View Full Version : Nightmares

Bryna Belargic
Jan 18th, 2016, 07:20:38 AM
The farms of Chandrila are burning.

The beaches of Corellia are burning.

The plains of Dantooine are burning.

The jungles of Felucia are burning.

The pastures of Naboo are burning.

The docks of Kuat are burning.

The spires of Coruscant are burning.

The oceans of Dac are-

Bryna woke with a start, sitting up in bed fast enough to clock the top of her head against the bunk above her. It was pitch dark. Her back was damp and cold, her hands shaking. Her eyes darted here and there, indistinct shadows in the room becoming misshapen and malformed beasts. She blinked at the darkness and sat perfectly still until the shapes resolved, a hunch-backed vornskr becoming a chair heaped with clothes.

That same dream again. That voice. Her throat grew tight just thinking about it...

She frowned at herself. Need a glass of water. Barefoot, she padded towards the 'fresher in the shared quarters and, with a guilty glance back at the rooms other sleeping occupants, turned on the faucet.