View Full Version : The Gifted (Daniel Aldan)
Matatek Sel Vissica
Sep 13th, 2016, 09:38:50 PM
The Planet Rattatak
Southern Hemisphere - Skorvag Province
"Welcome to the end of the Galaxy, Lady Vissica."
The pilot of TIE/sh Skyhammer One piped up through the artificial silence created by the atmosphere scrubber. His voice crackled through the vox in his helmet, which was further denatured by the closed circuit link that connected his cockpit to the adjacent passenger pod.
"Hope you're not expecting a cozy stay."
In a TIE shuttle, a retrofitted cousin of the TIE bomber, nothing was ever cozy. When the ship banked, you felt it. Every juddering of atmospheric turbulence rattled into your bones. The passenger module afforded a window - albeit with a vista far too small to dispel the notion that you were hurtling toward your destination in a sardine can. From the half meter viewport, Vissica could make out that the ship had passed through Rattatak's outer cloud bank. What lay before them was a vast, arid wasteland. Craggy rock formations of ruddy, red sandstone dominated from one end of the horizon to the next. Faint tan specks in the distance hinted at the presence of villages, but for the most part, Rattatak didn't make it nearly so easy for civilization to take root.
Of course, that didn't mean Rattatak was sparsely populated. The Rattataki were a relatively newly-discovered race, but they quickly gained a reputation as survivors. They survived every attempt their parched planet made to kill them. Even more impressive, they survived in spite of their affinity for killing each other.
The shuttle lurched again, this time prompting the flexible Selonian to grasp for a triangular hand-grip at the ceiling. The world in her window pitched to the left, but not before she spotted traces of blaster fire stitching towards the ship. Immediately, another TIE Bomber swooped in from the periphery, diving down towards the origin of the ground fire. A moment later, the gun nest was extinguished as a row of proton bombs thumped the side of a mountain.
"Apologies, my Lady. The area around the el-zee is active."
Secure for the moment against anti-aircraft fire, Skyhammer One adjusted it's descent trajectory, followed closely by a pair of TIE/ln fighters in escort duty. As they course corrected, one of the tan dots against the rust-colored mountains grew larger. It was a fortified position set along a broad-topped mountain that had command over a valley to the north. A minute later, Vissica could make out the sight of a few squat, fortified structures on the mountain top.
"F-O-B Gundark, this is Skyhammer One en route with priority passenger. Prepare to receive."
As the pilot waited for the reply from the observation base, Vissica took notice of the small armor company now visible on the escarpment. Tough to tell from so far away, but it appeared to be at least eight AT-STs, with double the number of MT-ATs assembled opposite. Nearly hidden from view on the north slope, the Selonian spied what appeared a pair of SPHA-M mobile artillery pieces. All told, there was a considerable amount of hardware in a base that occupied a small sliver of earth. It didn't leave a lot of places for orbital landings. That would explain why she was being ferried in a TIE rattle trap, rather than by a Lambda shuttle.
"Skyhammer One, we have you on inbound scopes. Adjust vector and do not deviate."
They continued to approach FOB Gundark. As they did so, the massive mass-driver barrels of the base artillery began to traverse ever-so-slightly. The air above the mountain shimmered with kinetic release several seconds before the THUMP THUMP THUMP THUMP of their concussions reached Vissica's ears. In the valley beyond, faint blossoms of dust bloomed against the ground like desert roses as the base's covering fire continued thundering overhead.
A kilometer from destination, the TIE escorts peeled off in a roar, allowing the shuttle just enough clearance to flatten it's descent, bank sharply, and feather to a halt on top of one of the fortified structures. A second later, the sliding door of the passenger pod jerked open with a rattle. Slinking on all fours to mind her head, the Selonian trotted out of the craft to the deafening growl of it's idling engine. Stepping clear of the nearest broad solar panel wing, Vissica rose to full height, narrowing her eyes to slits at the angry glare of midday sun.
"Lady Vissica?"
She turned at the voice, finding a man clad in an olive drab uniform, wearing a slope-sided helmet atop his head.
"I'm Colonel Oskvel. Welcome to Rattatak."
The artillery cracked once more, splitting the thin mountain air.
Daniel Aldan
Sep 13th, 2016, 10:18:45 PM
FOB Gundark was not a place one would call comfortable. In fact, few would ever seek to stay there on purpose. However, Daniel had requested this assignment. He had a penchant for picking the most difficult places that the Empire would sent him. A Corporal in the Imperial Army, he had developed a reputation as a soldier unafraid of hardship or risk. Some even said he had a death wish. And he had ever stopped long enough to think about it, perhaps he did.
The soldier sat inside the barracks, cleaning his blaster rifle and pistol. He hadn't had time to do so since his last mission the night before, and he wanted to ensure the weapons would both function when he inevitably went outside the wire again. If not today, then tomorrow. Satisfied, he holstered his pistol and slung his rifle across his back. Walking outside, he ran into a friend of his, Erdic.
