View Full Version : Dance of the Leaves
Satkia Beltrak
May 12th, 2016, 04:43:25 AM
The hot and humid atmosphere welcomed Satkia as she climbed down Amaranth's boarding ramp. The redhead took a deep breath, embracing the familiar colorful jungle surrounding her. It was her yearly pilgrimage to Felucia ( While it could have brought sadness to her, she was grateful for being able to instead remember the good times and the lessons she had learned from the woman she came to visit in the depth of the vivid nature. Her late Master, Natalia Sal-Koron, had wished to be buried on this planet, despite her Corellian origins. A traveler, like Satkia had become too, Sal-Koron had had a quiet cabin hidden on Felucia, that was the closest thing she had called home for many years. Her pupil and friend had of course granted her that wish and had vowed to come give her respect every year.
Grabbing her backpack, the redhead locked her ship and then headed for the jungle circling the large clearing where she had landed. She had a couple day trek ahead of her before making it to Natalia's grave, and she was looking forward for the alone time it offered. While she liked the company of others, having traveled in space for so many years, never staying in one place enough to make it a home, she cherished reflection times such as the one she had now.
Rolth Wygraant
May 12th, 2016, 09:24:14 PM
A few dozen miles away...
The mycological jungles of Felucia were efficient. What had been the sight of intense combat just over three decades ago was now almost fully reclaimed by the wild. What couldn't be consumed and broken down by the verdant fungal growth had been bypassed. The rusted and gutted husk of an old republic turbo tank now served as a creche for wild things within. Stalks of brightly-colored wild mushrooms grew under and around and over the remains, breaking up the war relic's profile. The forest obscured so much of the relics of the Clone Wars, but history had a way of persisting in the face of nature. With time and patience, it could still be found.
Amid the buzzing wings of giant dragonflies, the croaks of thousands of frogs, and the melodious choir of birds in the canopies, there was a different sound. It was a song that was sung in discord, lacking the natural symmetry of the din produced by wild things. It was noise that somehow existed apart from the sounds of the living. Birds near this strange sound paused mid-song, canting their heads in it's direction in a mixture of curiosity and wariness. Beneath the parasol caps, a shadow moved in a deliberate path, it's profile visible in fits and starts between the trunk-like mushroom stalks. The shadow slowed it's approach. In the undergrowth, a red light shone like a malevolent eye as the Arakyd Viper probe droid sang it's alien song.
The creatures of Felucia didn't know the song being sung, but someone certainly did. Someone very far away...
Rolth Wygraant
May 12th, 2016, 10:47:12 PM
The Imperial Star Destroyer Decimator
- on the fringes of the Lorrdian system -
The pacification had been brief. In the months since the sham peace with the Rebellion, no uprising dared to last too long. The galaxy had been carved up into arbitrary partitions. Though the Galactic Empire was diminished, the subject and vassal worlds on the Imperial side of the line could rely on the fact that any local insurrection was doomed to failure. Without support from the insidious rebel hydra lending material aid, rabble-rousers ceased barking once an Imperial ship of the line showed itself in their skies. Such was the case with Lorrd. While Moff Gallhatas was away on business at Imperial Center, an insurgent mob had stormed the gates of his compound and seized control of the planetary communication nexus. Their victory was utterly short-lived once Decimator appeared over their capital. The insurgents lost their nerve and surrendered on the spot.
It was a dull affair for Captain Rolth Wygraant. On the whole it was a resounding success. The matter was settled without hostilities and the ringleaders of the revolt were scheduled for termination. The mess would be for Moff Gallhatas to attend to, once his trip to the Core was up. That left Captain Wygraant feeling less and less like the captain of a Star Destroyer, and more like a simple policeman. A waste of talent.
"Have all wings reported?" Wygraant queried into the crew pit. Below, Wing Commander Karnel removed a headset tethered to a crewer's terminal, glancing up at his captain.
"Just now, sir. Cresh squadron is queued to embark."
"Right." Wygrant acknowledged the status with a taut-lipped expression, tugging down at the hem of his jacket by habit. "Alert all commands. Helm, set course for the Bimmiel system."
"Captain Wygraant..."
Further down the crew pit, a technician manning the holonet array glanced up from his terminal.
"Yes, what is it?"
"We're picking up a re-routed signal from the Phalanx, out on the Thalassian frontier. Coded KN-83."
Captain Wygraant didn't know the ship, but given the massive disposition of the Imperial Navy, that hardly mattered. The Thalassian frontier was a pirate's nest with the misfortune of also lying at the salient edge of the border with the Rebels. Far from any civilized system, but no doubt a more interesting assignment than pacifying a planet of provincials.
However, the code prefix was more important. It was a special priority for the forces assigned under the Imperial Knights.
"At last, something interesting. I'll see it at my terminal."
Captain Wygraant walked the length of the bridge across the raised platform at it's center, toward the aft terminals. From here, he could pore over the message himself. When Wygraant activated his screen, it only took a few moments of browsing before his expression of anticipation turned dull again.
"Beyond the wire."
It was a reading from a probe droid, located at a planet called Felucia. Back when the Empire maintained a garrison on the world, it was a festering backwater full of little more than backward spore farmers and old Clone Wars battlegrounds. Now, it lay on the other side of the border. Whatever the droid found, it was out of their reach.
"Any new intel?" Commander Belgen appeared over Wygraant's shoulder, peering in.
"It looks like junk to me." Wygraant frowned, watching a holostream of footage from the probe droid. What appeared to be the blasted-open hull of an old turbo tank. "Hardly worth our attention. Perhaps our friends in Intelligence should fine tune their little spies to not send us every little thing."
Matatek Sel Vissica
May 12th, 2016, 10:59:06 PM
While the two senior officers of the Decimator debated as to the usefulness of their catch, a shadow stood to loom over them both.
"You found something?"
Matatek Sel Vissica's coarse voice was tinged with expectation and cut to the heart of the matter.
Rolth Wygraant
May 12th, 2016, 11:11:10 PM
Wygraant hadn't heard Lady Vissica's heavy footfalls. He hadn't smelled her coming. Perhaps he was becoming used to the Selonian's presence on his ship. That sounded more reassuring than the reality. If he was accustomed to Lady Vissica, then the chance arose that he might fall victim to his own carelessness. One cavalier moment could ruin him. Being uncomfortable gave him a survivor's wariness. After all, he'd never once gotten used to Darth Vader during his service in Death Squadron. Something about that incessant breathing, like the sound of a ghost coming out of a grave.
Wygraant turned to face the Imperial Knight, looking up at her. At over seven feet tall, she was easily a head above anyone aboard his ship.
"Doubtful, my lady. It appears to be salvage material, on a planet in rebel territory."
The Captain resisted the urge to glance sidelong at his XO, keeping his eyes square on the musteloid's alien black eyes. Inscrutable creature.
Matatek Sel Vissica
May 12th, 2016, 11:14:28 PM
Lady Vissica didn't reply, save for a noncommittal throaty rumble. Her muscular tail thumped the deck as she looked past Captain Wygraant to the holographic surveillance at the terminal.
"There." she growled with certainty. "Freeze the image."
Rolth Wygraant
May 12th, 2016, 11:18:44 PM
Commander Belgen did as instructed, though he had no inkling as to whatever epiphany the Imperial Knight had arrived. He shared a quizzical glance at his captain.
"My lady," Belgen attempted a polite smile, mindful not to patronize, "it appears to be...a crate."
Again, nothing of consequence.
Matatek Sel Vissica
May 12th, 2016, 11:23:59 PM
"You are as obtuse as you are ignorant." Vissica chided Belgen in her raspy baritone, baring her pointed teeth in disdain.
"That container shows the sigil of the Jedi library vault."
Rolth Wygraant
May 12th, 2016, 11:29:55 PM
Commander Belgen stayed his tongue, averting his eyes from the Knight. That left Captain Wygraant to be the sole voice of reason.
"Begging your pardon my lady, but it could be anything. Manifests, rosters. The Jedi administered the army during the war. I highly doubt..."
Matatek Sel Vissica
May 12th, 2016, 11:33:08 PM
"No, Captain, you are wrong." Vissica cut Wygraant off curtly.
"The Jedi library vault dealt in only one thing."
