View Full Version : Worst. Character. Ever. [evaluation AND AMA]
Jan 16th, 2016, 08:45:53 PM
Never one to not let a good bandwagon go by without riding it, so evaluate the shit out of some of my characters I guess. Please include good with the bad as needed. What have I gotten right? What have I gotten wrong? Am I drowning in tropes and cliches, and if I am, how do I find dry land? Suggestions are very welcome. If there's an angle that you see that I don't, I greatly appreciate your input.
Also if you just want to try and arrange for a character of mine and a character of yours to do a thing, please let me know that as well. I love exploring uncharted territory.
ALSO ALSO: Feel free to use this thread as an Ask Me Anything for any of these characters. I'll be glad to help clear up the murky murk.
Currently active characters for you to evaluate.
Sanis Prent
Anbira Hicchoru
Cirrsseeto Quez
Colonel Karrnage
Zem Vymes
Callomas Savoc
Byl Laprovik
Eluna Thals / Protocol 17
Taataani Meorrrei
T'yeellaa Meorrrei
Rai'faani Meorrrei
Keerrourri Feessaarro
Okar the Fabulous
Rolth Wygraant
Ledo G. Prent
Vek Vek
Draiya Naaianeya / Eclipse
Sheldon Esalis / Rod Mustafar
Jorrun Cyer
Hwooroc / Rocky
Untaaura Verratoa
Matatek Sel Vissica
Reikkel Orgern
Taataani Onashi
Madame Maillanaarro
Arvel Felcher
Kiimiti Taassaurra
Baron Ketterzau
Mags Sondeeta
Acheli San Maronea
Railla Cyer
Captain Untouchable
Jan 16th, 2016, 10:16:43 PM
I'm not going to try and evaluate everyone at once, because that way lies madness, but I'll start with the ones I'm most familiar with and work me way down... see how far I get. :uhoh
Your writing style for Sanis is fascinating. It's simple but elegant, which jives with the first person aspect really well, and you focus on the details that an actual person in that situation would pay attention to, rather than painting a picture the way you ordinarily would when you're trying to describe a scene. Elenor is your Sanis writing boiled down to utter perfection: you aren't describing what the audience would see if they were there, you're describing what they would experience if they were Sanis in that situation, and that makes the emotions you snuck in there (you bastard) even more devastating. It both makes me want to try my hand at a first person character again, and talks me out of it because I won't measure up at the same time.
The thread where Cirr gets his artificial leg is probably the unfinished story on Fans that I regret the most. To have gone from this cheeky adorable mechanic to this struggling but noble Captain, to being utterly broken and demolished was devastating to read, and the bleakness that it left seemed insurmountable. We haven't got around to a whole heck of a lot with Cirr after that point, and that needs to change, because if the interactions between Cirr and T'yeellaa are anything to go by, you have some Grade A Charley writing in store for us. What's great about Cirr is that he captures that sense of not doing what he expected to be doing at this stage in his life, but just winging it and making the best of it. I'm really interested to see where that goes... and also where that's going to end up at the TFA end of the spectrum.
I keep telling you that T'yeellaa keeps vying for my #1 favourite slot. I think I figured out why - she reminds me of my big sister. She is fantastically, ludicrously successful, and yet she doesn't really think that she is. Part of her knows that she should, but at the same time she's not achieved enough, so she's got that constant drive to keep striving, achieving, and excelling. What's cool is that I've managed to worm my way into seeing the insecure side of her a little bit, and the side of her that gets a little weary every now and again. She never wants to give up, but that doesn't mean it's not a struggle sometimes - there's something very real and very relatable about that. It's going to be really interesting to see how things continue to change for her on Jovan: up until now she seems to have been fairly isolated (the way she thinks a Captain is supposed to be), but she's suddenly not a Captain, and she's suddenly starting to get surrounded by people who are going to want to forge friendships and relationships with her. It'll be interesting to see how much that changes her, and how much of her personality is too resilient to be affected.