"Hey Aldan, you hear we're getting a visitor? An Imperial Knight."
"You're full of it, Erdic. No way an Imperial Knight bothers coming out to this place."
The corporal replied, laughing. He liked Erdic, but the man was not known for his honesty when it came to rumors. Waving the man off, he continued walking.
Walking towards the center of the base, Daniel heard the familiar sound of artillery. He idly wondered what the big guns were pounding the hell out of today. Sometimes, he thought the soldiers running the artillery were shooting just for fun. It sure as hell beat just standing around inside the base. He looked around in vain for his lieutenant, but he couldn't find the man. He never could.
"Probably sitting on his ass like usual."
He mumbled, knowing that if he was heard the punishment would not be light. Insubordination was not tolerated among the ranks, and so he kept his disdain for his platoon leader to himself. The man wasn't too bad, just rather lazy. If he had his way, Daniel's platoon would never leave the comforts of the base, as few as they were. Daniel, on the other hand, vastly preferred to be outside, whether on a raid or merely on patrol, he couldn't stand the monotony of the base. Better to be doing something to help the campaign on Rattatak, anything at all. While he did not know the particulars of the campaign goals, he believed in the Empire and in the mission of bringing order and stability to every corner of the galaxy.
It was then the Daniel noticed the approach of TIE shuttle, and realized the purpose for the artillery barrage. He took a seat on a nearby crate, watching the ship drop off a single passenger. Daniel tried not to stare at the newcomer, but found it a challenge. Whatever species their guest was, he had never seen one. He observed as the man in charge of the base walked over to speak with the figure. Colonel Oskvel was a man that was held in high regard by the men under his command. He was not afraid of a fight, but not so bloodthirsty as to send his soldiers into battle recklessly. A calm, proficient man, he was the embodiment of an Imperial officer, dedicated to his duty, and to his troops.
The corporal continued watching the exchange, idly wondering if perhaps Erdic had not been lying after all. Whoever this guest was, clearly they were important. Command wouldn't risk a TIE flying over hostile territory just to drop of one passenger if they weren't someone with significant authority.
Matatek Sel Vissica
Sep 13th, 2016, 11:58:42 PM
Lady Vissica cleared the rooftop quickly alongside Colonel Oskvel, moving down a corrugated durasteel staircase bolted to prefabricated building's roof. Behind them, the shuttle dusted off, barely keeping the roof warm for a minute before grabbing sky once more.
"I am here to support the upcoming offensive into Sarajjkal!" The Selonian cut directly to the point, speaking loudly enough to be heard over the peel of artillery fire that covered the shuttle's dust-off. Her small ears flattened flush against her broad head in an attempt to dampen the mass drivers' barrage.
"General Harsk informed ahead of your arrival!" Oskvel nodded, then pointed with a gloved hand to the building that lay cater-cornered to their makeshift landing pad. "We can discuss it in the command bunker!"
The Colonel and the Knight passed the distance with urgency, striding at a clipped pace past a pair of Imperial infantry standing watch at the door. With their weapons shouldered in guard, the men didn't salute, but instead maintained their vigil as the doors parted. Once inside, Oskvel moved to his desk. Only then did he remove his helmet, revealing a tan, hawk-nosed man with blue eyes and close-cropped silver hair receding from the front and back. Vissica allowed the Colonel a moment to situate himself, and tended to her own needs. She pressed fingertips into each of her little ears to massage the ringing out from the artillery.
"Can I get you some caf?" The Colonel offered, already anticipating the response he'd get to rote hospitality.
"No." Vissica replied plainly. In standing, she also refused the seat that was situated opposite the Colonel's desk. Oskvel likewise opted to stand, with the thought that keeping his seat in the Knight's presence would be unseemly.
"Very well. We're honored by your presence, my Lady. Dorn Company is the best in the 418th Mountain Battalion. I'm sure the General told you the same."
The Selonian's tail thumped against the deck, signaling her impatience at Oskvel's modest grandstanding. The Colonel took that as a sign to keep matters brief.
"I am surprised that you didn't billet with the General's staff at Base Acklay. Our main assault will carry through the open terrain at the mouth of the valley. Dorn's assigned to fire support and holding the southern pass in the event of a rout."
Vissica exhaled through her nose in a terse puff. "I am aware of the battle strategy, Colonel. I have my own objective, and I am here to draw a team to support me in achieving it."
At last, the secret was out. Not that Oskvel was particularly pleased by it.
"From Dorn? My Lady, between covering this observation base and our movements through the pass, we're thin and cable-tight."
They were here to plug the gap. If Dorn was under-strength during the battle, it could cause an opening to allow a high value target to flee. Knight or not, what was being asked was putting the battle plan in jeopardy. Of course, Colonel Oskvel wasn't at all in a position to say no. All he could do was belabor the point and appear vexed.
"You will hold your objective and meet my demands, Colonel. I will select a team of six from your company. Sound their assembly, and leave the rest to me."