The Selonian's gimlet eyes widened slightly as her whiskers buoyed in anticipation.
"That container holds a holocron."
Rolth Wygraant
May 12th, 2016, 11:37:57 PM
Lady Vissica had the determination of a kath hound. Trying to veer her off the path only resulted in the handler becoming tired. Still, Wygraant persevered, though not without shuffling his feet.
"Be that as it may, the site lies beyond the frontier. I'm afraid we cannot risk sending the Decimator to secure it. Perhaps we can arrange something contracted. Send a bounty hunter or..."
Matatek Sel Vissica
May 12th, 2016, 11:45:07 PM
Vissica crossed her arms over her breastplate as she looked down at Wygraant.
"Leave the matter to me. I will go where you fear to tread. Commander Karnel..."
From the crew pit, a voice sounded.
"My lady?"
"Ready my ship to launch. Captain Orgern, bring your best men."
With finality, Vissica turned to exit the bridge.
Reikkel Orgern
May 12th, 2016, 11:49:03 PM
Duly summoned, Captain Reikkel Orgern of the 79th Legion turned from his station at the bridge.
"Yes, my Lady."
He moved to follow the Selonian, pausing by Captain Wygraant only briefly to regard the ship's captain with a curt nod of his head. They were both pieces on the board for the Knight to move. He was no stranger to inhabiting Lady Vissica's discontent.
"Captain." Orgern addressed Wygraant, before following close behind.
Satkia Beltrak
May 13th, 2016, 05:02:44 PM
Satkia remembered the stories Natalia had told her about how a small group of Jedi had once lived on Felusia. Her late master had been part of it during her own apprenticeship many decades ago. The redhead hadn't even seen all the sites that might keep traces of Jedi presence after all this time. She sometimes wondered about them, but Natalia had never said so much about them. The redhead was only familiar with where her Master's cabin used to be, now mostly an empty shell, and where she had buried her ashes after giving her a proper funeral pyre near a river the Corellian had loved.
Making her way through the thick vines and beautiful nature, the Jedi paused for a brief moment. A fleeting feeling passed through her soul, but didn't linger. It puzzled her but she chose to remain mindful of the present and simply follow the trail to her destination for now. This planet brought back a lof of memories and she knew to remain focused, for recollection would come once she reached Natalia's tomb.
Reikkel Orgern
May 13th, 2016, 08:27:52 PM
An hour later, the stars above Felucia split as an Imperial VT-49 Gunship ( exited hyperspace. The angular reconnaissance craft quickly adjusted its vector, and began to angle towards a planetary descent.
Captain Orgern watched the approach from the wide viewscreen in the passenger compartment. The inboard lights were dimmed, as all non-essential systems had been disabled for the risky mission. He turned from the view of the approaching planet to face Knight Vissica. The Selonian was too tall standing on two paws to negotiate the close confines of the gunship, so she observed the descent on all fours. In this state, she almost looked like a large dog.
"We've disabled the ship's transponder and gone silent en route. There appears to be a problem, however. The pilot no longer detects the probe droid's signal on his scope."
Matatek Sel Vissica
May 13th, 2016, 08:34:10 PM
Lady Vissica silently considered this change in the tactical situation. Her muscular form bunched as her rear digitigrade legs tucked underneath her, allowing her to sit on the floor. The Selonian remained silent, her eyes closing as if in deep thought.
"I sense no overt danger. This changes nothing in our plan."
Opening her eyes, Vissica looked up at her subordinate. Her pink tongue quickly darted across her muzzle.
"Instruct the pilot to land at the transmission coordinates. We will have what we've come for."
Reikkel Orgern
May 13th, 2016, 08:43:59 PM
Captain Orgern nodded in affirmation, ducking back into the narrow passage that would lead him to the cockpit. The gunship knifed through the clouds, which soon parted to reveal Felucian canopies in full verdant color. The Imperial ship made a direct approach for the wreckage, circling about in an arc as the pilot surveyed the area. With the jungle this choked, there were few suitable places to land. He widened his flight path, eventually settling for a precious bare patch in the jungle where one of the century-old parasols had toppled over. The gunship slowly dropped its struts, touching down against moist earth with a series of muffled thumps.
The gangplank dropped, and four recon stormtroopers quickly filed out with blasters shouldered. They set up a quick fire perimeter, eyes trained against the growth for any sign of an enemy. Unlike the swollen ranks of the main infantry legion, these troopers wore armor that was dull and mottled, affording a degree of camoflage.
Captain Orgern followed soon behind, wearing the tan armor and helmet of the Imperial army. He paused in the clearing, pressing a pair of macrobinoculars to his eyes as he surveyed the approach.
"We've touched down about three kilometers from the site, my lady. There's a riverbed down the ridge. I recommend we follow it to quicken our approach."
Matatek Sel Vissica
May 13th, 2016, 08:50:37 PM
Lady Vissica trotted out of the ship on all fours, pausing at Orgern's side momentarily to rise back to two feet. Her wet nose winded the breeze for any betraying sensation. Felucia was a bouquet of alien flora, and each smell was it's own unique mystery. Even a keen nose was no match for the power of the force. The Selonian again stretched out with her senses.
"We aren't alone." she rumbled, her tail swishing on the thick mossy ground.
"I sense a presence...something unclear."
Vissica's dark eyes narrowed against the sun that now peeked behind a cloud.
"Do not delay, Captain. Find the salvage site at once."
Satkia Beltrak
May 14th, 2016, 03:25:26 PM
Upon approaching the riverbed, Satkia paused in the middle of her thoughts. She stretched her senses out and she felt ripples in the Force, including another one who could rely on it, beyond being part of the Force-bound universe as a whole. She pursed her lips, unsure of what it meant for she hadn't expected any company on Felucia. She was going to remain on her guard, especially as she believed they were likely to meet one another. She didn't like that. It made no sense that someone else would show up in this particular area right when she was there. Her master's tomb was no touristic attraction, and the Corellian had no other relative alive or anyone who knew where the tomb was. The only one Satkia had ever mentioned it to was Cordelia, and the people ahead weren't her student and friend.
Though the other Force user had likely felt her presence as well, the hilts at Satkia's belt would also give her away as a Force user. One way or the other, the redhead would soon find out what was up in this unexpected crowded moment on a remote part of the jungle planet. She wouldn't jump to conclusions but all of that sounded quite suspicious to the redhead.
Reikkel Orgern
May 16th, 2016, 08:49:42 PM
The search party followed the riverbed per Captain Orgern's suggestion, tracing it's path almost to a bend in the valley. The Captain paused, pointing to his left.
"The site should be up this hill. Carefully now."
Leaving the riverbed, the party had a harder slog through the thickening fungal stalks and ferns. The troopers pressed aside the vegetation softly in passing, careful not to give anything away more than was necessary. After a half kilometer of push, the jungle opened slightly, revealing wild growth that had been disturbed by foreign detritus. The metal hulk of the ruined turbo tank was now carpeted by a thick mossy layer speckled with terraces of half moon parasols. A pair of troopers advanced to inspect the wreck. Another one moved off toward the trees, noticing something else.
Orgern's attention broke at the sound, and he turned to wade through a stand of ferns to approach the man, who stood over fresher wreckage.
"The droid."
Or what was left of it. Amid the scattered spall of durasteel and composite fragments, Reikkel could see what used to be the probe droid's main ocular. The remains still smelled of ozone. Whatever had destroyed the droid, it had happened within hours.
"Good find, trooper."
Orgern glanced back to find Lady Vissica's intense eyes focused on the scene. The next words were ones that he, sadly, expected to hear.
"Captain, the site has been recently disturbed. It looks like the chest has been looted."
Matatek Sel Vissica
May 16th, 2016, 09:07:33 PM
Lady Vissica's eyes closed slowly. The Selonian remained still, training her senses on finding the source of this thievery. Her whiskers quivered slightly as her wet nose crinkled, winding the air for any betrayal. The foreign scents overlaid against the harmonies in the force, and it began to illustrate the scene for the Imperial Knight. One thing was curious, however. The presence she had detected earlier was certainly closer than before, yet Vissica's feelings were clear. Whatever the presence was that she had initially felt, it's path had not crossed in this place. Instead, other actors were at work.
