View Full Version : Roasting a Kraken

Park Kraken
Jan 15th, 2016, 03:19:08 PM
Character Evaluations and Writing Style. I'm curious as to what others think and what they might see (or don't) in my Toons that I either don't or am missing.

Park Kraken (Coming Soon)
Bastille Vikrax
Sharzon Naz'Rael
Anne Phoenix
Bart Mancuso
Razio Shar

Loklorien s'Ilancy
Jan 16th, 2016, 04:31:52 PM
Park - I liked what you'd been doing with him, and fully admit to dropping the ball on his downfall arc :( If you're keen on it, I'd like to pick it back up since I want to see what you had planned and how things go for the poor guy. Getting into his head and seeing how he views everything around him is something I'm keen to watch/read. Just get with me via PM or FB and we can go from there :)

Anne - I admittedly have only read a few things that you've done with her, but I enjoy them regardless. There's something different about her that I can't quite place my finger on, and I want to see what directions you take her.

Sharzon - Gotta say, This character concept is intensely intriguing, and I'm really curious to see where you go with him.

I need to read some more of the stuff you've started with Vikrax and Bart.

Jan 16th, 2016, 08:33:22 PM
I'd like to see where you want to go with Bastille. I feel like there is some potential energy in exploring his ascent in the eyes of the Supreme Leader. Don't have much to go with on that front so far, but hopefully we get to see what he's made of.