Vissica's voice rumbled evenly in her chest as she crossed her upper paws across her armored chest. The Selonian began to circumnavigate the Colonel's desk. At over seven feet tall, she towered over the human officer.
"Of...of course, my Lady. I will do my duty."
When she was nearly upon Oskvel, the Selonian splayed a webbed hand across his shoulder.
"Your Empress is watching. Carry out my command, and you will be rewarded."
Her grip tightened just enough to be uncomfortable.
"Fail, and you will discover the limit of Her clemency."
Daniel Aldan
Sep 14th, 2016, 12:27:21 AM
Daniel watched the exchange between the Colonel and their visitor with interest, but quickly averted his gaze as they walked toward the command bunker. He was not stupid, and the last thing he needed was to be seen peering at his commanding officer and another Imperial of undoubtedly high authority. Whatever the reason for the visit, it was above his pay grade and none of his business. Sighing, the soldier turned and walked back toward the barracks, hoping that something would happen soon.
Sure enough, his wishes were rewarded as a loud alarm rang through the base, blaring over the sound of the artillery dying off. He picked up his pace, jogging quickly into his quarters. Other soldiers had filled their living space, grabbing the items they needed. He grabbed his pack and slung it behind him, moving his rifle to his chest. Then, he lifted his slightly battered helmet from his bed and set it on his head. He always hated these helmets, but they had saved him several times now and so he put up with the discomfort. As annoying as it was, a blaster hole in his forehead would be worse. Much worse.
He checked over his gear one last time, and ran towards the center of the base. The soldiers were already forming up and falling in line, and he took his place among them. At six feet, two inches and two-hundred pounds, Daniel was above average in size for a human, but he was by no means a huge man. Certainly, he was dwarfed by the large alien that had recently arrived and was standing alongside the Colonel. With fascination he stared at the newcomer, his gaze hidden behind the helmet he wore. His nerves tingled with anticipation; he knew that something would be happening soon. The familiar beginning of adrenaline flooding his system began, as it always did before he was leaving the base and more than likely entering combat.
The artillery had stopped now, and all the could be heard were the sounds of soldiers rushing to position. Armored feet marching across the ground and the distant sound of a few vehicles being fired up. Then, there was silence. The troops were all assembled in perfect formation, and waited without a sound upon the words of their commander.
However, this combination of excitement and curiosity at what was about to occur did not show on his emotionless features. Above all else, Daniel was a soldier, and he conducted himself accordingly. All he could do now was wait, ready for his commanding officer to speak, and inform them about whatever operation they were about to embark upon. No matter the mission, Daniel was prepared to fulfill his duty to the Empire, regardless of what it was.
Matatek Sel Vissica
Sep 14th, 2016, 08:54:43 PM
Once again standing on the cramped patch of mountaintop that served at FOB Gundark's parade ground, Vissica acquainted herself to her surroundings. Despite the bright sun, the temperature was brisk and chilly, causing the Selonian's metered breath to condense into steam. Her dense coat of short-haired fur puffed slightly to compensate, trapping warmer air close to her skin. It had the effect of transforming Lady Vissica's lithe and muscular features into something bulkier in appearance.
The soldiers of the 418th Mountain Battalion, Dorn Company had similarly found metamorphosis here. Though they stood to attention with all of the discipline of troops assembled on Imperial Center, Rattatak had imparted it's own character to them. It was more than the patina of fine-grained red sand that stained their uniforms and faces in spots. It was more than the occasional divot or scorch Vissica saw in a few helmets and chest plates. These soldiers were veterans. Seasoned. They were light years from the wet-eared cadets Vissica had to suffer at the Citadel. What would Kyle Rayner do, were he forced to actually take a post on the front line?
There were no Kyle Rayners here, or on a long enough timeline, there wouldn't be. They became the ground the victors walked on.
A wind picked up. Vissica pointed her muzzle into it, her eyes closing as she winded the breeze for the scents it carried. In the thin alpine air, what little that could be carried by scent rang clean and clear. The acrid stink of spent tibanna. The alien aromas of military rations. The pungent closeness of sweat turning cold, before it wicked away in surrender.
Her eyes opened.
"My name is Matatek Sel Vissica. I am a Knight of the Imperial Throne."
No doubt this truth had already spread through the company like a virus. If any face in the parade ground was surprised by it, they gave away little of that surprise in a visible tell.
"Your Commander has spoken highly of your service in the campaign to bring Rattatak back under the Peace of Imperium."
Vissica's voice carried well in the mountain air, her gravelly voice keeping all human eyes on the alien. With her hold on the men, Vissica paced the front line, standing easily a head above the tallest of them.
"Where the Knights of the Throne go, so too go the eyes of your Empress. Know that she expects victory. Do not disappoint her."
The Selonian stopped in her tracks, fixing her eyes on the trooper before her. To the man's credit, he kept his attention forward.
"I have a special mission. A dangerous assignment, fit only for six of the best men here."
