View Full Version : Echoes in the Past (LF)

Hensley Ceraph
Sep 23rd, 2016, 06:01:41 AM
I'm trying to revive an older character for play on the board. Plan to continue where the character left off the last time I rolled her, similar place holder but not the exact one.

Here is what the thread could be about. In the past, a very distant past mind you, Hensley had been imprisoned on the remote planet of Voss, in the nightmare lands after being lured and betrayed by an old ally that no longer exists –They were murdered; But that doesn't really matter now.

She was lured into an older cavern system where a crack team of jedi and sith had trapped her using an older ritual. Hensley at the time had become the very enemy of both the Republic and the Empire only after almost entirely destroying a couple systems using a prototype weapon that also no longer exists.

They had knowledge that even stripping her of her force presence wouldn't work, they did the next best thing and rigged an older cavern with the essence of the light side mixed with the horrors of the dark side to ward off unsuspecting patrons.

Hensley finally after several millennia is able to break free which might end up causing a tremor to be felt in the force, almost as if the force was giving off an earth or ground quake as a warning. Thats where you step in, now I wont tell you how to involve yourselves in this, if you want to partake you'll need to bring something to the table as well. I'd love to hear what we could do with this.

I am also willing to answer anyquestion you might pose about this even though I might not have allthe answers. :)

Sep 23rd, 2016, 03:39:02 PM
I loved Voss for various reasons in TOR, so this would be interesting. :) I can bring either a Jedi or Sith, one maybe trying to learn from or join Hensley, while the other would be doing their best to try and stop her from escaping that cavern. Either route would be interesting. The animals in that area would also pose cool obstacles.

Hensley Ceraph
Sep 23rd, 2016, 03:45:12 PM
I loved Voss for various reasons in TOR, so this would be interesting. :) I can bring either a Jedi or Sith, one maybe trying to learn from or join Hensley, while the other would be doing their best to try and stop her from escaping that cavern. Either route would be interesting. The animals in that area would also pose cool obstacles.

I'd have to agree. Voss is a lovely planet in TOR.. Truth be told Hensley might be more passive if you brought along your adorable little Jedi Master, a Sith on the other hand would just annoy her to no end.. She hates Sith far more than she loathes a Jedi. Both annoy her, just one does it far better.

They can always make an attempt, might not work out quite as you had planned. xD Buut it'd be fun to see where it goes.

Sep 23rd, 2016, 04:39:15 PM
:D This Jedi would be the one to arrive then. Been needing to get her more active, so.

Hensley Ceraph
Sep 23rd, 2016, 04:59:49 PM
smh. I'll have it posted by tomorrow if nobody else shows any interest. :D Should be fun no matter how many of us will be in it.