The Selonian's eyes opened, and the tall alien began to pace in a slow trajectory as she surveyed the droid wreckage.
"There were three."
Three of what, she couldn't say. Without something more concrete, she only had a vague feeling.
"Searching, looking. They did not find this place by accident."
Vissica tilted her head.
"They know this place. This is their home."
Felucia was a world inhabited by a primitive sentient people. It was possible that the site had been looted by natives. Vissica stooped down, dropping to all fours again as she pressed her nose close to a broken fern. A scent set apart from the flora found a causal harmony in the force. This was the correct path. Lady Vissica turned her bullet-shaped head to the east, narrowing her eyes.
Prone to the ground, the Selonian began to trot through the brush.
Satkia Beltrak
May 18th, 2016, 07:10:02 AM
The faint disturbance Satkia had felt in the Force grew stronger as she progressed through the jungle. She didn't like what she sensed. Not only there was that Force sensitive intruder she had picked on, but there were more, not only with that individual but she suddenly felt more presences ahead too. She pursed her lips. Thankfully they didn't feel right where her Master's tomb was located, but they were still way too close for comfort. She recalled Natalia mentioned how some of her Jedi friends who had lived there at some point, away from everyone in hope to survive in peace, had either died or left and never returned to Felucia. The redhead had never looked out whether belongings and Jedi objects might have been left behind. She respected the privacy of the lost Jedi. She wondered whether the ruckus ongoing in the area might have anything to do with such matters, since nothing else special in Felusian terms existed in this region.
She had the distinct impression she was soon going to find out. She cast her sense further and wondered what will happen.
She didn't have long to wait, for she soon saw a group of natives gathered and bickering ahead of her. She perched herself on a nearby tree after having leaped on a high branch. She kept quiet and observed what was going on. She couldn't see what they were yammering over, but she felt a tug in the Force and tried to get a better look from where she was.
Reikkel Orgern
May 18th, 2016, 10:20:37 AM
"A clearing up ahead."
It was difficult to keep up with Lady Vissica, as the Selonian kept a much lower profile when she ran on four feet. Captain Orgern and his men sacrificed their stealth for speed, pushing away the foliage in a rush as they trailed their Knight. Whether by scent or by force or by some other combination, she seemed to have purpose in her direction. As the trees thinned, it became apparent that she had not been mistaken. In the sunny clearing, large tented parasol structures could be seen on the forest floor. The great fungi of Felucia had been hewn down to build huts. It was a village.
In the village center, a group of half a dozen Felucians ( were squabbling among themselves in a high-pitched alien language. Their words soon cut short as the Imperials reached the clearing. A dozen beady black eyes turned in unison.
This was a scene Reikkel Orgern had seen more than a few times in his military career. That fraction of a second when a sentient observed you as a threat. A mere moment in which the brain took in all inputs and applied them to the instinctual calculus of fight or flight. Captain Orgern's eyes were on the tallest Felucian in the group. And that one was going to fight. Reikkel's pistol hand began to raise just as the Felucian shouldered his blaster rifle...
Matatek Sel Vissica
May 18th, 2016, 10:52:40 AM
Though Captain Orgern's reflexes and instincts were keen, he would never be the match of one with the power of the force. Lady Vissica coiled and rose to full height, draping a large hand over Orgern's pistol as she pushed it to the ground. That left the Felucian with advantage, who had already committed to the act of shooting the Imperial Captain through the heart. He drew a bead and fired. The red bolt speared towards Orgern, then was slapped into the trees by a blur of white.
Vissica took a stride ahead as she returned her greatsaber's swing to center, keeping vigil over her men while also keeping the Felucians alive. The dead, after all, had no truth to tell. More felucians settled their fight or flight dilemma. Four of them took off in a scramble for the safety of home or the jungle. Another stood with the tallest and began to fire his pistol at the Selonian, though every deflected shot became an argument against the wisdom of that decision. The Selonian deftly shifted her blade as the pistol barked, returning the bolt into the hand that fired it, causing its owner to scream as he fell in the dirt. The tallest continued to fire, until Lady Vissica traced a a line in the air with a claw tip. The rifle he shouldered wrenched out of his grasp, nearly dislocating his shoulder as he instinctively tried to hold onto the grip. The Selonian's free hand that had disarmed him then turned palm upward, closed into a fist, and drew down to her side. The resisting Felucian's body contorted, knees hitting the dirt heavily as his shoulders slumped. The alien strained against something unseen, feeling as if a crushing weight rested on his shoulders to pin him to the ground. He bared his teeth in resistance until his expression turned to one of fear. The Selonian's massive light blade came to rest just above his shoulder as she towered over where he knelt.
"Captain, search the village and the surroundings for others. Set your weapons for stun."
"At once, my lady."
Orgern and his stormtroopers quickly began policing the village huts, leaving Vissica alone with the bravest - or the most foolish.
"I seek a cube. Three inches by three. Facets of crystal with metal accents."
Simply mentioning what she sought elicited a subtle change within the Felucian. Though he remained uncooperative, she knew. Vissica purred, her whiskers rising at his unspoken revelation.
"You've seen it." she nodded. Tightening her grip on her greatsaber, she held the point of the weapon where the Felucian could get a good look.
"And now, you are going to give it to me."
Satkia Beltrak
May 24th, 2016, 09:08:47 PM
Satkia observed the imperial barging in, for the uniforms gave it away. The alien who was leading the charge proved to be the other Force user she had felt a while earlier. She listened to what was asked, or rather ordered. So they were after a holocron, given the description. It had to belong to one of the other Jedi who had lived there with her late Master many years ago. The redhead was curious as to why the imperials would suddenly take interest and even know there might be a holocron in the region. She ahd see weirder things in her life, but the timing was still uncanny.
The Felucians screamed in fear but they seemed pretty set on not saying much, which caused even more quarelling in the group. The Jedi Master pondered whether to step in right away or rather to try to go retrieve that holocron herself. She made up her mind and hurled a violent gulf of wind at the alien and the soldiers near her, to establish some space between them and the locals. She knew she couldn't hide forever and she was ready to run away or fight for her life. That wouldn't be the first time.
"A weird place and time to seek a holocron." She stated loud enough to be heard, her senses on full alert so she could keep a way out, depending on how the situation unfolded. She didn't bet on a friendly banter though.
Matatek Sel Vissica
May 24th, 2016, 11:38:27 PM
Captain Orgern and two of his stormtroopers careened to the ground from the impact of the force wave. The same wave staggered Lady Vissica, who was knocked away from the interrogated Felucian. The Selonian bent her flexible spine as she hunched low, her free paw raking deep furrows in the mossy earth with her claws to keep her anchored. The Imperial Knight slinked back to her full height, an irritated snort puffing from her nose as she triangulated the origin point of the blast. Her senses did not betray her. The presence she felt upon arriving at Felucia had arrived with her at this nexus. They were all connected.
"A holocron is forbidden knowledge. It must be protected against those who seek to abuse it."
The Felucian momentarily ignored, Vissica brought her blade up to cross her tall frame. She paced, never taking her eyes off the Jedi.
"You should not have come here. Interfere with me at your peril."
The Force was strong with this woman, that much was certain. Equally certain was that there was no such thing as a coincidence. The leylines of the Force connected the disparate with uncanny frequency.
Satkia Beltrak
May 25th, 2016, 01:15:56 PM
Satkia wasn't afraid of the Selonian, and as sad as the Felucian's loss of life was, she also knew that given the way things were, it had been a high probability. "Felucia isn't under your jurisdiction. This is free territory and I come here as I wish. I'm not the one who brought an army." The redhead didn't ignite her own blade, for the lightsaber was far from her only forte, despite how other people had called her a walking arsenal over the years.
"I won't let you have this holocron." She didn't know about the holocron before but she wasn't going to let a dark sider get her hands on it. Piercing blue eyes remained on the Selonian, briefly debating whether to engage combat here, or to make a run to trust the Force with the hunt for the holocron. She eventually decided to do just that and after tossing another gush of wind, even stronger than the first one, she leaped away from her perching spot and disappeared into the jungle, letting the Force guide her steps.
