View Full Version : The Return?

Travis North
Feb 25th, 2016, 07:11:55 PM
So after a few days of lurking and reading I have this overwhelming desire to write again and so that is what I intend to do.

Given that a lot of time has passed since I last posted here I remain undecided at the moment if I should return as Travis North or create a new character. I have a few ideas either way, but for Travis to return to the Galaxy at large would likely result in a manhunt for the traitor admiral. An entertaining idea for sure, but a lot of work.

Curious to know what others think.

Miranda Tarkin
Feb 25th, 2016, 07:32:29 PM
Need more information since I've been gone for so long too... what was your story being a traitor?

Travis North
Feb 25th, 2016, 09:02:30 PM
Ditched the Empire when Miranda took over if I remember right, took the forces loyal to me and went into hiding. At least that was the plan. I can't say I ever finished that thread. I'd had a bit of it written up on my old machine, but have since upgraded to a new desktop and didn't transfer any of the docs. I'd be surprised if that machine still boots up.

Edit: I just tried looking for the old thread, good god I've posted a lot of ideas for unfinished stuff. I get bored of my own ideas pretty fast. My documents folder loves me though.

Damien Kantrael
Feb 25th, 2016, 10:08:18 PM
In that same vein of thought, there are many similarly minded Imperials who jumped ship either when Mirando took control, or when she publicly abolished the Inquisition. They've all kind of ran off to start their own cells with different goals and ideals. Kantrael has started the Sons of Coruscant, a terrorist rebel cell devoted to trying to reignite the war between the Alliance and the Empire. They make false flag strikes against both sides to get them to reopen conflict and start firing starkillers at each other. In other words, they are pretty extremist and crazy, but limited by their relatively small size. Kantrael is a former Inquisitor and product of Project: Nightmare, which was a cybernetically enhanced Inquisition program ran by Y'roth Helghast back in the day.

There's also Veskasa Vel Aath who has her own splinter cell of Inquisitors. Her and Kantrael are in the process of meeting.

I'm sure there's other, but those are the two that come straight to mind. So there's definitely other like-minded people out there are Travis can interact with.

Captain Untouchable
Feb 25th, 2016, 10:21:50 PM
Hey, Travis! :wave

In the time since you've been away, we've basically wound up in the 1970s. The Rebel Alliance got it's hands on Starkiller Missiles (our nuclear deterrent stand-in) and used them to leverage a cease fire. Then the Empire got them too, leading to our current mutually assured destruction scenario. A Treaty was signed that drew a line through the middle of known space, everything to the "east" of which became the Alliance of Free Planets - mostly your standard Rebel alien worlds (Bothawui, Dac, Sullust, Kashyyyk, etc), and some major players like the Cizerack and Hapans.

There's no overt hostility between Alliance and Empire at the moment, but there are a lot of malcontents causing trouble. The Imperial Knights (think Clone Wars era Jedi, but evil) exist to hunt down rogue Moffs / Warlords / etc such as yourself; and a lot of former Rebels have quit the Alliance for "giving up" on freeing/avenging their homes, and have turned terrorist on Corellia to keep fighting the good fight. There are a lot of ex Imperials who sided with the Alliance when they found themselves on the east side of the border, all in varying degrees of shady. There are also a few smallish pockets of neutral / unclaimed space where a warlord could lurk if he was trying to remain independent of both sides.

Like Geoff said there's definitely extremist groups to hook up with and/or work alongside of; the Alliance is also now a legitimate political player; and there are third party/neutral groups that could make for some interesting options.

On top of all that, were gradually (over the course of 30 in game years or so) evolving towards a The Force Awakens based setting, which some of us are writing at the moment. At some point between now and then the Galactic Empire and the Alliance of Free Planets will set aside their differences to unite as the New Republic, and then later a group will wipe out the Jedi and Count Dooku their way to independence as the First Order. The very first steps of that are beginning to happen now, so if you had a vision for where Travis might wind up in the future, that might help narrow down what he's up to in the present.

Matatek Sel Vissica
Feb 25th, 2016, 11:33:39 PM
I look forward to delivering your head to the Empress personally, traitor.

Travis North
Feb 27th, 2016, 08:49:43 PM
Solid, how does this sound?

Travis can pledge an armada of warships to reigniting the war between both factions, it's just a matter of making contact with the Admiral. Once it's discovered the ships fall under the command of Travis it'd be safe to say that someone on Imperial Center would want him dead. We can work on his demise from there.

Feb 28th, 2016, 05:41:27 AM
Welcome back, yo!

Tear's got a little fiefdom set up on Thule, Korriban and Dromund Kaas. He's also abducted several Moffs that were on Miranda/Valten's chopping block. This was all in preparation for the rise of the Independents but that hasn't come to pass and a vision he's had has halted his previous plans. Still he's got a decent collection of fleets and is preparing for war.

At the same time Tear is the new Executor of the Empire and has offered a pardon to any renegade Imperials. (http://sw-fans.net/forum/showthread.php?56567-Party-Faces&p=1044575&viewfull=1#post1044575) Another option if you wanted, but entirely up to whatever story you wanted to tell.

Travis North
Feb 28th, 2016, 12:43:37 PM
Sup, Tear!

I'm always up for war fleet action and if that's what your planning on then count me in.

Travis North
Mar 20th, 2016, 02:47:19 PM
Sorry if it seems I bailed on things. After I made that last post I'd found out my grandmother had fallen ill and was very near death. The last few weeks have been pretty rough for her, however her condition has improved quite a bit since that time. It's remains a troubling time for myself, I've also got a new job on the go so it'll be some time before I get anything posted up. I'm still working on getting a thread going, just don't have a timeframe for when that will happen.