View Full Version : Adventure Book

Jun 2nd, 2016, 09:15:04 AM
I'm going on vacation soon, and I am looking for a good book to read. I plan to read the Casual Vacancy, but I am looking for a second book (or primary in case the s/o decides to steal the Casual Vacancy). I am looking for an adventure/exploration type book. Something along the lines of Indiana Jones, Uncharted, or Tomb Raider. Something fun and light-hearted with action and a bit of mystery. It would preferably be set in modern day, or at least recent times. Does anyone have any suggestions?

Has anyone read Uncharted: The Fourth Labyrinth? http://www.amazon.com/Uncharted-Fourth-Labyrinth-Christopher-Golden/dp/0345522176 . That could be exactly what I'm looking for.