There was a lot going on in the Force, overwhelming her sensations, but she willed herself into memories and increasing her physical prowess as she trusted in the energy that bound the universe together.
Matatek Sel Vissica
May 25th, 2016, 10:41:13 PM
Vissica was prepared for the second gale. She leaned into the blast, both paws outstretched to summon a wave of telekinetic power of her own. It collided with Satkia's torrent, creating a violent tumult of releasing energy at the spot where the two waves collided. The felucians standing at the periphery of the encounter were thrown to the ground, but Vissica and her men remained standing. However, the defense was at a trade-off. In Vissica's stalwart rebuff of the Jedi's telekinesis, she remained fixed where she stood, giving Satkia a decisive head start as she retreated into the jungle.
Behind the protection of the Knight, Captain Orgern raised his rifle, attempting to follow where the disappearing Jedi's profile moved through the trees. Again, the Selonian eased her companion's weapon back to his side.
"No matter. Let her go."
Reikkel Orgern
May 25th, 2016, 11:04:58 PM
Captain Orgern had lost his helmet in the first surprise blast from the Jedi, and he was not so eager to abandon the fight.
"A Jedi working against us is dangerous. If we allow her to escape, there's no telling what she might do to put our whole mission in jeopardy."
Matatek Sel Vissica
May 26th, 2016, 11:58:32 PM
"The Jedi intends to take the holocron for herself. Chasing her to the source only guarantees that we arrive last."
The Selonian again holstered her greatsaber, looking down to her subordinate intently.
"The path she chooses will take time to follow."
Lady Vissica's gaze pivoted, falling on the nearest Felucian.
"We have a more direct course."
She raised a beckoning paw. The Felucian, wrenched forward by an inexorable force, skidded his booted feet on the ground until his head slapped into the palm of Vissica's waiting hand. Drawing her subject closer, the Selonian spoke in an unnerving and sepulchral tone.
"Tell me what you have done with the holocron, now."
The invisible influence of the force behind Vissica's words filled every firing synapse in the Felucian's mind. Answering the question in truth became his very raison d'être. His face contorted, then went as slack as the glassy-eyed expression as he surrendered to the Selonian's iron will.
"It a cave...over the ridge to the north."
Vissica released her hold on the Felucian, both mental and physical. The sudden disconnection caused the alien to slump to the ground in a daze, only distantly aware of how easily he had given up his secret. The Selonian watched the puppet languish without it's strings, her whiskers rising as she plotted her next move.
"Thank you for your help."
She turned without further delay, and began heading north, through the village interior.
Reikkel Orgern
May 27th, 2016, 12:02:00 AM
Following to keep pace, Captain Orgern moved past his troopers, who had already done tidy work of rounding up everyone remaining in the thatch dwellings. It appeared that his Lady had no further use of them, however.
"My Lady, what of the villagers?"
Matatek Sel Vissica
May 27th, 2016, 12:04:19 AM
Stopping in her tracks, Vissica glanced over her shoulder at the Captain.
"Exterminate them, and burn this place to ashes."
Reikkel Orgern
May 27th, 2016, 12:08:37 AM
It was a bloody order, but a prudent one. Tidying up needless witnesses and eliminating a risk, however minor, at their flank. Captain Orgern nodded in affirmation, glancing to his men. The rounded-up Felucian villagers suddenly realized what was about to happen...
...much too late.
The Imperial Knight continued her way out of the village, not bothering to pause a moment to witness the systematic butchering she ordered. Screams and blaster fire filled the jungle air around her as she disappeared into a thicket of ferns.
Satkia Beltrak
May 29th, 2016, 05:15:48 PM
As she ran away, Satkia was plagued by the sensation of carnage and death. She knew what was happening and how the death squad led by that nefarious Selonian was ending Felucian lives. She would have to live with this burden and it wouldn't be the first one. Yet, she had to keep the bigger picture in mind. If it was up to her, she'd do her best to save everyone, but it wasn't always an option and after the purge that had massacred so many Jedi decades ago, events that still iced her late master's blood whenever she recalled those, letting artifacts and knowledge fall into the wrong hands would only bring more damage and the redhead stood by the decision she had just made.
The Force was guiding her farther up the river banks, taking the left side of the fork instead of the right one that would have taken her to her master's tomb. She pursed her lips but pressed on, knowing her pursuers would eventually catch up and every minute that passed counted. Then, it hit her.
The cave.
She remembered Natalia mention a cave where she and a few other Jedi she had been traveling with when the purge had happened, found shelter at. She hadn't made the connection that said cave was on Felucia. She had thought Felucia had been a later stop for the survivors, but now it was all falling into places.
She knew not how much might have been left behind but she was going to find out very soon.
May 29th, 2016, 07:51:59 PM
When one life ended, the energy from that life dissipated back into the cosmos, into the Unifying Force that bound the galaxy together. A natural death, in harmony with the time and cycle of the surrounding environment, allowed that life energy to flow, smooth and slow, back to its origin.
Violent death, on the other hand, sent a jolt into the Force. The final emotions of the dying released in a gush, hurling into the Unifying Force until they billowed out far enough from their source that they lost all cohesion and dissipated. If one were proximate and listened close, the final whispers of the dying became audible in their end journey along the web of life. The closer one stood to the source, the easier the whispers were to hear. Regardless, good listening beat proximity any day.
And if you had a pair of large, green ears, listening was that much easier.
Vissica hadn't gotten far into the jungle when an audible HRM! came from nearby. A pair of eyes peered at the Selonian between the leaves of a large fern, watching her every move.
Matatek Sel Vissica
May 29th, 2016, 08:27:24 PM
The Selonian halted mid-stride, her tapered head pivoting sharply towards the direction the sound had traveled. For a moment, she remained still, save for the small act of winding the air with her nose. Neither scent nor force betrayed a presence, though the latter gave her the feeling of some manner of otherness nearby. Vissica was nearly ready to resume her path to the cave, when she saw the eyes through the thicket. Not the eyes of a simple creature. The eyes of someone watching her.
The Knight pressed up sharply onto her hind feet, immediately reaching for her greatsaber. She sparked it alive once it cleared her scabbard, raking it's lengthy blade along the mossy ground in front of her.
"Reveal yourself!"
May 29th, 2016, 09:06:19 PM
With a rustle, the eyes disappeared from view. What might have been a small creature appeared through glimpses between shadows. The undergrowth shuffled and shimmied with its travel, though from its speed and tracelessness the creature might have been wind or nothing at all.
The rustles neared the towering Selonian from the undergrowth's cover, stopping just short of moving into the open. The observer peered out from between a pair of branches. Its eyes traveled the length of Vissica's frame, wandering from eartip to sabertip as though mapping uncharted territory with a veteran explorer's experience.
Beyond its watch, however, the creature did nothing.
Matatek Sel Vissica
May 29th, 2016, 09:21:56 PM
A mighty swat of white energy did nothing more than scourge the flora of the jungle. A stand of ferns wilted and burned away from Vissica's cleave, leaving behind nothing but the wind.
Irritated, the Selonian snorted a short puff from her nose. Her eyes tracked against the profile of the jungle, looking for any interruption that might betray an interloper. It was as it had been before, useless. With a soft growl, Vissica extinguished her blade. Her dark eyes slowly closed, as the Selonian abandoned conventional sense entirely.
There was no one around her. And yet, she was not entirely alone.
May 29th, 2016, 10:26:12 PM
The whiff, the whisper of someone there-yet-not was already departing. The only things marking its stay were the impression of a twitching ear and three softly intoned words.
~Revealed, you are.~
Some distance away, Satkia found her own path through the jungle observed by a pair of peering eyes. A HRM! echoed audibly above the splashing waters of the river.
As it had been with Vissica, the only obvious source of the noise was a pair of observing eyes peering down at her from the leafy canopy of trees growing at the riverbank.
Satkia Beltrak
May 30th, 2016, 11:50:15 AM
Satkia was closing in one the cave location when she felt a tremor in the Force, one much different from the direct menace from the imperials and the tragic resonance of death. She didn't pause but she slowed down, wondering what it was. It could have been easy to just press forward but she couldn't ignore that something had just happened. The noise sounded alive.