With the cult of Imperial espirit de corps, such an offer appeared like a bloody steak dangled before anoobas. The Selonian scanned the assembly, looking for the hungriest eyes in the crowd.
"Who among you are worthy?"
Daniel Aldan
Sep 14th, 2016, 09:23:48 PM
The soldiers of the 418th Mountain Battalion listened with rapt attention as the Imperial Knight spoke. Daniel stood motionless at the hulking alien walked past him, stopping about six feet to his left and staring down another soldier. Though his features did not betray him, Daniel was thrilled at the opportunity set before him. He had always volunteered for the most dangerous assignments, hoping his efforts would be recognized by the Empire. So far he had been rewarded for his loyal service, and he knew that this would be no exception. To be able to work with an Imperial Knight was something the some soldiers feared, but others relished.
Daniel's feelings fell squarely into the latter category. He had heard many rumors about the Knights, some clearly exaggerated but their abilities and prowess in battle was well known. Just as well known was the knowledge that the Imperial Knights held the ear of Empress herself. The corporal knew that if he succeeded in the endeavor, it would open up several doors for him. Perhaps he might even be able to become an officer.
Daniel processed all of this in the span of a few seconds after the Knight finished speaking, and was the first to step forward out of the ranks. The soldier pivoted sharply on his heel to face Knight Vissica, his rifle moving as he did so to present arms. It was a perfect display of military precision. While Daniel had never cared much for drill maneuvers, he understood their importance and mastered it all the same. Despite the tarnished and slightly scarred armor that he was clad in, he still cut the image of a soldier. His weapons, unlike his armor, gleamed clean with the care of a man who's life literally depending upon their proper function.
He barked off a short utterance.
"Corporal Daniel Aldan at your service, Knight. I would be honored to accompany you." He stated in firm, calm tones. He wasn't entirely sure how to address the alien, not knowing the Knight's gender, and so he opted for the title that it bore.
Unlike others in the Army, Daniel had never cared much for the propaganda about the superiority of humans, and treated all races the same as he would expect. Of course, even if he had disdained aliens he would never let such feeling show in the face of someone who was quite clearly his superior. Those in the ranks that held those views always became silent when an alien was in charge, he had noticed. Clearly, their prejudice only went so far.
After a few more seconds, another soldier from his squad also volunteered himself. And then another. It was not long before all six volunteer positions had been filled. As their names were shouted across the field, Daniel realized that all of the men came from his platoon. It was no surprise. Delta Platoon was filled with excellent soldiers, and like him, most were volunteers. Still staring flatly ahead, Daniel waiting without emotion for the Knight's response, silently hoping that she would accept him for this obvious opportunity to prove his worth to the Empire once more.
He knew the mission would be dangerous. If it wasn't, then the Empire would not have sent an Imperial Knight to lead it. But as he knew well, the more dangerous the mission; the greater glory and reward for those involved who came out alive.
Matatek Sel Vissica
Sep 14th, 2016, 11:11:28 PM
The first soldier to speak up immediately caught Vissica's attention. The Selonian's bullet-shaped head zeroed in on a face to match the voice, watching him hawkishly as he stepped to the front of the line. With alien features that emoted differently than humanoids, Selonians often appeared aloof, save for an appearance of anger which elicited the flattening of ears against the head, and drawn flews baring an array of sharp teeth. The volunteer didn't spark Vissica's obvious ire. The lengthy array of whiskers at each side of her muzzle buoyed in a wide splay.
She'd been given a name to match the bravado - Daniel Aldan. More than this, he'd given his origins to her. Not every galactic denizen recognized a Corellian accent when heard, but a Selonian certainly did.
More names followed. Private Marro Ulanbek. Lance Corporal Tyler Sarnda. Private Nichos Golenn. Sergeant Arth Jospar. Private Paul Tavatry. Each man formed a line on Aldan. Each presented their weapon for inspection, standing squarely with chests and chins out. And inspect them Lady Vissica certainly did. She walked slowly in front of each man, her muscular tail dragging the earth behind her, leaving a small furrow in the dust as she passed. She stopped to wrap a broad-knuckled paw over LC Sarnda's rifle, passing a thumb over the weapon's receiver. A thin patina of oil caught on the digit's fleshy pad, glistening in the sun. Evenly oiled, and not so thick as to invite more grime or make it difficult to handle. With no sign of approval, she released Sarnda's weapon, passing to Golenn. Something unseen in the man merited the Selonian's disapproval. Vissica brusquely shoved the man back by his armor plate, pushing him off the front rank.
"Not you." she growled. "Return to formation."
The look of disappointment on Nichos Golenn's face couldn't be fully hidden, but the soldier nevertheless hustled back to where he'd been. Vissica continued on down the line for a few more seconds. At the end, she paused, then pivoted her flexible spine to turn back nearly 180 degrees to face the beginning.
"You. Corellian. Why should I choose you for this mission?"
