View Full Version : Guess Who's Coming to Tanaab? (Sianna)
Ezra Na'chtion
Jul 2nd, 2016, 05:15:28 PM
The castle had been made ready. The students had been briefed that an important investor was coming to tour the school, and they were to be on their very best behavior. Keep your head down, get your studies done, and look productive were the usual key points. Sianna was not really an investor in the typical sense, but she was a guest with a passing interest in the school, and the Sith Order that was running it. It was an absolute priority to get her on board. There was nothing he found individually remarkable about her, but she offered an increase to the power of the Order and a strengthening of it's ranks.
While he was far from accepting of just anyone, he felt she met much of the criteria to become a functioning and valuable member of the Order.
His uniform was cleaned and pressed. The school uniforms were crisp and bold. Almost military in their appearance. Black with red trim. Silver decorations marked the students' place in the school. Their personal ranking and progression was worn on their sleeves, breast, and collar. The teachers had gold ornamentation. It was a bit stifling, the uniform, but a necessity to give the school a clean and modern appearance. If they had all worn comfortable robes instead they would have never made it through the first week. Great lengths were gone to keep them from resembling the Sith and Jedi Orders of old. No biased teaching. The Lightside and Dark were only discussed as subjects of occultism and never pushed as actuality.
It was the only way to keep their doors open and stop the Empire or Alliance from pushing into Tanaab's neutral space and bombarding them from orbit. Ezra would not allow this to burn down like the old Order.
Leaving the castle behind Ezra traveled by speeder to the nearby city of Pandath that sat just a stone's throw away. The port was one of the central hubs of the planet. Many starships and people passed through it on a daily basis. Sianna would be arriving in such a fashion today. Already he had made the necessary arrangements through their pawn in the magistrate. Dakler had seen to providing a private docking bay to receive her. That was where his speeder was taking him now. The Spaceport. Once there it was only a matter of time waiting for her ship to arrive. Time passed inside the air conditioned speeder with a good textbook.
Jul 2nd, 2016, 06:55:53 PM
Setting down on the landing pad, Sianna went through the shutdown procedures and then let her freighter rest. Being a rather mundane ship had allowed her a lot of leeway when visiting worlds as did the fact that she could use the Force and manipulate a random thought when the need arose. Luckily for the locals, Tanaab had become the hub for a new secretive cult which she wasn't totally sold on yet, but if it allowed for an avenue to grab one student to help her re-establish the Sith order, then she would play the game.
Rising from the pilot's seat, the snowy haired Echani made her way to the rampway, pushing the button to open it as she shouldered her pack. Leaving the vessel here for now was the current plan as she had already booked this spot for a few weeks. Though she would have made up her mind by then, at least she wouldn't have to worry about coming back here too soon. Silver orbs narrowed as the dark robed archaeologist and historian moved from the shadow of her YT 1300 and noticed the awaiting speeder. Servos whined as the ramp then raised again and Sianna neared the passenger side, opening the door and slid into the seat. Taking in the blonde human reading, she set the backpack onto the floor, between her feet.
"So, let's go see this school of yours."
Ezra Na'chtion
Jul 13th, 2016, 07:56:25 PM
The book was closed with a snap. It had no title. Only a worn cover. It was one of Baralai Lotus' personal journals. Recovered from the ruins of the Sith Temple on Korriban. Within it's pages were the thoughts, sometimes mundane and other times brilliant, of his former master. There were also records of experiments conducted. Ezra had been involved in a few of them, and it was an eye opening experience to see how it was perceived by the more experienced Sith. Baralai was gone now, and this was all that remained of his work. Of all the treasures exhumed from Korriban, these journals were the most valuable.
"Wecome to Tanaab, Sianna." Ezra greeted her with not a smile or a handshake, but a curt nod of his head. Tapping on the glass barrier, the driver waved a hand and they departed from the spaceport. The journal was tucked away into an inside pocket of his uniform jacket. It was far too precious to risk losing by setting down or placing in a looser pocket. The thought of losing it... it was unthinkable.
"Tanaab is an agricultural world. A rich atmosphere, warm climate, and fertile soil makes it ideal for farming. It exports goods to all corners of the galaxy. The administrative government operated from here in Pandath. They and the farmer barons grow extremely rich on the fruits of the planet. It can only grow more prosperous with time. The population is low key, formal, and keeps to themselves or their farm collectives. Crime is almost non-existent. The only threat is from invading pirates who sometimes raid the farmlands. There is very little security to stop them. Together it creates an ideal staging ground for the next generation of Sith. We will never want for anything. The planet can provide us with what we need. Food, supplies, and the wealth to buy weapons and starships."