Casting her senses around her, weaving its delicate web through the Force, her attention went upward into a tree. She stopped and blinked until she saw the eyes watching her. She was on her guard so she wouldn't be caught up right away with the imperials, but she felt compelled to acknowledge the creature.
"Yes?" She said quietly, unsure of who or what might hide in the depth of Felucia.
May 30th, 2016, 12:27:31 PM
The eyes peered at her for a moment more, then vanished amidst a tangle of foliage. Movement, or the sense of movement, scampered through the trees in Satkia's direction, though no branch dipped with any extra weight. The rustling scratched its way straight towards its goal, then stopped abruptly in a cloud of leaves above where she stood.
The eyes reappeared, and though the creature might have dropped to attack at any moment, it did no more than fulfill its interest in her by observing her reaction.
Satkia Beltrak
May 30th, 2016, 12:31:07 PM
Satkia held the uncanny gaze, not moving or looking threatening. She was ready to defend herself at any time, but life had taught her that danger just as the lack of it could exist anywhere anytime. She had no idea what the creature was but she was on alert as the eyes disappeared and she felt movement, rapid at that, across the branches. She had to carry on, but she felt that she shouldn't ignore that unexpected observer either.
When the eyes suddenly reappeared, she found them. "I need to go." She explained, unsure of what the creature may or may not understand. She didn't want to risk losing the advance she had but she felt that the Force had placed this creature on her path for a reason, even if she had no idea what it was.
May 30th, 2016, 12:56:10 PM
HM! replied the foliage, the one-syllable reply containing a distinct note of satisfaction. The intensity of observation drained away; kindness filled the newly emptied space. Then the kindness disappeared, along with the eyes themselves, leaving only the impression of a word in their wake.
The word might have been mistaken for an echo of her own voice, or perhaps someone's low-growled mimicry of it. As if to remove all doubt of its intent, the word spoke itself again with all the emphasis of a dire warning.
Satkia Beltrak
May 30th, 2016, 03:25:29 PM
Part of Satkia would have loved to just stay and know more about the creature hiding there. She briefly felt the Force more strongly as she held their gaze. The kindness she saw warmed and yet saddened her heart for mysterious reasons.
The warning that was given made her leave at once, not nodding or anything, but as she hurried towards the cave that should be close, she reached out through the Force. "Thank you." She sent telepathically, meaning it.
She knew that the imperials would soon be on her tail, way too close to comfort but she had to beat them at the chase, be ready for the fight that would likely occur.
The cave entrance was almost hidden by foliage and the redhead sneaked beyond. Reaching inside her pack, she grabbed her IR goggles, making it easier not to wear her energy out by using the Force to see in physical darkness. The place hadn't been occupied in gods knew how long, but she felt quiet tendrils, silent remnants of long gone inhabitants as she progressed farther into the rocky hallways.
Cordelia Morgance
Jun 4th, 2016, 04:36:42 PM
She had expected her master to be here by now.
At the base of the waterfall (, Cordelia was on her knees, very still in the gentle spray of the water. Her hands were folded before her, her eyes closed. She had come here to pay her respects to a great lady, the master of her own master. Exiled Jedi Master Natalia Sal-Koron had survived in a time when so many had died. She was one with the Force now, and so she would never be gone, but her presence in this life was missed. Because of her, Cordelia was here today, at peace with herself and a servant of the Force.
The Jedi Master had loved this spot. The bright blooms of magenta, lavender, and purple that spilled over the rocky cliffs right along with the rushing waterfall. This was where one of the great rivers of Felucia began, and it was here that Satkia had spread her master's ashes, making her part of the land that had hidden and sheltered her and other survivors.
Before Cordelia, nestled in the rocks at the plunge pool of the falls, were some offerings that she had left for Master Sal-Koron. A shell from an alien sea. A small wooden cup which had been set there with a freshly prepared, perfectly steeped, cup of mint tea, and another smaller dish of stone that held a bit of burning incense. She had meant to share lunch with Satkia on the spot, share some memories of their loved one, but as the day wore on a sense of dread began to grow. Meditating on the grave of the Jedi Master had not eased the feeling, it only felt closer the longer she remained, and Satkia was still missing.
Her master was suddenly much closer now, she could feel her presence. Blue eyes opened to the waterfall, spilling softly over rocks and moss, same as it had always been. Yet, the certainty that she could not stay here was undeniable. Rolling onto the balls of her feet, the Jedi Knight stood in one movement. Something was wrong. It had been seven years now that she has been in the company of the Jedi. Seven years that she had trained in the ways of the Force, and trained to keep those abilities concealed. Always being careful, so careful.
But if darkness was coming to this place of peace, careful was the last thing she wanted to be.
Matatek Sel Vissica
Jun 7th, 2016, 09:05:42 PM
There were signs in the cave that Satkia was not alone. Vegetation around the cave mouth had been freshly broken. In the few paces at the cave mouth where dirt appeared on the floor, the Jedi could see traces of large, broad paw prints. Whatever made those tracks remained unseen and unheard.
Where sight and sound failed Satkia, there was a sense of truth that remained with her. She was not alone.
And she was in danger.
Satkia Beltrak
Jun 10th, 2016, 06:42:31 AM
The place felt strange, regardless of how many surprising locations Satkia had visited in her life. She heard and sensed water farther in the cave, which intrigued her as she didn't think the river went this direction. Her eyes caught sight of the large broad paw prints before she moved on. She was already on guard and didn't recognize the print, except that she could tell this was no Acklay. Pursing her lips, she felt echoes reverberating across the cavern. It was faint, and it could very well indicate the presence of holocrons, crafted by powerful Masters of the past.
Yet, the danger was becoming more pressing, even when obscurity lifted a little as she could see another opening to the outside from where she was, where the river took a turn inside the cave.
It was when she felt Cordelia's presence, like an approaching beacon in obscurity. Her pupil and heart sister was still far but she was coming.
The redhead had no time to reflect on that or reached out to Cordelia for something rushed at her like a truck speeder from the depth of the cavern.
Matatek Sel Vissica
Jun 10th, 2016, 11:43:39 PM
A sheet of white light fell over Satkia's vision as Vissica's blade cleaved from the darkness, missing the Jedi's face by a scant inch. The sudden flare of bright in the cave's blackness wreaked havoc on the Jedi's night vision equipment, leaving a corona of pixelated afterglow that obfuscated her vision.
Lady Vissica recovered quickly, wrenching her blade out of the side of the cave tunnel where it had left a trailing orange scar. Pressing upon Satkia nearly toe-to-toe in the close environment, the Selonian rared back with her heavy blade, driving it down upon the Jedi with force as she goaded her opponent into either making a stand or giving up ground to her. The ceiling and walls of the cave tunnel lit up with flaring sparks and molten gouges as the Knight heaved upon Satkia with her full might, close enough to her enemy so that she could feel the warmth of her breath.
Jun 11th, 2016, 09:01:01 PM
The sound echoed from behind Cordelia. A small gust of wind accompanied it, gently tousling the strands and cords of her hair. From inside the waterfall, in a place where no being could be, a pair of eyes peered out at her. The eyes intently absorbed her figure, and then a single word floated across the water.
Satkia Beltrak
Jun 13th, 2016, 05:43:17 AM
Satkia could barely see anything as she jerked aside to avoid being cut into by her opponent's lightsaber. It had been way too close this time.
It took all her Force training and prowess for her to muster a violent gush of wind and dirt she aimed at her enemy after having felt the significant presence, a more powerful elemental attack than what she had come up with back at the village.
She ignited her lightsaber and let the force guide her as she held her ground in the cave, doing what she could to push back, for she knew that her own back-up wasn't far anymore. The Selonian was physically stronger than the redhead but it wasn't the first time that the petite woman was the smaller, but certainly not the weaker all things considered. She might have difficulties to see, but self-imposed combat training with a blindfold was coming in very handy right now.
Cordelia Morgance
Jun 13th, 2016, 09:18:43 PM
The Force was at work in strange ways this day on Felucia. That was all that Cordelia could figure. The Jedi Master she had come to meditate on was quiet this day, even in her thoughts. The Jedi Master she called 'heart sister' was missing, and perhaps most curious of all.. she was suddenly not at all certain she was alone there at the base of the falls.