Daniel Aldan
Sep 14th, 2016, 11:26:07 PM
Three times in an instant was Daniel caught off guard by the Knight. The first time was when Private Golenn was rejected. Daniel knew the man, not well but by all accounts the private was a fine soldier. No matter. Obviously, their new arrival had seen something in the private to merit his exclusion.
The second time was when the spine of the large alien twisted around in a stunning display of flexibility. And the third was when the Knight growled at him, revealing the knowledge that he was Corellian. It was not something Daniel had tried to hide, but still few knew of it. He wondered how Knight Vissica could pinpoint his origin so rapidly.
But Daniel was a professional, and none of these surprises could be seen on his face when he answered the question that was asked of him. Still standing at rapt attention, he responded.
"Knight Vissica, I am no stranger to combat. I have embarked on three campaigns since I joined the Army two standard years ago, and I have been successful in all of the tasks put before me. I have never shirked from my duty, or abandoned my post. I have been honored twice for valor under fire. My commanders can testify to my capabilities in battle, and the ease at which I follow orders. I will serve you well if you allow me to join you. I will not fail you, or my unit, or the Empire. I never have." He answered.
There was confidence in his voice, but it did not rise to the level of arrogance. Rather, it was the confidence of a veteran of many fights, assured in his abilities. He could only hope that his answer was satisfactory to the Knight, and that he would be allowed to serve under the alien commander.
Matatek Sel Vissica
Sep 15th, 2016, 12:01:30 AM
Verbose, but not to the point of self-aggrandizement. And to this unlikely Corellian's benefit, no mention of any fickle luck on his side. That was acceptable. Vissica spent another moment sizing him up before glancing down the line.
"My volunteers seem to share the same platoon. You must think highly of yourselves. How well do you know your comrades?"
Daniel Aldan
Sep 15th, 2016, 12:15:07 PM
So far, so good for Daniel. He had answered the Knight's first question satisfactorily. A few seconds later, there was another asked of him. This one was a bit easier though.
"I have fought alongside these men for almost the entirety of my service, Knight. They are all professional, veteran soldiers who have never failed the Empire. I trust them with my life."
His answer was short and to the point. The corporal did not believe in using more words than required, or exaggerating to persuade. The fact that he trusted these men with his life was enough to show their skill and ability of the other volunteers.
Matatek Sel Vissica
Sep 15th, 2016, 10:19:05 PM
Dangerous words. Lady Vissica's flews raised for a moment, revealing a glimpse of fangs before she returned to her prior aloof state.
"Who then, in your opinion, are the two strongest among your comrade volunteers?"
Daniel Aldan
Sep 15th, 2016, 10:31:34 PM
Daniel could tell he had made a mistake by the quick flash of fangs from the Knight. But he had little time to dwell on that before his interrogator posed another question. Still he did not waver, and he answered this question with the same confidence as he had the very first one. "If by strongest, you mean in terms of physical ability, then Private Ulanbek and Private Tavarty are, Knight."
The two privates he mentioned were the largest of the volunteers, himself included. He quickly continued speaking.
"However, if you mean strongest in terms of overall ability, then I would say that Lance Corporal Sarnda and Sergeant Jospar are the strongest. They are the most experienced members of the volunteers, and I believe this experience makes them invaluable to this team. They have faced combat many times before and can be counted upon to make level-headed decisions under fire, and to obey any and all orders, Knight Vissica."
Daniel finished speaking and remained silent, hoping that this answer would prove more satisfactory to the Knight than had his previous one. To lose this opportunity because he answered a question wrong would be humiliating to him.
Matatek Sel Vissica
Sep 15th, 2016, 11:35:56 PM
Daniel declined to name himself. Was this due to an issue of modesty, or an earnest appraisal? There was only one way to find out. The Selonian took a couple of steps back from the line.
"Lance Corporal Sarnda, Sergeant Jospar. Step forward."
The two soldiers moved forward two paces on command.
"Stun staffs."
The company quartermaster hustled forward, carrying a pair of 1.5 meter long metal weapons. Each man took one, sharing a look between them that reflected their uncertainty. Meanwhile, Vissica reached behind her right shoulder, releasing the clasp on her back-mounted scabbard that held her greatsaber. The large, heavy cylinder released, and the Selonian presented the weapon to the quartermaster to hold in safe keeping.
"Your objective is to strike me with a stun prod. You have two minutes to complete this task."
Vissica bowed her head down to her chest as her flexible spine undulated in a stretch that ran down her tall figure to the base of her tail. When she was finished, her eyes raised to meet her opponents.
Daniel Aldan
Sep 15th, 2016, 11:58:29 PM
Daniel's eyes widened almost imperceptibly as the large Knight ordered stun staffs brought to the two soldiers, and then drew the hilt of what he could only assume was a lightsaber from her back. However, he breathed an inward sigh of relief as she handed the weapon over. The task before the two men was simple in theory, though he knew it would be difficult in actuality.