The city was not as grand as, say, Coruscant or Coronet. It was a bustling city nonetheless, and new construction was everywhere. The city was growing. Huge swathes of the planet, untouched by man, waited for new colonists to come and establish farms. The potential was undeniable. The gleaming buildings were left behind as the speeder passed into the open farmland beyond. In the near distance one could just make out a hill rising up on the horizon. As they came closer the hill came into focus, and the old castle that spiraled up it's height.
"The locals call it the Cursader's Castle. A battle was fought here during the Great Sith War, and the castle played a vital part in it. The details of the battle, and who was in control of the castle, is unknown. The Tanaabians had no desire to remember the event. It was a dark mark in their history. Since the War it had sat unoccupied save for the occasional pirate or bandit king. When we arrived the administration practically begged us to take it. The entire structure has been renovated. At the base are the lodgings for the students; then the classrooms, training grounds, and mess hall; then administrative buildings such as the library and teachers' offices. At the very top." He pointed with his finger against the glass of the window. "That's where the faculty reside. Oh yes, and there." He pointed down, into the ground beneath the castle. "That is where the Sith live. In secret, hidden beneath the force signatures of dozens of mixed souls. Some neutral, some light, and other's dark. A smokescreen against the probes of the Jedi and Imperial Knights."
The speeder slipped through the walls at the only visible gate. Inside was a parking lot, and beyond that students walking about in their uniforms with books held under arms. Classes were just changing and everyone was hustling off to their next course. There were well maintained lawns and foliage. The old stone buildings had been fixed up and polished until the stone gleamed white in the sun. It was hardly as immaculate as one might imagine. It was getting there. It was a start. Construction was still ongoing. There were more buildings to fix. Additional walls to patch, turrets and towers to restore, and the castle's full grandeur to unlock.
Stepping out of the speeder Ezra gestured to the castle, and the looked back at his new acquaintance. "Like this planet the Academy thrives. Fertile with young minds and limitless with it's potential."
Jul 14th, 2016, 03:23:32 PM
Driving through the large, growing town Sianna took in the people, weak serving the strong as it should be and how it seemed to play out nearly everywhere she had been so far. Gliding passed buildings being erected, construction vehicles around the framing and welder working alongside engineering droids, the eventual body to this frame could be imagined and soon forgotten as they moved on down the long avenue. Duracrete and transparisteel soon gave way to a sea of grass occasionally broken up by trees of varying colored boughs until her eyes settled on their destination.
Inside the main parking lot, Sianna grabbed her pack and opened the door, stepping out in one fluid motion as the smell of fresh air assaulted her nose, untapped potential touching her spirit. Closing the door, she glanced to him once more, walking now to the front of the speeder. "What keeps these sensitive, newly trained Force users from sensing what's going on beneath? I mean, if you're training down there in the purer side of the Force, that burst of energy's going to be felt." Unless he had added some failsafe to keep that from happening, or those who tried to call out and talk to someone about it suddenly disappeared. A sad letter sent to a grieving parent denoting the mysterious disappearance of their child.
Sianna cared little for those here that thought they were coming for an education coupled with a touch to what the Echani felt was the divine, but only for that one that needed to know more. To be more.
Ezra Na'chtion
Aug 24th, 2016, 01:29:11 PM
"There is already darkness here. This is a neutral school. That means the light, the dark, and those in between are allowed to train here. We do not teach them any bias. We only require them to complete their studies and follow the rules. The stronger, better disciplines students may pick up on the alignment imbalance, but we have precautions for that. You witnessed my flesh masks first hand. I have done, how should I say, interesting things with Ysalimiri. This way, please."
He lead the way up the long, winding, and often splitting set of stairs that wound about the entire hill that the castle proper was built upon. Many structures at the bottom were new, such as the offices and the exterior of the reinforced wall. The old wall had not been suitable defensible in this modern age. As they climbed higher the buildings became older. They were patched up, with the old married with new. The stone floors were leveled, sealed, and polished until they shined. Natural wood floors, walls, and accents were freshly stained in rich colors to compliment the stone. Climate control kept the rooms cool despite the warm sun outside.
The higher the climbed the buildings also became more regal. At the very top was the faculty housing and the staff offices. The throne room of old still stood, it's old throne kept in it's crumbling condition behind a fence as a historical reminder. A large table occupied the rest of the room. This was the meeting room for the staff. A matching room existed beneath them, in the catacombs, a dark, twisted mirror of the one above. Frygt's dark throne stood on it's dais above the table where the rest of the Sith Order would gather. This room, though, was far less sinister in nature. A place for the faculty to discuss the issues of the day.