Cordelia was shy by nature, but not skittish. She was not afraid of others, she simply felt awkward around them. Yet, strange voices calling to her from the waterfall could be considered unsettling. Sensing no evil, at least not here, the young Jedi relaxed her hand on her weapon, but remained cautious. She was not the only one in hiding on this world today, it seemed.
"I was..", she informed the falls. "I was trying!"
Frustrated she tossed her hands up, but ultimately she dropped her knees once more, folding her hands before her. Breathing slowly, Cordelia let her mind drift, hearing nothing but the splash of water as she tried to let go of her will. When she ceased trying to control everything, that was when enlightenment would come, and perhaps a clue as to her master's location.
Matatek Sel Vissica
Jun 13th, 2016, 10:54:01 PM
The telekinetic strike from the Jedi had been anticipated, given her previous preference for the tactic demonstrated in the village. Nevertheless, it took effort for Vissica to arrest it's effect. The Selonian stooped onto all fours as she upended her lightsaber to plunge deep into the rocky floor of the cave. Molten slag raked in a line as she gave ground, sinewy muscles strained tight in her bid to hold fast. The move to anchor herself worked, and Vissica tore her blade free once more, stalking forward as she shook the dust and detritus from her fur.
"You will not dispose of me so easily" Vissica warned, pacing the distance toward Satkia as she dragged the length of her greatsaber behind her. The Selonian's eyes were accustomed to the darkness of caves and burrows, as her people lived mostly below the ground. In the dim light, color dissipated from her vision, casting her enemy and her surroundings in monochrome.
"Leave this place. I have not come here for a fight. Don't be so eager to sow your own destruction."
Satkia Beltrak
Jun 14th, 2016, 05:46:32 AM
"These holocrons don't belong to you. They belonged to Jedi, not to dark siders." Satkia replied with certainty. In the midst of her sensations she knew they were near the water that ran through the cave too. She anchored herself deeper in the Force and though it would have been easy temptation to try an telekinetic feat at her enemy, she sensed she was firmly on her feet then.
"More powerful people than you have tried to destroy me before. You will fail." She added, before a strong symbiose with the Force allowed her to change the course of the river, make it stronger and turned greater, using humidity from the cave, to turn the water into a strong wave to come crashing at the Selonionian, not to make her stumble but to prevent her from breathing if possible.
Using the distraction, Satkia then threw herself away from it, running along the riverbank, or what was still of it as she went to where she had sensed the datacrons farther away.
Jun 14th, 2016, 08:07:04 PM
A gentle sensation washed over Cordelia, wordless and curious. Her attention felt directed, but not to a place. The other presence she felt offered her something: a frame of mind, a way of perceiving the universe to see what she wanted, though nothing forced her to take that step. And yet, as Cordelia's senses hesitantly started towards the demonstrated shape, it felt so natural, so right, that her mind couldn't help but complete the journey with a snap.
And as her sense of self took that motionless lateral step, the world changed.
Nothing moved. Well, things moved, but inconsistently. Whatever her eyes focused on achieved a poignant clarity and other things fell away to the point of being invisible or immobile. The act of a drop falling into the water around her generated the only sound for miles around. The ripples from the drop spread across the surface of the waterfall pool; as her eyes tracked the billow and bulge of the water's surface, she could see the places where sunshine collided with each miniature wave and refracted away. Tiny dust motes floated in those sunbeams, shining like fireflies. When she took her next breath, Cordelia felt the world around acknowledge it. She was here in the universe and the Force welcomed her.
"Hm!" said a low, growling voice. "Here, finally, you are."
When she looked to the waterfall, no longer did she see only a pair of eyes. Just on the other side of the water's surface, a small, green being with large ears peered at her. The being wore robes not unlike those of a Jedi. Its hands rested atop a cane, but the being did not bend with the weight of age such that a cane might be a necessary aid.
"And see Hob, you can," the being remarked. "Over such long distance, difficult it is to clearly see."
The being's face, which might have been vicious or ferocious in other circumstances, broke into a smile that was welcoming, if pointy-toothed. "To this place, what brings you, young Padawan?"
Matatek Sel Vissica
Jun 15th, 2016, 12:19:10 AM
Upon hearing, and later seeing the surge of underground river headed towards her, Vissica maintained a calm demeanor. Her lightsaber extinguished as she stood her ground. The water rushed towards the Selonian, and in a great crash, she disappeared with it, seemingly carried away by the torrent.
Cordelia Morgance
Jun 17th, 2016, 01:51:25 PM
The influence she sensed was nothing malign, and so she allowed her mind to follow the gentle suggestions. With each repetition of her breaths, she let go just a little more, surrendering her mind to the flow of the Force and what it would lead her to. When she found it, Cordelia sucked in a breath and held it, mystified with the simple beauty of the world around her. The uniqueness of a single purple bloom, straining toward the light above. The sound of churning water beneath the surface stirring pebbles and sand endlessly. In those same depths though she could feel something else, the water being drawn away suddenly. The Force pulled it away, and in that moment she sensed Satkia loud and clear.
Her breath released with a catch. For the abandoned child that still lived somewhere in her core, the sudden sense of belonging to everything was overwhelming. She dragged in her next breath, understanding washing over her. She had felt that kind of guidance before, from Jedi Masters. It did not matter that it seemed impossible, it simply was.
Her eyes adjusted to the form behind the falls, made challenging by the shifting waters. "Long distance? Was that my problem?", Cordelia mused, holding a hand to her brow to better focus on the small, green form.
Altering her position from a kneel to a crouch, Cordelia answered the mysterious Hob. "We came to honor the memory of someone who has joined with the Force. My master is also here."
"I feel she is in danger."
Satkia Beltrak
Jun 17th, 2016, 03:16:39 PM
Though she got space and time away from her opponent, Satkia's feeling of dread didn't disappear. She pressed on, trusting in the Force, finding her inner center and peace. She still relied on the Force to guide her movements, as her temporary blindness hadn't rescinded fully yet. She felt the subtle call of the holocrons. They were in a room nearby, still further away along the river flowing through the cave. She felt fresh air at some point, indicated another entrance. This maze of caves with multiple openings and water courses weren't so untypical in this region of Felucia.
The redhead felt the holocrons in a brighter ways, as true beacons. Three of them. She knew it was the number and she had to take them away. Or destroy them. It would all depend how soon her opponent would catch her or when Cordelia would arrive, for her heart sister felt aloof in a mystical way, and yet stronger than before. It was an uncanny feeling but she had no time to ponder on it.
Grabbing an extra bag she had on herself, she opened it and put the holocrons inside, almost to the point of breaking the fabric, but she put the strap around her and rushed away, feeling that danger was about to strike again.
Jun 17th, 2016, 07:20:24 PM
"Hm!" Hob replied, face scrunching with the effort of additional concentration. "Yes. Danger."
One of the goblin's claw-tipped fingers touched the surface of the waterfall. It shimmered, the light reflecting off it coalescing into a picture of the being ('d seen fit to lash out at his senses earlier. Except, the image could not be accurate to real life; its features were almost comically exaggerated to represent viciousness and devilry. Where eyes would be, fire blazed. Its teeth lined in rows that could be mistaken for sawblades. A hateful snarl twisted its lips.
Perhaps the most obvious 'addition' were the stink lines radiating from the creature's body.
"This one, watched earlier, I did," Hob continued. "The source of this danger, it may be."
Hob waved his hand and the image vanished. "Your master, we shall find. Come with you Hob will!"
The image extended its hand, but seemed unable to pass through the glass prison of the waterfall. Hob looked expectantly at Cordelia, hand outstretched.
Matatek Sel Vissica
Jun 21st, 2016, 11:26:15 PM
Unseen eyes watched as Satkia took possession of the holocrons. Submerged in the water of the subterranean river, Lady Vissica had ridden the current until it returned to it's natural state. The Selonian's lungs and webbed hands and feet made her uniquely suited to watery environs. She swam against the flow of the water, shadowing the Jedi Master as she fetched her prize.
Just then, Vissica turned her head sharply in the inky black water. An unseen presence was approaching. An accomplice to the Jedi? Perhaps. The Selonian backed off, pumping hands and feet in unison through the water as her tail undulated in the current, creating a trailing ripple that broke the surface a few meters downstream from Satkia. Vissica's initial encounters with the flame-haired Jedi had been standoffs. She was determined to seek out this new interloper. The next encounter would be on the Imperial Knight's terms.
