, she lowered her head and then allowed the Force to replenish what she had used up. Lids opened and she glanced once more to Kera, surprised at how drastic her changes had been in mood, and in such a short time. "Feels better to help than hurt, doesn't it?"
Kera Blacc
Nov 25th, 2016, 06:51:35 PM
Laughing at the moment Kera began to slowly reinforce her connection to the force in an effort to allow it to invigorate her enough to make it back to her bunker, but not before making sure the jedi wouldn't be an annoyance to her guards I'd still prefer to chop off a limb, or decapitate a head" she mused and picked herself back up while keeping her eyes on the jedi.
Holding out her hand she smirked gently and offered up a token of respect "Staying long" she asked while waiting for the jedi to make the wrong move..
Nov 26th, 2016, 05:41:55 AM
Sighing, Kaie accepted the kind gesture and then stood, releasing her hold as two other Rodians helped their last patient to his feet and nearly carried him from the scene in the alley. "Can't have it both ways. The Force is only going to help you one way or the other, otherwise your touch to that gift is only going to be halfway," she informed as the crowd near them parted and she noticed several armed guards carrying odd looking rifles which were now pointed at them. Parting the quartet of four Trandoshan, two Gamorreans escorted a Hutt levitating on a hover lounger.
A silver plated droid then began translating for the Hutt. "His High Exaltedness bids you welcome, but asks why you've come here to interrupt his business dealings as well as those of his associates."
Kaie looked at Kera.
Kera Blacc
Dec 3rd, 2016, 01:59:10 PM
Smirking as she noticed the slug and looking at Kaie "Oh don't worry your ittle head over me, Miss" she mocked and looked at the Hutt "Ya ya we know the routine, sluggo" she teased and corrected herself "She's with me".
Dec 3rd, 2016, 03:05:09 PM
The guards seem to tense at the insult, though the Hutt only laughed, his deep, baritone voice filling the air. He then continued on in his own language as the droid then translated once more. "The guards are going to need medical attention now and according to the rules of his domain, you're responsible for their doctor bills," the droid relayed pleasantly. Even though Kaie was being thrown out in the limelight, it seemed that the Hutt was looking at Kera instead. "His Eminence states that you know the rules, Miss Blacc, regardless of your dutiful servitude to his High Exaltedness. He expects that his mercenaries be taken care of."
Once the declaration had been given, the hover lounger slowly turned and headed back toward the crowded market area, followed by his guards.
Kaie turned to Kera, "I only have a few credits on me, not enough for more than my return trip. Do you have enough?"
Kera Blacc
Dec 10th, 2016, 11:28:28 AM
"They have doctors" she replied under her breath once she heared Kaie's remark and looked at his unholiness "Its kind of you to offer to pay my friends medical bills, Bird Feed" she replied to his offer for another "but ya see, I'm in no rush. Once your doctor arrives to see to my new friends injuries we can begin the clean up".
Dec 11th, 2016, 07:32:26 AM
Green eyes kept on Kera as she yelled at the Hutt and his entourage, wondering if this girl had any sense of what she was doing. Hutts weren't to be trifled with as this one probably even owned the plaza and most of the town they were now in. Such an enemy would make things difficult for anyone also living there. "What are you hoping to gain by making him more angry?"
Two of the Weequay glanced back at them as they continued walking, no doubt wondering how long it would be before the Hutt told them to take care of the problem another way. Kaie now began to wonder if she shouldn't leave now instead of remain.
Kera Blacc
Dec 11th, 2016, 12:54:04 PM
Grinning to keep up the facade of friendliness toward the slime ball "Your a jedi, figure it out" she said as she nodded toward the pens and turned her attention back to the hutt "Well? You going to fetch the doc, Slimer" she requested as she clasped her hands mockingly in back of her and stood there with an arrogant smirk on her face.
Dec 12th, 2016, 04:17:06 PM
"I'm a Master Jedi and I know better than to pick fights with everyone just because they look at me wrong," she countered. "The Force has given you a gift, don't squander it with petty confrontations." Glancing back to the Hutt and his entourage, she hoped that the crimelord didn't decide to take offense to the impetuous girl's comments.