The soldiers advanced with their weapons in hand. The crackling of the staffs and the thud of their slow, deliberate steps were the only sounds as the contest began. Both men were about average build. Tall but not overly so, and corded with muscle from the intense physical training the Army demanded of them. The moved forward in concert. Close at first, only to split off as they continued drawing nearer to the Knight. Standard tactics of course. The Sergeant moved to the Knight's right, while the Lance Corporal cut over to the left.
Lance Corporal Sarnda struck first. He thrust high, aiming to jam his weapon squarely into his opponent's chest. At the same time did Sergeant Jospar attack, swinging his staff low at the Knight's thigh. Divide and conquer would appear to be their tactic.
Daniel watched from his positon, desperately wishing for a quick strike that would prove the worth of the two men that he vouched for.
Matatek Sel Vissica
Sep 17th, 2016, 02:06:21 AM
Good. Unspoken coordination. The two soldiers read each other with no need to premeditate their attack. That spoke to their confidence and unit cohesion. Lady Vissica, unarmed as she was, nevertheless still retained control over the force, giving her insight into her opponents' actions even before they committed.
Vissica's eyes fixed to the business end of Sarnda's weapon, and the Selonian responded by twisting and arching her spine so that her torso moved just beyond the strike point. The action caused the tall Selonian's center of gravity to pivot off kilter. Rather than falling on her back, Vissica fell against her long, muscular tail. The broad appendage hefted her two hundred seventy pound frame with the surety of a third leg. That flexible stability allowed Vissica to shuffle her right leg back to support, freeing her left leg to raise up and intercept Sergeant Jospar's staff, just behind the stun head. Each of Vissica's four paws were bare, with articulated webbed digits and opposable thumbs. That non-humanoid quirk of evolution allowed Vissica to gain sure hold of Jospar's weapon as she stamped it into the dirt.
Once again with two feet under her, Vissica rolled her shoulders to lunge beneath a second swing from Sarnda. The snap forward of her upper body provided counter-balance necessary to bring her tail about, this time as a blunt-force weapon. She clobbered Sergeant Jospar across his shoulder and back as he stood rooted, still trying to retrieve his own staff. The NCO pinwheeled into the dust, losing his grip on his staff, which Vissica kicked away as an afterthought.
Daniel Aldan
Sep 19th, 2016, 02:16:58 PM
Daniel watched the fight unfold, stunned at the speed of the Knight. The strange anatomy of the large alien allowed moves and attacks that a normal human being simply could never attempt. And it was evident in the swift dispatching of the two soldiers that faced the Knight.
However, the soldiers were professionals and they rose up quickly after being put down, quickly grabbing their weapons. By Daniel's guess, they had just over a minute left to do as they were commanded and strike the Knight with their stun batons. And so they moved forward again, ready to fight.
The Sergeant attacked first, trying a different tactic. He feinted low and then twisted his weapon back in the opposite direction, raising it as he did so to strike high at Knight Vissica's neck. But a few seconds later did Lance Corporal Sarnda make his move. The soldier moved quickly to the right, trying to get behind the large Knight and stab forward at the lower back of his foe, hoping that the Sergeant's attack would keep his enemy occupied long enough for a hit to be landed.
Matatek Sel Vissica
Sep 19th, 2016, 06:18:07 PM
Vissica allowed herself a quantum of space between her two adversaries. While the balance of her attention remained on the NCO, the Selonian moved and shifted her frame so that the lance corporal was never far from her periphery. The array of whiskers that framed her face spread wide to catch the slightest break in displaced air that may betray movement unseen.
She didn't have to wait long for the soldiers to test her boundaries. Sergeant Jospar's low strike merited a reaction, and Vissica slapped her tail forward to deflect it. However, the swing had hardly begun before it redirected, forcing Vissica to abandon her counterattack to avoid falling prey to the misdirection. She slinked underneath, the buzzing of the staff's strike head raising the hairs in her ears as it sailed just wide.
This presented a problem to be dealt with. She'd gone underneath Jospar's guard, but Vissica knew she'd given her back to Sarnda. A blind tail strike was just as liable to be a weakness to her as an attack, so the Selonian followed her instincts and her momentum, shooting the gap to wrap her brawny arms around the Sergeant's knees. She bounded a half leap inside, springing upwards to upend Jospar in a half suplex that put him precisely in striking range of Sarna's stun staff, which jammed between his shoulder blades. Vissica's muscles tingled from the electrical discharge that passed through the Sergeant and into her own body, but the human most certainly took the worst of it, screaming until he passed out in the dust.
Rolling onto her belly, the Selonian crouched in a low four-footed stance as she metered off the distance between her remaining adversary. She advanced and pivoted in slow movements of inches as her spine arched and flattened with each carefully-placed paw. The Selonian's tail slapped at the ground, kicking up more dust in impatient anticipation.
Daniel Aldan
Sep 20th, 2016, 09:50:06 AM
Sergeant Jospar was out of the fight, writhing in pain from the shock of the stun staff. Now it was all up to Lance Corporal Sarnda. The soldier backpedaled away from the Imperial Knight, spinning his weapon and clearly trying to find a way to strike his fearsome opponent.