I think my first exposure to Taataani was the infamous Jamyar incident, and at the time I didn't really get what the character was about. She was like Lwaxana Troi when you first meet her: small doses were great, but she wasn't a character that I personally would have been interested in having around. Now she is one of my absolute favourite characters on the board, because between that first exposure and now I have never seen the exact same thing twice. Each thread is a different layer, a different level of complexity and intrigue. She is deep, complex, and conflicted; one minute you think she has everything and wants for nothing, then you catch yourself thinking that she has everything except the things that really matter because no one really gets "close", then you think she doesn't care about that emo crap because she's the Iron Lady, and then there's a moment of vulnerability and you're not quite sure. I think I know who Taataani is, but I may be completely wrong - she may be playing me, and that is a fascinating position to be in when you're writing interactions with that kind of a character.
MARCUS, Eluna, and Siloo are characters that I already love, but have not had enough opportunities to write with yet - in the sense that I'm hungry for more. MARCUS and Siloo both look like characters that I am familiar with, but the way you've made them different, and the qualities you've brought to them are really cool and interesting. Eluna is equally intriguing, and I don't know as much about her as I probably should. I'm really looking forward to the prospect of throwing characters at these people, and seeing what happens. Zem's another one on that category: someone I have admired and adored from a distance. When I started reading that TFA thread over Raxus Prime and got to the reveal about Zem's changes, I had a legit double-take moment - I'm intrigued as hell to find out what happened there.
Vek Vek, Gradoona, and Okar are also absolutely fantastic, but it's a completely different type of fantastic. There are times when I have to remind myself that they're written by the same person, not just because your comedy chops are as excellent as your drama chops, but because they feel like they're written by a different person. You capture their personalities and mannerisms so well that they are wonderfully fun to interact with. They're comic relief characters, but emphasis on the relief: they're a real breath of fresh air, and you do a really good job of not overdoing it. I need to get my butt in gear and write with them more.
I'm trying to think of some kind of constructive criticism I can throw on top of this. I guess the thing that you need to improve is the number of threads and characters you write with me, so that I can form opinions and give feedback on the rest of your cadre? That's about all I've got right now.
Aurelias Kazaar
Jan 16th, 2016, 10:20:27 PM
I haven't read enough, but you make me like first person. I HATE first person. Also you know what your characters are doing. That's good.
Zereth Lancer
Jan 17th, 2016, 02:47:00 AM
I have not had the pleasure of writing with most of your characters. However, I have always been a fan of your writing. My favorite aspect of which is your characters, and your ability to make each one feel unique into itself, and not just a face that Charley is putting on. Looking at a list of your characters like this I realize that I often forget that some of these belong to you, because they are so well written in and of themselves that you forget who's behind the wheel and get lost in the narrative.
Sanis is always a favorite. I couldn't put down what exactly makes him so fun to read. As most people have said, the First Person thing is really interesting. It's very well written. I stumble all over myself when I try to write first person.
Callomas feels lived in; like he's already done a lot of things in his life. Kind of a grumpy old spacer. Disenchanted, chasing the credits, and not really impressed or afraid of anything. Writing the passionate but meek Jaas with him on Kessel was a good time.
Vek Vek is a rip off of a Mass Effect character, but wonderfully done. Rather than being offputting, a familiar character makes it easier to get into the thread and the character. I love these kinds of logical, dictating characters. His posts are something I clamour over myself to read. Definitely gets my inside the door of a thread I might not otherwise read.
Headstrong Draiya breaks the Jedi mold in more ways than one. Her brashness and fearlessness make her stand out apart from her Padawan peers who are more likely to take things slow and carefully. The Jedi are all the stronger for having her to challenge the status quo with her reckless antics.