Cordelia Morgance
Jun 25th, 2016, 06:34:13 PM
Frowning at the depiction of this 'danger' that was threatening Satkia, Cordelia was grateful that it was here that this enemy had chosen to confront them. Both of them, master and student, were very familiar with the surrounding terrain of this part of Felucia. They were strong here. Strong together, and they were not a pair alone now.
Glancing to the outstretched claw of a hand, Cordelia at first thought that she was meant to grasp it and pull herself through, into the waterfall along with Master Hob. Her mind had been accepting of the fact that, against all odds, a Jedi Master that had also survived the Purge had found her on Felucia, so close to the resting place for the memory of Master Sal-Koron. Why then did it balk a bit now, when faced with the possibility of submerging herself in water, changing her appearance from mundane to unique before this diminutive and strange little Master of the Force? He too was green, after all.. surely he would not be judgemental? Still, the young Jedi Knight was reserved about who she shared that part of herself with, having been bullied about her alternate appearance as a child..
It occurred to her that it was not she who needed to change locations, but Master Hob. Understanding dawned and she responded by reaching into the waterfall, right to her elbows, which was not enough to change her skin from the golden shimmer of her Firrerreon heritage to her Nautolan genetics. Compromise. The result was.. unusual. Rather than making contact the the creature's claw hand, what she felt was the Force itself, moving in further unexpected ways. Moving through her.
"Alright, Master Hob. Wherever Satkia is there is water. I felt a pull to her while I was focused, she was engaged in manipulating that element. Thank you for that, by the way. The focus..", she smiled.
"I am Cordelia." She gave him her name, a sign of great trust among her birth mother's people and not something she did lightly.
Jun 25th, 2016, 06:57:37 PM
Hob hmph'd. "Master of you, Hob is not. Seek dominion over you, Hob does not. All you need call Hob, is Hob."
He stepped around Cordelia to get a good look at her, his feet neither submerging into the water nor leaving any trace of his steps on its surface. "All Hob did was show you a way to see. And through you, see this place more clearly Hob can. Hob's anchor, you will be." The goblin's brow furrowed with concern. "Be warned: not here, is Hob. Invisible to all will Hob be, except to you. Able to help you physically, Hob cannot."
With his cautions delivered, the goblin's face suddenly broke into a grand smile. "Come! Come! Find your Master, we must! Hm! Hm."
Hob skipped from rock to rock, as though testing his footing. "Met one of your kind, Hob has not before. Meet you in person, Hob would like to," he said as they began their trek.
Satkia Beltrak
Jun 25th, 2016, 07:07:39 PM
Satkia's perceptions turned into a brief blur, as she felt much in the area. The holocrons had a faint presence of their own but they added to the entangled web of auras she could feel, beyond nature itself. Cordelia had surprisingly paused, and it seemed she might not be alone, which puzzled the redhead, for Felucia was turning into quite the latest place to be. It was surprising, though it wasn't the Force worked in its own mysterious ways even to a Jedi Master.
And of course, she felt faint ripples from her enemy. She knew that the Selonian hadn't given up, but she couldn't feel her presence with as much clarity as she could moments ago. Her regular sight hadn't returned fully though she started to see things in more detail than simple bright or darker blobs.
Right now, she tried to focus her use of the Force to stay alert for whenever the darksider would strike again and also to make herself more resilient for the holocrons proved way heavier than she had expected. So far, the poor bag was still in one piece, but the redhead had to hurry to the exit and hopefully reunite with Cordelia, especially if the Selonian had back ups of her own showing up at some point.
As she followed the river coursing through the maze of caves, she felt the danger come at once, though it wasn't from the expected source. Right ahead as the river went back to open doors, three Acklays ( were fighting one another, and Satkia couldn't turn back so she could only go forward.
Matatek Sel Vissica
Jun 25th, 2016, 07:25:04 PM
The dark of the water began to show more and more light the closer Vissica swam to the mouth of the cave. Here, her natural night vision could see the banks of the cave clearly. The Selonian paused below the river's surface, seeing a figure begin to tentatively enter. She was a woman unfamiliar to the Knight, but her senses had not betrayed her. Whoever she was, she represented a threat to Vissica's mission here.
Through the distortions of the water's surface, the woman appeared to be talking to someone else, though Vissica saw only her. Her voice carried poorly into the water, leaving Vissica without an inkling as to what she was saying. However, there was another feeling. The same indistinct feeling of otherness Lady Vissica had encountered on her way to the cave.
The next step Cordelia took along the path was ill-fated. She seemingly slipped on a slick stone, pitching into the deep stream that dominated this section of the cave.
Cordelia Morgance
Jun 25th, 2016, 09:47:18 PM
"Hob then.." The younger Jedi was suitably told. He was not her master, Cordelia knew this of course. She had only meant the title as a sign of respect to one with greater understanding of the ways of the Force than herself.
Cordelia remained still as the image of her, not really there, new friend circled her. Taking her measure she expected? Hob would find her quite healthy, tall and strong for her age. Her frame was lithe, her arms and legs corded with muscle from constant athletic activity. She swam through the strongest currents. Climbed the tallest trees, and could throw a nasty punch. She was not at all a girly girl, and very proud of the fact.
For a split second she wondered if she had lost her mind? Suddenly she had picked up the hitchhiking spirit of Jedi Master goblin? It was enough to make a girl think the pressure of too many oceans had finally cooked her brains, but no. She could feel the truth of his words..
"Alright." With no other choice, she followed the Force, and Hob, across the riverbed toward the opposite bank.
"Yes, I think that would be nice. Probably do wonders for my mental state.", she grinned. "One of my kind? I think they broke the mold after me, Hob."
Following the path of the river brought her closer to the feeling that Satkia was near by, but so too was the source of the dangerous feeling that had grown through the otherwise peaceful day. The river disappeared into a cave, one that she was familiar with and had explored before. There was nothing to fear in there.. and yet.
"It's close now.", she said to Hob, of the threat. "I have to be ready."
She'd no sooner uttered the fateful words than she was thrown off her balance, which was odd in itself for the spritely young woman. She fell into the flowing water of the river, disappearing only for a second before her position was made quite clear by the telling teal glow in the dimness of the cave. Her lightsaber, equipped with a waterproof casing allowing for use while submerged, made a sudden appearance beneath the surface. Her master well knew, she never ignited the blade unless she meant to use it, having too much respect for what such a weapon represented. That it was done so now could only mean one thing, whatever was in the water with her, she meant to do battle with. Beneath the water now her body reacted quickly, staining emerald green and rippling with scales. Her eyes blinked just once, and when they opened they were as black and merciless as a sharks. Rolling over she reached out with the Force to find her enemy, sick of this game of hunt the guppy.
Cordelia Morgance was no guppy.
Matatek Sel Vissica
Jul 1st, 2016, 10:38:38 PM
A column of boiling white angrily rushed forth in the inky dark of river water, illuminating a face just barely beyond it. Vissica pressed her assault, building a full head of steam in a quick and undulating series of power strokes from her hind paws and tail. Her blade clashed against the Jedi's, the momentum crashing both combatants into the river bank with a mighty splash of displaced water. With leverage and strength on her side, Vissica was content to pin her enemy here until the point of drowning. That is, at least, until she saw the woman's features change. Not nearly as human as she seemed.
A mouthful of bubbles expelled between the Selonian's clenched teeth as she tucked her hind paws up into Cordelia's abdomen, finding purchase with retractable claws as she assailed the Jedi's defense.
Satkia Beltrak
Jul 6th, 2016, 07:18:04 AM
The Acklays found her at once and rushed to her, looking forward to their next meal. Carrying the holocrons put Satkia off balance to a degree, as she ignited her lightsaber to fend off the predators. Right when she was slashing through them and pushing them away, grateful that her vision was finally returning to normal, the redhead felt Cordelia much closer and she felt the anguish and the fight beginning back inside the cave.