Daniel watched the fight unfold, motionless behind a mask of calm. But inside, he was anything but calm. His comrades had came close to making their mark on the Knight, but they failed. Now only one soldier was left to face the foe. He wanted desperately to pick up the stun staff that the Sergeant dropped, ready and willing to go to the aid of his comrade. But this was not his fight. And it was not his place to intervene.
The Lance Corporal moved slower now. Fighting on his own now, he was unable to count on his ally being ale to strike if he missed. He would have to do it all by himself.
Sarnda stopped retreating and let the Knight close the distance to him, fully aware of the running clock and that his time to land a strike was almost gone. Best bet, if he missed his next attack, then it was all over.
He lashed out finally, slashing up with the lower portion of his weapon at the Knight's body, which was now on all four paws. Then he jumped right as fast as he could and stabbed, hoping to make contact with the chest of his foe. It was his last real chance to complete the task that Knight Vissica had given him.
Matatek Sel Vissica
Sep 22nd, 2016, 12:01:42 AM
The moment the stun pike thrust downward, Vissica rolled to the left, letting the contact point slam into the dirt. From her position on her back, the Knight quickly wrapped both hands around the weapon shaft, denying Sarnda the chance to withdraw for another strike. The Selonian's abs tensed like durasteel cable as she rolled onto her shoulder blades, raising her lower body up to the soldier standing above. Rather than deliver a tail strike or a kick, Vissica guided both hind paws to the human's neck, where they found an easy grasping point. Sarnda dropped his weapon on instinct, bringing both of his hands up in an attempt to pry Lady Vissica's feet from the choke hold she now deployed. As his color began to change from a slightly-flushed hue of exertion to a deeper shade of red, the Lance Corporal gave a last-ditch effort to return the fight to his terms, stomping down on the Selonian below. The soldier's boot heel glanced off Vissica's chest plate and her wide, sturdy brow. Despite the sudden abuse, the Knight patiently waited it out. The more Sarnda fought back, the quicker this would end. His movements became slower, more feeble, and less coordinated. The LC's shoulders stooped, and his knees bowed with slack. With a purple face and unfocused eyes staring back at the other soldiers, Sarnda went down like a felled tree, toppling into unconsciousness as Vissica finally relented. Her back gently returned to the ground. A moment later, the Knight arched her spine in a wave from her tail upwards, using the fluid motion to flip effortlessly up in a two-legged stance once more. The dust in her coat of fur was kicked loose with a rapid shiver and shake, and Vissica returned her attention to Corporal Aldan.
"Adequate." she commented coolly on the fighting prowess of her defeated opponents, crossing her arms.
"When they regain consciousness, assemble the squad in the briefing room."
Daniel Aldan
Sep 23rd, 2016, 11:02:44 PM
The fight was over. The two soldiers had fought admirably but in the end, the Imperial Knight was simply too much for them. Still, they had come close. And that was an achievement. Daniel helped lift his comrades up after the fight concluded, allowing them time to come to. The skill at combat displayed by their opponent was stunning, and Daniel felt good knowing that the Knight was on their side. Woe to the enemy, to have to face her fighting in earnest. He had a feeling that with such a fearsome warrior behind them, victory was all but assured.
The Corporal made certain that the two men were recovered from their conflict before he and the others moved. They collected their weapons from the quartermaster and did as they were instructed. They walked together, silent. Nothing needed to be said, and they weren't really the type to banter before a mission. They preferred to keep their minds on the task at hand; career soldiers all.
Personally, Daniel always felt a slight bit of apprehension before leaving the wire. Not of dying. But of failing, and having to witness the death of a friend. It had happened before, and no doubt it would happen again. It was just a part of the life and job he chose. But it just drove him to train harder, and longer. Determined that if someone was to die, it would be in spite of Daniel doing all that he could do to prevent it.
The group of men walked into the briefing room, filing out to stand opposite from the Knight who was already present. They waited quietly to hear what their new commander had to say.
Matatek Sel Vissica
Sep 25th, 2016, 04:22:30 PM
"Sergeant Jospar, Lance Corporal Sarnda. I am pleased that you are not permanently damaged."
It was as cool of a salutation as she could give, as Vissica watched her hand-picked team file into assembly. The small ears set against her wide head tilted forward slightly, but she otherwise remained statuesque.
Six chair had been arrayed in a semicircle and awaited the men. The Knight tapped a key on one of her forearm bracers, engaging a holoprojector that displayed a terrain map.
"The assault on Sarajjkal begins tomorrow. General Harsk has prepared a frontal assault through the valley. He expects victory, but the likelihood of steep casualties is high."
The Selonian's chest rumbled softly as her whiskers straightened.
"I believe that you can improve the odds."
The map focused on the Rattataki city of Sarajjkal, and panned across the valley to the mountain pass which FOB Gundark surveyed. When zoomed in, the mountain was large enough to dominate the floor of the briefing room.