"As you can see, we have spared no expense. The castle will be fully restored, the wall built bigger, and within we shall raise the next generation of the force. Any questions, Lady Sianna?"
Aug 24th, 2016, 03:02:28 PM
So the various beliefs all canceled one another out? Sounded like an interesting theory and she knew the moment that she settled here and began training that one recruit that would be choice for her own dogmatic outlook, that balance would definitely swing. Sianna wasn't a fool, she knew as they walked up the gently ascending, cobbled street that he had his own designs for her knowledge and power. The priestess wasn't one to be used like a tool, however and most of those that tried to would find out just how much she had learned in the past years. Noting the various shops and residences all packed together in this channel of foot traffic, the Echani Sith also brushed the minds of those that attended and lived here, keeping her senses open for that one hopeful.
Sunlight caught them more directly at various points as they rounded the town's main avenue climbing up the mountain, highlighting the history and newly added points of the university. Once reaching the top, she walked into the ancient throneroom and was amused at the pair of thrones that commanded one end, facing the long table and chairs. Setting her pack upon the wooden surface, silver orbs turned to Ezra as he finished his guided tour. "What kind of relationship do you have with the city nearby? I know you mentioned that they offered you this place, but one thing I know about politicians is they always have their own agenda."
Ezra Na'chtion
Oct 1st, 2016, 08:35:08 PM
Turning one of the large chairs away from the table, Ezra took a seat, setting down his book upon it's polished surface before leaning his shoulder against it's edge, his eyes falling on his visitor; noting her stance, the way she had laid down her books. It would seem she was already making herself at home. That was, hopefully, a good sign. She had been quite during the tour despite her obvious interest. She looked this way and that. Either admiring the architecture or searching for... something. He wasn't sure what she was after, what she was hoping to get out of this relationship. He was looking for a powerful ally to become a cornerstone of this new Sith Order.
It had occurred to him that this risky endeavor could prove less fruitful than he hoped.
"We have control of the city on a political level. Dakler Prown is the Minister and through him we have either acquired the rest of the city, through influence or bribery, or have marginalized those remaining to the point that they can do nothing to disrupt us. The people are free, but their city may as well be ours. The rest of the planet remains outside of our influence; not that much exists beyond our borders. Colonists and Farmers. Peasants, really. I have been assured that Dakler is a loyal servant, one of Lady Frygt's many thralls. I share your distrust for his kind, but he is a necessary tool. He knows the price of any betrayal. I have shown him that eldritch horror."
Oct 2nd, 2016, 06:10:36 AM
A dark grin arced upon her pale features as she rounded the opposite side of the table and claimed a seat across from him. There was still a lot to learn about her potential new ally in the Force, and the priestess of the Sith'aria knew that keeping other Sith close was only going to help her in the future. Especially one that helped govern a school of Force users. "Keeping a politician in line is a delicate thing," she replied thoughtfully. "Especially one that governs at the behest of a ruling council of farmer barons who all have their own interests in mind. But," silver orbs glided to the pair of thrones once more. "With all their money and time bottled up here on this world, it's definitely easy to keep them in line, if one knows how."
Musing on the outside influences for a brief moment, Sianna returned her cold gaze to the school's administrator. "How about these pirates that you mentioned. The previous king that ruled here have any heirs?"
Ezra Na'chtion
Oct 9th, 2016, 03:12:49 PM
His gaze followed her's to the throne. It was only by his word that it still stood. A historical artifact worth preserving, he had said. The others were more interested in remodeling the castle to fit their new interests. It was a strong reminder of what came before, and for Ezra it symbolized the cost of hubris. He had no such throne in the catacombs. He chose to stand at Frygt's side. A throne was both an anchor and tomb, and he would not bind himself to one place. The Academy suited his interests, for now, and he would remain while that those interests lasted.
"It is not uncommon for pirates and thieves to raid the planet. It is largely undefended with the colonies left to fend for themselves. In the past they could call on the Imperial Navy for aid, but now that it is an independent world it is on it's own. The Capital will send peace keepers to the colonies, but that takes time, and the raiders are usually gone by then. The Academy has given aid sparingly, to help build trust with the populace. I would never put us in a position to be counted upon. We will not become another Jedi Order."
Protectors of the galaxy was not in their charter. They were a school and as such they would protect the ground they stood on and give aid when it lined up with their own goals. Perhaps in the future they would venture from the planet. His students would need experience, after all, and his acolytes more so. One day, he told himself, when they are strong enough to throw off the shackles of this planet.
