View Full Version : Information Trawling

Jul 10th, 2016, 06:13:51 PM

I'm trying to put some materials together and a question or three popped up. I'm ignorant to any of the happenings and events that have taken place on Dromund Kaas. Any help filling in IC blanks would be much appreciated. It doesn't have to be comprehensive, I'll be happy with anything folks can recall.

Jul 10th, 2016, 07:36:37 PM
The last event that involved Dromund Kaas was when a group of dark siders and Sith attempted to set up an Academy there. It never really got off the ground RP/activity wise.

The academy facilities were constructed and built by my character, Tear. He has a small Empire of dissident Imperials based in that section of the galaxy. Specifically on Thule, Korriban and Dromund Kaas.

The facilities are primarily where he and his apprentice conduct Sith Alchemy research and other such experiments. The above minus the attempt at starting a Sith group a while ago has only been referenced and there hasn't actively been anything major going on with the planet.

If you were looking to start up some shenanigans...
