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Captain Untouchable
Feb 8th, 2016, 05:22:17 AM
Do you have a character at a loose end, and you're not sure what to do with them? Do you have that nagging itch to create a new character, but aren't sure what to make? Are you just really desperate to have fifteen attempts at image verification when you register a new account??

Maybe I can help with that! :dance

I have some thread/story/idea things, and I'm looking for willing victims other writers to do/take part in and such. If you have any holes of your own that need filling (:mischief) feel free to toss them in the ring as well!

Resistance Fighters for Corellia
...to take part in kicking the Empire's butt. In particular, we're a little light on "ordinary" Resistance fighters. We've got special forces veterans, shapeshifting intel agents, elite starfighter pilots, and that sort of stuff... but we don't have thugs, mercenaries, disgraced CorSec detectives, oppressed shop owners, and those kind of regular people that'll help make it feel like a Corellian Resistance (rather than an Alliance Resistance). There's room for major characters, minor characters, novelty characters... the more the merrier!

Imperials on Corellia
...to oppose those dastardly Resistance terrorists. We have a lot of people at the top of the Imperial hierarchy, and we've got the Imperial Knights, but we don't have many people in the middle who can do stuff / investigate the Resistance / get into firefights / etc. We're about to get some major blockade action as well as an Imperial Security Bureau contingent to work with (and annoy) CorSec - so anything from fighter pilots and stormtroopers to ISB and intelligence agents will have a nice little niche to get cosy in.

Businesspeople on Cloud City
...to help gentrify the Greater Javin and create a new Corporate Sector. A lot of manufacturing worlds, mining worlds, research facilities, etc were lost or made inaccessible by the Alliance-Imperial Treaty, so we're starting over, taking the remote/backwater worlds of the Javin, Yarith, and Anoat Sectors, and turning them into a new hub for industry, trade, and all that good stuff. The cream of corporate society will be getting cosy on the upper levels of Cloud City (and/or possibly at the abandoned sister city of Tibannopolis (http://starwars.wikia.com/wiki/Tibannopolis)), while the lower levels are going to be filled with scummier and seedier business enterprises with ties to Black Sun, the Tenloss Syndicate, and the Hutts. If you fancy being a corporate big-wig but you're not sure what company would make a good fit, or if you want to know the best way to fit in with the criminal underworld, just toss a PM my way... I am a nerd, and I know things.

A Verpine from Slayn & Korpil
...to get involved with Alliance politics and stuff. Slayn & Korpil is a Verpine hive, originally from the Roche asteroids. They helped develop the B-Wing, and were transplanted en masse to Mon Calamari to keep them safe from Imperial reprisals. They've settled in and got cozy, and are now responsible for a big chunk of the Alliance's starfighter manufacture. Some political intrigue / arms race / etc type stuff is going to be happening with the Mon Calamari and Quarren Senators soon, and a Verpine representative/ambassador from S&K would be a pretty cool addition to that kind of stuff.

Talus Longstar
Feb 8th, 2016, 11:00:56 AM
I'd planned all along for this guy to be retired CorSec. Maybe it's time to shake the dust off.

Zeven Ekkel
Feb 8th, 2016, 11:08:49 AM
Resistance Fighters for Corellia
...to take part in kicking the Empire's butt. In particular, we're a little light on "ordinary" Resistance fighters. We've got special forces veterans, shapeshifting intel agents, elite starfighter pilots, and that sort of stuff... but we don't have thugs, mercenaries, disgraced CorSec detectives, oppressed shop owners, and those kind of regular people that'll help make it feel like a Corellian Resistance (rather than an Alliance Resistance). There's room for major characters, minor characters, novelty characters... the more the merrier!

This might be just what I need. I've been rethinking the direction that I want this character to go in and this one makes more sense especially being an ex-CorSec intel slicer and all.

Pierce Tondry
Feb 8th, 2016, 11:24:50 AM
This is kinda random, but I think it would be really cool if Corellia had a Nick Valentine (http://fallout.wikia.com/wiki/Nick_Valentine) in case anyone's looking for an idea.

Jaden Luka
Feb 8th, 2016, 09:15:28 PM
I'd planned all along for this guy to be retired CorSec. Maybe it's time to shake the dust off.

This is kinda random, but I think it would be really cool if Corellia had a Nick Valentine (http://fallout.wikia.com/wiki/Nick_Valentine) in case anyone's looking for an idea.

Wasn't Talus going to be a PI, Jenny? I know Vince has a noir inspired CorSec detective as well, and with my ISB character on planet now, we might be able to stir up some sort of cool law enforcement angle. Vince investigating cases, the ISB meddling, Talus helping out / running his own investigations in parallel (helping the Resistance along the way?).

Talus Longstar
Feb 11th, 2016, 04:47:31 AM
Yep, former CorSec turned private. Maybe he and Vince's guy used to work together.

Talus has got additional angle into a Corellian gang family, if that's of any use.

Captain Untouchable
Feb 11th, 2016, 02:59:57 PM
I'm the local Black Sun lieutenant for Corellia, so if you're wanting to get some Corellian mafia / rivalry / turf war type stuff going between the various crime elements, I'd be down for that. The more messy and tangled with different factions that Corellia gets, the better.

Nov 8th, 2016, 11:28:14 AM
Are these needs still unfulfilled?