Tyber is, in a word, terrifying. I find him incredibly scary with his incredible TK power and complete lack of control. It takes a cool cucumber like Zereth to even stand in a room with him, and even then the whole time he's sweating through his cloak. Tyber offers a good balancing dynamic to the rest of Eleutheria; with the likes of Zereth, Lilaena, and SIN providing strength it's nice to see a character that's "weak". It brings out the humanity in an otherwise dark and violent group. It gives Zereth the opportunity to live up to his virtues for a change by sponsoring Tyber when the rest of the group might see him as a hanger on that should be cast aside.
Ah, Vissica. The Space Otter. Another dynamic character to balance out a group. The Imperial Knights is already full of twisty manipulators and saints, making it refreshing to see such a primal creature in their midst. Vissica speaks her mind, isn't afraid to get her hands dirty, and doesn't care much for politics or alignments. She's a shield and sword the rest of the Imperial Knights can rally behind when things get bad. The Imperial Knights will crumble and fall to dust long before Vissica does. She's both the foundation and a pillar of the Order.
Scout Ravenwood
Jan 17th, 2016, 11:06:02 AM
Draiya's the one I have the most experience with. I love her. Her roughness and harshness makes her an interesting padawan with a good journey to go on, but it also makes her a fun character to read, because you know with her you'll get adventure. I also love her, of course, because she's a perfect foil to Scout. The two together are such opposites they simply work very well together, and it's great fun seeing them interact.
Jan 17th, 2016, 12:40:22 PM
Okay, let's go through this a bit differently than I have in the past.
Charley, you have a way of capturing a personality into words that is amazing. What's really amazing is the breadth of personality you've managed to evoke: Sanis and his understated simply there emotions, Cirr and Ben and Cirr and Lyanie and Cirr and Vansen and Cirr and Jaden (Cirr is a jewel, Charley. He's an engaging character no matter his circumstances: Alcohol maker on Dantooine, mechanic on a freighter, or a Captain of a Rebel Alliance warship). Callomas is Jean Reno the same way Ben Merasska is Alan Tudyk.
You have won the speech pattern award for evoking Salarian speech patterns with Vek Vek.
Your Imperial characters, Rolth and Vissica, are both so fully realized archetypes that they can't help but make a thread or story feel like Star Wars; Phindar and Just Getting Warmed Up were as good as they were because of Rolth and Vissica.
Eluna is so earnest and authentic; honestly she's a song and dance number away from being a Disney princess/heroine. Sanis's first person POV is so wonderfully rendered, but Eluna is the most evocative character you write and the images play in my head like story boards for a movie or comic and bro that is amazing amazing amazing.
Honestly you manage to capture so many distinct personalities, and while some are just enjoyable others are so meaty and full of story their biographies would be in volumes.
Loklorien s'Ilancy
Jan 17th, 2016, 04:31:57 PM
I'll need to do this one in batches, so bear with me you character-creating monster :p
Sanis is the first character of yours that I ever read. Your use of first person was incredibly striking, and there was a certain depth that you achieved even in those early days with him that I don't think even you give yourself enough credit for. He's so full-fledged and full of substance. There's a realness to him and his outlook on life, and his aims and his aspirations that really draws me in and keeps me coming back to find out how he's gotten on in life. Our dabbling in the first 'What If' scenario was loads of fun, since we dove into the possible future of Sanis and s'Il finally overcoming the bitter side of their relationship and coming together. But what makes it so essential also, is that it showed us how - no matter what - those two weren't really destined to end up like that. It was a fun exercise, but ultimately it really allowed you to go beyond that endgame and into something far more true to life for a man like him. Your TFA stuff is completely refined, and feels much more realistic for him. Heartache and loss, and the pining for things lost.
Okar is too much fun to read, and the way you write him always makes me grin. I'd love to see him and s'Il reunite.
