View Full Version : Foundation of Fire [Rurick]

Syravari Elik
Jul 4th, 2016, 07:18:19 AM
Gliding through the morass of blues, reds and golds, the Grosetto picked it's way through the Ivax Nebula as the yacht's captain and crew ushered the ship's owner to his first meeting to become legitimate in the criminal world. Having the foundation already in piracy on Ord Cestus, the family owned system had given the pirate and slaver a great start for his new enterprise. With his sights set on a new avenue to become rich, a name and location had been gained through several channels that he had made through his slavery customers. Excited, the tall, blue eyed human finished off his drink and set the glass atop the ornate, wooden bar and allowed the servant droid to wash it as Syravari had more important things to tend to. Strolling across the recently cleaned, maroon and gold carpet in the common room, accents of brass in the fixtures and expensive paintings adding to the prestige of the born criminal, he moved to the stairwell and climbed up to the command level. Though the turbolift was working, he also liked to stay in shape.

Entering the large, expensive bridge, Syravari moved around the captain's chair up and above the four stations in a half circle before the large transparisteel viewscreen. "Any contact with them yet," he asked.

"I have a large ship on my scopes," the sensor operator stated. "Sending a message now."

"Battle stations just in case," Syravari commanded, sparking the weapon's officer into action as he raised the ray and particle shields.

Now all they had to do was wait.