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Emelie Shadowstar
Jun 2nd, 2016, 03:04:20 PM
Emelie Shadowstar
30-ish :: Half Zeltron-Half Human, Semi-legit business woman :: CEO of Elysian Acquisitions, head of The Exchange, Shadow Broker
Currently on: CLOUD CITY

Character Background

Has one hell of a messy background that involves dead parents, an institution, the rebellion (briefly), several business dealings and a whole lot of spice and alcohol.
Most recently was involved with Silenus Corporation - a shipping company that had research and development contracted with the Imperials. Was forced out of this company by a third party in the form of a bounty hunter who tried to end her life. Was saved by Vittore Montegue, ended up in a new deal with Atton Kira and formed Elysian Acquisitions and it's secret shadowy information dealing side - The Exchange
Full Wiki Here (http://theholo.net/wiki/index.php/Emelie_Shadowstar)

Raw Material

Serious Alcoholic. Yay for two livers. Dabbles in spice quite a bit too often as well.
Might be a bit crazy. Watched her parents brutally murdered when she was five years old by a group of space pirates. Spent a large chunk of her life in an asylum when she was young.
Seriously hates pirates.
Does retain some of the empathic and pheromone based abilities from her mother's side.
Treats her employees and associates like family. Great if you are on her good side, probably not so much if she feels you've betrayed her, though.
Feels terribly insecure about the power she is gaining and what she is trying to accomplish but has serious aspirations for far more.
Since arriving on Cloud City has worked at and is now essentially a Shadow Broker (http://masseffect.wikia.com/wiki/Shadow_Broker) type figure with leads and knowledge throughout the galaxy.
Currently owns Elysium - a nightclub in Port Town on Cloud City. Can often be found there in the evenings, sitting in the private section acting like she owns far more than just the club.
Will eventually become Baroness of Bespin in the distant future - a position currently held by Sanya Tagge

Plot Ideas

Making new contacts
Sending her "minions" out on various assignments.
Reuniting with old friends/new enemies!

Existing Relationships

Atton Kira - Her current business "partner". Has made a ten year deal with him to gain access to his information gathering systems and started up Elysian Acquisitions.
Vittore Montegue - Saved her life. Now works for her.
Sadie K'Vesh - Has employed as a slicer/data systems specialist since before Silenus
Vhiran Antilles - Complicated relationship. Also now works for her.
Nen Lev'i - Her personal assistant.
Inyos Aamoran - Jedi in her semi-employ. Keeping him a bit hidden from people right now.
Amaros Koine - Part-time bodyguard. Full-time daytime holo-opera binge watch companion.
Salvo Starborn - Ex-lover, ex(?)-employee.
Dasquian Belargic (sorta) - Kinda an employee/bodyguard/on retainer bounty hunter. Apparently in prison right now? Really should probably look into bailing out one of these days.
Dominick Faie - Idiot cousin from Zeltros.
Silas Faie - Smarter cousin from Zeltros. Hasn't really had much contact with as he's an Ambassador to the Alliance currently.
Serrena Alcine - Former employee. Not sure what happened to. Is probably going to hit the roof when she finds out she's working with Tenloss.
Chir'daki - Bounty Hunter who tried to kill her. Not getting a Life Day card this year, that's for sure. >=(

Current Plots

Acquiring/converting and opening her own distillery on one of the older mining rigs on Bespin.
Coming to an agreement with the Black Sun (Currently have a thread with Sanis. Not sure what happened there, need to kinda work that all out)
Soon Grand Opening of Elysium. Complete with unwanted family attendance.
Eventual association with Taskforce Cresh, a bunch of rogue insurgents who aren't too keen on the peace between Empire and Alliance.
Knowing all your dirty little secrets. Yes you and yes those secrets.

Credit for the basic template goes to Dun of RPG-D (http://rpg-directory.com/index.php?act=idx)

Jun 8th, 2016, 12:17:32 PM
Dasquian Belargic (sorta) - Kinda an employee/bodyguard/on retainer bounty hunter. Apparently in prison right now? Really should probably look into bailing out one of these days.

It's complicated.