Cirr has so many facets, and yet you make them work seamlessly. His emotions and passions are so wonderfully intertwined, and you have managed to weave a multi-dimensional individual out of someone that started out as an eating machine. The growth and energy you put into him is astounding. I'm really curious to see how you write him in the endgame of the Dan Saga.
Dan/Decepis is straight up fascinating. How he balances the mask and the core of who he is, and his desires and motivations. It's base-level Sith philosophies IMO, and writing Acera against Decepis has always been a challenge for me. I'll be honest - there were more than a few times when as I was writing Acera, I was writing her as someone desperate to please her master in the hopes of gaining some measure of respect that I as the writer knew would never truly come. The lies that he so effortlessly tells, and the cleancut lines that you've drawn with him in terms of what he's willing to do to get what he wants is mesmerizing. But, it's also in a way left me wanting more. You made mention ages back of his 'frailty of the flesh', but I'd really like to see his vulnerabilities widen. Not just in terms of his physical self, but his mental awareness as well. He's such a cool customer despite his heavy hand at times when the mask is gone, and I really want to see him really lose his cool.
When you first started writing Zem pre-reset, I was taken with him instantly. He was noir, and you - if memory serves - wrote him also in the first person. It was a really neat journey into the mind of someone who didn't fully trust anyone. The relationship he developed with pre-reset s'Il was great, and each fed off of the other in the most pure of love-to-hate-you ways. Post-reset was such a tip from what he was, but in that same breath you made him just as engaging. I'll admit that during the history-type threads we wrote I got frustrated at times with how you kept him holding back, and almost afraid to let him feel anything more than duty to the Jedi. Of course in retrospect it all comes together perfectly, since it's a part of his growth. I'm not sure if you meant it to be like that, but the slow burn for him that you kept going with was just the absolute best thing for him and s'Il. I know that I can be ham-fisted and rush in to some things, but your unspoken insistence to hold back made him a much deeper person, and gave so much more weight to when he finally admitted his love. He's someone who went through a hell of a lot of crap and gave in to it in his own fashion by running away, then finally came back at his own pace in a sense. In the present timeline I'm very excited to see how he fares, and how he deals with his new family.
Lilaena De'Ville
Jan 18th, 2016, 06:43:57 PM
I really love Byl and his character arc and what you put him through with James while they were on the run. It felt like they were running from the unknown past and the unknown future at the same time, and it was fun to write and also felt really tragic, like they were just clinging to each other before they ran out of time. But since then, I feel like Byl has nothing to do. I know you've been focusing on other characters, but I just wish you could do that without letting old favorites fall to the wayside. Byl has completed a character arc and yet...I feel like there's still more we can do with him and James besides having them settle in and growing old together or something boring. Only the Good has potential to grow into interesting new character arcs, so let's do that! Yes? Ok great! :D
I love Anbira and Ndonsa together, and I want to see more from Anbira while you're waiting for him to die already. It doesn't have to be training, or boring Jedi on Ossus stuff...send him on a mission or something. Have him take Ndonsa on a trip to another planet!
Vissica sort of sprang from your forehead fully formed and hit the ground running. I love her nuance - she could be just a brute, but there's a little more to her than that. Of course, culturally, she is SORT OF just a brute, but she's ok with it, knows it, and embraces her place in the world. You've done a lot of great work with her, and because of that the Imperial Knights really took off. She's a fantastic antagonist and I'd love to go against her someday.
Lilaena De'Ville
Jun 9th, 2019, 10:52:10 AM
I still want more Anbira/Ndonsa stuff :colbert
Satkia Beltrak
Jun 9th, 2019, 11:06:13 AM
I've only really interacted with Matatek Sel Vissica (mwahahahha) and T'yeellaa Meorrrei; but I hope we get to write more together. I've read some other threads of yours, and I generally appreciate how complex your characters are. I like how you rely on certain peculiar details that bring life to your posts.
I'd be happy to do more with you, especially imperial side, as well as on Jovan Station with Lorna, including having her interact more with Vek Vek.
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