"There are no known heirs. It was held by Sith in the old days and I doubt any line of succession exists. As for the pirates and bandits who have used it in the past, well, the criminal world is a harsh mistress. I doubt any of them still live. Should they return, they will not find a pleasant welcome at our gates. There is nothing to fear, unless the galaxy as a whole learns of us. Even then, it would ignite a proxy war on our surface, or rekindle the galactic war."
Oct 11th, 2016, 05:39:54 PM
"Palpatine conquered from within by gaining the trust and admiration of nearly all the senators and those that were of no use later, disappeared in one fashion or another. I see another raid as just another way for us to gain more prestige with the populace and in time, who knows what may come of it?" She grinned as the gears began turning. "Especially if those that rule are too slow to react. In time, maybe we're ruling this world. Even if it is from the shadows." Though she assumed that they had more in the pot than she knew so far, but it didn't hurt to at least suggest that plan of action and then adjust as things developed.
"Your students studying downstairs have to be ready for at least a little action. How long have you been training them so far?"
Ezra Na'chtion
Oct 17th, 2016, 08:18:31 PM
Ezra scoffed internally at the comparison. He was not trying to become the next Emperor, Sith or otherwise. This very Academy was a drain on his senses and time, and he would sooner burn it to the ground than ride it to something greater. It was a tool and a means to an end. It allowed him the funds and space he needed to continue his Alchemy and Sithspawn projects. With Frygt's withdrawal from the public it came down on him to run the Academy alone. This had not been their arrangement. That was not what he agreed to. It was not fair.
"We already control Pandath. The greatest city on this planet and the seat of it's council of governors. The government is ours. We already control this planet. We can jerk the head and the limbs will follow. Yes. We will stop the raids, lest they attract altruism from our neighbors. I am sure that the Knights of the Jedi and Empire would delight at the chance to come down to our heathen, sequestered world and save us from ourselves."
"I have many students, both within and outside the Order. They are all at different levels of development. I have but four that are combat ready. You met them on Corbos. Jorm, Kazahk, Bil, and Resha. I have been training them for months now. They are capable, but not battle tested. I would be slow to put them into the path of danger just yet, not because I lack confidence in them, but rather because the deaths of any students would negatively impact the Academy in such a way that we might never recover. I cannot afford to place them in any situation that I cannot directly control; and this."
He pulled his lightsabre free from his belt. It was his Academy blade. Black leather grip with silver and gold filigree. Blue blade. It was laid on the table, clicking loudly on the slate top.
"May as well be a stick in my hands. I rely on my spawn, and I cannot use them publicly. So if the students are to be dispatched, it will be carefully and strategically. A fight we know they can win. Once they have graduated, that is when they will become full fledged members of the Order, and then we can do with them as we please. This is just the beginning of a long term investment. It will be some time before profits can be counted."
Oct 18th, 2016, 03:09:09 PM
The more she listened, Ezra began substantiating her concerns about this so called school and now she was glad that she had arrived when she did. As an Echani, competition and testing was natural and necessary to become a Sith. Things had to change for these students to be worth their time, though as open as they were with their apparent mercy on dogma, she knew some of these same students could possibly be joining the enemy in time.
Silver orbs dropped to the saber hilt on the table, and agreed with him that it was useless in his hands with the fear of outside discovery. The more she realized about this place's purpose and limitations, Sianna chafed within. "If they're not trained to fight, then they're not going to win any fights," she bit, agitation clear in her tone. "What are you really doing here then if not to open the door for a new Sith empire? What's the true purpose?" Motioning toward the entrance, "Those students are all eager to get out there and discover what they're capable of. Sooner or later Imperial Knights or Jedi are going to try and find a way to shut this place down. Then what?"
Ezra Na'chtion
Nov 8th, 2016, 02:52:09 PM
"In time, perhaps. Now is not the time to declare a new Sith Empire. We are but a few and one planet. We would be razed by a hundred star destroyers. The Empire needs not even set foot on this planet to defeat us. For now the goal is to grow in power and influence until we can make a move." He replied, his eyes wandering to the large plate glass windows above the throne, and the blue sky beyond. Little clouds wafted happily in the air. Such a peaceful and serene planet despite the growing darkness beneath it's surface. Turning his attention back to Serena, he answered her next question.
"My acolytes are not defenseless. You misunderstand. I am in no way a swordsman. I was trained as an alchemist. However, I do have other teachers here. I am not the only one, and in fact I do very little teaching. I run the administration and train the acolytes. I have all manner of teachers from across the galaxy here. We do not just teach the realm of the force, but general education as well. As for swordsmanship, I have an experienced trainer who, while not force sensitive, is still capable of teaching them to handle their blades. My chosen few acolytes are proficient. I would not hesitate to pit them against the Jedi, who have become bare shadows of their former glory. The Imperial Knights are another story. Their martial power is unequaled. I have other measures to deal with them.
