View Full Version : Alliance Political Intrigue

Captain Untouchable
Jun 15th, 2016, 05:51:38 AM
Figured I would start a new thread for this, since I don't want to clog up the other ones!

Long story short, I think it'd be pretty cool to do a sort of "political thriller" story arc for the Alliance Senators. Something that involves back room deals, people doing dubious things "for the greater good", and maybe something that shows that it's not just Corellia and the Imperials who are suffering the backlash about the whole Starkiller and Treaty thing - people are butthurt at the Alliance, too.

I was thinking maybe some sort of conspiracy / assassination type deal might be a good place to start. Maybe the successful (or nearly successful) assassination of an Alliance Senator is the catalyst that kick-starts people's machinations to make sure that the replacement is empathetic to their cause, to monopolise on the situation to push through some of their more controversial agendas, etc. Maybe certain Senators find out the identity of the assassin and decide to cover it up - maybe it's an Imperial, and they're concerned about starting a war; maybe it's a former Rebel, and they're worried about how that will impact public opinion; maybe the retaliation was because of something the Senator or the Alliance did, and they don't want the story getting out. Or, maybe the Senator in question was secretly dangerous, and his assassination was "necessary" for the "greater good", and other members of the Senate were somehow involved in the plot to kill them. Maybe the Senator him/herself was even behind it all, and they're pulling a Palpatine level plot to garner sympathy for their cause and/or to discredit political rivals. Maybe the person who gets killed/injured wasn't even the intended target, and it was the other person in the speeder / at lunch / etc that they were really aiming at.

I have a couple of half-formed notions about who and how, but I figured I'd share the idea with the class before I cook up too much. Is this something that people might be interested in? :uhoh