"Under tonight's new moon, we will abseil in total darkness from the western edge of the mountain. The enemy's attention is at the north face, as it holds the only slope our armor can deploy into. Once we reach the valley, we will advance twelve kilometers to the city outskirts, and infiltrate Sarajjkal."
Daniel Aldan
Sep 26th, 2016, 05:41:10 PM
The squad of soldiers did as they were ordered and sat down in the arranged chairs. They listened in silence as the plan was laid out before them. A night infiltration into the city, to prepare it for the main attack. His brain was working, analyzing the details of the city they would be sneaking into, and the mountain pass that would serve as their route.
Such an attack would entail a high degree of risk, but Daniel was confident none the less in their ability to compete the mission. After the explanation was given, Daniel raised his hand to speak, and, after the Knight nodded permission, he rose.
"Knight Vissica. After we make our way into the city, what are our specific objectives? I assume that we are striking key locations, softening the defenses for the assault by General Harsk's forces?" He questioned. Whether it was setting explosives on vehicles or defensive fortifications, or seizing enemy positions and making openings for their main troops, the soldiers would need to know their goals in order to better prepare and plan.
Of course, with an Imperial Knight commanding them, Daniel was certain that five men would be able to succeed in whatever goals were set before them.
Matatek Sel Vissica
Sep 26th, 2016, 11:17:59 PM
Vissica fixed Aldan with a sharp expression, betraying neither irritation nor pleasure at the Corporal's uninvited question.
"Our objective is this man."
The hologram dissolved, reforming into a life-sized image of a Rattataki warrior. With his pallid complexion, bald head, and shadowed eyes, he looked similar to most aliens on this world. The impressive mantle set him apart, however. He wore what had once been an Imperial Captain's uniform. The sleeves were torn, trinkets were affixed to the breast, and a sash made of some kind of lizard skin hung from shoulder to waist, meeting a gun belt with matching pistols.
"Naharaun Udaa is the chief warlord of this province. He holds the loyalty of the tribal council, who answer only to him. In the Rattatak tradition, he achieved his status by a show of force."
Vissica paused in her assessment long enough to flick her tongue across her flews in a pass.
"The Rattataki are fierce warriors, but they improvise poorly. A first strike at their leadership will paralyze the tribal council and their loyal warriors. It will make it difficult for the enemy to mount a concerted resistance to our main attack."
The Selonian Knight passed through the projection of Udaa, stepping directly in front of Aldan's seat.
"Our task is to infiltrate into Sarajjkal, locate Naharaun Udaa, and destroy him."
Daniel Aldan
Sep 27th, 2016, 01:07:40 PM
Daniel found it very difficult to tell anything from the expressions of the Knight who stood in front of him. Having never encountered her species before, he had no reference as to what to look for. It was unnerving, to say the least. Still there was no overt and obvious sign of displeasure, and so he inwardly relaxed, though his stiff posture remained.
The target of the mission was simple. Sneak into the city, kill the leader. He recalled a somewhat similar mission he had undertaken once before, on his first campaign with the Empire. It was just before his father was murdered, as it was after he came back that he was given the news.
There had been a minor rebellion on Cathar, and the 418th Mountain Battalion was part of the Imperial Division sent there to restore order. It did not take long to put down the uprising, and Daniel's company specifically had been given the task of killing the leaders, who had assembled in a small village after the initial Imperial onslaught. Still, this would be very different.
Their target was behind the strong walls of a well fortified city that was swarming with hostile forces. They were attacking a night, and there were only six of them, including himself. This would be a difficult mission, as Knight Vissica had told them before they volunteered. But he did not waver. Daniel was no stranger to risk, and he was just as ready to undertake this task as he had been before he knew the exact details.
"I understand, Knight Vissica." He replied shortly, not wanting to say anymore and chance earning the Knight's ire. Besides, he knew all that he needed to know.
Matatek Sel Vissica
Oct 5th, 2016, 10:29:14 PM
"No other questions?" Vissica baited, her dark eyes cast to each man in the row.
"Good. Draw night assault armor from the quartermaster, climbing harnesses, and extra tibanna cells and explosives. To reduce the chance of a total squad loss, we will abseil from different escarpments at a two minute descent interval."
The map reformed, showing two glowing lines that began distinctly from FOB Gundark, and cut across the valley floor.
"The first squad will be led by Sergeant Jospar. Private Tanth and Private Freyn will accompany. I will oversee the second quad, with Lance Corporal Sarnda, Corporal Aldan, and Private Stele."
The lines traced a half kilometer of distance between them, following the topography until they tapered into a rendezvous point.
"We will regroup at this dry gully at zero three thirty and infiltrate the city from here."
The Selonian clasped her broad paws together over her long abdomen.
"We are an army of seven. There will be no resupply, no reinforcement, and no extraction. We come back successful, or not at all."
She paused to let the gravitas sink in of what was asked of them.
"Gloria Imperium, soldiers. Get your rest. You will need it."
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