Bare in mind the academy is still in it's infancy. Some day I hope to have proper lightsabre trainers, capable of teaching the many forms. For now, we have to deal with what we can manage. Until then this entire academy is a risk and a gamble, one that could ultimately fail. If that happens, and we survive, it will be moved again. Just as it rose from the ashes of the Sith Order of Korriban, destroyed by an enemy unknown, it will rise again on some other world. That is the legacy of the Sith Order."
Nov 8th, 2016, 04:36:37 PM
"I know better than most all about the Sith and our empires over the millennia. Been studying our history since I was a child," she replied, still chafing at the thought of all this potential here in this school and having little, true influence for them. Until now. "Fortunate for you I can teach them how to use the Force along with their martial skills with a saber or whatever weapon they choose to use. If they can't compete with another Force user in combat, then we need to teach them how,' she straightened in the chair. "Good thing that I came."
Rising, she grabbed her things and moved from the table. "Introduce me this evening to our hopefuls and we'll start preparing them to be true Sith."
Ezra Na'chtion
Nov 17th, 2016, 01:54:49 PM
True Sith? This was never about becoming True Sith. The original sith had died out long ago, and those who followed enjoyed brief moments of power before crumbling away. It was an unsustainable lifestyle, and Ezra hoped to create something more enduring. The very nature of the Sith was to draw power and then use it like a club to strike at the galaxy, inevitably gaining enemies along the way until their mutual hate allows them to combine forces and strike back. Ezra had no love for Sith tradition or mysticism. He would rather forge a new path if needed; a new identity. Frygt would agree with Sianna, and if his partner were actually here the burden would be lessened for it.
He was beginning to regret bringing Sianna here, but in his heart and mind he knew he needed her. A traditional sith, it would seem. He wondered how long before she came for his head in their time honored tradition of ascension. She would be a fool to do so. No doubt she could not run this school. The Sith? He had faith she could lead a cult of Sith, but managing the Academy itself was a whole different beast. No. He mused he would be around for some time until he saw fit to leave. He had no real dedication to this place, only the worry that people like Frygt would come for him if he left.
Later that day, as the sun was beginning to dip below the horizon, Ezra summoned Sianna back to the throne room. Without a word he headed down the hall to where his own office was, passing through the lock with a key. It was a large room, with an elegant desk that dwarfed him with it's size. Bookshelves lined the walls, only half filled with tomes of all sizes and age. Some old with crumbling spines, some brand new and never opened. "There are many paths to the catacombs. This is but one. It goes without saying that these must remain secret." He reached up above and behind one of the jutting lights from the wall, built to look like the ancient oil lamps that had been found in the more derelict and renovated areas of the castle. Tapping the seemingly unimportant wall behind it, a space that should never be touched normally. The stretch was almost higher than he could reach with is short stature.
There was no click, no whirling of machinery. For several moments, they stood in silence. Then two bookshelves siddled sideways to reveal an alcove behind it. It was a small, tight space that contained only a small platform. A turbolift. There was just enough room for two people to squeeze in together. The secret passage closed, sealing them in, and then the lift dropped silently into the depths. Ezra said nothing, his mind was busy traveling somewhere far away so that he would not have to think about his personal space being invaded by another person, or that their bodies were touching. People are disgusting. After a short eternity the lift came to a half, and the door opened.
The change was immediately noticeable. It was dark and moist here in the catacombs. The lift left them in a hallway of hewned stone. It was evident of the craftsmanship that this tunnel, and the rest of the catacombs beyond in fact, had been poorly cut out in the beginning and since then had been reworked into something better. The surfaces had been cleaned up, with their roughness was still evident in the uneven walls depths and lack of uniformity. As their name suggested, it had been an actual catacomb for entombing the dead. The Sith Order had expanded the catacombs and now it was a network of tunnels and caverns that stretched all across the Academy, and some passages to the areas beyond and even the city itself.
Taking the lead one again, Ezra lead Sianna beyond the tunnel and into a massive space beyond. This area was more civilized, with furniture and rugs to break up the hard of the stone. At the other end, a mirror of the throne room above, was a great throne of black marble and cushioned with silks and fur. It sat empty. At either side were smaller thrones, much like the larger one except for their size. One was his. The other looked unused, lacking any sort of padding or comfort. Ezra lead Sianna to the thrones, passed the open space in front of them. It felt very much like a church, with the thrones where the alter would be, and the open space could easily accommodate rows of pews. The whole areas was lit with electric lights modeled to look like massive candle arrays. It gave the whole place an secretive atmosphere.