She threw a strong gush of hot air into the Acklays and since she had killed one of their own, they moved away for a moment. The redhead felt that her friend and the enemy who had been following her since her arrival on planet, were nearby, fighting in the water. The course of the river was going to bring them to the outside sooner than later, but the petite Master wasn't going to let her heart sister fight on her own, despite having full faith in her abilities and special traits that could take more than one foe by surprise.
Satkia wasn't able to breathe underwater, but she reached out to Cordelia, just brushing her presence against hers, to indicate she was nearby. She was also still on guard, ready to battle anything that would come at them on foot.
Cordelia Morgance
Jul 6th, 2016, 01:21:00 PM
The head-tresses hidden among her silver-gold braids communicated the emotional language of this creature's intention. To destroy her.. That was the first impression Cordelia had as the brightness of a white lightsaber - likewise equipped to work submerged - came barreling through the river current straight for her. Her spine slammed backward into the opposite bank, stone from the cave wall cutting into the skin of her back through her rough linen tunic. For a time, all she had to focus on was keeping that white beam away from her body, as it illuminated her spotted emerald skin. Her opponent seemed to think she would drown perhaps?
Black eyes swirled and flashed angrily. If the giant critter understood Nautoli, she'd get the gist. 'I breathe underwater, stupid.'
There was no fear in the young Jedi Knight, not even when huge, clawed back feet dug into her. She simply focused on what had to be done. She was not going to let some Dark side water rat be the end of her, not today when she had come to honor Master Sal-Koron. That Jedi Master had survived the Purge and the following years when she had been hunted, all the while protecting and passing her knowledge on to Satkia - who had passed it on to her. Someday it would be her time to pass it on to a student of her own, and she would..
The Force ebbed and flowed around her, endless and deep as an ocean. Concentrating with the new clarity given to her by Hob, Cordelia expanded her perception beyond this cave, this river, this time... searching for the strength of the Jedi Master who's final resting place they were even now defiling with violence. There was strength, and power all around her here and she put it to use. Beneath the water a battle cry tore from her lips, even as the Force exploded from her. She had meant to expel the darksider off her person, but the creature's grip was tenacious. The best she could manage was to bear it backward toward the opposite bank and see how she liked it...
Matatek Sel Vissica
Jul 6th, 2016, 10:34:19 PM
Vissica hit the far bank of the river with violence, a massive spray of displaced water shooting above the two submerged combatants as she did. The Selonian relinquished more of her held breath in a burst of bubbles, gritting her teeth as she pushed off with leverage against the demi-Nautolan. The fight was an impasse, and considering the biological limitations, an impasse did not favor her here. Pressing off the river bank with her muscular tail, Vissica timed the motion with a twist of her frame, wrenching the Jedi's saber to the side momentarily. The opening was small, but large enough for Vissica to swiftly roll backwards in the water, using her momentum and the grip of her lower paws to throw the Jedi out of the water, and back onto the bank.
A moment later, Vissica herself exploded from the river in a spray of kinetic force, the white of her blade burning a vanguard for her own landing.
Cordelia Morgance
Jul 10th, 2016, 03:18:13 PM
She hit the ground on her back, a cough of air and water both was forced from her mouth. Thankfully she had not lost her grip on her lightsaber. Master Beltrak had been knocking it out of her hands for years now, to impress upon Cordelia the importance of maintaining her hold at all times. Recovering quickly, the Jedi Knight rolled backward into a crouch, blonde braids and pale head tresses alike thrown back from her dripping face. She brought the green glow of her weapon before her as she rose to her feet.
It was tempting to allow her mind to wonder where Hob had gone to during her sudden plunge into the river, but Cordelia was not about to let the question distract her now. As Hob had said, he was not even here, she could not look to him for help.
Her opponent wasted no time in following Cordelia from the water, exploding right after her. The blast of it slid the Jedi backward, her boots digging deep grooves in the muddy terrain. The Force was with her as remained rooted to the spot, unwilling to give so much as another inch. Like a cluster of seaweed, she would bend and sway with their fight, but she would not be moved no matter how the current raged about her. Soresu. It was defensive at best, putting off the inevitable return to more aggressive fighting for a time only, but time was all Cordelia needed. Her master was near, and together they could defeat this foe..
Satkia Beltrak
Jul 10th, 2016, 04:52:18 PM
Pressing forward, Satkia was on alert, in case the Selonian might get any reinforcements coming their way. Without hesitation, she also opened herself more to the Force, letting her strength flow freely through the strong connection she had with her student. If Cordelia needed any assistance as she closed the distance, she could easily feed on her own.
Lightsaber still in her hand, she ignited the blade once more as she came behind their foe a minute later, hoping to keep her in pincer between the Knight and her. So far, they hadn't been defeated on their own, so together she saw little reason this would happen. While tired because of the extended run and heavy load she had been carrying for over an hour now for what should have been a simple walk in the woods, the petite Master hadn't said her last word.
Matatek Sel Vissica
Jul 10th, 2016, 05:59:24 PM
Vissica closed the distance in a few slow and deliberate steps, a shaking motion running down the length of the Selonian's body as she released the water still held on her oily coat. Facing her enemy on land gave the Knight a clearer picture of the Jedi's terms of engagement. Soresu. Vissica's gimlet eyes narrowed as she passed her tongue over her nose to dispel a clinging drop of water.
So be it, Jedi
Not deviating from the honesty in violence that Djem So represented, the Selonian kissed the ceiling with her blade as she rained it down upon the demi-Nautolan. Sparks and rocks rained from above as she forced the Jedi to evade or stand her ground. Wisely, Cordelia chose evasion. Or, it would have been wise, if the Selonian didn't step through her strike to pivot, swinging her broad tail low to slap the legs out from under her enemy. Vissica rolled through the momentum of the pivot and her heavy blade, slinging it around to go nearly full circle and crash it down upon Cordelia once more.
Somewhere in the follow-up, Vissica saw the approaching figure of Satkia, who had apparently moved into her blind spot. Unwilling to fight on two fronts, the Knight disengaged from her potentially killing blow, somersaulting over the prone Jedi to land on her feet. Vissica stamped a prehensile foot paw over Cordelia's saber wrist, standing on it with full weight as she leveled her own weapon dangerously close to the Jedi Knight's jawline.
And now, this fight would become a negotiation.
"The holocron in exchange for her life!"
Cordelia Morgance
Jul 28th, 2016, 11:24:19 AM
The fight had not gone out of Cordelia's eyes.
As she lay there, the literal fish out of water began to dry out, and with it a return to her primary appearance. The situation might be that she was flat on her back, the bones of her wrist being crushed beneath the weight of the nasty wretch's paw, a white lightsaber beam close enough to her face that she could feel a burn starting to turn the gold shimmer of her jawline to a dusky pink. All of that was true, but the fight continued in the defiance of her once more blue eyes.
Those same eyes slid slowly toward her master, needing no dialogue to understand any cues that the Jedi Master might give her. Cordelia had some thoughts on how to handle the rodent and keep the holocrons, but she would follow Satkia's lead.
You're in trouble now. She thought to herself.
Satkia Beltrak
Aug 11th, 2016, 11:30:12 AM
Satkia watchd Cordelia being threatened by the Selonian, just as her pupil and friend returned to her primary appearance. She understood how things weren't playing in their advantage right now.
Her eyes met the blonde's before flickering back to their opponent. So it was negotiation time. It didn't mean that things were over at all. The redhead used to be a brash individual when younger. Natalia had taught her well and she knew when to be patient and exhibit willingness to compromise.
Fear could have gripped her heart, but it wasn't the case. She trusted in the Force, in Cordelia and in their strong bond.
She slowly removed the strap from the bag from across her body, but she still held it in front of her.
"Lower your weapon and I'll hand this to you," she stated, no treachery in her words or aura. The other Force user would only feel honesty, because Satkia meant it.
Matatek Sel Vissica
Aug 15th, 2016, 11:10:42 PM
Lady Vissica's grip tightened on her weapon as her gimlet eyes narrowed in the direction of Satkia. Humans held their oath with such pathetic low regard compared to Selonians, but the Imperial Knight searched her feelings and unearthed no deception.
The Selonian disengaged her blade, easing the weapon down to her side. She did not relinquish her hold on Cordelia, but waited for the Jedi Master to make good on her oath.
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