Kera Blacc
Dec 12th, 2016, 10:13:02 PM
Grinning mischieviously Kera focused the force on the other females pockets and slowly picks the chump change and slowly levitates it to him "Next time don't take so damn long, saltine" she hissed and turned back to the Jedi Master "So.. Unnecessary Violence is out of the question then.." she mused and turned her attention back to the guards and cracked her neck as she focused even more on the shorter one.
Tapping into her hydro ability she used her mind to manifest a glob of liquid in his throat and smirked as she watched him gurgle from drowning.
Jan 17th, 2017, 08:20:36 AM
Shaking her head, Kaie sighed and turned away from the scene knowing she had ventured to this world on the hopes of finding a student, but only discovering a malicious murderer with no respect for life at all. Patting Kera on the arm, she motioned back to the Hutt and his hired goons. "Good luck."
Knowing this girl was about to be overwhelmed by the many mercenaries and bounty hunters working for the Hutt, Kaie didn't feel sorry for her in the least. Heading toward a nearby side street, meandering through the host of bystanders witnessing the alien choke, Kaie knew leaving was a mistake, but she was outnumbered and had no reason to stay any longer.
Kera Blacc
Jan 17th, 2017, 03:31:24 PM
rolling her eyes when the new comer left she just smirked at the worm and held her fingers to her throat signaling that she would eventually succeed at killing him and ran to catch up You dislike fun, Jedi? she asked as she fixed her outfit and joined the other on her stroll.
Jan 17th, 2017, 03:56:35 PM
Passing shops and apartment buildings alike, Kaie soon heard hurried footsteps behind her and in the Force recognized the mercenary. Sighing lightly, green eyes noticed several aliens escorting a new crop of Twi'lek slaves from the market, loading them into a speeder truck which was being overseen by a Rodian. Turning as Kera slowed at her side, Kaie's amusement had faded long ago. "I was mistaken about there being a student here. You've proven you have no redeeming qualities at all. I can't train a thief and murderer to become a Jedi, but if you ever decide to change your profession and get away from slaving look me up on Ossus."
Avoiding a group of Zeltron, Kaie nodded to them politely and gained the same in return. Being Hapan, she knew the males were already curious about having some companionship beyond the ones they traveled with. They would be disappointed.
Continuing on toward the starport, Kaie glanced to Kera once more. "Take care."
Kera Blacc
Jan 20th, 2017, 11:23:10 AM
Kera was in the middle of having a bit of fun when the newbie walked away, she shrugged and nodded her head in amusement and held out her hand in a reverse claw and siphoned the liquid from his throat "Next time wemor" she mused and ran off to catch up.
Dislike fun, jedi she asked and looked up to the nearest roof, collected upon the force, and leaped toward the nearest balcony and using the scenery to make it to the top better she muttered and began her trek to the spaceport.
Jan 20th, 2017, 02:01:36 PM
Ignoring the retort, Kaie continued on to the starport and did her best to also avoid the criminals filling the building's hallways and shops. A bit deflated, she realized that the Force had brought her here for a reason and it was definitely to test her principles. In that, she had failed, but learned a valuable lesson. Meandering through the host of aliens that made up this world and visiting it, Ryloth was one that would one day have to be freed from slavery. Of that she was sure. The looks on the faces of those having been sold in the slave markets tore at her soul, but any attempt to free any of them would get everyone killed.
Some things had to be endured, for now.
Continuing on to the concourse, she located the vessel that had brought her here on one of the many consoles linked to the control tower. Keying in her name and request for a return trip, she was happy that it was confirmed at least. Leaving the console behind, the Hapan Jedi strolled toward the hangar.
Kera Blacc
Jan 26th, 2017, 12:09:58 PM
Jumping from the roof tops Kera grinned once she noticed the Jedi entering the starport and followed closely behind. her job wasn't finished here, but she did want to know more about the Jedi that had come for some strange reason to Ryloth.
Why so silent, Jedi she asked with a bit of humor shown. The girl watched with interest as she studied the woman in front of her, the resolve quickly building itself up for the next phase of force activity Ya knwo that hutt isn't the type to allow even the more productive laborers depart without some sort of.. Entity waiting for them she stated as she watched the woman enter the ship.
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