This was Frygt's design. Ezra would have liked something more modern.
Standing before the thrones, Ezra gestured to the unadorned chair. "It is only fitting that you be the left hand. I will have someone along to fit the chair. Marble is ever so uncomfortable." Turning about, they faced back into the room. From the other end two lines of people began to enter. There were eight total. Four in each group. One group was familiar to Sianna. They were the acolytes that Ezra had brought with him to Corbos. They were dressed in full regalia; black robes, hoods up, lightsabres at their sides, and from around their necks dangled the insignia of the new Sith Order; the red symbol of the Sith Empire with a white star behind it. The other group was dressed in their school clothes. Black uniforms with trimmings of silver and gold that matched what Ezra was wearing, although his was far more regal in it's ornamentation. Each stepped forward and knelt before the thrones. Behind each stood an acolyte.
"Welcome my students. First let me present a new ally. This is Sianna, a Historian of the Sith and Priestess of the Sith'aria. We grows stronger just for her presence. I have chosen to make her the Left Hand. You will treat her as such." The Acolytes bowed their heads and touched a hand to their medallions. Those in the front remained bowed. They knew no difference. Until this point they had not even known that Ezra was part of the growing cult. He quieted his voice to speak to Sianna. "These hopefuls were selected and groomed by my acolytes. I merely observed their choices, and I approve. Each has the lust for power or knowledge and the drive to achieve it. They will make fine sith. My acolytes will work closely with their choices, similar to a master and apprentice, but more in the capacity of peers. The real training will come from us as the Right and Left Hands of Lady Frygt."
Beyond them the Acolytes could hear whispers, and at the mention of their leader they bowed again and touched their medallions.
Nov 17th, 2016, 04:04:11 PM
It didn't take long at all for the Echani to realize that her own discomfort was also felt by Ezra as well, though his own for a different reason altogether. She understood his hesitations and pride in what he had help build here, but the priestess also knew that from her perspective that if the Imperial Knights and Jedi felt they could divide the galaxy among themselves, she would help develop an army that would clean up what was left of them and rise to prominence once again. Hiding in small enclaves like this was disgusting and unbecoming what their spiritual ancestors ever had in mind.
Eventually returning to him in the throneroom, Sianna followed him into the lift and though his proximity was as uncomfortable as hers apparently was, she endured it all to finally see what he and this Lady Frygt had begun. Surviving with other nuisances over the years much worse than him, she ignored his proximity until they arrived at the bottom, then stepped off and into the hallway beyond. Following behind, she took in the more rugged walls and ceiling as they moved until finally reaching the large throneroom and it's unique, antique designs. Taking in the chairs in a half circle, she turned to face away from the largest of the collection of black chairs behind them and soon noticed the approach of the eight individuals. Judging their auras, she could feel their potential in the Force and how far they had come in their training thus far. Four had a long way to go yet, but that was a good thing in her mind.
Silver orbs glanced to Ezra, then back to those gathered and the two styles of clothing they wore, most notably the pendants that made her think of the old days of the Sith Empire. Turning her attention to Ezra, she listened to the procedure for choosing them and how their training program was set up. She would be a large part of their grooming, she determined. Grinning as he stated to them that she would also have a hand in their training, Sianna began musing on the first things that she would begin with. Before any address of them would begin, she had to know. "Where is the Lady now?"
Ezra Na'chtion
Feb 13th, 2017, 11:52:36 PM
"Prepare yourselves, initiates. Examine your souls."
Turning his head from the assembled Sithlings he looked Sianna in the face. His straight faced wavered, revealing a weariness in his eyes upon hearing her question. "She rests in the Sepulcher. There." He turned completely around and pointed with a nod of his head. Behind the thrones, at the very back, a large stone door sat in the wall. Behind it was the meditation sphere, a place designed to amplify the force capabilities of those who meditated inside. Even from here he could feel her; a subtle presence that was difficult to pick out of the background energies. A slumbering mind filled with chaotic dreams. "She had fallen into a trance; meditation that turned into a coma. We eagerly await her awakening. No doubt she will bring a great revelation after wrangling with the force for so long a time."
As he turned back around the calm resolve returned to his face. That sharpness in his eyes, the set of his jaw, and a stance that spoke of one's feeling of superiority despite his diminutive size. Facing the acolytes and initiates once again, he spread his arms wide and raised his chin as he spoke in the dead language of the Sith;
"Nwûl tash.Dzwol shâsotkun.
Shâsotjontû châtsatul nu tyûk.
Tyûkjontû châtsatul nu midwan.
Midwanjontû châtsatul nu asha.
Ashajontû kotswinot itsu nuyak.
Wonoksh Qyâsik nun."
As he finished the acolytes repeated his words back to him, but in basic.
"Peace is a lie, there is only passion.
Through passion, I gain strength.
Through strength, I gain power.
Through power, I gain victory.
Through victory, my chains are broken.
The Force shall free me."
Then the initiates repeated their words. The words of the Sith Code repeated over and over again, echoing off the cave walls and filling the space with the promises it offered. Turning once again to his new ally he asked simply. "Is there anything you wish to add?"
Feb 14th, 2017, 07:55:40 AM
Silver orbs drifted to the sarcophagi behind him, occupying now what appeared to be a carefully laid out and constructed alcove which would honor the slumbering Master. Sianna had seen many over the years and knew that anyone somehow lost in the Force would remain that way unless some sort of catalyst awoke them and guided them back to their bodies. She had offered her services to a queen just recently, in fact.
Listening to the dean of this college recite the code in it's natural form gave her goosebumps, hearing the immortal words penned by Sorzus Syn, her idol. The priestess then heard the students recite it in Aurebesh, though as she mentally touched their surface thoughts she noticed something missing. They had the code down, but it's true meaning seemed to be lost for some of them. Ezra's query sparked a flurry of thoughts from her own research and life and the Echani nodded, silver orbs returning to him, then to his acolytes.
"This code is not an empty group of stanzas, they are a way of life. Something to be pondered and lived. You're entering a lifestyle, not a hobby. Your lifelong struggle is to reach that last line and achieve perfection. Freeing you from the bonds of this mundane body, freeing you from doubt, fear, anger, petty sentiments." Her heart pumped with each word, adrenaline fueling the Force flowing through her as silver orbs turned grey. "The victory that the code speaks of is victory over yourself, not the Jedi, not the Imperial Knights. You," she stressed, eyeing each of them in turn.
"Otherwise, you're a waste of our time."
Ezra Na'chtion
Apr 2nd, 2017, 05:09:54 PM
As her gaze followed his own to the sepulcher at the back at the throne room, Ezra took a moment to gauge her reaction, but her porcelain skin was a mask that revealed nothing. He made a mental note to make sure Lady Frygt's meditation sphere was secure. He had no reason to distrust Sianna, but she did claim a heritage to an older, more archaic form of the Sith. A form in which the murder of one's associates was not only common but acceptable. It had been a means of promoting oneself while also removing potential rivals. Apprentices killed masters to assume their position, and likewise masters killed apprentices that struck before they were ready. From an evolutionary stand point Ezra could applaud the practice. It assured that only the strongest survived, but it also squandered potential and time. Such a slow turn around would cripple a fledgling order like themselves. He would not allow it. There would come a time to cull the weak and promote the strong, but it would be done with performance reviews and meetings, not from the hip public executions like in the days of old.
This was a new Sith Order, one not like any other present or past.
"The way is open to you, but it is narrow and the terrain difficult. You must all persevere if you wish to attain the truth and power that is to be found at the end. Keep to the shadows, maintain secrecy, and obey the darkside. Your studies above will continue as they have, but you will tutor beneath your sponsors. My apprentices, it is your duty to teach these acolytes as I have taught you. One day they will have acolytes of their own, and we will continue to grow until we have no more need of secrecy. Stay vigilant. That is all. Meditate together."
Stepping back from the edge of the dais he turned to face his new companion once more. "They are weak and wanting, but in time they will be carved into warriors. All great things must begin small."
Apr 23rd, 2017, 06:43:03 AM
Listening to his addition to her statement, Sianna then turned to the dean and nodded. "Continued dedication to this road will hopefully gain some worthy students out of this lot." Silver orbs turned back to the group now appearing to be breaking from their rigid stance and ready to head to their rooms or continued study. "I say ten percent will attain our level while the rest either die in training or pursue their own agendas. Hopefully not to the enemy, otherwise," she glanced at Ezra once more, grinning darkly. The unstated already being assumed, she left it at that.
Ezra Na'chtion
Oct 24th, 2017, 10:22:43 PM
"Absolute power does not come for everyone, but they will be useful regardless. Kings are nothing without their pawns. What is important is to show them their limitations and allow them a role that fulfills their abilities. The old way was to poison their minds with delusions of grandeur that bred unhealthy competition. I cannot speak for you, but I do not wish to die at the hands of my acolytes. No. I think we can do better than that. There is a place for everyone in my world, Sianna. Not just those with power. Who will sweep the floors otherwise?"
He laughed a little on the inside at the gross simplification of his joke, but only the thinnest of smiles bubbled to the surface of his face before burning away like a leaf held to a flame. Turning back to the assembled darksiders he made a motion with his hand and the acolytes gathered their new apprentices and left, leaving the two dark lords alone in the throne room.
"This is but a beginning. There is much to do before we can regain our rightful place in the galaxy. It may not even happen in our lifetime. We must be prepared to be but gardeners, planting the crop that will one day be harvested by those who come after us. Come, let me show you the seeds I have planted."
More hallways branched off from the throne room than just the one that lead them here. Behind the thrones was two pathways not including the door to Frygt's chamber. Ezra lead the way through one of those paths and it came up short quickly at a door to yet another turbolift. This one was different. It was was industrial, with reinforced blast doors and a biometric interface. A hand and eye scan parted the door, and a verbal command of "Down." sent it sinking further into the earth.
"Are you familiar with Sith Alchemy, Sianna?"
Nov 2nd, 2017, 12:42:25 PM
Nodding to him, she agreed that everyone had their places in the universe, and hers was to lead and not follow. Those days were behind her and she was excited now to see how far these acolytes would go to achieve their collective goals. Hers was already begun years ago and she had no intentions of stopping now. Turning, she followed him to the lift and stepped in.
Taking up a spot across from him, his query made her smile. "I studied Sith Sorcery and Alchemy with a master some time ago and have dabbled since then. My own lab was lost while I was away, but I kept my journals and research." Her mind drifted to their initial meeting and knew now why he asked. "You have as well, haven't you?"
Ezra Na'chtion
Feb 1st, 2018, 10:22:51 AM
As much as it spoiled the momentum of his speech he was also pleased to see that she could follow along and deduce his intentions. The small minded made for good slaves, servants, and soldiers; however he felt alone without an equal. Even Lady Frygt had not met him on an intellectual level but he could respect her ambition. If what Sianna said was true that she was a scholar and perhaps even his equal. Only time would tell.
"I was trained in the arts of Alchemy by Sith Master Baralai Lotus during the Order's reign on Korriban; before it's fall. His instructions have led me this far, and his texts were among the greatest treasures reclaimed from the old Temple."
The lift came to a stop, and it's door opened. There was a weight to the room, as was often felt when one was deep underground, but there was more to it. There was a dank moisture to the air and a smell bestial in nature. The turbolift had deposited them into a sealed room; a laboratory based on the design and devices found within. Heavily reinforced transparisteel windows looked into additional rooms to either side connected to by the sort of blast doors more commonly found aboard starships. Straight ahead was yet another window, this one bigger, curved, like a medical theater. It was cloaked in a blast shield but with the touch of a button the window peeled back.
Despite the lab being well lit, beyond the window was nothing but near perfect darkness. The light of the lab only revealed shapes moving in the darkness, and it's reflection in the eyes, many eyes, far down below.
"This is what his legacy, and mine, has wrought."
The next button on the control panel was pressed and lights went on in the chamber beyond, revealing a massive chamber, hewn into the stone foundation of the planet itself. The room was filled with moist growths; organic structures that seemed to vent goop and moisture into the air and ground. Filling the space around them was dozens of creatures. Squat four legged beasts with leathery, scaly skin, multiple sets of eyes, paws with talons, and mouths filled with teeth. They howled and screeched up at the window, scattering away from the lights only to return moments later to stand defiantly. From tunnel mouths splitting off from the room came more until the floor had become a sea of monsters.
"In a way, they carry the legacy of the darkside within them as well." He said, his voice filled with the pride of a father looking upon his children. "I used the Hssiss in their creation, among other species used. My Sithspawn."
Feb 1st, 2018, 02:01:42 PM
Listening as they moved into the lab, Sianna's cold, silver gaze then fell on the beasts now glaring up at them hungrily. She loved the experiments that had been the initial focus of Sorzus Syn and many others in the early days of the Sith. Reading about them had given her goosebumps knowing what was possible, then now to see these that he had bred for only one purpose piqued her interest. Though she hadn't delved into creating and manipulating genetics, there was so much that one could do with Sith Alchemy when coupled with Sorcery.
"I'm guessing that these aren't well known among your students above us," she stated already assuming the answer before she made it. The foundation of what they were building here had to remain sedate for the other Force using factions in the galaxy, though the subtlety was testing Sianna's own view of the galaxy and how things should be. Feeling the dark side flow through the veins of these creatures gave her a multitude of images of what they could one day be used for. What a surprise someone would get if they decided to try and shut this place down, she mused with a dark grin.
Glancing to Ezra, "Do you feed them the failed students or those that need to vanish for one reason or another? Or do they desire another kind of sustenance?"
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